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Rob Koning is senior technisch analist bij de Active Hedge Group. Koning is oud optiehandelaar. Hij heeft gewerkt als floorbroker en marketmaker op de Optiebeurs vanaf 1987. Momenteel is hij werkzaam als moderator van de Binck- en Alex-beursvloer en in die hoedanigheid verzorgt hij elke dag de live technische analyse. Op d...

Recente artikelen van Rob Koning

  1. TA Apple: Bodem houdt stand
  2. TA Shell: Neutrale fase
  3. TA Nasdaq: Nog geen correctie


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  1. retsok 12 januari 2017 09:04
    Zijn het de russen of de amerikanen die ons digitaal overal kunnen volgen, die onze mails kunnen lezen... tja dat lijkt me duidelijk...

    Naief..ahumm stupiditeit kent geen grenzen...

    Koenders:alert op Russische hacks

    ?? De Nederlandse regering is zeer alert
    op Russische hacks in aanloop naar de
    Tweede Kamerverkiezingen in maart,heeft
    minister Koenders gezegd.Koenders is in
    Washington en heeft daar gesproken met
    veiligheidsexperts die ervan overtuigd
    zijn dat Nederland ook doelwit wordt
    van Russische cyberoperaties.

    Koenders zegt dat hij nog geen concrete
    aanwijzingen heeft."Maar ik ben niet
    naïef",zegt hij tegen de NOS.

    Veiligheidsdiensten in de VS zeggen dat
    president Poetin zelf opdracht heeft
    gegeven voor hacks bij de Democratische
    partij in de VS.In Nederland kan zoiets
    ook gebeuren,denken de Amerikanen.

    het is belachelijk/gevaarlijk aan het worden..

    het zijn oorlog-ophitsers..
  2. retsok 12 januari 2017 09:04
    The Governments attempt to discredit Trump as President has reached laughable status. The latest report out of the “intelligence” community is another “no evidence” report that Russia has been grooming Trump to become president for the past 5 or 6 years and will now be a Russian puppet. This report has actually been around for months and circulated to congress and the DNC. This is so preposterous it is laughable. Remember the Iraq war was planned for 6 year prior to the invasion, nothing was going to stop it once the war mongers got in control. The lie about “weapons of mass destruction caused the death of millions of people, displacement of 10s of millions more and the destruction of 9 countries all so the privatized military/security complex to make a trillion dollars. This is the exact same thing only this propaganda is worldwide and just as criminal as there is not one speck of evidence. Now 4Chan indicated the story of Trump paying prostitutes to piss on a bed Oboma slept in was a story they made up and sent to Rick Wilson who forward it to the CIA and they put it in their official classified intelligence report on the election. It just gets worse by the day.
  3. retsok 12 januari 2017 09:05
    The American intelligence community is responsible for the destruction of 9 countries, the death of millions of people and the displacement of 10s of millions of people just in the last two decades all based upon lies. Bringing a country to war based upon lies and whose purpose was to enrich the military security complex is just evil. Understand the military and security complex is privatised. Every rocket or bullet that is fired is a profit to numerous private corporations. Causing a war based upon lies is the worst war crime that can be committed and should be punishable by death. Instead the same psychopaths are trying to make Russia the next war for profit and as always they need a person to demonize and that is Putin.

    John F Kennedy declared he was shutting down the CIA (“cut it into a thousand pieces and throw it to the wind”) and two week later he was assassinated and of course the accused assassin was himself assassinated while in custody and the person who assassinated the assassin died months later. The perfect CIA crime. Yes, Trump has his own personal security.
  4. retsok 12 januari 2017 09:05
    “Thousands of troops, 2800 tanks, Paladin artillery and Bradley fighting vehicles are all being deployed now in Europe. It is the largest deployment since the cold war.” These are going to the Russian boarder in violation to US and Russia agreements. If you can’t see the Military Industrial Complex is going to war with Russia just as it did in Iraq. The propaganda that is filling the airwaves in the western nations is abominable. IF the American people don’t stop this coming war then you will deserve what will follow. In response to this build up Russia has put nuclear capable ballistic missiles along the border. This is just stupid unless you want a war. Endless war means endless looting of the American Treasury.

  5. [verwijderd] 12 januari 2017 09:15

    retsok schreef op 12 januari 2017 09:05:

    “Thousands of troops, 2800 tanks, Paladin artillery and Bradley fighting vehicles are all being deployed now in Europe. It is the largest deployment since the cold war.” These are going to the Russian boarder in violation to US and Russia agreements. If you can’t see the Military Industrial Complex is going to war with Russia just as it did in Iraq. The propaganda that is filling the airwaves in the western nations is abominable. IF the American people don’t stop this coming war then you will deserve what will follow. In response to this build up Russia has put nuclear capable ballistic missiles along the border. This is just stupid unless you want a war. Endless war means endless looting of the American Treasury.
    ja retsok doodeng,maar wat doen we eraan ?
  6. [verwijderd] 12 januari 2017 09:18

    Rob Koning schreef op 12 januari 2017 09:12:

    Morgen meer over het grotere plaatje (dat nog gewoon positief is)


    Joch maak je niet zo druk over dat ta gedoe, je kunt er toch gewoon overheen lezen,
    Of schrijf zelf een stukje als je de lef hebt.
    De grootste blaffers staan aan de zijlijn wie gewoonlijk.
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