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Aandeel ArcelorMittal AEX:MT.NL, LU1598757687

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
23,350   +0,140   (+0,60%) Dagrange 23,170 - 23,540 1.635.550   Gem. (3M) 2,6M

Arcelor Mittal September 2019

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  1. [verwijderd] 4 september 2019 15:59

    Derivaat schreef op 4 september 2019 15:51:

    waarom stijgen de koers nu weer na gisteren een inkoopmanagersindexcijfer in de US onder de 50,0? Is dat omdat er nu weer op een rentedaling vanuit de VS wordt gehint?
    Ik las vanmorgen ergens dat de metalen muur tussen Mexico en de VS weer op de agenda staat. Is dat misschien de hoofdoorzaak van de koersexplosie?
  2. forum rang 5 Koffiezondersuiker 4 september 2019 16:25

    Archie Steelman schreef op 4 september 2019 15:59:

    [...]De verwachting van meer monetaire stimulering door centrale banken houdt de koersen hoog. De zwakke economische cijfers van dinsdag zijn we al weer vergeten.
    Ik heb nergens iets over monetaire stimulering gelezen, maar wat ik gisteren op forexpros wel las is dat de FED nog ruimte heeft om te verruimen maar de ECB niet. Dit, samen, met die inkoopmanagemersindex van 49,1 leek mij eventueel dít te trigger te zijn zodat de FED toch weer die rente omlaag zet, om zo de economie aan te zwengelen.

    En ja, je weet, Wall Street is koning en alle andere beurzen zijn de slaafjes.
  3. Archie Steelman 4 september 2019 16:43

    Derivaat schreef op 4 september 2019 16:25:


    Ik heb nergens iets over monetaire stimulering gelezen, maar wat ik gisteren op forexpros wel las is dat de FED nog ruimte heeft om te verruimen maar de ECB niet. Dit, samen, met die inkoopmanagemersindex van 49,1 leek mij eventueel dít te trigger te zijn zodat de FED toch weer die rente omlaag zet, om zo de economie aan te zwengelen.

    En ja, je weet, Wall Street is koning en alle andere beurzen zijn de slaafjes.
    Van de Fed klopt het dat er ruimte is en dat de verwachting er ook is dat renteverlaging eraan komt.
    Tevens is het zo dat aankomend ECB-voorzitter Christine Lagarde woensdag voor het Europese parlement het stimulerende beleid van de centrale bank verdedigde. De beoogde opvolger van Mario Draghi stemde in met diens conclusie dat "een zeer accommoderend beleid voor een lange periode vereist is.
    En inderdaad is het zo dat de AEX meebeweegt met de gang van zaken op wall Street.
  4. forum rang 5 Koffiezondersuiker 4 september 2019 16:47
    @Archie: inderdaad, dat van Christine Lagarde heb ik ook gelezen maar zij is nog niet de nieuwe ECB-'baas'.

    Ik dacht dat de euro er mede voor bedoeld was geweest om Europa minder afhankelijk te maken van andere continenten, maar nog steeds beweegt de AEX mee vanuit wat er op Wall Street gebeurt.

    Achteraf een hoop leugens.
  5. forum rang 4 Yes we can 4 september 2019 17:00
    BRUSSELS, Sept 4 (Reuters) - EU governments approved limits
    to steel quotas on Wednesday designed to protect European
    manufacturers from the threat of surging imports following the
    effective closure of the U.S. market.
    A large majority of EU countries voted to back changes
    proposed by the European Commission, EU diplomats said.
    The bloc has had in place for a year as system of
    "safeguard" measures to control the incoming steel following
    Washington's imposition of 25% steel import tariffs.
    Quotas for 26 grades of steel, including stainless, were set
    at the average level of imports in 2015-2017 plus 5%, with
    further 5% hikes due in July and in July 2020. Imports of steel
    beyond these quotas are subject to a 25% duty.
    The Commission has proposed that this year's hike should be
    3% effective from Oct. 1, responding to industry complaints that
    a weak market cannot absorb increasing imports.
    EU steel association Eurofer estimates apparent steel
    consumption, which includes inventory changes, will fall by 0.6%
    this year and rise by 1.4% in 2020.
    Last year, Eurofer said, imports of finished steel products
    rose by 12% in a market that grew by 3.3%.
    The revised measures also involve limiting any one country
    to a 30% share of imports of hot-rolled flat steel during a
    It has also extended the measures to more products from
    developing countries, some of which had been exempt.
    Analysts say the revisions could have an impact on imports
    from Turkey and of stainless steel from Indonesia.
  6. [verwijderd] 4 september 2019 17:11
    Zoals gezegd verdwijnt de donkere wolk boven ACM steel een beetje maar we zijn er nog lang niet maar ook kleine opwaartse bewegingen brengen wat op de 20 euro is nog ver weg Ook dat hoeft niet ik verdien ze ze met kleine winstjes op de inzet terug Het is dus als een postduif die snel naar huis wil maar komt ie onderweg een vriendje tegen dan is het gedaan met de pret en zakt hij/zij af naar het maisveld omdat hij/zij vergeten heeft te eten Wat heeft dit met Acm Steel te doen.......?? Antwoord helemaal niets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. forum rang 10 voda 4 september 2019 17:46
    Dit zie je liever niet? :-)

    ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih Visited by Ukrainian Security Service Again

    ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih announced that on September 3, 2019the Security Service of Ukraine again visited the company to inspect the coke production facilities. It said “11 SBU representatives were admitted to the enterprise, accompanied by specialists from the Main Department of Environmental Inspection and the State Food and Beverage Service in the Dnipropetrovsk Region and the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Laboratory Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. At the same time, SBU employees refused to allow specialists of the enterprise to participate in the inspection, thereby depriving them of the opportunity to properly evaluate the measurements and actions taken.”

    Currently, SBU representatives, together with ecologists, are conducting an inspection of coal preparation, coke shops, as well as trapping and desulfurization workshops of coke production. The inspection is carried out on the basis of the decision of the Babushkinskiy District Court of the Dnieper on 08/13/2019 as part of a criminal investigation under Article 441 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine Ecocide.

    Recall that earlier, on July 20, SBU employees searched the enterprise to check the radiation background on a new continuous casting machine No. 3 (CCM-3), the commissioning of which was then suspended and the property was seized. It was possible to unlock the investment project and commissioning at CCM-3 only in early August. The health of the workers was not in danger, and the correctness of the enterprise with repeated measurements of the radiation background was confirmed. However, today the company received a notification from the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine on an unscheduled inspection based on a letter from the Main Directorate of Counterintelligence Protection of the State’s Interests in the Field of Economic Security of SBU dated 08.21.2019 No. 8/2 / 2-6817.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  8. forum rang 10 voda 4 september 2019 17:48
    Deze wel?

    ArcelorMittal Italia Extends Lay Off Period

    ArcelorMittal Italia has communicated to Trade Unions the request for the extension for 13 weeks of the intervention of Cassa Integrazione Ordinaria (CIGO) for the steel plant of Taranto from 30/09/2019 up to a maximum number of 1,395 employees per working day. This decision was motivated by the persistence of market criticalities and the inadequacy of demand that led to the first request for CIGO and this despite the industrial initiatives and marketing strategies undertaken by the Company.

    In addition to this situation, the European Commission has not yet taken sufficient action to support European producers and the reference market for the production of the Taranto plant.

    In the next few days, meetings are already planned with the local trade union organisations.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
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