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Aandeel Biocartis BRU:BCART.BL, BE0974281132

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
0,290   0,000   (0,00%) Dagrange 0,000 - 0,000 0  

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  1. forum rang 8 Leefloon 10 september 2022 00:32

    Leefloon schreef op 6 september 2022 03:33:

    Spoiler alert:

    Bij Biocartis van 810.734 aandelen, deze keer. Er zullen nog meer rondes volgen...
    In dit geval opnieuw voor een shorter, die eerst dumpte op de markt en daarna via zo'n onderhandse KV buiten de markt om terugkoopt. Komt vaker voor, zoals eerder bij Croissant van Herr Seele:

    Van Zele Holding NV zal 48.400.000 aandelen uitlenen aan LDA Capital als onderpand tot de datum van uitgifte van deze nieuwe aandelen.

    Met zulke vijanden heb je geen vrienden meer nodig. De redder is eigenlijk een shorter, qua verwachtingen inzake Biocartis.
  2. Ha AMG 11 september 2022 12:53

    Hopende schreef op 9 september 2022 20:32:

    Echt triest, ik ben er al een tijdje uit met zwaar verlies maar heb veel inleving met de longs
    ik ben er deze week weer ingestapt , had er vorig jaar 8-2021 wat van voor 4,30 verkocht en nu vanwege de extreem lage koers ingestapt met 1000 stuks voor 1,25

    kan me niet voorstellen dat het nog verderr zakt
  3. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 11 september 2022 18:14

    Ha AMG schreef op 11 september 2022 12:53:

    [...]ik ben er deze week weer ingestapt , had er vorig jaar 8-2021 wat van voor 4,30 verkocht en nu vanwege de extreem lage koers ingestapt met 1000 stuks voor 1,25

    kan me niet voorstellen dat het nog verderr zakt
    Ik kan me dat heel goed voorstellen: Pharming heeft ook op een koers van ca 2 cent gestaan.
  4. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 11 september 2022 18:18

    Leefloon schreef op 10 september 2022 00:32:

    In dit geval opnieuw voor een shorter, die eerst dumpte op de markt en daarna via zo'n onderhandse KV buiten de markt om terugkoopt. Komt vaker voor, zoals eerder bij Croissant van Herr Seele:

    Van Zele Holding NV zal 48.400.000 aandelen uitlenen aan LDA Capital als onderpand tot de datum van uitgifte van deze nieuwe aandelen.

    Met zulke vijanden heb je geen vrienden meer nodig. De redder is eigenlijk een shorter, qua verwachtingen inzake Biocartis.
    Er zullen dus ca 48 miljoen aandelen gedumpt gaan worden op de beurs en LDA krijgt een vaste winstmarge van ca 5 tot 10%.
    LDA investeert dus geen rooie cent in Biocartis.
    Biocartis wordt gegarandeerd een pennystock.
  5. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 12 september 2022 08:10
    The obscure US financier backing the ASX’s hot stocks

    LDA Capital is the go-to financier for a handful of speculative ASX plays, and its model is now being embraced by local funds.
    Jonathan ShapiroSenior reporter
    Aug 4, 2022 – 11.26am

    What do you do if you’re a small listed company with big ambitions to finance but only small investors backing your vision? One solution is to call Los Angeles investment firm LDA Capital.

    No matter how small, speculative or even tarnished a prospect might be, LDA Capital appears willing to provide a healthily sized equity financing package that can be tapped in all market conditions.

    Arrangements that allow small companies to raise new capital on the back of retail enthusiasm are not without risks. Louise Kennerley

    The little known LDA Capital was founded in 2018 according to its website that lists former investment banker Anthony Romano and Warren Baker as its leaders.

    While it invests extensively around the world in public and private companies, LDA has found a happy hunting ground at the speculative end of the Australian sharemarket.

    It has been involved in financing some of the ASX’s most divisive companies including Brainchip, Skin Element and GetSwift – which, having defected to Canada, has this week filed for administration.

    LDA Capital’s financing model is intriguing and, while it does appear well suited to speculative growth companies that need capital but lack institutional support, it’s not without risks.

    The way a typical LDA financing arrangement works is as follows: LDA will agree to provide a set amount of equity financing to a company – say a minimum of $10 million and a maximum of $50 million, over a certain period. The company, at its discretion, can issue periodic capital calls that draw on the funding.

    When a call is made, a certain number of shares are issued to LDA Capital, which then sells them into the open market over, say, 10 days.

    The number of shares issued to LDA is limited by the average turnover of the stock to avoid it being stuck with more shares than the market can absorb.

    LDA does not pay for the shares upfront, only on settlement. The price it pays for the shares (that is, the amount of new capital raised) is based on the volume weighted average price only after the call is made, less a discount of about 10 per cent.

    It’s an arrangement that appears well suited to small companies that have drummed up solid retail interest through penny stock websites and sharemarket forums, yet haven’t been embraced by the big end of town.

    LDA Capital’s most high-profile Australian play certainly fits that brief: Brainchip, which has surged up the market cap ranks and was newly admitted into the S&P/ASX 200.
    Brain explosion

    Brainchip has had financing arrangements in place with LDA since August 2020 in which it could call on a minimum of $20 million of financing and a maximum of $45 million of capital over a one-year period. LDA was also paid fees and granted over 100 million options, netting tens of millions of dollars of profit.

  6. Bonsjoer 12 september 2022 20:38

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 11 september 2022 18:18:


    Er zullen dus ca 48 miljoen aandelen gedumpt gaan worden op de beurs en LDA krijgt een vaste winstmarge van ca 5 tot 10%.
    LDA investeert dus geen rooie cent in Biocartis.
    Biocartis wordt gegarandeerd een pennystock.
    Tjonge jonge, Biocart is dus figuurlijk en straks letterlijk (nog ) diep ( er ) gezakt... bizar dat er geen analist en of journalist deze gekozen constructie in Jip en Janneke taal uitlegt en doorziet.
    Op de webcast was er 1 globale vraag over de financiering., en oja.. dat was tevens ook de enige vraag die gesteld werd ...
  7. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 12 september 2022 20:43

    Bonsjoer schreef op 12 september 2022 20:38:

    Tjonge jonge, Biocart is dus figuurlijk en straks letterlijk (nog ) diep ( er ) gezakt... bizar dat er geen analist en of journalist deze gekozen constructie in Jip en Janneke taal uitlegt en doorziet.
    Op de webcast was er 1 globale vraag over de financiering., en oja.. dat was tevens ook de enige vraag die gesteld werd ...
    Slechts heel weinig personen kunnen en willen deze constructie begrijpen.

    Bij Esperite wilde niemand het geloven, terwijl het voor je ogen gebeurde.

  8. Flatlander 12 september 2022 23:13
    Why didn't you post more of your suspicions years ago. Rather, you posted vague one sentence comments. I've sold down in past years in order to harvest tax losses and have joked that in my experience there has never been a bad time to sell BCART. Sadly this statement has been true. The scenario you paint was surely recognized by the CFO when he resigned in January 2020. It suggests that in 2018 Verrelst was brought in to Catch and Kill BCART. While I have been accused of being a perma bull, I have pointed out that he significantly increased the head count at the same time the rollout of new assays was slowed way down thus greatly increasing cash burn. Thus far, BCART has failed to deliver significant benefits on any of the major partnerships they have announced in the past. Where are the huge orders of consoles that Nichirae was committed to purchase upon achieving registration? Where is the U.S MSI registration. Where is the updated EGFR assay that sould correct the T790 mutation amplification curve issue. The company indicated that this correction was in the works 2 years ago. Were these just PR announcements with no intent ever to be filled? In the U.S. the Class Action Attorneys would be swarming to get at documents and depose the former CFO. I really want to be able to give BCART management a vote of confidence, but thus far they have not earned it.

    Idylla is an innovative device that saves time and moves decision making closer to the point of care. The device is well suited for this current environment, yet the company appears to be managed to be acquired by a competitor for a pittance.


  9. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 13 september 2022 08:08

    Flatlander schreef op 12 september 2022 23:13:

    Why didn't you post more of your suspicions years ago. Rather, you posted vague one sentence comments. I've sold down in past years in order to harvest tax losses and have joked that in my experience there has never been a bad time to sell BCART. Sadly this statement has been true. The scenario you paint was surely recognized by the CFO when he resigned in January 2020. It suggests that in 2018 Verrelst was brought in to Catch and Kill BCART. While I have been accused of being a perma bull, I have pointed out that he significantly increased the head count at the same time the rollout of new assays was slowed way down thus greatly increasing cash burn. Thus far, BCART has failed to deliver significant benefits on any of the major partnerships they have announced in the past. Where are the huge orders of consoles that Nichirae was committed to purchase upon achieving registration? Where is the U.S MSI registration. Where is the updated EGFR assay that sould correct the T790 mutation amplification curve issue. The company indicated that this correction was in the works 2 years ago. Were these just PR announcements with no intent ever to be filled? In the U.S. the Class Action Attorneys would be swarming to get at documents and depose the former CFO. I really want to be able to give BCART management a vote of confidence, but thus far they have not earned it.

    Idylla is an innovative device that saves time and moves decision making closer to the point of care. The device is well suited for this current environment, yet the company appears to be managed to be acquired by a competitor for a pittance.
    Ik waarschuw al vele jaren tegen Biocartis, vooral omdat ze volgens mij niet in staat zouden zijn om de converteerbare lening af te lossen.

    Helaas ben jij verliefd geworden op Biocartis en dat heeft je heel veel geld gekost.

    Alles is nu nog veel erger geworden omdat ze nu in zee gegaan zijn met 'death spiral financing' oftewel 'equity-financiering'.
  10. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 13 september 2022 08:16

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 15 november 2019 17:13:

    Een converteerbare lening biedt enorme kansen voor shorters: het recept is als volgd: men koopt de obligaties en men gaat short in de aandelen.

    Hierdoor kan men vrijwel risicoloos een hoop geld verdienen.

    Als dit gebeurt, dan zal de koers zeker onder de 5 gaan komen of nog lager.
    Een van de vele waarschuwingen.
  11. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 13 september 2022 09:01

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 6 april 2017 11:32:

    In een slechte beurs staat Biocartis binnen recordtijd 50% of meer lager.
    Het aandeel loopt ca 5 tot 10 jaar vooruit op winsten die misschien nooit komen.
    Het lijkt trouwens veel op Curetis dat ook veel te duur is, dankzij domme particulieren die vallen voor mooie praatjes en mooie plaatjes.
    Een van de vele waarschuwingen.
  12. Willy B. 13 september 2022 09:11

    Flatlander schreef op 12 september 2022 23:13:

    Idylla is an innovative device that saves time and moves decision making closer to the point of care. The device is well suited for this current environment, yet the company appears to be managed to be acquired by a competitor for a pittance.


    Een goed product alleen is niet voldoende. Het financieel plaatje moet ook wel kloppen.

    De software en technologie van Lernout & Hauspie was ook zeer performant en veelbelovend bv.
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