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Aandeel Galapagos AEX:GLPG.NL, BE0003818359

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Galapagos oktober 2019

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  1. [verwijderd] 25 oktober 2019 09:01
    Our next question comes from the line of Phil Nadeau with Cowen and Company. Your line is now open.

    Phil Nadeau -- Cowen and Company -- Analyst

    Good afternoon and thanks for taking my question. Just one question on filgotinib, maybe to ask numerous question a different way, you've talked a lot about differentiating filgotinib. How important is a differentiated label to that process commercially, how else -- what other key points will you have in differentiating filgotinib. And then second filgotinib question, we have been expecting data from filgotinib as well as GS-9876 [Indecipherable] in COE in the second half of this year. I noticed in your slides, neither of those programs were mentioned, is there any update on those two Phase II programs. Thanks.

    Daniel O'Day -- Chairman & Chief Executive Officer

    Yeah, Johanna [Indecipherable] concern the commercial side Phil, and then we'll go to John on the development.

    Johanna Mercier -- Chief Commercial Officer

    Okay. So Phil, more on the competitive concept. So, as you know, this environment is super competitive and many of us know it well, including myself. And so we've really pool together a team that has considerable experience in this field. The piece that you would say about the differentiated level, I think it's twofold. I think from a label standpoint what we've seen thus far from the FDA is a little bit of a more of a class labeling. And so our expectations and we'll go through the process, but we are also being conservative in our expectations. One of the things that I would say is the importance of our data and I think that if you look at the results of the three Finch 3 studies in three different patient groups, those are really exciting for us, both from an efficacy standpoint as well as safety standpoint.

    So a lot of the work that's being done right now is sub analysis to ensure that we can better educate physicians about our data. So that's kind of the plan there. And I do think that the opportunity here is to potentially have a best-in-class JAK inhibitor in that could be also related to the sell activity of the JAK1. So having said that, that's what we're doing, all hands on deck to prepare for a competitive launch, but a differentiated one and an innovative one at the same time. So we're excited about that and obviously we'll know more about the label in the coming months through 2020. So John, maybe on the other?

    John Sundy -- Senior Vice President and Head of our Inflammation Therapeutic Area.

    Sure, let me update you on the status of the cutaneous lupus in children studies that we conducted. So these were proof-of-concept studies as you probably know. We looked at a couple or even three different drugs in the same trials for these. These studies were exploratory in nature. We set a high bar for ourselves to proceed. And while we did not see or meet the primary endpoints in these studies, I think I would like to point out is that we did see evidence of activity with filgotinib particularly in patients who had markers or evidence of more active disease. So we just got the first look at these data, we're looking at the full set of data from all of these studies and we will determine the next steps that we take in lupus and Sjogren's disease and we'll share those results at upcoming meeting soon.

    Bron: www.fool.com/amp/earnings/call-transc...

    De Filgotinib data lijkt dus positief, maar het lijkt erop dat de twee andere medicijnen minder gepresenteerd hebben binnen het primaire eindpunt.

  2. Lingus 25 oktober 2019 09:05

    lmr schreef op 24 oktober 2019 23:43:


    Ik hoorde het ook, maar het antwoord was een beetje vaag. Iets van "primair niet overtuigend, maar het was ook een proof of concept studie en we hebben veel geleerd over verschil in efficiëntie tussen de verschillende groepen." Daarna gaven ze aan dat uitgebreide resultaten van CLE en sjorgen op korte termijn gepubliceerd worden.

    Nu keek ik nog even naar de studie invulling en hier staat zowel filgotinib als GS-9876 als medicijn om te testen tegen de placebogroep en ten opzichte van elkaar. Wellicht kan het zijn dat GS-9876 niet het endpoints heeft behaald maar Filgotinib wel (of andersom).

    De Sjörgens studie heeft zelfs drie medicijnen die getest worden, zelfde als CLE + GS-4059. Ik denk dat we toch moeten wachten op deze resultaten om te zien wat de rol van filgotinib kan zijn.
    Met risico op voorbarige conclusies lees ik uit de earnings call transcript dat filgotinib wel, en de andere twee GS moleculen geen, effect vertoonden in CLE en Sjögren. De vraag naar effectieve moleculen in die twee indicaties is enorm. Ik zie het toch als hoopgevend. Uiteindelijk moeten we de analyses maar afwachten. Soon.

    "John Sundy

    Sure. Let me update you on the status of cutaneous lupus and Sjogren's studies that we conducted. So, these are proof-of-concept studies as you probably know we looked at a couple or even three different drugs in the same trials for these. These studies were exploratory in nature. We set a high bar for ourselves to proceed.

    And while we did not see or meet the primary endpoint in these studies, I think I would like to point out is that we did see evidence of activity with filgotinib, particularly in patients who had markers or evidence of more active disease.

    So, we just got the first look at these data, we're looking at the full set of data from all of these studies and we'll determine the next steps that we take an Lupus and Sjogren's disease and we'll share those results at an upcoming meeting soon."
  3. Piet2010 25 oktober 2019 09:09
    Omzet van €752,5 miljoen
    Operationele winst van €393,0 miljoen
    Nettowinst van €265,3 miljoen
    Kaspositie op 30 september 2019 van €5,6 miljard

    Een biotech met een winst van 265 miljoen, zo'n 4 euro per aandeel en een kaspositie van 5,6 miljard dus zo'n 90 euro per aandeel. En een geweldige pipeline met forse omzet in het verschiet. Lijkt me echt een reden om de koers maar eens 5 euro te laten dalen...begrijpt u het ?
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