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GeoJunxion (ex AND) - 2021: de juiste weg of niet...?

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  1. forum rang 5 maci 14 oktober 2021 18:37
    Capelle aan den IJssel, The Netherlands - 14 October 2021 – GeoJunxion (GOJXN.AS) announces today that it has reached an agreement with the holders of its convertible loan to extend the duration for an additional 18 months, whilst leaving the nominal interest rate unchanged.

    The loan, with a principal amount of €1,27 million per 30 September 2021, bears an interest rate of 9% p.a. (of which 3% is paid in cash and 6% paid in kind (PIK)). It continues to be secured by a.o. a pledge on the IP owned by GeoJunxion N.V. and a pledge on the shares of GeoJunxion B.V., the main operating subsidiary. Under this new agreement, the updated maturity date will be 3 August 2023, which is an extension of 18 months to the current maturity date of 3 February 2022.

    An overview of the other terms that were agreed upon:

    At the maturity date and at the choice of the lenders, the loan can be settled (i) by the conversion of (the initial principal amount + cumulative PIK interests) into newly issued ordinary shares of GeoJunxion NV, using a conversion rate of €1.50, or (ii) by payment in cash of 125% of (the initial principal amount + cumulative PIK interests).
    Renegotiation trigger: Should the share price trade below €1,50 or the 60-day moving average share price be below €1,50 on 3 May 2023 (3 months prior to maturity), the conversion rate can be renegotiated in good faith.
    The loan can no longer be voluntarily prepaid.
    Change to the control clause, which refers to the loan becoming due immediately, can also be triggered in case (i) Euronext initiates proceedings to delist and (ii) a new significant shareholder notification is received with holdings >30%.
    Ivo Vleeschouwers, the company’s CEO stated: “I am pleased with the ongoing support from the holders of the loan, who are also shareholders in the company. It is a true testimony of their confidence in the company, in its updated strategic direction and the entire team, who has been working hard every day to turn the company around, generate new growth and improve results."

    Signed by
    The Management Board
  2. forum rang 5 maci 21 oktober 2021 08:59
    Capelle aan den IJssel, The Netherlands – 21 October 2021 – GeoJunxion (GOJXN.AS) publishes its 2020-’21 Annual Accounts for the 18-month accounting year ending 30 June 2021.

    We are delighted to present the GeoJunxion Annual Report for the accounting year 2020-21. It covers the 18-month period from 1 January 2020 to 30 June 2021. However, the comparative financials for 2019 relate to the 12-month period from 1 January to 31 December 2019. A copy of the document is attached to this press release and can be found on the company’s website www.geojunxnion.com, under the investor relations section.

    The 2020-21 accounting year was an eventful period during which the company underwent a complete metamorphosis. At the same time, we realized significant top line growth whilst keeping operating expenses flat on a like for like basis and significantly reduced the operating losses. All this during a time severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

    A summary of the key financials is provided in the table below:

    During the past accounting year, the management team has refined the company’s strategy and built a product portfolio with an emphasis on safety and sustainability which has the potential to continue delivering top line growth and margins and become profitable and cash generating. This product portfolio is built around three key pillars:

    Location-Aware Content
    Location Intelligence Services
    Premium Location Aware Content
    Location Aware Content
    The first pillar encompasses more traditional activities and product lines such as:

    Digital Maps: proprietary and Open-Source Maps (OSM) with worldwide coverage for use in routing, planning and display.
    Geo-Location API (Application Programming Interface): including address geocoding and time zones covering Europe and North America. Typical use cases are in track and trace applications and geo-marketing.
    Geo Planning API: with time and distance matrices for logistics and resource planning applications. European coverage.
    Location Intelligence Services
    The second pillar includes our services supporting tailor-made geo-location projects:

    Search and evaluation of location enabled content, typically to enhance existing maps and/or routing applications.
    Creating bespoke datasets, including sourcing, data creation, normalization, aggregation and delivery. The typical use case is enhancing existing maps and/or routing applications.
    Producing Outdoor Venue Plans - tailor-made, interactive venue maps delivered as a turnkey solution including delivery through map tiler and maintenance. The broad range of use cases includes events; travel and tourism; real estate applications; last mile navigation and delivery; retail and distribution; and smart city applications.
    Premium Location Content
    The third pillar includes the High Alert Zones product family focusing on three distinct areas:

    Safety Alert Zones concentrate on road safety by alerting mobility users (pedestrians, cyclists, car and truck drivers) to areas with increased risk of accidents. This includes, for example, bridges, tunnels, accident-prone areas, school zones, playgrounds etc.
    Eco Alert Zones include a best-in-class dataset with worldwide coverage of regulated congestion, emission and restricted traffic zones. Increasingly, countries and cities are deploying these zones to limit the traffic in city centres, improve air quality, reduce accidents and elevate quality of life. For example, the German “Ümweltzones”, Dutch “Milieuzones”, Italian “Zona Traffico Limitato”, UK “congestion charge zones or Ultra Low emission zones”, etc. The main use case is in routing, planning, fleet management and for display but could be equally beneficial in real estate applications and other sectors. Coverage is worldwide, or more precisely wherever an environmental zone exists.
    Health Alert Zones currently contain primarily COVID-19 related information and will be extended to include alerts on air quality and noise pollution.
    The strategy and product portfolio outlined above has enabled us to deliver top line growth and an improved bottom line during the past accounting year. We realize this is only the beginning with a road ahead of us, however, as a team, we are confident we are heading in the right direction and are committed to delivering results.

    Signed by
    The Management Board
    The Supervisory Board


    Het hele bericht incl. cijfertabel vind je hier: tinyurl.com/yg3aym9d <-- Knip/plak in je browser.
  3. forum rang 5 maci 21 oktober 2021 09:24
    Cynisch als ik hierover ben haal ik er één verklaring uit. Dat deze er in staat is natuurlijk een 'moetje', maar ondanks vele (herhaalde) verzoeken doen ze en 0,00000 niets mee.

    "Investor relations
    GeoJunxion highly values good communication with investors to support a good and realistic estimation of the potential value of the GeoJunxion share."
  4. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 21 oktober 2021 13:22
    Kleiner verlies voor GeoJunxion
    21-10-2021 09:50 - Kaartenspecialist verdubbelt omzet tot ruim 2 miljoen euro.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) GeoJunxion heeft in het afgelopen anderhalf jaar een kleiner nettoverlies geleden dan in 2019, door een hogere omzet en het wegvallen van een afwaardering. Dat maakte de kaartenspecialist, voorheen bekend als AND, donderdag bekend.

    Het nettoverlies bedroeg in de achttien maanden tot 30 juni 2,2 miljoen euro. In heel 2019 werd nog een verlies geboekt van krap 4 miljoen euro.

    De omzet steeg van 1,1 miljoen in 2019 naar 2,4 miljoen euro in 2020/2021, vooral door omzet uit niet-terugkerende diensten.

    "Het was een periode waarin veel gebeurde en het bedrijf een complete metamorfose onderging", zei CEO Ivo Vleeschouwers.

    Het operationele resultaat daalde van 4,9 miljoen euro negatief tot 2,1 miljoen euro negatief. Een afwaardering van 2,8 miljoen in 2019 viel weg in de nieuwe periode van achttien maanden. De personeelskosten waren hoger. GeoJunxion had in de afgelopen periode gemiddeld 17 mensen voltijd in dienst.

    Het eigen vermogen steeg van 10,9 miljoen euro eind 2019 naar 11,7 miljoen euro halverwege 2021. Het vermogen per aandeel daalde van 2,60 naar 2,03 euro, door de uitgifte van nieuwe aandelen.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
  5. jeff_cassius 21 oktober 2021 14:45

    maci schreef op 21 oktober 2021 09:24:

    Cynisch als ik hierover ben haal ik er één verklaring uit. Dat deze er in staat is natuurlijk een 'moetje', maar ondanks vele (herhaalde) verzoeken doen ze en 0,00000 niets mee.

    "Investor relations
    GeoJunxion highly values good communication with investors to support a good and realistic estimation of the potential value of the GeoJunxion share."
    Je cynisme siert je Maci :)
  6. _Aurum_ 21 oktober 2021 17:47

    maci schreef op 21 oktober 2021 09:24:

    Cynisch als ik hierover ben haal ik er één verklaring uit. Dat deze er in staat is natuurlijk een 'moetje', maar ondanks vele (herhaalde) verzoeken doen ze en 0,00000 niets mee.

    "Investor relations
    GeoJunxion highly values good communication with investors to support a good and realistic estimation of the potential value of the GeoJunxion share."
    Inderdaad. Ik had me na het bekendmaken van de vorige cijfers via de site geregistreerd om op de hoogte gehouden te worden, maar ik heb vandaag nog niets ontvangen...
  7. forum rang 5 maci 1 november 2021 08:43
    Capelle aan den IJssel, The Netherlands – 1 November 2021 – GeoJunxion (GOJXN.AS) is happy to announce that it has granted share options to all its employees and a limited selection of its long-standing contractors. A total of 65,400 share options were awarded. The strike price of the share options has been set at €1.55, corresponding to the 90 days moving average of the share price as per 30 June 2021. The share options will vest in four equal quarterly portions, starting on 1 July 2023. They will vest at the 90 days average closing prices of the GOJXN stock in the period immediately preceding the vesting date. Settlement will be in shares of the company.

    This is the second year that share options are granted under the current scheme. The initial grant was announced in a press release dated 29 October 2020.

    The Supervisory and Management boards believe that granting all employees the possibility to benefit from the improved operating results of the company, through the allocation of share options, will lead to stronger engagement and ultimately better performance. This aligns our employee’s interests with those of the shareholders, which are focused on long-term and sustainable value creation.

    Signed by
    The Management Board

    Dit keer wel een PB. Toeval, of bewust bijna twee weken voor Q3 cijfers?
    Die zullen vast wel beter zijn dan die van vorig jaar, maar daar was niet veel voor nodig.

    Waarom worden er opties aan klanten uitgegeven? Verwacht men dat deze daardoor meer data gaan afnemen, of zijn de prijzen te hoog.
    Zag iemand dit al eens eerder ergens? Al is dat geen maatstaf. Vreemd vind ik het wel. Interessante vraag voor de AVA. Gaat daar iemand "fictief" naar toe?

    Liever lees ik iets over een aangestelde accountant.
  8. forum rang 4 shaai 1 november 2021 11:14

    maci schreef op 1 november 2021 08:43:

    Capelle aan den IJssel, The Netherlands – 1 November 2021 – GeoJunxion (GOJXN.AS) is happy to announce that it has granted share options to all its employees and a limited selection of its long-standing contractors. A total of 65,400 share options were awarded. The strike price of the share options has been set at €1.55, corresponding to the 90 days moving average of the share price as per 30 June 2021. The share options will vest in four equal quarterly portions, starting on 1 July 2023. They will vest at the 90 days average closing prices of the GOJXN stock in the period immediately preceding the vesting date. Settlement will be in shares of the company.

    This is the second year that share options are granted under the current scheme. The initial grant was announced in a press release dated 29 October 2020.

    The Supervisory and Management boards believe that granting all employees the possibility to benefit from the improved operating results of the company, through the allocation of share options, will lead to stronger engagement and ultimately better performance. This aligns our employee’s interests with those of the shareholders, which are focused on long-term and sustainable value creation.

    Signed by
    The Management Board

    Dit keer wel een PB. Toeval, of bewust bijna twee weken voor Q3 cijfers?
    Die zullen vast wel beter zijn dan die van vorig jaar, maar daar was niet veel voor nodig.

    Waarom worden er opties aan klanten uitgegeven? Verwacht men dat deze daardoor meer data gaan afnemen, of zijn de prijzen te hoog.
    Zag iemand dit al eens eerder ergens? Al is dat geen maatstaf. Vreemd vind ik het wel. Interessante vraag voor de AVA. Gaat daar iemand "fictief" naar toe?

    Liever lees ik iets over een aangestelde accountant.
    contractors lijkt mij geen klanten, maar langdurige ingehuurde krachten (soort ZZP-ers), oftewel bij longstanding een soort semi-personeel.
  9. forum rang 5 maci 1 november 2021 13:05
    Daar zal je vast gelijk in hebben al zijn dat natuurlijk ook medewerkers. "employees" werden al eerder genoemd in het PB.

    Zo zie je maar hoe belangrijk een stukje tekst is. Al vaker heb ik ervoor gepleit om, zeker voor dergelijke teksten, NL te gebruiken. Te meer omdat waarschijnlijk het overgrote deel aandeelhouders uit NL, of B komt.
  10. forum rang 4 shaai 1 november 2021 20:51

    maci schreef op 1 november 2021 13:05:

    Daar zal je vast gelijk in hebben al zijn dat natuurlijk ook medewerkers. "employees" werden al eerder genoemd in het PB.

    Zo zie je maar hoe belangrijk een stukje tekst is. Al vaker heb ik ervoor gepleit om, zeker voor dergelijke teksten, NL te gebruiken. Te meer omdat waarschijnlijk het overgrote deel aandeelhouders uit NL, of B komt.
    Wel medewerkers, althans letterlijk, maar niet ‘employed’
  11. PinkPanther 10 november 2021 10:56
    Goedemorgen Geojunxion believers,

    Er zit bar weinig beweging in de koers zo vlak voor de cijfers over de eerste 3 maanden van 2021. Totaal geen volume en niks geen nieuws.... Zou er nog wat gaan gebeuren vandaag? Wanneer komt er positief nieuws over de aanstelling van een accountant? Ik zit er al jaren in en hoop toch echt een keer op een kantelmoment want vooralsnog gaat de koers alleen maar omlaag.

    Succes voor alle aanhouders! Gaat ons geduld beloond worden?
  12. forum rang 5 maci 11 november 2021 09:00
    Capelle aan den IJssel, The Netherlands, 11 November 2021, GeoJunxion reports 76% revenue growth, with strong reduction in Net Loss and Cash outflow for the period July – September 2021 versus the same period in 2020.

    Please note that the current financial year will cover a 12-month period from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022. The previous financial year covered 18 months from 1 January 2020 to 30 June 2021 and was an eventful period, during which the Company went through a significant transformation, which, in part, is still in progress. Consequently, this is the first Financial and Business update of the new financial year 2021-22, covering the first 3 months from 1 July to 30 September 2021.

    Looking back at this first quarter, GeoJunxion’s business continued to show resilience and good performance, in spite of the fact that this quarter is traditionally slow due to the summer holiday season, during which most of the companies reduce their activities. Revenue grew by 76% compared to the same quarter in 2020 and order intake showed growth of about 53% compared to the same period last year.

    We are continuously encouraged by the market interest regarding our new premium location-aware products, in particular the Eco and Safety Alert Zones, and Location Intelligence Services, which have attracted the attention of public and private companies within various industry sectors and resulted in the increased strength of our pipeline. It is also worth noting that order intake has continued its positive trend across all our product lines and services, in particular for recurring multi-year business opportunities.

    Het hele PB lees je hier: ml-eu.globenewswire.com/Resource/Down... en op de site neem ik aan.
  13. jeff_cassius 11 november 2021 10:58
    Order Intake / Bookings developments

    Order intake for the period July-September 2021 confirmed its positive trend, with an increase of about 53% compared to the same period in 2020. Orders for premium location data and Location Intelligence Services booked in the past quarters of the previous financial year continue to materialize into revenue thanks to diligent internal delivery procedures and full commitment of the entire team towards product excellence and customer satisfaction.


    Revenue for Q1 2021 grew strongly by 76% compared to the same period in 2020.
    Increased Operational expenses reflects investment in headcount for product and service delivery.
    Operating result improved €210K, or 63% to a loss of €125K, compared to a loss of €335K in Q1 2020.
    Net result after tax improved by €198K, or 56% to a net loss of €155K versus €353K in Q1 2020.
    Net cash-flow from operating and investing activities equals an outflow of €62K, a significant improvement versus a cash outflow of €350K in Q1 2020.
    Consolidated 30 September 2021 cash position equals €760K.


    Covid-19 and the related measures to contain its spread, continue to hamper our business development and growth. This is the case for our products directed towards the travel, leisure, and events industry. Despite this headwind, we continue to experience strong market interest in our new product portfolio, resulting in solid Q1, July-September 2021 revenue growth, and a growing pipeline of opportunities with major players in our industry. Based on the orders in hand, and the strength of the pipeline of opportunities, we expect revenue growth for the accounting year 2021-22, in the range of 40 to 50% compared to the 12-month period from July 2020 to June 2021.
  14. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 11 november 2021 11:33
    Beurswaarde Ease2Pay 29,5 miljoen bij een jaaromzet van ca 250.000, maakt een koers/omzetverhouding van ca 118.

    Beurswaarde GeoJunxion ca 5,2 miljoen bij een jaaromzet van ca 2,8 miljoen, maakt een koers/omzetverhouding van ca 1,8.

    En de potentiële winstmarge van Geo is vele malen groter als die van EaseToPay.
  15. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 11 november 2021 12:09

    PinkPanther schreef op 11 november 2021 09:17:


    Ik ben niet ontevreden met deze cijfers al zeg ik hetzelf. Maarre, weinig actie nog tot dusver.
    Als Geo Junxion nu naar de beurs zou gaan, zou iedereen graag 100x zo veel willen betalen.
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