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3D printing

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  1. R dayhigh 9 december 2021 12:44

    na de crash schreef op 9 december 2021 09:36:

    Ik zou daar nog wel wat jaren durven bij tellen. Maar het lijkt wel mooie technologie, ik ben benieuwd.
    Zeker, de testfase van deze specifieke technologie moet nog beginnen. het mooie is dat we een continue innoverende r&d afdeling zien toegespitst op de meest recente ontwikkelingen.
    Er wordt niet ingeleverd op R&D terwijl er operationeel en in sales grote stappen gezet worden in deze fase. Moeilijk te bevatten waar dit heen gaat, het is moeilijk het enthousiasme te onderdrukken!

    voor nu reflecteert de koers a $4,07 CAD geenszins het potentieel, wat ik toch apart vind, onder de radar en enige manipulatie, tja het is bekend ...en tijdelijk. enfin, van profiteren zolang het nog kan is het devies.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 15 december 2021 07:20
    SSAB Develops High Strength Steel Powder for 3D Print at Oxelosund

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    15 Dec, 2021, 3:07 am

    The first steel powder has now been produced at SSAB in Oxelösund. This is a major step on the journey that SSAB has undertaken to become a player in the rapidly growing market for additive manufacturing, commonly known as 3D printing. Back in October 2020, SSAB in Oxelösund announced that the company was entering an entirely new industry, the additive manufacturing industry, also known as 3D printing. SSAB Oxelösund has now produced the first steel powder in the brand-new production facility. It consists of a gas-atomizing unit that melts the steel, which is then pulverized into powder with the use of an inert high-pressure gas.

    The test results looked very promising. Especially in terms of the key aspects of the steel powder such as roundness and the size distribution of the granules, which are also the biggest challenges. The tests and deliveries to customers have also been successful

    The work now continues with the development of the manufacturing process with the objective to launch new steel powder products on the market next year. In parallel with the development of new products, work will also continue on the development of the new facility. This includes implementing additional equipment such as a 3D printer for steel powder, but also a screening and packaging machine.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 16 december 2021 11:52
    Holcim 3D Prints Affordable Housing Project in Kenya

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    16 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    Holcim announced Africa’s largest 3D-printed affordable housing project in Kenya, developed by its joint venture 14Trees in partnership with CDC Group, the UK’s development finance institution. Building on Holcim’s world-first 3D-printed school in Malawi, the Mvule Gardens housing complex is scaling up affordable housing in Kenya to be part of bridging the country’s infrastructure gap. This project was made possible by Holcim’s proprietary ink, TectorPrint, giving the walls structural function to bear the load of the building. This breakthrough will accelerate the scale-up of 3D printing for affordable housing.

    The Mvule Gardens in Kilifi, Kenya, is one of the largest 3D-printed affordable housing projects in the world. It is part of the Green Heart of Kenya regenerative ecosystem, a model for inclusive and climate-resilient cities. Its advanced sustainability profile won an IFC-EDGE Advanced sustainable design certification, which recognizes resource-efficient and zero-carbon buildings.

    Holcim’s joint venture 14Trees is dedicated to addressing Africa’s shortage of affordable housing with 3D printing and smart design while creating skilled local jobs. As proven in Malawi, the technique can reduce the environmental footprint of a house by more than 50% compared to conventional methods, while the walls can be built at record speed in just 12 hours compared to almost four days with conventional building techniques.

    MASS Design Group, an American and African-based architecture practice, designed the Mvule Gardens to advance affordable, sustainable and replicable housing units adapted to Kenya’s environment.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 22 december 2021 07:54
    CEMEX & COBOD Launch Ready Mix Concrete 3D Printer

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    22 Dec, 2021, 5:33 am

    CEMEX and global leader in construction-grade 3D printers COBOD International announced the introduction of a 3D printing solution that utilizes conventional ready-mix concrete in the building process. The solution allows for a reduction in time and significant savings versus traditional construction and other 3D printing methods. Utilizing an innovative admixture, CEMEX and COBOD developed a solution for 3D printing that enables the use of conventional concrete, allowing the consumption of local and readily available materials.

    Current 3D printing methods rely on highly specialized and expensive mortars. CEMEX introduced a proprietary admixtures family called D.fab, which transforms conventional concrete into a versatile material that can be efficiently tailored for 3D printing construction.

    This admixtures innovation produces a more fluid and malleable concrete that facilitates the pouring process for 3D printing applications. COBOD’s printers and expertise, in combination with the admixtures, make it possible for the concrete to gain shape instantaneously. COBOD applied the new solution for the first time in a suburb of Luanda, the capital of Angola, where homebuilder Power2Build used it to construct Angola’s first 3D printed concrete house.
  5. mjmj 28 december 2021 11:03
    Die bizarre koersbeweging met dat enorme volumen betreft alleen de notering op de Nasdaq. Ik kijk naar de notering in Toronto en had gisteren gisteren niets in de gaten. Zou het kunnen dat hier getest wordt hoe zwaar bewapend de shorters zijn?

    koersbeweging lijkt me in ieder geval geen negatief teken voor de toekomst.
  6. MadMushroom 28 december 2021 11:59

    mjmj schreef op 28 december 2021 11:03:

    Die bizarre koersbeweging met dat enorme volumen betreft alleen de notering op de Nasdaq. Ik kijk naar de notering in Toronto en had gisteren gisteren niets in de gaten. Zou het kunnen dat hier getest wordt hoe zwaar bewapend de shorters zijn?

    koersbeweging lijkt me in ieder geval geen negatief teken voor de toekomst.
    TSX was toch gesloten gisteren? En vandaag ook dacht ik...
  7. R dayhigh 28 december 2021 12:37

    MadMushroom schreef op 28 december 2021 11:59:


    TSX was toch gesloten gisteren? En vandaag ook dacht ik...
    Dat klopt, canada is morgen weer open. Of gisteren daadwerkelijk gedreven is op nieuws dat uitgelekt is betreur ik ten zeerste.
    lijkt me eerder geschuif van wat grote huizen.
  8. nobahamas 28 december 2021 13:21

    mjmj schreef op 28 december 2021 11:03:

    Die bizarre koersbeweging met dat enorme volumen betreft alleen de notering op de Nasdaq. Ik kijk naar de notering in Toronto en had gisteren gisteren niets in de gaten. Zou het kunnen dat hier getest wordt hoe zwaar bewapend de shorters zijn?

    koersbeweging lijkt me in ieder geval geen negatief teken voor de toekomst.
    Ik denk hetzelfde mjmj
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