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Casino guichards perpen

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  1. Piet Bakker 28 september 2023 19:50
    Als ik het goed begrijp is de waarde van de unsecured bonds gesteld op 1% voor de afwikkeling van de CDS-contracten (soort verzekering tegen wanbetaling). Wat dat voor de perpetuals betekent, weet ik niet. Ik kijk er pas een paar dagen naar, en ik kan er nog niet veel wijs uit het bod wb de waarde van de perpetuals daarin.
  2. Ignoramus 7 oktober 2023 06:39
    Uit onderstaande 3 keuzes
    Casino Guichard Per FRN 31 Dec 2100, EUR
    Status selectie
    Niet ingediend
    Totaal in aanmerking komende positie
    09-okt-2023 21:00 GMT

    PDF downloaden
    1: Toestemming verleend
    Meer weergeven
    09-okt-2023 21:00 GMT
    2: Toestemming verleend
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    09-okt-2023 21:00 GMT
    3: Geen actie ondernemen (Standaard)
    Meer weergeven
  3. Ignoramus 7 oktober 2023 06:46
    OndeCorporate Action
    Instrument: CASINOGUICHPER-FRN-20JUL19 (ISIN: FR0010154385)
    Event Id: 9132501
    Ex Date: 10-Oct-2023
    Reply Deadline: 09-Oct-2023 21:00:00
    Betaaldatum: Unknown
    Extra tekst
    Option-001 - consent granted - to accede to the lock up agreement and to subscribe to the new money.
    Please submit creditor accession letter and commitment letter- for eleigible holders only.
    Option-002 - consent granted - to accede to the lock up agreement- please submit creditor accession letter
    Option 003- take no action(default).
    Announcement text
    Casino group has entered into a lock-up agreement relating to its financial restructuring, and as a result,
    requests the consent of creditors as may be reasonably necessary to implement the transaction, and will also
    request certain waivers under the relevant finance documents and an amendment to the existing
    intercreditor agreement, as further described in the documentation.
    Requisite consent: more than two thirds of votes cast incentive fees: 15 basis points computed on the nominal
    value of the relevant note conditions to receive fee: (i) the support fee will be paid in cash by the company to
    an eligible participating creditor recorded by the calculation agent on the last accession date (it being
    understood that an eligible participating creditor will be deemed to be registered for the purposes of this
    clause if the duly signed creditor accession letter (and all supporting documents) is received by the calculation
    agent by 11/10/2023 at 17:00 cet on the last accession date),
    (ii) the support fee will be calculated on the aggregate nominal amount of locked-up debt relating to
    unsecured claims or perpetual claims recorded by the calculation agent at the last accession date and paid to
    the eligible participating creditors,
    (iii) in the event of a subsequent transfer of the locked-up debt by an eligible participating creditor under the
    terms of this agreement, the support fee shall be payable to the participating creditor who is the transferee of
    such locked-up debt as recorded with the calculation agent at the record date (without double counting or
    double payment to both the transferor and the transferee of such locked-up debt)
    Due to restrictions, the documentation is available only via agent's website: deals.is.kroll.com/casino
    information source: agent, kroll, london.
    How to elect:
    For option 001: creditor accession letter and commitment letter.
    Beneficial holders must submit a duly executed creditor accession letter by the expiration / accession deadline
    (17:00 cet on 11 october 2023). beneficial holders must submit a duly executed commitment letter during the
    commitment period.
    Submit election on client portal.
    For option 002: creditor accession letter only.
    Beneficial holders must submit a duly executed creditor accession letter by the expiration / accession deadline
    (17:00 cet on 11 october 2023). for both options, beneficial holders must complete and submit the paperwork
    directly on the agent's website before the above mentioned deadlines.
    The documentation can be accessed on the agent's website only upon completion of a signed confidentiality
    undertaking and providing proof of holding.
    Submit election on client portal.
    Option 1
    Extra tekst
    To accede to the lock up agreement and to subscribe to the new money- for eligible holders only
    Option 2
    Extra tekst
    To accede to the lock up agreement onlyrstaand de keuze welke als bijalge er was.
  4. forum rang 8 objectief 7 oktober 2023 12:31

    Ignoramus schreef op 7 oktober 2023 12:06:

    dat is denk ik nalatig van de Giro om nog niets te melden over de keuzes voor de obligatie Casino Quichard.
    Je bent veel te snel met de opmerking van "nalatigheid"'.
    De deal is pas 2 dagen oud en ik ga er vanuit dat zo'n bedrijf toch 1 week de tijd moet hebben om dit aan haar klanten voor te leggen.
  5. jrxs4all 7 oktober 2023 14:37
    Zoals ik de stukken lees betekent akkoord gaan met het voorstel dat de perpetuals omgeruild worden voor 0,4% van het nieuwe aandelenkapitaal en dat je recht hebt om in te schrijven op meer nieuwe aandelen. Als je akkoord gaat krijg je 0,15% van de nominale waarde van je perpetuals in cash als vergoeding voor dat akkoord gaan en als 2/3e akkoord gaat wordt dat 0,4%.

    Optie 1 is akkoord gaan en je wil inschrijven op meer aandelen
    Optie 2 is akkoord gaan en je wil niet meer aandelen
    Optie 3 is niet akkoord gaan
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