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Aandeel Nyrstar BRU:NYR.BL, BE0974294267

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
0,084   -0,004   (-4,55%) Dagrange 0,075 - 0,090 57.142   Gem. (3M) 167,1K

Nyrstar 2018

3.660 Posts
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  1. Robin Hood 19 juni 2019 20:25
    Beste allen

    Zak massaal af 25/06 naar Brussel. Hou eveneens al een plekje vrij in de agenda 5 weken erna ook.
    Ik kan jullie alleen maar adviseren jullie goed voor te bereiden, de jaarrekeningen van 2016-2017 en 2018 te bestuderen en de nodige conclusies te trekken. Zet jullie vragen (financieel en operationeel) - hoe eenvoudig ze ook mogen lijken - op papier en vuur ze op een vriendelijke doch kordate manier af op management en raad van bestuur.
    FSMA geeft aan dat er onvoldoende duidelijkheid is om ook maar iets goed te keuren.
    Het is niet omdat je 'een kleine aandeelhouder' bent dat je ook 'klein in gedachten' hoeft te zijn en je je moet laten bestelen.

    Zie link: www.tijd.be/ondernemen/grondstoffen/f...

    Met hartelijke groeten en tot 25/06 !
  2. Bets 20 juni 2019 01:40
    Regulated Information

    Nyrstar: Recapitalisation steps commence: Launch of practice statement letter for Scheme of NN2 Newco Limited and entry into agreements regarding the sale of the operating group

    20 June 2019 at 01:00am CEST

    Update on Restructuring – recapitalisation steps commence

    Nyrstar NV (“Nyrstar” or the “Company”, and, together with its subsidiaries (the “Operating Group”), the “Group”)) today provides an update on the Recapitalisation terms announced on 15 April 2019 and publishes certain key documents, including the practice statement letter and the report prepared by the independent directors by the Company in accordance with article 524 of the Belgian Company Code on its website.

    NN2 Newco Limited and NN1 Newco Limited incorporation and bond accessions

    Nyrstar informs the holders of the 5% convertible bonds due 2022 issued by Nyrstar NV on 11 July 2016 (ISIN: BE6288132101) (the Convertible Bonds) and the holders of the €340,000,000 8 ½% Senior Notes due 2019 and the €500,000,000 6.875% Senior Notes due 2024 issued by Nyrstar Netherlands (Holdings) B.V. (the High Yield Notes) that in accordance with the requisite bondholder consents received on 21 May 2019 (pursuant to two successful consent solicitations in relation to the High Yield Notes and at a convertible bondholder meeting in relation to the Convertible Bonds):

    (i) two third supplemental indentures have been entered into with respect to the High Yield Notes (1) effecting (a) the amendments sought in the consent solicitations, including the accession of NN2 Newco Limited as a co-issuer of the High Yield Notes, changing the governing law of the High Yield Notes to English law and providing for the submission to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales and (b) the accession of NN1 Newco Limited as a guarantor of the High Yield Notes, in each case effective and operative as of the date hereof and (2) documenting the waivers sought in the consent solicitations, in each case effective and operative since 21 May 2019. The third supplemental indentures bind all holders of the High Yield Notes, including those that did not give their consent; and

    (ii) a supplemental trust deed has been entered into with respect to the Convertible Bonds, pursuant to which (1) the amendments sought at the convertible bondholder meeting have been effected (primarily in relation to a change to the jurisdiction provisions in the Convertible Bonds to make submission to the jurisdiction of the English courts reciprocal) and (2) NN2 Newco Limited has acceded as a co-obligor in respect of the Convertible Bonds, with a separate supplemental agency agreement having been entered into to document this. A deed of waiver has also been entered into in order to memorialise the waivers granted pursuant to the consent solicitations.

    Furthermore, in connection with the accession of NN1 Newco Limited as a guarantor under the High Yield Notes and in accordance with the terms of the Convertible Bonds, NN1 Newco Limited has also acceded as a guarantor under the Convertible Bonds through the execution of an amendment and restatement deed in respect of the existing guarantee.

    This follows the incorporation of NN2 Newco Limited and NN1 Newco Limited, two English subsidiaries of Nyrstar NV to implement the Recapitalisation.

    Practice Statement Letter - launch of Scheme

    Following the execution of the accessions and amendment documents described above, NN2 Newco Limited has published a practice statement letter in relation to a scheme of arrangement (under Part 26 of the Companies Act 2006) to be proposed by NN2 Newco Limited in respect of the High Yield Notes and the Convertible Bonds (the Scheme). The practice statement letter recounts the circumstances that led to the signing of the lock-up agreement and the recapitalisation terms, in accordance with the Company’s past press releases and its annual report.

    The holders of the High Yield Notes and Convertible Bonds are invited to view the terms of the Practice Statement Letter.

    A copy of the practice statement letter may be found on the Information Agent’s website: www.lucid-is.com/nyrstar, and further information may be requested from:

    Lucid Issuer Services Limited (as Information Agent for the Scheme)
    Tankerton Works
    12 Argyle Walk
    London WC1H 8HA
    United Kingdom
    Tel: +44 20 7704 0880
    Fax: +44 20 3004 1590
    Attention: Thomas Choquet / Sunjeeve Patel / Victor Parzyjagla
    Email: nyrstar@lucid-is.com
    Website: www.lucid-is.com/nyrstar

    Further details of Nyrstar’s recapitalisation may be found here: www.nyrstar.com/en/investors/restruct...

    Report independent directors
    As previously announced the Company decided to apply voluntarily the procedure in article 524 of the Belgian Companies Code in relation to the proposed sale by the Company of the operating group to NN2 Newco Limited (a newly incorporated English company). The Company has today completed the procedure provided for in article 524 of the Belgian Companies Code. The report of the independent directors prepared in accordance with article 524, §2 of the Belgian Companies Code has been published on the above-referenced section dedicated to the Restructuring on the Company’s website (link).

    Following completion of the 524 procedure, various agreements have now been entered into relating to (i) the proposed sale of the operating group to NN2 Newco Limited, such transfer to be for a nominal amount of EUR 1 taking into account the fair market value of the assets transferred (as adjusted by liabilities within the operating group), (ii) to the proposed issue of 98% of the shares of NN2 Newco Limited to Trafigura and (iii) the Operating Group providing certain funding towards the continued operating costs of the Company following the Recapitalisation.

    We confirm that the general shareholders’ meeting of the Company will take place on 25 June 2019 and the Board of Directors will be available to respond to questions raised by shareholders.
  3. [verwijderd] 20 juni 2019 02:18
    Goeienacht DZR,

    Ik hoop uw cynische commentaren te kunnen horen op de AV van Nyrstar op 25 juni.

    U hebt toch, hoop ik, één aandeeltje gekocht voor 11 juni om er toch maar bij te kunnen zijn.
    Ongeveer 0.20 Euro kan toch niet té veel zijn om er bij te kunnen zijn.
    Zelfs voor een Hollander....
    Ik kijk er naar uit om u te ontmoeten of minstens te horen.

    Den Blinker

  4. Bets 22 juni 2019 19:20
    Regulated Information – Inside Information

    Nyrstar provides an update relating to the 2019 annual general shareholders’ meeting and further impairment of the Myra Falls mine

    22 June 2019 at 19:00 CEST

    Nyrstar NV ("Nyrstar" or the “Company” and, together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) today announces that it is withdrawing resolutions relating to the financial statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2018 from the proposed agenda and resolutions of the annual general shareholders' meeting. The shareholders’ meeting remains scheduled to commence at 11:00 a.m. CEST on 25 June 2019 at BluePoint, A. Reyerslaan 80, 1030 Brussels, Belgium. The Company will schedule a further shareholders’ meeting to consider the financial statements as soon as its auditor has finished its audit.

    The Company notes that the financial statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2018, published on 26 May 2019, included an audit opinion issued in accordance with article 143, §2 of the Belgian Company Code (“non-compliance opinion”) on the basis that certain information requested from the Company was not timely delivered to its auditor. The Company is continuing to work hard with its auditor to deliver such information to the satisfaction of its auditor with the intention that the auditor will issue its audit opinion once it has received and audited all such information.

    Since the publication of the consolidated financial statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2018 on 26 May 2019, the Company has continued to update the life of mine plan for its Myra Falls mine in Canada. Changes to the mine plan resulted in lower recoverable amounts for the Myra Falls mine than previously expected. The Company has concluded that it is appropriate to recognise an additional impairment of EUR 30 million for Myra Falls in the 31 December 2018 consolidated financial statements of the Group and has discussed this with its auditor. Consequently, when the 2018 consolidated financial statements of the Group will be reissued, they will include a non-cash, pre-tax impairment loss of EUR 130 million. This impairment loss fully relates to pre-tax impairment losses on Nyrstar’s Mining assets (EUR 117.2 million) at Langlois and Myra Falls and specific asset write-offs in Metals Processing (EUR 11.4 million). The further impairment of Myra Falls has not been a factor in Nyrstar’s delay in re-issuing audited accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 2018.

    As communicated in the press release issued by the Company on 20 June 2019, announcing the commencement of the recapitalisation steps, it is noted that the Practice Statement Letter to Scheme Creditors and the Report by the Committee of Independent Directors in accordance with Article 524 of the Belgian Companies Code have been published on Nyrstar’s website at the following address: www.nyrstar.com/en/investors/restruct... The Company encourages its stakeholders (including its shareholders) to review these documents as they provide important information about the current situation and the background to it. The Company will continue to publish more information on that website to ensure that the stakeholders are kept informed about developments.
  5. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 22 juni 2019 19:44

    Den Blinker schreef op 20 juni 2019 02:18:

    Goeienacht DZR,

    Ik hoop uw cynische commentaren te kunnen horen op de AV van Nyrstar op 25 juni.
    U hebt toch, hoop ik, één aandeeltje gekocht voor 11 juni om er toch maar bij te kunnen zijn.
    Ongeveer 0.20 Euro kan toch niet té veel zijn om er bij te kunnen zijn.
    Zelfs voor een Hollander....
    Ik kijk er naar uit om u te ontmoeten of minstens te horen.

    Den Blinker
    Hallo Den Blinker,
    ik heb helemaal niks te zoeken op deze vergadering, die heeeel lang en heeeel heet gaat worden.
    Ik wens je dus veel sterkte en succes...!!

  6. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 24 juni 2019 08:16

    Alias321 schreef op 24 juni 2019 08:12:

    Een afschijving van 130milj op de mijnen ,kstel me de vraag aan wie ze die ontginning gaan verkopen zonder in de boeken te worden opgenomen
    Trafigura moet gecontroleerd worden van kop tot teen
    De aandeelhouders worden flink onder druk gezet.
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