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Aandeel ArcelorMittal AEX:MT.NL, LU1598757687

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
22,720   +0,070   (+0,31%) Dagrange 22,510 - 22,870 2.474.222   Gem. (3M) 2,2M

ArcelorMittal Juli 2021

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 14 juli 2021 08:51
    Beursblik: Jefferies verhoogt koersdoelen ArcelorMittal en Aperam
    In aanloop naar cijfers.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Jefferies heeft in aanloop naar de halfjaarcijfers de koersdoelen voor ArcelorMittal en Aperam verhoogd.

    Analist Alan Spence verhoogde het koersdoel voor ArcelorMittal van 38,00 naar 40,00 euro en voor Aperam van 46,00 naar 47,00 euro. De analist besloot zijn koopaanbeveling voor ArcelorMittal te handhaven en het Houden advies voor Aperam bleef ook ongemoeid.

    Spence verhoogde zijn taxaties voor zowel ArcelorMittal als Aperam. Voor Mittal ging zijn raming voor de EBITDA met 13 procent omhoog naar ruim 4,8 miljard dollar in het tweede kwartaal. En voor heel 2021 verhoogde de analist zijn taxatie zelfs met 20 procent naar 17,7 miljard dollar. Daarmee zit Jefferies ruim boven de analistenconsensus van respectievelijk 4,6 en 15,5 miljard dollar.

    Ook voor Aperam gingen de ramingen omhoog. Voor het tweede kwartaal mikt Spence niet langer op een EBITDA van 190 miljoen maar op 203 miljoen euro. En voor 2021 ging de verwachting van 647 miljoen naar 704 miljoen euro. Daarmee zit Jefferies wel iets lager dan de analistenconsensus. Die rekent op respectievelijk 215 en 706 miljoen euro.

    Reden voor de hogere ramingen is dat de goede trend uit het eerste kwartaal ook doorzette in het tweede kwartaal, aldus Spence. Voorraden werden afgebouwd, de prijzen stegen, net als de doorlooptijden. De orderboeken vulden zich steeds beter, aldus de analist, en het tweede kwartaal zal volgens hem "een significante margeverbetering" laten zien.

    Door: ABM Financial News.


    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
  2. forum rang 10 voda 14 juli 2021 09:39
    McKinsey Sees DRI Challenge in Green Steel Transition

    Global Consulting Firm McKinsey in a recent report highlighted that raw material shortages have the potential to disrupt the market for direct reduced iron, but industry participants are planning to implement new green technologies will increase the use of DRI. Mckinsey suggested that “To plan appropriately, market participants must base their business cases on the DRI of tomorrow, as opposed to the industry of today. In doing so, they will help ensure that the steel industry will be a leader, rather than a laggard, in the decarbonization of the heavy industry.”

    Unlike in the production of blast-furnace pig iron, iron ore remains solid throughout the DRI-production process, which makes it difficult to remove impurities. As a result, the quality of the DRI is closely related to the quality of iron ore inputs. DRI is, therefore, mostly made from very high quality raw materials, which can be produced at only a limited number of mines. Significant expansion of the DRI industry will likely lead to a shortage of raw materials within the next decade. The MineSpans database, which provides a comprehensive supply-side view of the iron ore industry, makes it clear that supply will be insufficient even if steelmakers both fully utilize existing mines and open new mines capable of producing the necessary inputs.

    Given the potential deficit of high-quality raw materials, growth in the DRI industry will have to be accompanied by a change in the manufacturing process. Increasingly, DRI will need to be made with lower-quality iron ore, which will then need to be upgraded, most likely using a smelting process, to make it more suitable for use in basic oxygen furnaces. This has important implications for steelmakers’ wider plant configurations. Mini mills with electric arc furnaces must have long-term supply contracts to produce DRI suitable for the process. Plants looking to use DRI in basic oxygen furnaces will have to choose between securing high-quality raw materials and adding a smelting process. As a result, any sharp rise in DRI growth will likely drive a bifurcation in the market.

    Direct reduced iron accounts for 5% of the metallics used in the steelmaking process globally. It is currently used less commonly than pig iron or steel scrap. Traditionally, DRI is produced from the direct reduction of iron ore using natural gas, but emerging technology is enabling the production of DRI using hydrogen as well. Depending on the source of the hydrogen, this offers the potential for truly green steel. Hydrogen-based DRI is, therefore, expected to be a major decarbonization lever for steelmakers, particularly in Europe. A number of companies have already announced plans to introduce DRI, and strong growth is expected in the future. In fact, scenarios based on a carbon-neutral steel industry, a goal many major steelmakers have pledged, have DRI production tripling within the next 30 years.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  3. forum rang 10 voda 14 juli 2021 10:01
    Dat zal ook impact voor Arcelor hebben.

    EU to Unveil Fit for 55 Plans for Emissions Reduction

    The European Commission is set to unveil a vast package of draft green legislation designed to govern a faster transition to a low carbon economy on 14 July 2021. A dozen legal texts already under attack from political interests, industry lobbies and environmentalists-will seek to ensure emissions are cut by 55% over 1990 levels by 2030. The Fit for 55 package includes: the revision of the EU Emissions Trading System, a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, revision of the Energy Tax Directive, amendments to the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Directives to implement the ambition of the new 2030 climate target, as well as others on reduction of methane emissions from the power sector, emissions from land use and rules on passenger cars and alternative fuels.

    European Steel Association EUROFER Director General Mr Axel Eggert said “EU institutions have agreed to more ambitious cuts to greenhouse emissions over a fairly short time frame. This package of new laws to be proposed by the Commission is intended to legislatively implement the political ambition. The European steel industry has long established plans to reduce emissions by 55% compared to 1990 levels, and has over a hundred highly-advanced low-carbon projects spread across Europe. However, the success of these projects its contingent on being able to direct the appropriate resources and find markets for the resulting ‘green’ steels, which will come at a higher cost than conventional steel. For Fit for 55 and the associated Green Deal to become successful growth strategies, they must provide three things: effective carbon leakage protection, affordable low-carbon energy, and firm support for the development and roll-out of breakthrough technologies”.

    But environmentalists will denounce the laws as not going far enough, even as industry and some EU member states more dependent on coal-fired power push back against the effort. The ETS cap and trade system covers power generation, steel plants, cement, chemicals and commercial aviation-between them representing around 40% of European greenhouse emissions. Wednesday’s package would extend this with a parallel market for shipping, road transport and construction. To placate them, pollution quotas that are currently distributed freely to EU-based producers to help them compete with cheaper less-regulated imports would be phased out.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
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