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Sopheon« Terug naar discussie overzicht

Sopheon augustus 2020

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  1. [verwijderd] 27 augustus 2020 23:20
    Uit persbericht van Soof vandaag

    Strategy and Product

    Within this context, we continue to focus on and refine our growth strategies as noted in our annual report:
    Leverage our impressive roster of blue-chip references to extend Accolade as the digital platform of choice to digitalize corporate strategy and operational execution.
    • Generate faster net-new logo growth in target vertical industries through deeper specialization and domain-specific expertise.
    • Multiply our growth through developing and monetizing an Accolade ecosystem of distribution partnerships – channel, strategic and geographical.
    • Engage in M&A only if it propels the speed and competency for Sopheon to achieve the above.
    • Transform to a cloud business.
    Clearly, we have seen some interruptions due to the pandemic, but also see continuing opportunity. We have maintained investment in all the above areas – including starting TO TAKE A MORE STRUCTURED LOOK AT M&A OPPORTUNITIES – while also maintaining our rapid pace of new releases for the Accolade platform

    Zou het er eindelijk van gaan komen?

  2. [verwijderd] 27 augustus 2020 23:22
    Een paar interessante stukken uit het vandaag gepubliceerde Fincapp rapport:

    Revenue growth of 1% during a pandemic represented a considerable achievement in an enterprise customer environment anecdotally hamstrung in new decision making.

    ?As experienced across the peer group, sales (extensions and upgrades) to existing customers represented 11 of the 13 deals in the period, with 2 new customer deals.

    ?Both of the new customers won in the period signed SaaS deals, with protracted revenue recognition (one five years, one three), however the bulk of the existing customers remain licence customers.

    ?The size of the deals were larger, leading to better revenue performance despite the prior year comparison of more numerous deals (18). Deal size continues to be such that the size of the bookings for new deals is double the prior year figure.

    ?Deal completions continue despite COVID-19: since 30 June, a further eight deals, of which the two new customers deals were also SaaS, have been contracted.

    ?One services deal contracted in the period was worth $1m alone for delivery into FY21. As we hypothesised at the onset of lockdown, existing customers would logically embrace Accolade, demanding more functionality and broader deployment across their business, whereas prospective customers may be tempted to defer decisions on new deployments.
  3. [verwijderd] 27 augustus 2020 23:23
    The current 12-month forward sales pipeline is “broadly steady” after a large increase at the beginning of the year. Within the pipeline, deals with value in excess of $0.5m are up 10% since 1H19 (42% since 1/1/19), the commercial teams are busy, and sales efforts are gaining traction. Even with the caveats, large deals like Mondelez are still completing (see below), albeit the sales cycle was protracted from pre-COVID.

    Some 64% of the pipeline is SaaS, with new prospects 75% SaaS, while 62% of existing customer pipeline is perpetual. COVID-resistant sectors remain in Sopheon’s sweet spot Defence (broadly affected but not where government related – Sopheon’s subsector focus), Chemicals, Food & Beverage, and High Tech.
  4. [verwijderd] 27 augustus 2020 23:24
    SaaS development and Cloud Lift

    We believe that the conversion of existing customers to SaaS could generate a further $5- 9m in ARR. Teams Integration with Accolade 13.1 is only available over SaaS – encouraging transition with successive upgrades and migrating customers to the same single Accolade version, with bespoke UX/UI (user experience and user interaction) but the same cloud platform.

    The group’s response to COVID included the deployment of an integrated Microsoft Teams Connector, and development of the Disruption Response Toolkit configuration, giving customers the ability to generate and monitor assessment, analysis and reprioritisation of strategic initiatives, implementation of supply chain changes, and amendment of their product portfolio initiatives.

    At little additional charge to clients, the reconfiguration showed the suitability for management of structural change, both forced and voluntary. While COVID-19 is a black swan, constant and rapidly evolving disruption is a feature of modern business, where Accolade helps to structure and measure constructive strategic response

    This functionality was then integrated within the release of Accolade v13.1 and Accolade Connect for Microsoft 365. The new functionality included deeper integration with Microsoft 365, representing an industry first - maximising client returns on investment in Microsoft (Office) 365, both online and desktop, and thus the collaborative tools many corporate environments are already comfortable with, and also bringing structure and order to otherwise potentially disparate documents. As CEO Andy Michuda points out, many staff at client sites and working from home are indistinguishable in working practices as they all “live in Teams from the moment they switch on”

    The conversion of existing customers to cloud is a very long process, to be done at the customer pace and initiative (no stick) – but with the temptation of extra built-in functionality in the cloud version (plenty of carrots). Investment in the development of a cloud native full Accolade suite is likely to be in progress for several years, and we suspect there may be growth in capex – or M&A to deliver it without the capitalised and subsequently amortised R&D – which the balance sheet can very comfortably afford.
  5. marblesthegame 28 augustus 2020 13:38

    Arie de Beuker schreef op 27 augustus 2020 19:52:

    Nog 9000 op 9 pond verhandelt als laatste trade.

    Arie de Beuker
    En nog 2 kooporders van 17000 en 26000 stuks.
    Op de ene site niet vermeld en op een andere weer wel.

    Aug 27 2020, 16:24 900.00 17,000 880.00 910.00 Buy £153,000.00 O
    Aug 27 2020, 16:24 900.00 9,000 0.00 0.00 ? £81,000.00 O
    Aug 27 2020, 16:19 895.00 249 890.00 910.00 Sell £2,228.55 O
    Aug 27 2020, 16:17 900.00 26,000 880.00 910.00 Buy £234,000.00 O
  6. Gartje 28 augustus 2020 16:00
    Eigenlijk is dat geen eerlijk signaal naar je aandeelhouders toch? Per slot van rekening zitten wij allemaal maar met een doel! Tzt de boel verkopen tegen de hoogste prijs! Moet eerlijk zeggen dat ik toch echt wel hoop dat 2021 en 22 ons wat gaat brengen, want mijn aow is ook geen vetpot;-)))))
  7. [verwijderd] 29 augustus 2020 09:54
    mogge, ik zie het juist heel positief, die grote aankopen van afgelopen donderdag. 1van 153.000 pond, 1 van 81.000 pond, en nog is 1 van 234.000 pond. maak mij niet uit, hoe die aankopen gedaan worden. ze hebben er een hoop geld voor over, om aandelen van soof binnen te harken. weet nog dat een paar jaar geleden, de voorzitter en het hele bestuur aandelen kochten voor hun kleinkinderen.
    wie weet is dit nu weer gebeurt.
    ps, die van 81.000, stond op een andere side als aankoop gemeld.
  8. OVI 29 augustus 2020 13:59

    hunky schreef op 29 augustus 2020 09:54:

    mogge, ik zie het juist heel positief, die grote aankopen van afgelopen donderdag. 1van 153.000 pond, 1 van 81.000 pond, en nog is 1 van 234.000 pond. maak mij niet uit, hoe die aankopen gedaan worden. ze hebben er een hoop geld voor over, om aandelen van soof binnen te harken. weet nog dat een paar jaar geleden, de voorzitter en het hele bestuur aandelen kochten voor hun kleinkinderen.
    wie weet is dit nu weer gebeurt.
    ps, die van 81.000, stond op een andere side als aankoop gemeld.
    Het is ook zeker positief, want het toont in mijn ogen dat er een grotere koper vertrouwen heeft in het bedrijf en dat er in ieder geval interesse is.
    Als de transactie gewoon via de beurs zou gaan, zou de koers echter ook stijgen en zou er een hoger koers op de borden staan.

    Ik denk dat Soof dit jaar gezien de wereldwijde pandemie bovenverwachting presteert en verwacht ook zeker een stuk hoger koers richting maart 2021. Ik ben al jaren een zeer trouwe Sopheon-fan en heb nog wel 25 jaar te gaan tot mijn pensioen, dus ik kan wachten.

    Fijn om te zien dat het forum ook af en toe weer wat oplevingen heeft en dat er wat informatie gedeeld wordt. Wordt door mij zeer gewaardeerd, dus dank daarvoor allemaal..

    gr. OVI
  9. [verwijderd] 29 augustus 2020 22:53
    H120: Sopheon holding up

    When AIM-listed enterprise innovation management provider Sopheon reported FY results in March we said that the first six months of 2020 would be a key benchmark to see how the business was executing on the lessons it learned during 2019, whilst accepting that these are exceptional times – see Sopheon’s bump in the road. Those lessons centred on progress in SaaS, improved sales operations and a better ecosystem. Today is the day and 2020 interim results show the company was dented by C-19 impact but held up fairly well.

    Revenue nudged up from $13.7m to $13.9m despite some non-renewal notices although Adjusted EDITDA nudged down from $2.8m to $2.6m. The level of business activity has decreased but during the six months to 30 June Sopheon did close 13 software transactions including 2 from new customers (vs. 18 and 7 respectively in the year ago period) and deal sizes are moving upwards: 4 $1m+ orders. Business is weighed towards H2, and Q4 in particular;  so far during H2 the company has closed 8 software deals, including another 2 new customers. All new customers have opted for multi-year SaaS contracts which is one of its strategic goals. 

    A diverse customer base has been a boon as food, beverage and consumables; chemicals; and defence showed resilience to the crisis, although other segments suffered. It continues to target new customers in vertical sectors, develop its ecosystem, invest in the Accolade product and push its cloud transition. One adjustment is that it is now “starting to take a more structured look at M&A opportunities” and it has cash in the bank.

  10. abc123xyz987 6 maart 2021 18:48

    limomilo schreef op 5 augustus 2020 22:38:

    Ik heb Soof aandelen al zolang dat ik mijn aankoopprijs niet meer terug kan vinden. Ik weet we dat ze op een gegeven ogenblik niet eens meer een hollands dubbeltje waard waren. Verkopen had geen zin, leverde enige honderdjes op. Probleem nu is als ik ze nu verkoop moet ik aan de Spaanse belastingdienst 24% van mijn winst inleveren een kleine 10000 euro, daar heb ik dus geen zin in. Ik moet nog wat verzinnen om ze in een NL foundation te plaatsen of zo iets. Iemand tips?
    Ik ken hem niet maar kreeg deze naam door. Heb zelf nog geen contact met gem gehad maar herinnerde mij dat jij ergens in Spanje zit en op zoek was naar tips.


    Groet ABC
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