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Lightwave Logic

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  1. Steve Schiets 9 juni 2021 13:30
    Hey iedereen,

    Het is een fulltime job alle berichten bij te houden, iets dat ik graag doe maar veel tijd en energie kost. Beursduivel was ik wat uit het oog verloren. Ik ben natuurlijk ontzettend blij dat we boven de 4 hebben afgesloten wat maakt dat we op de nasdaq weldra zullen noteren.

    Hou jullie aandelen goed vast want het zal nog hard gaan. Wees maar zeker dat er al grotere instellingen proberen posities in te nemen. Als je ziet hoe grotere volumes worden opgemeten weet je dat. Gisteren 1,3 miljoen aandelen verhandeld.
  2. Sebas30 9 juni 2021 18:44
    Prima dat de zwakke handen nu verkopen en winst nemen, dat is vrij normaal, die zien echt de potentie niet en het kan opeens hard gaan zoals we gezien hebben. Zeker nu er institutionele beleggers zijn ingestapt. Ik hou mijn aandelen stevig vast, maar dat doe ik al jaren en onder de 25 dollar verkoop ik niks tenzij LWLG wordt overgenomen al gaat daar de voorkeur van Lebby niet naar uit op korte termijn.
  3. Steve Schiets 10 juni 2021 10:39
    Deze post is van Photonicsguy op ihub. Een beetje ingefluisterd door een anonieme belegger.

    Connecting a few dots...

    Let's review a few facts and see if we can draw some reasonable conclusions.


    1. Traditionally, Data Center operators (the FAANG's, Facebook, Amazon, etc.) contract with large hardware manufacturers/integrators (Intel, Cisco, etc.) to design/build the data centers to meet specific requirements of the operator. The H/W manufacturers then work with individual transceiver providers to build components that enabled the integrator to meet the requirements of the data center operator. This results in the entire system being "owned" by the data center operator along with all of the leverage that entails. For example, if LWLG modulators were used in this process, then the IP gleaned by Lightwave can only be sold to Intel – control over Lightwave’s revenue and access to markets is in the hands of Intel. This has resulted in an almost monopolistic control over the marketplace into the hands of the large system operators.

    2. Dr. Lebby emphasized that LWLG is working with foundries (plural) to provide them with PDKs to allow LWLG IP to be embedded into the foundries' processes to enable various foundry customers to produce components that include LWLG polymers.

    3. Dr. Lebby mentioned in the recent AGM presentation of the need for "standardization" in the fabrication of photonics products. Essentially, selecting the features desired from a catalog, customizing the platform and then fabricating them to meet a customer's specific needs.

    4. Global Foundries (about to go IPO) purchased a commodity chip operation from IBM. From a Forbes article about GF's Malta operation:

    Through strategic acquisitions, such as IBM’s microelectronics business, and fruitful partnerships with the likes of Ayar Labs and MACOM, GlobalFoundries quietly became a force in silicon photonics. It’s already captured 10% of the foundry business—if it continues at this rate, it will soon be impossible to overlook.

    5. Dr. Karen Liu (VP Marketing LWLG) shows on her profile has having moved to NY Greater Metro area, which is about 30 min from Malta.

    Let's see if we can connect a few of these dots...

    Suppose that LWLG and GF were to establish a partnership. This would easily enable any number of component manufacturers to include LWLG IP in their transceivers along with the performance benefits of polymers. Then these massive markets are able to be addressed in a much accelerated fashion with relatively small incremental investment as GF already has all the trained staff, factories and equipment along with LWLG's PDK processes in place to instantly spin LWLG polymers into these new components.

    If this were to be the case, this partnership would hit the ground running and could ramp up at an astonishing rate. Lightwave would avoid the growing pains of building a company from scratch with the required staffing, training, equipment, real-estate development, testing labs, etc. that would be required if they were to go it alone.

    Occam's Razor: "the simplest explanation is usually the best one."

    I usually don't operate in the realm of speculation and conjecture, but when taking all the above facts into context and applying Occam's Razor results in the distinct possibility/probability that something similar to the above conclusion may be in the works.
  4. Steve Schiets 10 juni 2021 10:40
    Dan de reactie van Jeunke

    Photonics Guy, I would rate the probability of this master minded scenario at 100%. This is a business model which has Lebby written all over it! It would tie GlobalFoundries and Lightwave at the hip and create a massive force in an exploding photonics market. Both companies together would benefit strategically and would deal a blow to the incumbent business model of Intel and Cisco by dealing directly with the large data center players. Being able to deliver absolutely unique and proprietary photonic system capabilities in terms of speed, bandwidth and low energy consumption from a very competitive and state of the art US manufacturing platform must scare the hell out of the semi conductor competition. Intel and IBM have something to ponder about!
  5. Yoghi 10 juni 2021 17:31
    Link webcast gevonden (voor wie tijd heeft):


    Dr. Michael Lebby, Chief Executive Officer, is scheduled to host a virtual investor presentation to investors during the event as follows:

    2021 LD Micro Invitational XI
    LD Micro is the host of the most influential conferences in the small-cap world. The Invitational, in particular, is unique. Day one celebrates the Hall of Fame, highlighting some of the top performers since our humble beginning back in 2008. Day two and three focus on newcomers and companies on the “cusp” of doing big things. If right, it’s a glimpse into the future. Welcome aboard.

    Die laatste zin bevalt me wel… ;-)
  6. Yoghi 16 juni 2021 16:15
    Lightwave Logic Announces Breakthrough Test Results from New Super-Fast Optical Modulator

    New Modulators Triple the Speed of Incumbent Devices and Provide the Potential to Enable Significantly Higher Internet Traffic

    ENGLEWOOD, Colo., June 16, 2021 -- Lightwave Logic, Inc. (OTCQX: LWLG), a technology platform company leveraging its proprietary electro-optic polymers to transmit data at higher speeds with less power, today announced test results from new modulators fabricated in 2021, which exceeded bandwidth design targets and achieved triple the data rate as compared to competing devices in use today.

    The unparalleled modulator devices were designed and fabricated in Lightwave logic’s Colorado facility on a silicon semiconductor platform. The breakthrough new devices demonstrated 3dB electro-optical with electrical bandwidths that exceed 100GHz – with measurements coming close to Lightwave Logic’s state-of-the-art 110GHz test equipment capability.

    “I am incredibly proud of our team’s accomplishment – representing roughly tripling of the data rates possible in fiber optic communications. This advancement is expected to have a profound impact on the traffic flow on the internet” said Dr. Michael Lebby, Chief Executive Officer. “In today’s systems we see optical modulators that perform with 3dB optical bandwidths around 30-40GHz and this translates to 50Gbps NRZ, or 100Gbps PAM4. These speeds are simply not fast enough: they have to be improved.”

    “Our devices are approximately 3 times faster and 100GHz 3dB bandwidth corresponds to a baud rate of 150GBps and 150 Gbps NRZ, or 300Gbps PAM4. The potential impact for increased traffic is huge and this helps all of us when we use video platforms at home or while out-of-the-office.” concluded Lebby.
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