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  1. Osho 22 juli 2019 18:13

    Osho schreef op 7 juli 2019 21:43:


    American Manganese is ermee bezig
    Green technologie solutions
    En meer

    AMY - American Manganese + 5%



    American Manganese, AMY on the TSXV and AMYZF on the OTC, in my opinion, represents an interesting speculation for investors.

    The company is the leader with worldwide patents for recycling lithium-ion batteries.

    All of those electric car batteries, phone batteries, etc. will have to be recycled and I see AMY as having the leading technology in the industry to make this happen, not 5 years from now, not next year, but NOW.

    AMY just reported on July 11th:

    American Manganese Inc. Reports Initial Pilot Plant Results of 99.88% Purity from Recovered NMC Cathode Material.
    In my opinion, investors seem to be overlooking this opportunity as the shares continue to trade on the TSXV Exchange (AMY) for C$0.145 and AMYZF at $0.118 in the U.S.

    In full disclosure I am a shareholder of AMY and I like the story. Could I be wrong, it is possible, but I do not think so. Please do your own due diligence before buying any shares, it is your money so take responsibility for your investment decisions.

    This could possibly be the most overlooked opportunity of the decade.

    Zelf niet in de port. Maar wel een interessant aandeel.
  2. Osho 22 juli 2019 22:46

    Osho schreef op 22 juli 2019 18:13:


    AMY - American Manganese + 5%



    American Manganese, AMY on the TSXV and AMYZF on the OTC, in my opinion, represents an interesting speculation for investors.

    The company is the leader with worldwide patents for recycling lithium-ion batteries.

    All of those electric car batteries, phone batteries, etc. will have to be recycled and I see AMY as having the leading technology in the industry to make this happen, not 5 years from now, not next year, but NOW.

    AMY just reported on July 11th:

    American Manganese Inc. Reports Initial Pilot Plant Results of 99.88% Purity from Recovered NMC Cathode Material.
    In my opinion, investors seem to be overlooking this opportunity as the shares continue to trade on the TSXV Exchange (AMY) for C$0.145 and AMYZF at $0.118 in the U.S.

    In full disclosure I am a shareholder of AMY and I like the story. Could I be wrong, it is possible, but I do not think so. Please do your own due diligence before buying any shares, it is your money so take responsibility for your investment decisions.

    This could possibly be the most overlooked opportunity of the decade.

    Zelf niet in de port. Maar wel een interessant aandeel.
    Klein ingekocht op 0,18 CAD kijken waar dit heengaat. Mogelijk nog een keer uitbreiden bij dalingen.

    American Manganese Inc. Corporate Profile

    American Manganese Inc. (TSX.V: AMY; FRANK: 2AM; PINKS: AMYZF.pk) is a junior resources company with its headquarters in White Rock, part of the Greater Vancouver region of B.C. Canada. Originally incorporated as Ameridex Minerals Corp., since changing its name in September 2006 American Manganese Inc. has developed into a multi mineral resources company. Its focus is on mineral properties and commodities used in the Steel Industry, expanding from its Rocher Deboule property in British Columbia with the addition of Manganese properties in Arizona and British Columbia as well as 2 Niobium properties in B.C.

    Manganese is a commodity in demand, with the price per ton having seen a rise from $1,225 to over $4,000 during 2007. American Manganese Inc. is poised to capitalize on the potential of this market with the acquisition in June 2007 of the Artillery Peak Manganese Properties in Arizona.

    IOCG (Iron-Oxide-Copper-Gold) mineralization has become a focus of attention in mineral commodities since the discovery and development of enormous IOCG resources such as Olympic Dam (Australia), Candelaria (Chile) and Kiruna (Finland). The IOCG Target on the Rocher Deboule Property brings tremendous market potential into the company’s portfolio of mineral resource holdings, and exploration is underway to confirm and define the scope of the IOCG resource, in addition to it’s historical high-grade targets.

  3. Osho 23 juli 2019 16:31

    Osho schreef op 22 juli 2019 22:46:


    Klein ingekocht op 0,18 CAD kijken waar dit heengaat. Mogelijk nog een keer uitbreiden bij dalingen.

    American Manganese Inc. Corporate Profile

    American Manganese Inc. (TSX.V: AMY; FRANK: 2AM; PINKS: AMYZF.pk) is a junior resources company with its headquarters in White Rock, part of the Greater Vancouver region of B.C. Canada. Originally incorporated as Ameridex Minerals Corp., since changing its name in September 2006 American Manganese Inc. has developed into a multi mineral resources company. Its focus is on mineral properties and commodities used in the Steel Industry, expanding from its Rocher Deboule property in British Columbia with the addition of Manganese properties in Arizona and British Columbia as well as 2 Niobium properties in B.C.

    Manganese is a commodity in demand, with the price per ton having seen a rise from $1,225 to over $4,000 during 2007. American Manganese Inc. is poised to capitalize on the potential of this market with the acquisition in June 2007 of the Artillery Peak Manganese Properties in Arizona.

    IOCG (Iron-Oxide-Copper-Gold) mineralization has become a focus of attention in mineral commodities since the discovery and development of enormous IOCG resources such as Olympic Dam (Australia), Candelaria (Chile) and Kiruna (Finland). The IOCG Target on the Rocher Deboule Property brings tremendous market potential into the company’s portfolio of mineral resource holdings, and exploration is underway to confirm and define the scope of the IOCG resource, in addition to it’s historical high-grade targets.

    + 12%

  4. Osho 24 juli 2019 17:30

    RecycLiCoTM Pilot Plant Continues Optimization and Commercial Feasibility Study Plans

    CEO: Another Step on the Environmentally Friendly Path to Lithium-ion Battery Recycling

    SURREY, BC / ACCESSWIRE / July 24, 2019 / American Manganese Inc. (TSX.V: AMY) (OTC PINK: AMYZF) (FSE: 2AM) (“AMY” or the “Company”), is pleased to report that improved RecycLiCoTM Pilot Plant results were achieved with a 99.93% purity (previously 99.88%) from the second production of recycled NMC cathode material. The results were submitted by the Company’s contractor, Kemetco Research [Picture of Current Sample]. The Company will continue testing the existing stockpile of NMC and NCA cathode scrap to further optimize cathode material purity.

    “The 99.93% purity achieved by the RecycLiCoTM Pilot Plant is a great demonstration of high-quality cathode materials expected in the lithium-ion battery manufacturing industry” said Shailesh Upreti, Advisory Board Member of American Manganese and President of C4V and Chairman of iMperium3 New York, a consortium that is building a lithium-ion battery Gigafactory in New York state and other parts of the world.

    “All of us on the American Manganese team are extremely pleased with the recent purity results as it demonstrates our ability to continually improve our recycling potential and provide an environmentally friendly solution to the lithium-ion battery recycling industry,” said Larry Reaugh, President and CEO of American Manganese.

    Further to the Company’s previously announced patents, American Manganese Inc. holds U.S. Patent No. 10,246,343 and Patent No. 10,308,523 for its lithium-ion battery recycling technology under its wholly owned U.S. subsidiary, Rocher Manganese Inc.

    Read more at stockhouse.com/news/press-releases/20...

    Dit gaat de goede kant op.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 13 augustus 2019 19:19
    Albemarle to Delay Construction Plans For Lithium Processing

    Albemarle Corp said that it would delay construction plans for about 125,000 tons of additional lithium processing capacity as an oversupply of the white metal used to make electric vehicle batteries has pushed down prices. The move from the world's top lithium producer is happening as trade tensions between the US and China rattle commodity markets, particularly Lithium, which has been especially weak because of lower demand from China after a change in the country's electric vehicle subsidies.

    Albemarle said it expects lithium supply-demand dynamics to tighten in 2020, adding that it would add production capacity to meet demand. Mr Luke Kissam CEO said that "We're still bullish on demand, post-earnings call, while the head of the lithium unit said he expects demand to "step up again in 2020 to a greater degree."

    In the meantime, Albemarle said the move would lower capital expenses by about USD 1.5 billion over the next five years. It expects to become free cash flow positive in 2021.

    The company last week revised a deal to buy into Australia's Mineral Resources Ltd's Wodgina mine to cut spending on the deal and put on hold plans to build a 100,000 tonnes a year lithium hydroxide plant at Wodgina.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  6. forum rang 10 voda 27 augustus 2019 16:29
    LITHIUM 27-8-2019 16:24:00
    Prijs van lithium last van overaanbod en subsidieverlagingen

    Fotobron: Pixabay

    Het is de vraag of hierin belegd zijn een zegen is

    (finanzen.nl) - De prijs van lithium staat onder druk van overaanbod en subsidieverlagingen voor elektrische voertuigen. En dat blijft niet zonder gevolgen voor 's werelds grootste producenten van deze grondstof. Ze zien de winsten dalen omdat de prijzen dalen voor de belangrijkste producten waarvoor het nodig is.
    De opkomst van de elektrische auto was ooit een zegen voor de lithiumindustrie, die deze belangrijke grondstof wint en verwerkbaar maakt voor alle accu's in dergelijke voertuigen. Maar dit jaar lijkt een regelrecht rotjaar te worden voor lithium. Dat stelt de Britse zakenkrant Financial Times.
    De prijs voor het ruwe materiaal is volgens Benchmark Mineral Intelligence met 13 procent gedaald. Daardoor zijn ook de winsten van de grootste producenten flink getrimd. En de meeste koerswinsten van beursgenoteerde bedrijven in deze tak van sport, die sinds 2016 sterk in de lift zaten, zijn inmiddels ook weggevaagd.
    De impact van Australië en China

    Het Chileense SQM, de op een na grootste mijnbouwer die lithium wint, stelde vorige week dat zijn opbrengsten in het tweede kwartaal zo goed als gehalveerd zijn tot 70,2 miljoen dollar. En dat wijt SQM aan de lagere lithiumprijzen. Een ander voorbeeld is het Chinese Lithium Tianqi, de grootste producent in China. De winst in de eerste helft van dit jaar blijkt 85 procent lager te zijn uitgevallen dan in dezelfde periode in 2018.
    Wat is er aan de hand? De markt wordt overstroomd door te veel lithium en dat heeft in belangrijke mate te maken met de snelle uitbreiding van mijnen in Australië. Tegelijkertijd heeft een verlaging van de overheidssubsidies voor kopers van elektrische voertuigen in China de vraag daarnaar in 's werelds grootste elektrische automarkt verzwakt. En dat mist zijn weerslag niet op lithium als basismateriaal.
    Maar let op deze kanttekening

    Er moet echter een kanttekening worden geplaatst. Ondanks de prijsdaling(en) zijn de grootste batterijproducenten ter wereld nog steeds gebrand op het veiligstellen van toekomstige lithiumvoorraden om aan de vraag van autofabrikanten te voldoen bij de uitrol van nieuwe elektrische modellen, vooral in Europa.
    Het in Chengdu gevestigde Tianqi maakte dan ook onlangs nog bekend dat zijn Australische dochteronderneming een overeenkomst heeft gesloten om lithiumhydroxide te leveren aan de Zuid-Koreaanse batterijenfabrikant LG Chem, in de periode van 2020 tot 2022.
    Wereldwijde consolidatieslag

    Tianqi vindt dat de stormloop van investeringen in de lithiumsector van de afgelopen jaren op een "normaal" niveau is gekomen en dat producenten, die niet kunnen concurreren, eenvoudig weg "geëlimineerd" worden. In zoverre lijkt Tianqi de erosie van de lithiumprijzen te beschouwen als een niet te vermijden hoofdstuk in een wereldwijde consolidatieslag.
    In maart van 2018 werd al door analisten gewaarschuwd voor prijsdruk bij lithium. Verschillende mijnbouwers hadden aangekondigd de productie van het metaal te willen verhogen. Dat voelde het in Amsterdam genoteerde Advanced Metallurgical Group (AMG), een aanbieder van lithium, toen gelijk op Beursplein 5 en zorgen van beleggers emmerden toen nog een tijdje door.

  7. forum rang 10 voda 11 september 2019 12:46
    Beursblik: langetermijnplaatje lithium positief

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De lithiummarkt kent op korte termijn de nodige uitdagingen, maar op langere termijn zijn de vooruitzichten goed. Dit zei SQM, een van de grootste lithiumproducenten ter wereld dinsdag en dat kon op instemming van analist Stijn Demeester van ING rekenen, nadat enkele andere producenten de rem op capaciteitsuitbreidingen zette vanwege prijsdruk.

    SQM herhaalde de outlook die het heeft voor de vraag- en prijsontwikkeling in de komende jaren.

    "We beschouwen deze uitspraken [van SQM] als een broodnodige steun voor de lithiummarkt", aldus Demeester.

    De markt stond onder druk door een lagere vraag voor de korte termijn, overcapaciteit en daardoor dalende prijzen in de afgelopen twee jaar, aldus Demeester.

    De uitspraken van SQM bevestigen voor Demeester dat AMG er goed aan doet te investeren in verticale integratie.

    ING heeft een koopadvies op AMG met een koersdoel van 37,00 euro. Het aandeel daalde woensdag 0,4 procent naar 20,92 euro.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 20 december 2019 14:10
    Long Term Lithium Demand Remains Robust – Albemarle

    World’s largest lithium producer Albemarle Corp CEO Mr Luke Kissam expects robust long term demand for the electric vehicle battery mineral despite troubles in the existing market resulting from oversupply. He said “The demand outlook for lithium remains robust. We have enough lithium to satisfy demand for next 10 to 15 years. Looking out to 2024, we forecast a 38 percent jump in revenue, helped largely by the company’s lithium business. The company expects its lithium production capacity to more than double by 2024 to 225,000 tonnes annually. Without lithium there are no electric vehicles.”

    Mr Kissam admitted that Albemarle went on an expansion spree because he did not anticipate the rapid growth in the EV market, a growth that then overshot demand as a result. He said “Demand for lithium accelerated much faster than we anticipated back in 2017.”

    The outlook comes as shareholder anxiety about Albemarle and its peers has escalated in recent months, with the industry having produced far more of the white metal than EV makers currently need. Wall Street analysts have downgraded Albemarle.

    The five-year forecast time frame appears to have been consciously chosen: many EV analysts expect global production of electric vehicles to reach a tipping point in 2024, a development that would fuel a surge in lithium demand.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  9. forum rang 10 voda 7 januari 2020 20:25
    World Lithium Market Update - DIIS

    Australia’s Department of Industry, Innovation and Science’s Resources and Energy Quarterly December 2019 said “The lithium market is experiencing excess supply, which has boosted inventories and weighed on prices for the past year. Oversupply is expected until the end of the outlook period. However, the impacts are likely to differ depending on the type of lithium product, destination and how refinery plants ramp up. Lithium carbonate price declines. Contract and spot prices for battery-grade lithium carbonate have fallen noticeably over 2019. Spot prices in November were about US57.700 a tonne, including cost insurance and freight to China, compared with over US$12,000 a tonne less than a year ago. Lithium hydroxide pricing depends on destination Battery-grade lithium hydroxide for contract and spot sales has followed similar trends to carbonate, with prices down over the past year from US$15,000 a tonne to US$8,100 (in China) and US$12,000 (in South Korea and Europe). Prices between markets diverged from mid-2019. The falls have led some producers to push supply to the premium market. Prices are projected to turn in late 2021 or early 2022. as consumption C3tches up with supply.

    Spodumene inventory large, prompting production pullback Spodumene concentrate, the feedstock for lithium hydroxide, is expected to face oversupply during the outlook period. Some producers have published guidance of USS550-USS600 a tonne for spodumene concentrate. Spodumene prices vary with product quality and comparison wth spot is not simple in this nascent market. A recent sharp pullback in spodumene supply will help ease downward price pressure in the short term, wth an expected rise in future demand providing longer term support. In the meanwhile, producers have focussed on improving product quality in an attempt to offset declining prices 3nd the flat outlook for prices over the next couple of years.

    Voor cijfers, zie pdf.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  10. Petex 20 januari 2020 09:02
    Vulcan Energy Resources:

    Maiden Indicated Lithium-Brine Resource at the Insheim
    Licence, Vulcan Zero Carbon LithiumTM Project

    • Maiden Indicated Lithium-Brine Mineral Resource Estimation
    completed at the Insheim License, subject to Vulcan’s recent agreement
    with the Insheim Geothermal Plant owner-operator Pfalzwerke
    geofuture GmbH.
    • Indicated Mineral Resource of 722,000 t of contained Lithium Carbonate
    Equivalent (LCE), at the Insheim Licence with a lithium brine grade of 181
    mg/l Li.
    • Vulcan’s combined global Resource now estimated at 13.95 Mt LCE
    (Indicated & Inferred) at 2 of 6 licences, the largest JORC-compliant
    Lithium Resource in Europe.
    • Scoping Study completion on track for completion in Q1 2020.
    • Vulcan is the fastest growing lithium project in the world and is leading
    the industry with its Zero Carbon LithiumTM Project.

    Managing Director, Dr. Francis Wedin commented: “With Vulcan’s Maiden Indicated
    Mineral Resource Estimate at Insheim, we are continuing to advance our Zero Carbon
    LithiumTM project at a rapid rate. The use of data from producing wells at Insheim allows
    for increased confidence in the resource category used. It increases the size of the JORC
    lithium resource at the Vulcan Project, already easily the largest in Europe, and
    increasingly highlights the potential for it to be the primary source for the European
    battery industry’s lithium hydroxide needs, via a low-impact, Zero Carbon LithiumTM
    process powered by and sourced from geothermal wells. The supply-demand dynamic is
    compelling: European lithium-ion battery production is the fastest growing in the world,
    with new capacity plans announced regularly, but this market has zero local supply of
    battery-quality lithium hydroxide. We next look forward to updating our shareholders on
    our Scoping Study, the results of which are on track to be reported this quarter.”
  11. Osho 20 januari 2020 20:56

    Trump Admin halves import tariffs on batteries imported from China, from 15% to 7.5%. That will provide yet another tailwind for energy storage in the U.S. We should see big installation numbers in 2020 as industry gathers momentum.

    Orocobre heeft meteen een order te pakken van een niet nader genoemde chinese onderneming.
  12. Osho 5 februari 2020 11:10

    Toyota And Panasonic Launch Joint Venture To Make Electric Car Batteries

    Toyota Motor Corporation operating officer Masayoshi Shirayanagi (L) and Panasonic Corporation ... [+] AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
    Toyota Motor Corp. and Panasonic Corp. will collaborate on developing a new generation of batteries for electric vehicles. The joint venture, announced Monday, will begin in April, the two companies said.

    The venture, to be called Prime Planet Energy and Solutions, will work on prismatic batteries that they intend to sell to other automakers, according to a statement released Monday.

    Prismatic batteries are square-shaped in contrast with the cylindrical lithium-ion batteries found in many early electric vehicles.

    The new business will initially employ more than 5,000 people. Toyota will own 51%, while Panasonic owns 49%.

    “Batteries — as solutions for providing energy for automobiles and other forms of mobility, and as solutions for various kinds of environmental issues – are expected to fulfill a central role in society going forward,” the companies said in a press release.

    This is not the first joint venture between Toyota and Panasonic. The two companies have cooperated on battery research since 1996.

    Last May they disclosed plans to work together to integrate Toyota’s new mobility work into local transportation systems, such as a pilot program in Columbus, Ohio.

    Today In: Business
    Separately, last November, Toyota and Chinese EV manufacturer BYD formed a partnership to design EV batteries in China.

    The partnership is important for Panasonic, which has been the exclusive battery supplier to Tesla.
  13. [verwijderd] 19 februari 2020 22:31

    CHARLOTTE, N.C., Feb. 19, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Albemarle Corporation (NYSE: ALB) today announced its results for the fourth quarter and full year 2019.

    Albemarle Corp. Logo. (PRNewsFoto/Albemarle Corporation)

    Fourth Quarter 2019 Highlights
    (Based on year-over-year comparisons)

    Net sales of $993 million increased ~8%, including an unfavorable currency exchange impact of ~1%
    Diluted EPS of $0.85 decreased ~30%
    Adjusted diluted EPS of $1.73 increased ~13%
    Adjusted EBITDA of $295 million increased ~12%

    Full Year 2019 Highlights
    (Based on year-over-year comparisons)

    Net sales of $3.6 billion increased ~6%, including an unfavorable foreign exchange impact of ~1%
    Diluted EPS of $5.02 decreased ~21%
    Adjusted diluted EPS of $6.04 increased ~10%
    Adjusted EBITDA of $1.04 billion increased ~3%

    Notable Developments

    Completed acquisition of 60% ownership in the Wodgina spodumene mine and formed MARBL Lithium Joint Venture with Mineral Resources Limited on Oct. 31, 2019.
    Issued a series of notes totaling ~$1.6 billion to repay 1) $1.0 billion balance of the unsecured credit facility primarily used to fund the Wodgina acquisition, 2) ~$350 million of commercial paper notes and 3) the remaining balance of $175.2 million of senior notes issued in 2010. Funds also used for general corporate purposes.
    In collaboration with ExxonMobil, created the Galexia™ platform, a transformative hydroprocessing suite of catalyst and service solutions for the refining industry.
    Advanced cost-reduction program expected to deliver a run rate of over $100 million in sustainable savings by the end of 2021.
    Commenced process to divest Fine Chemistry Services and Performance Catalyst Solutions businesses and furthered prospective buyer evaluations.
    Named to S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrat Index in recognition of 25 years of dividend increases.
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