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Aandeel ArcelorMittal AEX:MT.NL, LU1598757687

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
22,720   +0,070   (+0,31%) Dagrange 22,510 - 22,870 2.474.222   Gem. (3M) 2,2M

Arcelor Mittal juni 2019

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  1. Archie Steelman 18 juni 2019 10:29
    AMSTERDAM - De Europese staalbedrijven kampen met de naweeën van de winstwaarschuwing van het Amerikaanse Steel Dynamics. Dat staalbedrijf zei in het tweede kwartaal niet aan de verwachtingen te hebben voldaan door lagere marges. Daarbovenop komen ook de mindere verwachtingen waar branchegenoot Nucor mee op de proppen kwam. Volgens Morgan Stanley zal dit alles de prestaties van staalbedrijven onder druk zetten.
    De analisten wijzen onder meer op de impact voor het in Amsterdam genoteerde ArcelorMittal. Ze wijzen er op dat Arcelor qua bedrijfsresultaat voor bijna een kwart afhankelijk is van zijn activiteiten in de VS.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 18 juni 2019 15:24
    ArcelorMittal South Africa Facing Environmental Contravention Charges

    Financial Express reported that ArcelorMittal South Africa is facing charges of contravening environmental pollution laws amid growing concern about the impact on the population of an entire town where the company runs its major operations. AMSA’s environmental manager Mr Johan Hattingh has been summoned to appear in the Vanderbijlpark Regional Court on June 26 on the criminal charges of having violated the South African Air Quality Act. Mr Albi Modise, the spokesperson for the Department of Environmental Affairs, said that “The criminal investigation followed ongoing non-compliances detected at the Vanderbijlpark facility during an inspection undertaken by environmental management inspectors from the department and the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. Over the years the authorities have been monitoring compliance within the Ferro Alloy Iron and Steel sector. Three prior inspections had been undertaken at this facility, in November 2008, October 2012 and August 2014, followed by a number of enforcement interventions.” Mr Modise claimed that AMSA had been given more than a decade to bring about the required changes for legal compliance. The area was declared a priority in 2006 and is one of three priority areas identified nationally in terms of the National Environmental Management Air Quality Act due to concerns about elevated pollution.”

    AMSA faces a fine of up to 15 million South African Rands or imprisonment for the responsible persons if found guilty.

    AMSA has also come under pressure from community activists in Vanderbijlpark and surrounding areas who have alleged that the residents have been affected by not just air pollution, but also water and land pollution from the largest steel manufacturer in South Africa.

    Vanderbijlpark is a town established by the former state-owned steel enterprise Iscor, with almost its entire population now dependent on AMSA, established almost two decades ago after Mittal first helped bail out the ailing company and then took it over.

    Source : Financial Express
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