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  1. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 27 januari 2023 16:30

    nine_inch_nerd schreef op 27 januari 2023 13:57:

    Quebec seems out of operating for Volkswagen battery cell plant
    By Bhagyashree SoniJanuary 27, 2023Updated:January 27, 20234 Mins Read

    Quebec seems to be out of the operating for Volkswagen Group’s deliberate North American battery cell manufacturing plant, in line with Pierre Fitzgibbon, the .......
    Reactie op twitter:
    VW is anticipated to announce a call comparatively quickly. Flavio Volpe, pres of the Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Assoc, informed Automotive News Canada in Dec he expects the corp to announce the placement of its first NA battery cell plant within the 1st 6 months of 2023.
  2. forum rang 6 4finance 30 januari 2023 17:27

    tilleman schreef op 30 januari 2023 17:07:

    Aantallen en koers gaan goed, hopelijk weer niet tijdelijk. Of er zijn partijen die meer weten.
    Langzaam komen nu de eerste commerciële stappen dichterbij.
    Afwachten maar. Het kan hard gaan met de koers als de eerste commerciële stap wordt gezet.
    Nu voorsorteren en eventueel je positie uitbreiden en niets verkopen ;-)
  3. forum rang 6 4finance 31 januari 2023 19:12

    tilleman schreef op 30 januari 2023 17:07:

    Aantallen en koers gaan goed, hopelijk weer niet tijdelijk. Of er zijn partijen die meer weten.
    Nogmaals: kopen en blijven zitten. Laat je niet gek maken door posters die menen dat zaken "verkeerd" gaan.
    Dit gaat uiteindelijk heel fors omhoog. Als je alle info over het bedrijf van de afgelopen maanden leest,
    dan weet je dat de toekomst er erg mooi uit gaat zien. Zet je vizier op de periode 2023 -2025.
    EV auto's en EV batterij implementatie komt er aan. Geduld hier.
  4. tilleman 31 januari 2023 21:43
    With Nano One, is a stock with the potential to make a simply staggering return that is far far FAR beyond normal.

    First, let me say that there has be be a set of conditions for this kind of return to happen.

    1) The company has to have game-changing technology, with proven science supporting the product

    2) They have to have the patents in place to protect their technology.

    3) They have to have a business plan to fully exploit the potential of their product.

    4) They have to have the cash to execute their plan.

    5) There has to be stunning demand for their product. And finally, the toughest element of all:

    6) TIMING: You have to find that company before the market has fully realized that potential, but not so early that the risk/reward ratio is not yet mitigated, or that you're left waiting for yrs ...continues at source
  5. Monty68 1 februari 2023 09:58
    1) Game Changing Technology:

    Nano's one-pot technology, by all accounts IS an absolute game-changer. Faster, cheaper, environmentally friendly, and longer lasting battery life. Any ONE of these elements alone is actually a game-changer. But all of these components combined? The phrase "Game-changer" doesn't even do it justice here, and I wish I had a word to fully display the potential. Not just one game-changing compoent, but in fact FOUR game-changing elements. That's almost unheard of. Car companies alone will be tripping over themselves to take advantage of this.

    2) Patents:

    If you're going to have that game-changing proprietory technology, you better have patents that fully protect. Nano is doing an excellent job here, with 24 Patents in place and another 47 currently pending.

    3) Business Plan:

    Nano's current business plan by all accounts is both prudent and laying the groundwork to fully exploit the potential. Nano is proposing a combination of Licensing, Royalties and Independent Production, which I think is an excellent approach. If the technology is THAT good, and the demand will be THAT high, Nano is recognizing that they can't possibly meet all the production demands themselves. So the global licensing and royalties will become an absolute cash-cow, and I would even hazard to guess ultimately more lucrative than their own in-house production. This multi-pronged approach offers what I think will be the best of all worlds, and absolutely maximizes their earnings potential.

    4) Funding

    I've seen too many companies with great ideas, who just didn't have the funding resources to execute their plan. These companies either folded, or were bought for pennies on the dollar compared to their ultimate potential. From what I can see, this is not an issue for Nano, and they appear well funded, with $45 Mllion cash on hand at present. But even more important than just cash on hand, is the parterships they are forming. Not only are these forms of cash generation, but they are incredible endorsements of the technology. Look no further than Rio Tinto and Basf recently coming into the fold. These endorsements provide credibility and will no doubt spur further interest by other companies.

    5) Stunning Demand

    So Nano has FOUR game-changing advantages, and that is hugely exciting in and of itself. But what is REALLY excting here is the demand curve. Its interesting to note the spike in Lithium pricing back a few years ago, and any company associated with this field. As is so typical of the stock market, the market gets ahead of itself, with an unsustainable surge in share prices in 2020. Essentially, the market saw the potential and got really excited, but the deman curve was not yet in place. So of course all of these stocks got tortured back down. Now, that beat-down is actually a good thing for current investors, as they can currently buy in cheaply. But it's that stunning demand that is now fully upon us that is REALLY going to ramp up the share price going forward. In a nutshell, the timing is now right. The market will once again see the potential, and THIS time, it WILL be supported by demand.

    As for the timing of this demand, and the huge ramp-up of the demand itself, the following graph provides an absolutely clear picture. CLICK HERE and scroll down to the graph called TOTAL ADDRESSABLE MARKET CAM. There you'll see what is basically exponential growth in demand from this year going forward. And even looking at things annecdotally, this makes complete sense. How many car companies had EV's last yaer, compared to this year's offering? Even just a year later, there are SO many more companies offering EV's. And with that, comes the obvious demand. What is REALLY exciting though, is we are still just at the beginning of what can only be classified as siesmic shift to EV. Stunning demand? Absolutely jaw dropping stunning demand is probably more accurate.

    But it gets even better!

    While much of the world is focused on the EV market, there is also another market that I think holds vast potential, that being the huge electrical storage market. Already, Tesla is showing huge market potential here, and it really doesn't seem to be on anyone's radar...yet. Ever hear of Tesla MegaPack? Probably not. But you should! CLICK HERE to see what ANOTHER potential revenue stream will be for Nano.

    6) TIMING: Truly, this is the toughest element of all to meet as it pertains to stock market success. You want to get in early enough to get a great price which will maximize your pown profit potential, but not so early that the stock languishes and/or the risk/reward potential is not in your favour.

    RIGHT NOW, I think the timing is just about perfect. The market hasn't fully caught on to the potential, but that awareness is now showing all the positive signs of changing in the near future. I'm not a very patient person by nature when it comes to stocks, so that adds even more pressure to the equation. I want the gain that comes with the market "waking up" to the potential, but I don't want to wait too long for that to happen. Essentially, timing in this regard is akin to threading a needle. Always easier said than done.

    Personally, I know that feeling when I find a stock that has ALL the potential to provide stunning gains, AND I find it with the perfect timing in place. Three times in my life before, each of them providing jaw dropping returns, and I have NO doubt this stock will now become the fourth. To others reading this post, of course do your own homework and calculations. At the very least, you need and want to develop your own skillsets in this area of stock research, so that you too can have other successes going forward. But you're here now, and with that, you have that same potential for a massive gain. It's yours, there for the taking in this stock. As for myself, I've now locked in a position and couldn't be more thrilled. I have NO doubt that this stock will be the one for the record books.
  6. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 13 februari 2023 09:24
    February 13, 2023
    Vancouver, Canada (TSX: NANO) (OTC: NNOMF) (Frankfurt: LBMB)
    $10 million in non-dilutive support from SDTC helps:

    Fast track and convert North America’s only LFP plant to pilot Nano One’s One-Pot Process.
    Leverage high-quality acquisition of LFP plant and amplifies expansion plans.
    Accelerate strategic growth and offtake opportunities with consortium partners Rio Tinto, Lithion Battery Inc., and undisclosed auto OEM.
    Clear a path to industrial scale piloting, demo commercial production and revenues.
    Maximize shareholder value, support cleantech innovation and enhance security of supply.

    Nano One® Materials Corp. (“Nano One” or the “Company”) is a clean technology company with patented processes for the low-cost, low-environmental footprint production of high-performance cathode materials used in lithium-ion batteries. Nano One is pleased to announce an award of $10 million in non-dilutive, non-repayable contributions from Sustainable Development Technology Canada (“SDTC”). These funds will support the conversion of Nano One’s recently acquired Candiac facility to the patented One-Pot Process for industrial-scale pilot production of lithium iron phosphate (LFP). SDTC’s continued support has been an important contribution to Nano One’s success and will accelerate the LFP piloting while advancing the plan towards commercial operations.

    The SDTC project also includes financial support for the design, construction, and operation of a multi-cathode piloting hub (MCPH) to help customize and advance Nano One’s One-Pot and metal-direct-to-CAM (M2CAM®) processes for the industrial scale pilot production of next-gen LFP, NMC and LNM cathode active materials (CAM). These processes are being developed independently by Nano One and jointly with global cathode partners[1,2], and various automotive collaborators for future licensing, joint venture and independent production opportunities. Nano One will lead the project with valuable contributions from consortium partners Rio Tinto, Lithion Battery Inc., and an undisclosed automotive OEM[3].

    “These funds will help us fast track the conversion of North America’s only LFP plant to Nano One’s patented One Pot Process,” said Nano One CEO Mr. Dan Blondal. “This will showcase world-class cathode materials, made right here in Canada, and differentiated on a global scale by driving down costs, energy intensity and environmental footprint. It will enable joint development, industrial scale piloting and customer validation of LFP, NMC and LNM CAM, and it will help accelerate licensing and offtake while shortening the journey to revenue, full-scale commercial demonstration and wide-scale expansion. This aligns well with Nano One’s mission to maximize shareholder value, create prosperity in Canada, and secure supply chains for the North American lithium-ion battery ecosystems. It does so by leveraging our recent acquisition in Candiac, and it by setting the stage for high-quality resilient business opportunities that will promote steady growth into the future.”

    This project is named Pre-Commercial Trial and Multi Cathode Piloting Hub, will be multi-phase, multi-year and milestone driven. This follows two other successful Nano One SDTC projects[4,5], which assisted in demonstrating the One-Pot process at small pilot scale production volumes and advanced the technology to this point of pre-commercial trials. This project also leverages Nano One’s recent high-value acquisition of the Johnson Matthey[6] LFP business in Candiac, Québec, Canada, on November 1, 2022. It amplifies the opportunity for global LFP business expansion and is further validated by the support of the federal government and the project’s industrial consortium partners. Nano One’s project in Candiac is further enhanced by a team with deep technology commercialization experience, scale-up knowhow and automotive quality CAM production expertise, all led by a seasoned executive team.

    Mr. Blondal added, “We thank SDTC, the Government of Canada and our consortium members for their continued support. It adds strength for Nano One and our valued shareholders as we pursue the advancement and commercialization of our technology. We are aligned with government in creating supply chains that are competitive, resilient, and differentiated with minimal waste, cost, energy, water usage and security issues. Our Candiac facility will be a launch-pad for a new generation of scalable cathode materials and sustainable supply chains.”

    Leah Lawrence, CEO of SDTC, commented, “As the global electric vehicle (EV) market continues to grow, ensuring a reliable supply of EV batteries is essential to Canada’s economic competitiveness. Nano One’s innovative cathode active materials (CAM) manufacturing process will ensure a cleaner and efficient battery supply chain here at home in Canada and North America as well. SDTC is proud to continue our support for Nano One as it enters its next stage of growth.”

    Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne, Minister of ISED, said, “Canada is moving aggressively to seize the economic opportunities from critical minerals mining, refining, and manufacturing. We are committed to leveraging our competitive advantages—abundance of critical minerals, skilled labour, clean energy, proximity to markets—to achieve this goal. Canada’s innovation ecosystem is another key advantage, and we must harness revolutionary technologies that drive innovation in this space. To that end, we’re proud to support Nano One as they change the way battery materials are made, reducing the cost and environmental footprint of electric vehicle batteries, and advancing made-in-Canada innovation.”

    The company looks forward to presenting further details as it executes on its vision, strategic initiatives and plans in 2023.

    About Sustainable Development Technology Canada

    At SDTC, we support companies attempting to do extraordinary things.

    From initial funding to educational support and peer learning to market integration, we are invested in helping our small and medium-sized businesses grow into successful companies that employ Canadians from coast to coast to coast. We are relentlessly focused on supporting our companies to grow and scale in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

    The innovations we fund help solve some of the world’s most pressing environmental challenges: climate change, regeneration through the circular economy, and the well-being of humans in the communities they live in and the natural environment they interact with.

    About Lithion Battery

    Lithion is a vertically integrated manufacturer of cells and rechargeable and non-rechargeable battery modules and packs serving the industrial, medical, robotic, military / defense and energy end-markets. Lithion works closely with original equipment manufacturers and end users to provide high-quality power solutions for critical applications where reliability is paramount. Working closely with customers while producing Lithium Iron Phosphate and other lithium-ion cells and battery modules and packs out of Lithion’s North American based manufacturing operations, allows the Company to reliably deliver product to customers - products which are controlled by highly customizable battery management systems. Highly differentiated product coupled with reliable supply allows Lithion to provide the electrification solutions customers require.
  7. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 13 februari 2023 10:53
    Ook de info via Accesswire.

    Nano One Awarded $10 million from Sustainable Development Technology Canada
    $10 million in non-dilutive support from SDTC helps:
    -Fast track and convert North America's only LFP plant to pilot Nano One's One-Pot Process.
    -Leverage high-quality acquisition of LFP plant and amplifies expansion plans.
    -Accelerate strategic growth and offtake opportunities with partners Rio Tinto, Lithion Battery Inc., undisclosed auto OEM.
    -Clear a path to industrial scale piloting, demo commercial production and revenues.
    -Maximize shareholder value, support cleantech innovation and enhance security of supply.
  8. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 13 februari 2023 12:27
    Nano One and Umicore Enter into Joint Development
    Under the agreement, Umicore will evaluate Nano One’s patented M2CAM® One-Pot process technology with the intention to integrate it with Umicore’s proprietary process technology for the production of high nickel NMC (nickel, manganese, cobalt) CAM.

    Bericht vandaag:
    Umicore industrialiseert kathodes met lithium en mangaan
    Materiaaltechnologiebedrijf Umicore kondigde zonet aan dat het verder werkt aan actieve materialen met hoog lithium en mangaangehalte (HLM). Het bedrijf wil starten met de industrialisering van mangaanrijke HLM-kathode actieve materialen (CAM). Het mikt daarvoor op commerciële productie en gebruik in elektrische wagens in 2026. HLM moet een kostencompetitieve oplossing zijn in vergelijking met LFP (lithium-ijzer-fosfaat)-batterijen, hoort KBC Securities-analist Wim Hoste.

    HLM is beter dan LFP

    Umicore merkte op dat HLM aan populariteit wint en dat Umicore productontwikkelingsprogramma's aanging met producenten van auto's en batterijcellen. Umicore gelooft dat HLM een betere total cost of ownership (volledige kostenplaatje) biedt dan LFP: met een groter rijbereik, gelijkwaardige veiligheid, een betrouwbaardere opvolging van de ladingstoestand en een betere recycleerbaarheid. De toekomstige productie van HLM is gepland in de fabrieken van de onderneming in Korea en Polen en in de geplande fabriek in Canada.

    400 GWh tegen 2030

    De elektrificatie van voertuigen staat nog in de kinderschoenen met slechts 5% aan elektrische wagens die verkocht worden op de totale nieuwe wagens in 2021 en zou in het volgende decennium een belangrijke groeimotor moeten zijn voor Umicore. Die heeft nog altijd een erg solide positie op de kathodemarkt, ook al zal de keuze van zijn klanten om kathodecomposities met een medium nikkelinhoud in sneltempo te vervangen door composities met een hogere nikkelinhoud de groei in 2022 en 2023 tijdelijk negatief beïnvloeden.

    De recente joint venture-overeenkomst met Volkswagen en de recente leveringsovereenkomst met ACC (Stellantis, Mercedes-Benz) vertegenwoordigen een bijkomend volume van ongeveer 200 GWh tegen 2030, wat al ongeveer 3x meer is dan de huidige capaciteit van Umicore en in verhouding staat tot de algemene ambitie van de onderneming van meer dan 400 GWh tegen 2030.

    Tot slot zal de beslissing om te investeren in een recyclagefabriek voor batterijen op industriële schaal (150 000 ton) een nieuw groeipad openen in een markt die zeer omvangrijk zou kunnen worden, met een geschatte marktomvang van ongeveer 6 miljoen ton tegen 2035.

    KBC Securities over Umicore

    Wim Hoste meent dat beleggers zich te veel zorgen maken over de concurrentiedreiging van LFP-kathodechemie terwijl de tractie van LFP buiten China tot nu toe beperkt is en over het aanzienlijke investeringsbudget van 5 miljard euro voor de komende vijf jaar, dat de schuldgraad (nettoschuld/EBITDA) tegen 2026 tot bijna 3x zou kunnen opdrijven. Wim Hoste maakt zich niet echt zorgen over de aanzienlijke investeringen, aangezien deze vooral in bijkomende kathodecapaciteit vrij modulair zijn en pas zullen worden beslist wanneer ze door contracten worden ondersteund.

    Wim Hoste blijftt bij zijn standpunt dat Umicore zeer goed geplaatst lijkt om een belangrijke rol te spelen in de elektrificatie van de transportsector via haar kathodeactiviteiten, terwijl Battery Recycling vanaf de tweede helft van het decennium ook een belangrijke groeimotor zou kunnen worden. Rekening houdend met het stevige groeipotentieel op middellange tot lange termijn en de verlaagde waardering ten opzichte van andere kathode- en batterijproducenten, behoudt het beurshuis van hij het “Kopen”-advies en 54 euro koersdoel.
  9. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 14 februari 2023 19:45
    Video met Dan.
    "If something is logic enough to pursue, perseverance always pays off"

    Nano One announces $10M grant from Sustainable Development Technology Canada
    Tue, February 14, 2023 at 6:34 PM GMT+1

    Vancouver --News Direct-- Nano One Materials Corp

    Nano One Materials Corp CEO Dan Blondal joined Steve Darling from Proactive to share news the company has been awarded $10 million in non-dilutive, non-repayable contributions from Sustainable Development Technology Canada.

    Blondal told Proactive the funds will give the company a major step forward fast tracking the conversion of North America’s only lithium iron phosphate (LFP) plant to Nano One’s patented One-Pot Process.

  10. forum rang 6 4finance 21 februari 2023 13:40

    Musiclover schreef op 21 februari 2023 09:53:

    Belangrijk nieuws:
    De ontknoping nadert. Veel automakers hebben hun keuze al gemaakt en het aandeel NANO zal dan exploderen.
    Geduld en rustig wachten. Het "eindspel" is in volle gang.
    Dit wordt zeer zorgvuldig voorbereid.
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