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Aandeel AMG Critical Materials N.V. AEX:AMG.NL, NL0000888691

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
17,140   +0,430   (+2,57%) Dagrange 16,600 - 17,160 161.383   Gem. (3M) 198,4K

AMG 2023

17.508 Posts
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  1. Pokerface 28 mei 2023 14:44

    Alpen schreef op 28 mei 2023 12:36:

    Na mijn ochtendwandeling, dit keer rond het meer in de heuvels een paar honderd meter verderop, daar waar de Alpen dus zo'n beetje beginnen, deed ik een eerste poging om te zien wat de laatste versie van Bing (uitgerust met ChatGPT, de kunstmatige intelligentie software ontwikkeld door OpenAI/Microsoft), me zoal wist te vertellen over AMG.
    Ik gaf het de volgende informatie mee:

    Can you give me an example of a story about AMG Critical Materials using the following elements:
    • Genre: non-fiction, case study;
    • Audience: Potential investors;
    • Purpose: to showcase the company's Clean Energy Materials growth strategy, taking inconsideration:
    1) insufficient availability of lithium resources to satisfy the need for lithium-based batteries due to an explosive worldwide growth of electrical vehicle sales in the next decade;
    2) the foreseen growth in vanadium usage in vanadium redox flow batteries;
    3) the highly profitable vanadium, lithium, and tantalum value chains, resulting in a significant growth in EBITDA in the next years;
    4) investments in the Mibra mine in Brazil to increase spodumene production from 90.000 ton per year to 130.000 ton per year and tantalum production from 260.000 pounds per year to 370.000 pounds per year;
    5) investments to construct a 16.500 ton technical-grade lithiumhydroxide facility near the Mibra mine in Brazil;
    6) investments to construct an battery-grade lithiumhydroxide facility in Bitterfeld, Germany, which will have five modules of 20.000 ton each, the first module will be operational in Q4 2023, and the EBITDA for each module will generate an EBITDA between 60 million US$ and 200 million US$;
    • Character: shareholder of AMG Critical Materials which would like to share information about the company to people that might be interested in becoming shareholder;
    • Style: Third-person perspective, present tense, formal and technical language?

    Ben heel benieuwd wat er gebeurd was als je als genre: fiction had gekozen. Of SF, of p0rn...
  2. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 28 mei 2023 14:55

    am1993 schreef op 28 mei 2023 13:13:

    @Alpen. AB. Ik vind dit sowieso indrukwekkend. Zo'n artikel binnen de minuut! Veel, zichzelf analisten noemende personen, zenden berichten de wereld in met veel minder en meer onjuiste informatie. ChatGPT gaat veel analisten, tekstschrijvers, e.d. hun baan kosten blijkbaar. Ook al zitten er, volgens DZR, fouten in het artikel, vind ik het toch aardig volledig en vooral heel "wervend". Was leuk om te lezen. Bedankt en prettig weekend. AM1993
    Scholieren en studenten hoeven nu vrijwel niks meer te leren.
  3. PJF 28 mei 2023 15:51

    Mrs. Smith schreef op 28 mei 2023 14:53:


    Ik denk dat we allemaal de potentie van deze business van AMG onderschatten. Het zou fijn zijn als we vanuit AMG meer duidelijkheid zouden krijgen over projecten, investeringen en revenuen die we op termijn mogen verwachten.
  4. forum rang 4 Mrs. Smith 28 mei 2023 16:41

    PJF schreef op 28 mei 2023 15:51:


    Ik denk dat we allemaal de potentie van deze business van AMG onderschatten. Het zou fijn zijn als we vanuit AMG meer duidelijkheid zouden krijgen over projecten, investeringen en revenuen die we op termijn mogen verwachten.
    Helemaal mee eens. Ook het Bitterfeld project verdient meer aandacht in mijn ogen.
  5. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 28 mei 2023 18:08

    Blanco rolling schreef op 28 mei 2023 17:37:

    Ik kreeg vandaag idd 15 cent toe tussen 13:00 en 14:00 en dat is ns 15 cent energiebelasting. Dus de leveranciers gaven maar liefst 30 cent per kwh.

    Ik hen een variabel dynamisch contract waarbij per uur de prijzen wijzigen
    Als de eletraprijs negatief is, is de energiebelasting toch ook negatief...???
  6. forum rang 7 Calendar 28 mei 2023 20:26

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 28 mei 2023 12:49:

    Er staan domme fouten in:

    ferrovanadium plants: one in Ohio, USA and one in Cambridge, UK

    AMG Critical Materials has invested in building two state-of-the-art lithium hydroxide facilities: one in Brazil and one in Germany.
    2 is volgens mij niet fout. Het staat bovendien in de opdracht.
  7. forum rang 7 Calendar 28 mei 2023 20:41

    Alpen schreef op 28 mei 2023 12:36:

    Na mijn ochtendwandeling, dit keer rond het meer in de heuvels een paar honderd meter verderop, daar waar de Alpen dus zo'n beetje beginnen, deed ik een eerste poging om te zien wat de laatste versie van Bing (uitgerust met ChatGPT, de kunstmatige intelligentie software ontwikkeld door OpenAI/Microsoft), me zoal wist te vertellen over AMG.
    Ik gaf het de volgende informatie mee:

    Can you give me an example of a story about AMG Critical Materials using the following elements:
    • Genre: non-fiction, case study;
    • Audience: Potential investors;
    • Purpose: to showcase the company's Clean Energy Materials growth strategy, taking inconsideration:
    1) insufficient availability of lithium resources to satisfy the need for lithium-based batteries due to an explosive worldwide growth of electrical vehicle sales in the next decade;
    2) the foreseen growth in vanadium usage in vanadium redox flow batteries;
    3) the highly profitable vanadium, lithium, and tantalum value chains, resulting in a significant growth in EBITDA in the next years;
    4) investments in the Mibra mine in Brazil to increase spodumene production from 90.000 ton per year to 130.000 ton per year and tantalum production from 260.000 pounds per year to 370.000 pounds per year;
    5) investments to construct a 16.500 ton technical-grade lithiumhydroxide facility near the Mibra mine in Brazil;
    6) investments to construct an battery-grade lithiumhydroxide facility in Bitterfeld, Germany, which will have five modules of 20.000 ton each, the first module will be operational in Q4 2023, and the EBITDA for each module will generate an EBITDA between 60 million US$ and 200 million US$;
    • Character: shareholder of AMG Critical Materials which would like to share information about the company to people that might be interested in becoming shareholder;
    • Style: Third-person perspective, present tense, formal and technical language?

    Dank. Ik heb het nog nooit geprobeerd, maar heb nu wel een idee hoe je een opdracht moet formuleren en wat voor resultaat je dan kunt verwachten. Behoorlijk indrukwekkend.
  8. Alpen 28 mei 2023 21:33

    Pokerface schreef op 28 mei 2023 14:44:


    Ben heel benieuwd wat er gebeurd was als je als genre: fiction had gekozen. Of SF, of p0rn...
    Dit kan eenvoudig ook zelf worden gedaan:
    1) Wijzig de "invoer"tekst zoals gewenst
    2) Ga naar bing.com en klik op Chat
    3) Kopieer de tekst daar waar "Ask me anything..." wordt getoond en geef Enter
    (even er vanuit gaande dat de engelstalige Bing versie wordt getoond)

    ...et voila!
  9. forum rang 7 Calendar 28 mei 2023 21:54
    Mijn resultaat via Edge met Alpen zijn opdracht:

    As a shareholder of AMG Critical Materials, I would like to share with you an example of a story that illustrates the company's Clean Energy Materials growth strategy. This story is a non-fiction case study that aims to inform potential investors about the opportunities and challenges that AMG faces in the global market of vanadium, lithium, and tantalum.

    AMG is a leading producer of these critical materials, which are essential for the development of clean energy technologies such as batteries, solar panels, and wind turbines. AMG has a diversified portfolio of assets and projects across the world, but one of its main focuses is the Mibra mine in Brazil, where it produces spodumene, a mineral that contains lithium, and tantalum, a rare metal used in electronics and aerospace applications.

    The Mibra mine is a strategic asset for AMG, as it provides a secure and low-cost source of lithium and tantalum for its downstream operations. AMG has invested heavily in expanding and upgrading the mine to increase its production capacity and quality. By 2024, AMG expects to increase spodumene production from 90.000 ton per year to 130.000 ton per year and tantalum production from 260.000 pounds per year to 370.000 pounds per year.

    But AMG is not only a miner, it is also a processor and innovator of clean energy materials. AMG has developed a proprietary process to convert spodumene into high-purity lithium hydroxide, a key ingredient for lithium-ion batteries. AMG is building two state-of-the-art lithium hydroxide facilities: one near the Mibra mine in Brazil, with a capacity of 16.500 ton per year of technical-grade lithium hydroxide; and another one in Bitterfeld, Germany, with a modular design that will allow for a total capacity of 100.000 ton per year of battery-grade lithium hydroxide.

    The first module of the Bitterfeld facility will be operational in Q4 2023, and each module will generate an EBITDA between 60 million US$ and 200 million US$, depending on the market price of lithium hydroxide. AMG expects to capture a significant share of the European battery market, which is expected to grow rapidly in the next decade due to the increasing demand for electric vehicles.

    AMG is also a leader in the production of vanadium, another critical material for clean energy storage. Vanadium is used in vanadium redox flow batteries (VRFBs), which are large-scale stationary batteries that can store renewable energy and provide grid stability. AMG produces vanadium from its own sources as well as from secondary sources such as spent catalysts and steel slag.

    AMG has developed a unique technology to recover vanadium from steel slag, which is a by-product of steelmaking that contains valuable metals but is usually disposed of in landfills. AMG's technology allows for the extraction of vanadium and other metals from steel slag in an environmentally friendly way, reducing CO2 emissions and waste generation. AMG has partnered with several steelmakers in Europe and North America to implement this technology and create a circular economy for steel slag.

    By producing vanadium from steel slag, AMG not only reduces its dependence on primary sources of vanadium, but also creates a new revenue stream from selling the recovered metals. AMG expects to increase its vanadium production from 7.000 ton per year in 2020 to 12.000 ton per year in 2024, with an EBITDA margin of over 50%.

    This story shows how AMG is leveraging its expertise and innovation to create value from critical materials for clean energy applications. AMG's Clean Energy Materials growth strategy is driven by its vision to be a global leader in sustainable solutions for the energy transition. By investing in its assets and projects, AMG is positioning itself to benefit from the increasing demand for vanadium, lithium, and tantalum in the next years, while also contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impact.
  10. forum rang 7 Calendar 28 mei 2023 22:41
    Edge met als enige input: Mibra mine

    The Mibra Mine is a surface mine located in the federal district of Minas Gerais, Brazil. It has been in operation since 1945 and is focused on producing **spodumene concentrate**, **tantalum**, **niobium**, and **tin** . The spodumene concentrate is used as a feedstock for the production of **battery-grade lithium hydroxide**, which is in high demand for the growing electric vehicle market. The Mibra Mine is owned by **Advanced Metallurgical Group (AMG)**, a global leader in clean energy materials. AMG has invested in expanding the spodumene production capacity at the Mibra Mine from 90 kMT yearly to 130 kMT annually, with the objective of reaching full capacity in the first half of 2023. AMG also plans to establish a conversion plant in Brazil for processing spodumene concentrate to technical-grade lithium salts, which will feed its lithium hydroxide refinery in Germany. The Mibra Mine has an estimated life of 20+ years, based on current extraction and processing costs, and current economic conditions. It is one of the world's ten largest lithium mines in terms of production.
  11. forum rang 7 Calendar 28 mei 2023 23:04
    The following text is generated using the keywords: costs for expanding the spodumene production capacity at the Mibra Mine from 90 kMT yearly to 130 kMT annually.

    The expansion of the spodumene production capacity at the Mibra Mine in Brazil will entail the following costs:

    - Capital investment of approximately $50 million for constructing a new lithium concentrate plant with an initial annual capacity of 90 kMT.
    - Additional capital investment of $25 million for increasing the annual capacity to 130 kMT by the end of Q2 2023.
    - Operating costs of $300 per tonne of spodumene concentrate, which includes mining, processing, transportation and royalties.
    - Environmental and social costs of complying with the Brazilian regulations and standards, as well as mitigating the impacts of mining activities on the local communities and ecosystems.
  12. forum rang 7 Calendar 28 mei 2023 23:19
    Edge: AMG joint venture with Glencore in South Africa.

    - AMG is a global leader in the production of critical materials and specialty metals, with a focus on sustainability and innovation.
    - Glencore is one of the world's largest diversified natural resource companies, with operations in over 35 countries and a commitment to responsible sourcing and environmental stewardship.
    - AMG and Glencore have entered into a joint venture agreement to develop and operate a new ferrochrome smelter in South Africa, with an annual capacity of 600,000 tons.
    - The joint venture will leverage AMG's expertise in advanced metallurgical technologies and Glencore's extensive marketing network and supply chain capabilities to produce high-quality ferrochrome for the global stainless steel industry.
    - The joint venture will also create significant economic and social benefits for South Africa, including job creation, skills development, local procurement and community investment.
    - The joint venture is expected to start construction in 2024 and commence production in 2026, subject to regulatory approvals and market conditions.
  13. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 29 mei 2023 08:04
    Gruwelijke onzin: hier klopt helemaal niks van:

    AMG has developed a unique technology to recover vanadium from steel slag, which is a by-product of steelmaking that contains valuable metals but is usually disposed of in landfills. AMG's technology allows for the extraction of vanadium and other metals from steel slag in an environmentally friendly way, reducing CO2 emissions and waste generation. AMG has partnered with several steelmakers in Europe and North America to implement this technology and create a circular economy for steel slag.

    By producing vanadium from steel slag, AMG not only reduces its dependence on primary sources of vanadium, but also creates a new revenue stream from selling the recovered metals. AMG expects to increase its vanadium production from 7.000 ton per year in 2020 to 12.000 ton per year in 2024, with an EBITDA margin of over 50%
  14. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 29 mei 2023 08:09

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 28 mei 2023 12:49:

    Er staan domme fouten in:

    ferrovanadium plants: one in Ohio, USA and one in Cambridge, UK

    AMG Critical Materials has invested in building two state-of-the-art lithium hydroxide facilities: one in Brazil and one in Germany.
    In Brazilië is geen lithium hydroxide fabriek.....!!!
  15. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 29 mei 2023 08:34

    Calendar schreef op 28 mei 2023 23:19:

    Edge: AMG joint venture with Glencore in South Africa.

    - AMG is a global leader in the production of critical materials and specialty metals, with a focus on sustainability and innovation.
    - Glencore is one of the world's largest diversified natural resource companies, with operations in over 35 countries and a commitment to responsible sourcing and environmental stewardship.
    - AMG and Glencore have entered into a joint venture agreement to develop and operate a new ferrochrome smelter in South Africa, with an annual capacity of 600,000 tons.
    - The joint venture will leverage AMG's expertise in advanced metallurgical technologies and Glencore's extensive marketing network and supply chain capabilities to produce high-quality ferrochrome for the global stainless steel industry.
    - The joint venture will also create significant economic and social benefits for South Africa, including job creation, skills development, local procurement and community investment.
    - The joint venture is expected to start construction in 2024 and commence production in 2026, subject to regulatory approvals and market conditions.
    Een raar verhaal: ik kan hier geen bevestiging van vinden.
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