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  1. sunnyboy 16 augustus 2012 14:01
    Dat John Paulson een groot verlies heeft geleden met Nova Gold was mij wel bekend. Ik heb ook geleden, ha,ha,ha. Ik heb ze namelijk ook. Dus we gaan gewoon bijkopen. We zijn voor 99% zeker dat het goed komt met goud en zilver, maar nogmaals, we moeten even geduld hebben. We hebben denk ik één ding gemeen, “we doen alles in het groot.”
  2. sunnyboy 22 augustus 2012 10:16
    The Godfather of newsletter writers, Richard Russell, had a number of interesting thoughts regarding gold, stocks and growing old. Here is what Russell had to say: “A lot of my subscribers are over 60 years of age, and no doubt many of you are looking forward to your 80s. So I thought the following might be of interest.”

    “I'm just getting used to being 88 years old. The first thing I notice is that I get tired easily, and I mean really tired. I talk to my sister, Kate, who lives in Greenwich, Connecticut. Kate is 84. Her favorite expression is, ‘Growing old is not for sissies.’

    I ask Kate if she gets tired too. She says, yes, she does get very tired. One thing she's learned is that she can only do one thing a day. In other words, if Kate goes to the market to shop for food supplies, that about does it. She comes home really tired, sits in her easy chair for the afternoon, and watches TV, usually the news.

    I've discovered that Kate is right. I tell myself I can do two or three things in the morning, but if I do that, then I'm exhausted for the rest of the day. ‘One errand a day’ is my new motto. Also, one alcoholic beverage a day, and that's it. Two and I'm out of commission.

    Late Notes -- I've dealt with a lot of strange and difficult markets over the last half/century, but this one may deserve a prize. Today, instead of rallying above its May 1st peak, the D-J Industrial Average sold off an hour before the close. The sell-off left the Dow around 70 points below its May 1st peak.

    I felt that the negative action was almost as if the Dow had already closed above 13,279.32, unconfirmed by the Transports-- and down it went. The Dow was jumping the gun on a fantasy non-confirmation.

    My only conclusion is that something evil and bearish is bubbling in the guts of this market -- and it's giving the market a severe case of indigestion. Of course, I could say that with a yield below 3%, the Dow is classically overvalued, and any rally would just render the Dow more overvalued.

    I hear neophyte-analysts stating that compared with bonds, ‘good dividend-paying blue chips are a buy,’ but what do these neophytes know? They've never had to learn about Dow's Theory or how to read and understand the actions of the market. And talk is cheap -- and quickly forgotten.

    Bill Gross, founder of giant PIMCO, states that ‘the cult of equities’ is over, meaning that stocks are not priced for decent profits over the coming years. Worse, Gross warns that stocks and bonds will not create enough profits to fund the needs of thousands of pension funds over coming years.

    There have been many years when the only profits from stocks came from fat dividends. With a dividend yield of 2.57% on the Dow today, the fat-dividend years of the past are now just a memory. (S&P div. yield is 2.28%)

    I was thinking, the market has been dull and listless and hardly moving. Maybe the market is telling us that nothing of importance is going to occur. There are countless terrible events that could occur at any time. Israel could bomb Iran. The US could go over the fiscal cliff. Unemployment could suddenly become worse. The market could crash.

    Maybe the motionless stock market is telling us that none of these horrendous events is fated to occur. Maybe we face an eventless number of months.”

    Russell also recently made this comment regarding gold: “Gold is looking promising. Gold has broken out topside of the triangle and needs to close above 1630 to give it a boost -- possibly to 1700. Gold is now trading above its 50-day moving average. The news that Paulson and Soros have increased their positions in gold is bullish for the yellow metal. At last the gold miners are showing signs of accumulation.”

    Well, today Russell and gold got a close over $1,630. This up-move off of the lows in gold is advancing in a very quiet and bullish manner, with virtually everyone looking on in total disbelief. This advance in gold is not how counter-trend bear market rallies take place, but how new bull moves begin.
  3. sunnyboy 29 augustus 2012 12:44
    Marc Faber – America’s Only Products Are Prostitutes and Beer
    “The federal government is sending each of us a $600 rebate. If we spend that money at Wal-Mart, the money goes to China. If we spend it on gasoline, it goes to the Arabs.”
    “If we buy a computer, it will go to India. If we purchase fruit and vegetables, it will go to Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala. If we purchase a good car, it will go to Germany. If we purchase useless crap, it will go to Taiwan and none of it will help the American economy.”
    “The only way to keep that money here at home is to spend it on prostitutes and beer, since these are the only products still produced in US.”
  4. sunnyboy 21 september 2012 09:09
    Ishares Gold Trust ( IAU ) is te vergelijken met GLD, dus interessant om te kopen voor de langere termijn. Kopen op zwakke dagen, “als ze nog komen.” Dan deze aandelen: GSS – CDE – EXK – HL – PSLV – GDXJ – KGC – PAAS – SLV. Genoemde aandelen staan weer een stukje hoger. Dollar blijft zwak en is voorlopig nog gunstig voor de edele metalen.
  5. sunnyboy 26 september 2012 12:23
    Na één dagje rood in de VS zijn velen plotseling bearish geworden? De angst moet wel zeer groot zijn. U weet angst is een slechte raadgever. Maar ik blijf deze keer toch positief voor de aankomende maanden, zeker voor goud en zilver, en ik zal u zeggen waarom. (1) Obama gaat de verkiezingen in de VS winnen. (2) Einde jaar goud en zilver altijd sterker. (3) Ik verwacht een eindejaarsrally. Trouwens, nu een kleine correctie is heel normaal na een maandenlange stijging. Ook heb ik nog een goudtip geplaatst op Twitter (TonElzing). Sunnyboy is pseudoniem voor TonElzing.
  6. sunnyboy 27 september 2012 08:21
    Goedemorgen beste mensen, wat zal het vandaag weer brengen? Goud en zilver blijven goed liggen.
    Er zit nog genoeg stijgingspercentage in de hoed voor de komende maanden voor de goud en zilveraandelen. Eén van mijn favorieten blijft Coeur d'Alene Mines Corporation ( CDE ). Mijn verwachting is binnenkort ver boven $ 30,00. Trouwens GSS blijft tot nog toe ook sterk liggen.
  7. sunnyboy 28 september 2012 11:05
    Today legendary value investor Jean-Marie Eveillard told King World News, “There are people who have figured out that in view of the enormous amount of money printing, which has taken place over the past three or four years, a price of $15,000 an ounce for gold would not be absurd.”  
    Eveillard, who oversees $60 billion, also said, “I’m not sure they are right, because I have not studied how they came to that conclusion, but I think what is true is there has been gigantic money printing, which will of course help the price of gold.”
    “The global economy seems to be weakening.  It’s weakening in the US, Europe, China, in Asia, and this is in spite of the stimulus.  Asia is suffering because Japan continues to do poorly.  Again, this weakness is apparent despite the fact that Neo-Keynesian policies are in place.  There is enormous fiscal stimulus associated with gigantic budget deficits.”
    “There is considerable monetary stimulus associated with the Fed and now the ECB, with the ECB deciding in an ‘unlimited way’ they would print money.  So this weakness is a puzzle for policymakers.  It’s a sign that the economies in the developed world are not responding to the Neo-Keynesian remedies.

    First, the Keynesian policies are somewhat dubious, but number two, after a major financial crisis, it’s always very difficult for the economies to recover....
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