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Aandeel AMG Critical Materials N.V. AEX:AMG.NL, NL0000888691

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
13,540   +0,340   (+2,58%) Dagrange 12,810 - 13,720 378.046   Gem. (3M) 244,8K

AMG en vanadium

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  1. [verwijderd] 27 juni 2018 22:22

    GrindNshiP schreef op 27 juni 2018 13:00:


    Dat kan qua kosten dan toch nooit uit zou je zeggen. Maargoed, wel weer een stap in de goede richting in de branche.
    Hoewel dit allemaal niets met Vanadium te maken heeft, toch even ter verduidelijking deze post van Paul C op Tweakers:

    De accu gaat ook niet gebruikt worden om "overschotten" op te slaan. Dat zou nieuws an-sich zijn, want dat wordt eigenlijk alleen nog maar op eilanden gedaan (waar de business case er wel is). De accu gaat gebruikt worden om de netfrequentie te stabiliseren (Frequency Control Regulation, FCR).

    FCR is een veel winstgevendere business voor accu eigenaren dan handelen op de kleine prijsverschillen in de groothandelsprijs. Eenvoudig gezien komt het er op neer dat grote kolen-, gas- en kerncentrales maar per kwartier gemiddeld de juiste hoeveelheid stroom hoeven te leveren. Echter het elektriciteitsnet moet continue in balans gehouden worden tussen vraag en aanbod. Heb liefst sub-seconde. Als er te weinig stroom wordt geleverd, dan zakt de net-frequentie en als er teveel wordt geleverd dan stijgt de frequentie. Echter deze mag niet meer dan 0,05hz afwijken van het doel van 50,00hz. Als de frequentie meer afwijkt, dan moet iemand meer of minder elektra gaan leveren. De netbeheerders (Elia in België en ENTSO-E als overkoepelende internationale organisatie) hebben daarvoor contracten met de eigenaren van heel flexibele centrales. Vaak gas- of waterkrachtcentrales. Deze draaien dan wel op volle snelheid, maar leveren slechts een deel nuttige energie. Als er dan een tekort is dan kunnen ze heel snel omhoog regelen en bij een overschot terug regelen. Dit is een nichemarkt waar heel hoge vergoedingen worden betaald voor een MWh.

    Het laten draaien van een gas- of waterkracht centrale voor FCR is heel inefficient. Er wordt namelijk wel gas of water gebruikt, maar niet veel stroom geleverd. Het is echter een noodzakelijk kwaad dat iemand dit doet om het elektriciteitsnet in balans te houden. Accu's kunnen dit echter veel beter dan conventionele centrales. De digitale inverters kunnen namelijk letterlijk binnen ms reageren. Veel sneller dan grote fysieke machine's. Daarnaast verbruiken de inverters bijna niets om paraat te staan. Een paar Watt voor de computer die de boel aanstuurt en dat is echt verwaarloosbaar vergeleken met een hele conventionele centrale draaiend houden. Daarnaast maakt het voor een accu niet uit of hij nu op 1% of 100% draait. Terwijl een conventionele centrale pas bij vol vermogen op zijn ideale werkpunt komt. Een accu heeft ook nog het voordeel dat hij de energie bij een te hoge frequentie niet weggooit, maar opslaat.

    Kortom accu's voor FCR zijn superieur in elk opzicht en gaan de markt heel snel overnemen. Zelfs in ons hoge kwaliteit en stabiele Europese net.
  2. Umi1 27 juni 2018 22:46

    DeTeEm schreef op 27 juni 2018 22:22:


    Hoewel dit allemaal niets met Vanadium te maken heeft, toch even ter verduidelijking deze post van Paul C op Tweakers:

    [i]De accu gaat ook niet gebruikt worden om "overschotten" op te slaan. Dat zou nieuws an-sich zijn, want dat wordt eigenlijk alleen nog maar op eilanden gedaan (waar de business case er wel is). De accu gaat gebruikt worden om de netfrequentie te stabiliseren (Frequency Control Regulation, FCR).

    Toch hier maar eens lezen over het doel van dit project (is de site van de energieminister)

    5 september weten we meer...
    "The Ruien BESS project and Yuso platform will be presented to the press, interested business partners and other stakeholders during an evening event on Wednesday 5th of September at 18h in Waregem, Belgium."
  3. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 18 juli 2018 08:45
    Largo Resources Provides Guidance on Second Quarter 2018 Revenue and Announces
    Receipt of Consent to Repayment from BNDES

    Canada NewsWire

    TORONTO, July 17, 2018

    TORONTO, July 17, 2018 /CNW/ - Largo Resources Ltd. (" Largo " or the "
    Company ") (TSX: LGO) (OTCQX: LGORF) is pleased to provide guidance on its
    expected revenue for the three month period ending June 30, 2018 anticipating
    revenue of between CDN$99 million and CDN$107 million, a new quarterly revenue
    record for the Company.

    Our anticipated Q2 2018 revenue would represent an increase of between
    approximately 176.6% and 198.9% over Q2 2017, if realized. The increase to
    revenue is expected to be driven largely by the upward movement in vanadium
    pentoxide (" V2O5 ") pricing and increased production when compared to Q2
    2017. The price range of V2O5 for the last week of Q2 2018, as reported by
    the European Metal Bulletin, was US$17.00/lb V2O5 to US$17.50/lb V2O5 as
    compared to US$5.35/lb V2O5 to US$6.00/lb V2O5 for the last week of Q2 2017.

    Management anticipates that the overall benefit of the increased revenues will
    be tempered by increases in corresponding royalty expenses and certain largely
    non-cash foreign exchange adjustments anticipated to be required as a result
    of the weakening of the Brazilian Real against the USD given that certain of
    the Company's debts in Brazil are denominated in USD. The Company expects the
    foreign exchange loss in Q2 2018 to exceed the loss recorded in Q2 2017.

    In addition, as a result of, among other things, the improvement in the
    vanadium pricing over the first half of 2018, the Company is also assessing
    its deferred tax position as at June 30, 2018, and work performed to date
    suggests that a significant net deferred tax asset might need to be recognized
    in the condensed interim consolidated statement of financial position at June
    30, 2018, with a corresponding deferred tax recovery recognized in the
    condensed interim consolidated statements of income (loss) and comprehensive
    (loss) for the three and six month periods ended June 30 2018. Although any
    gain would be a non-cash item, we anticipate that it could have a material
    positive impact on net income and earnings per share.

    Credit Facility Repayment Consent

    On July 13, 2018, the Brazilian National Economic and Social Development Bank
    (" BNDES ") provided its consent for the early repayment of the Company's
    credit facility with them. The receipt of this consent is a condition to the
    release from escrow of the first tranche of the net proceeds from the
    Company's recently completed offering of senior secured notes (the " Note
    Offering ") of approximately US$143 million which have, to date, been held in
    escrow (the " Escrowed Funds ").

    The Company anticipates making a payment using the released portion of the
    Escrowed Funds of USD$84,138,367 to BNDES on or about July 23, 2018
    representing payment in full of amounts owing to BNDES. Once repayment in
    full of the BNDES has occurred, the remaining Escrowed Funds will be released
    from escrow and used to repay the Company's remaining credit facilities held
    with a syndicate of commercial lenders (being Itaú Unibanco S.A., Banco
    Votorantim S.A. and Banco Bradesco S.A.) on or about July 31, 2018. For
    additional information in respect of the Company's Note Offering please see
    the Company's press release dated May 22, 2018.

    Mr. Mark Smith, Largo's President and Chief Executive Officer, commented "We
    are pleased that we now have the BNDES approval in-hand and we look forward to
    repaying in full amounts owing to both the BNDES and our syndicate of
    commercial banks in Brazil. The repayment will allow us to realize the
    anticipated benefits of our recently completed note offering through the
    improvement in our capital structure, reduction in interest costs and the
    simplification of our reporting obligations. The restructuring of our debts
    along with the most recent posted price range of V2O5 for the week ended July
    13, 2018 of US$18.90/lb V2O5 to US$19.85/lb V2O5 (as reported by the European
    Metal Bulletin) presents an exciting opportunity for our Company."
  4. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 18 juli 2018 08:51
    Temporary Waiver of Blackout Period

    In connection with the secondary offering of common shares of the Company
    previously announced June 22, 2018 (the " Secondary Offering ") and in order
    to accommodate the timely closing of the Secondary Offering, the Company's
    independent directors have approved a temporary waiver of its mandatory
    blackout period contained in its Insider Trading Policy. The temporary waiver
    applies to all directors, officers, senior management and corporate employees
    who will be permitted to continue trade in common shares of the Company
    provided that they are not in possession of material non-public information
    relating to the Company.

    The common shares subject to the Secondary Offering have not been and will not
    be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, (the
    "Securities Act") and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent
    registration under or an applicable exemption from the registration
    requirements of the Securities Act. This press release does not constitute an
    offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy the shares herein
    described, and shall not constitute an offer, solicitation or sale in any
    jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior
    to registration or qualification under the securities laws of that

    About Largo Resources

    Largo is a Toronto-based strategic mineral company focused on the production
    of vanadium flake, high purity vanadium flake and high purity vanadium powder
    at the Maracás Menchen Mine located in Bahia State, Brazil. The Company's
    common shares are principally listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the
    symbol "LGO". For more information on Largo, please visit our website at
    www.largoresources.com .
  5. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 30 juli 2018 14:42
    Energy Fuels Inc. [TSX:EFR] (UUUU)

    Energy Fuels state they are "the #1 uranium producer in the U.S. with market-leading portfolio." The company produced 259,000 lbs of uranium in 2017. Regarding vanadium the company state they have "32M lbs M&I vanadium resources at La Sal & Whirlwind Mines (1% avg. grade)." In 2013 the company produced 1.5M lbs of V2O5, and due to the price recovery they are evaluating several near-term production opportunities.

    On June 28 Energy Fuels announced: "Energy Fuels advancing vanadium activities; strengthens cash position. Energy Fuels Inc., a leading producer of uranium and vanadium in the United States, is pleased to announce that it recently strengthened its cash position and currently has sufficient existing cash on hand to allow the Company the ability to retire all or a portion of its existing long-term debt and to further advance its long-term and sustainable vanadium production profile."
  6. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 30 juli 2018 14:42
    Largo Resources [TSX:LGO] [GR:LR81] (OTC:OTCQB:LGORF)

    Largo Resources is a pure play vanadium pentoxide producer from their Maracás Menchen mine in Brazil. The company state, "the Maracás Menchen mine possesses the world's highest grade vanadium deposit - P&P reserve grade of 1.17% V2O5 is over double the industry average. On track to be one of the lowest cost producers of vanadium, and a 6 year take or pay off-take agreement with Glencore for 100% of production."

    On July 10 Largo Resources announced: "Largo Resources reports second quarter 2018 production results. Total production of 2,458 tonnes of V2O5 in Q2 2018, a 13% increase over Q2 2017 and an 11% increase over Q1 2018. New average daily production record for June of 29.4 tonnes of V2O5 produced per day. Overall V2O5 recovery rate of 79.2% achieved in Q2 2018."

    On July 17 Largo Resources announced: "Largo Resources provides guidance on second quarter 2018 revenue and announces receipt of consent to repayment from BNDES. Largo Resources Ltd. is pleased to provide guidance on its expected revenue for the three month period ending June 30, 2018, anticipating revenue of between CDN$99 million and CDN$107 million, a new quarterly revenue record for the Company."

    On July 24 Largo Resources announced: "Largo Resources announces closing of secondary offering. Largo Resources Ltd. announced today the closing of the previously announced underwritten secondary offering of 60,000,000 common shares and an additional 9,000,000 common shares representing the exercise in full of the over-allotment option which was exercised on closing by the underwriters (the "Offering")."
  7. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 30 juli 2018 14:43
    King River Copper [ASX:KRC]

    King River holds 785 square kilometres of mineral leases covering a unique geological feature in the Eastern Kimberley of Western Australia, called the Speewah Dome. The company state on their website: "The focus of King River Copper Limited is the exploration for Gold, Silver and Copper." However their deposits also contain vanadium.

    On June 25 King River Copper announced: "New high grade vanadium pentoxide route. King River Copper Limited is pleased to provide this update on hydrometallurgical testwork completed by TSW Analytical Pty Ltd (“TSW Analytical”). This work is part of a Vanadium Concept Study into the production of high purity Vanadium Pentoxide (99.5-99.9% V2O5), Titanium Dioxide (>99% TiO2), iron oxide and vanadium electrolyte products (used in vanadium flow batteries) for input into a Scoping Study."
  8. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 30 juli 2018 14:44
    Bushveld Minerals Limited [LN- AIM:BMN] (OTC:BSHVF)

    Bushveld is a diversified AIM-listed resources company with a portfolio of vanadium, tin and coal assets in Southern Africa and Madagascar. Bushveld Minerals 100% own Bushveld Vametco Limited which has a controlling interest of 59.1% in an existing low cost production platform, Vametco Alloys, with ~3.5% of global market share. Quality brownfield processing infrastructure in close proximity to Bushveld deposits.

    On June 28 Bushveld Minerals announced: "Bushveld Minerals completes 2nd phase of Vametco expansion. AIM-quoted Bushveld Minerals, the AIM listed, integrated primary vanadium producer, with ownership of high grade assets has successfully completed the second phase of the three-phased expansion project at Bushveld Vametco. This phase of the expansion project increases the annual production capacity from 3,035 mtV, achieved in Phase One, to 3,750 mtV, with a capex of US$2.5 million.
  9. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 30 juli 2018 14:44
    AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group NV [NA:AMG] [GR:ADG] (OTCPK:AMVMF)

    AMG Vanadium is a leading provider of products and services for the metals, manufacturing, refinery and petrochemical industries. AMG Vanadium produces ferrovanadium and related ferroalloys from spent refinery catalysts using our proprietary pyrometallurgical process.

    On June 29 AMG announced: "AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group N.V. announces long-term spent catalyst recycling agreement. AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group N.V. is pleased to announce that AMG Vanadium has signed a new long-term, multi-year agreement to process and recycle spent catalysts from a major oil refinery operator in North America. "This is an important new business partner for AMG Vanadium and a key element of our long-term raw material strategic plan", said Mr. Hoy Frakes, President of AMG Vanadium. "We are pleased to have the opportunity to provide our new partner with the industry leading environmental solution for their spent catalyst recycling needs."
  10. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 14 augustus 2018 10:08
    TORONTO, Aug. 13, 2018 /CNW/ - Largo Resources Ltd. ("Largo" or the "Company") (TSX: LGO) (OTCQX: LGORF) is very pleased to report record net income of $90.7 million ($0.17 per share) and cash flows provided before non-cash working capital items of $77.7 million on revenues of $103.3 million in the three-month period ended June 30, 2018..

    Mark Smith, President and Chief Executive Officer for Largo, stated: "We are extremely pleased with our financial and overall operational performance during the second quarter of 2018. In continuing the success of Q1 2018, Largo recognized revenues of $103.3 million during the quarter and achieved net income of $90.7 million, including a non-cash deferred income tax recovery of $45.6 million. Importantly, because of this ongoing strong performance, our net debt level as at June 30, 2018 was approximately $115 million, or approximately US$87 million)."1

    Net debt is a non-GAAP measure and is defined as cash and restricted cash, less debt (both long term and short term) and accrued interest.

    He continued: "The Maracás Menchen Mine continued to produce strong results operationally during the second quarter of 2018. Our operations team continues to focus on implementing improvements in maintenance and production practices. The Company's consistent low cash costs combined with the continued strengthening of V2O5 prices makes Largo one of the most profitable vanadium producers in the world."

    Total production at the Maracás Menchen Mine in the second quarter of 2018 was 2,458 tonnes of vanadium pentoxide ("V2O5") compared to 2,214 tonnes of V2O5 in the first quarter of 2018, and 2,183 in the second quarter of 2017. The Company also achieved a new daily average production record in the month of June with 29.4 tonnes of V2O5 produced per day.

    The global recovery rate (from ore to flake) averaged 79.2% in the second quarter of 2018, representing an increase of 4.3% over the first quarter of 2018 and 6.6% over the second quarter of 2017. Higher global recovery rates for the quarter are primarily due to greater operational control of the kiln and cooler. The Company forecasts an overall recovery rate of 79% for the remainder of 2018.

    Maintenance performed during May as a result of the national truckers' strike in Brazil allowed the operations team at the Maracás Menchen Mine to replace the flaking wheel, assess the furnace refractory, change the de-ammoniator wires in the fusion section, and complete minor repairs to the kiln and cooler refractory. Further, the Company has postponed the planned seven-day shutdown to replace the refractory in the cooler and kiln to fourth quarter of 2018.

    Total sales of high purity V2O5 flake was 420 tonnes in the second quarter of 2018, representing a 5% increase from the first quarter of 2018 and brings the total high purity sales in the six months ended June 30, 2018 to 820 tonnes. This represents a significant increase from the 205 tonnes sold in the during the full year of 2017. In addition, the Company expects to complete the ramp up to handle and pack high purity V2O5 powde
  11. Onderweg naar succes 24 augustus 2018 21:01

    Karel-B schreef op 22 augustus 2018 15:40:

    Hallo allemaal,

    Wat zijn goede vanadium aandelen om aan te kopen?
    Largo gaat lekker produceert reeds maar is de laatste tijd behoorlijk gestegen.

    AMG is een mooi bedrijf en doet veel meer dan alleen vanadium, maar heeft veel last van schommelingen in koers de laatste tijd is de koers behoorlijk gezakt dus mooi instapmoment. Maar lees vooral eerst is de verschillende AMG draadjes die er zijn daar staat zeer veel en goede informatie op.
  12. forum rang 6 rene66 29 augustus 2018 23:14
    Interessant om even te lezen. Er staat ook een grafiek van de vraag en aanbod in tussen 2015 en 2025. Ook hier zit AMG dus goed mee.

    Vanadium Miners News For The Month Of August 2018

    Aug. 29, 2018


    Vanadium spot prices remain high despite flattening off in August.

    Vanadium market news - Vanadium market expected to grow, fueled by strong steel and increasing energy storage demands.

    Vanadium company news - Largo Resources announces record revenues (up 189% YoY), and repayment of full Brazilian debt.

  13. forum rang 6 Tom3 29 september 2018 11:26
    De laatste productie van Matt Bohlsen op het gebied van vanadium miners. Prijzen zijn verviervoudigd in 2 jaar. Trekt weer nieuwe aanbieders aan maar de vraag gaat ook drastisch toenemen. Er wordt al gesproken van een marktaandeel van 25% op de batterijmarkt. Heinz kom maar met je Ohio 2.

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