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Infosys looks to UK public sector

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  1. [verwijderd] 13 juli 2011 11:56
    Outsourcer to expand from retail, CPG and financial services core markets
    13 July 11

    Infosys is targeting a move into the UK public sector market, according to BG Srinivas, European head of the Indian outsourcing giant.

    Srinivas told ComputerworldUK that the drive into the public sector would begin in the US, before Infosys began looking for opportunities in the UK. Public spending cuts and the 20 percent price cuts that the Cabinet Office demanded from its incumbent suppliers were not a deterrent, he said.
    Spending cuts meant global sourcing was more necessary than ever, said Srinavas, who said Infosys would gain traction in the market “without reducing it s rate card”.

    Infosys expects to bid for public sector work directly and, on larger contracts, as part of a consortium.

    The company will maintain its core focus on retail, consumer packaged goods, financial services and telecoms, said Srinavas, adding that it was using retail platforms developed in the UK to win contracts elsewhere in Europe. Infosys was though a key supplier to Waitrose on a £10 million project to build a new website that suffered major probelms when it went live in March.

    Infosys today reported revenue for the quarter to 30 June of $1.7 billion (£1 billion), up by 23 percent from the same quarter last year. Net profit was up 17.8 percent at $384 million (£242 million).

    The company is aiming to shift its focus from a traditional "time and materials" model, under which contracts are priced on the basis of the duration of a project and the number of staff working on it, to a products and platforms business.

    Zal het "gerucht" dan nu bewaarheid worden.......

  2. [verwijderd] 13 juli 2011 11:57
    Tuesday, 5 July 2011
    Logica and SAP partner to bid for the data management role in the UK’s smart meter roll-out

    Logica and SAP have decided to jointly bid to
    become the provider of the central data management capability in the UK’s Smart Metering Implementation Programme. It’s one part of the role of Data and Communications Company (DCC) as defined by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) in the UK’s Smart Metering Implementation Programme Prospectus.

    The DCC role is central to the use of smart meters. It essentially involves gathering the meter readings and getting the data back to the suppliers. The DCC is responsible for the effective operation of the energy market, as well as minimising barriers to competition and ensuring that consumers can benefit from new services that give them control of their spend on energy.

    Logica has been involved in these sorts of roles in energy markets since the National Grid was first privatised. The company set up and ran (for ten years) the UK's New Electricity Trading Agreements (NETA), which replaced the previous wholesale electricity market mechanism. SAP also has in-depth experience and expertise in the sector as a leading supplier of business software solutions to utilities. This is an exclusive partnership for this contract only. Neither party will work with any other bidder.

    Last year the Government published its proposals for the delivery of electricity and gas smart metering in Great Britain for consultation and in March published its conclusions. The process has now entered the ‘foundation stage’, during which the Government will work with industry, consumer groups and other stakeholders to ensure all the necessary groundwork is done before the mass rollout. All the systems required to start the rollout will be built and tested and the DCC established during the foundation stage. The DCC needs to be up and running before the mass rollout, due to start in early 2014 and to be completed in 2019.

    There are still details to be agreed, so the DCC contract value that Logica and SAP will be bidding for will not be known for some time, but it is expected to include both creating the solution and running the service and will be worth in excess of £100m. Logica/SAP have shown their hand at this stage in order to be involved in the discussions and trials.

    The full DCC will cover both communications and data capabilities, but the SAP/Logica agreement is just for the data element – there will be separate procurement for the two aspects. According to Tara McGeehan, Director of Utilities at Logica, the company does not want to take on the communications element itself because of the potential uncertainty and future developments in communications technology. Logica is talking to all the main communications companies, though.

  3. [verwijderd] 13 juli 2011 12:02
    ESSEN, Germany, June 16, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Elster (NYSE:ELT - News) announced today that Scottish and Southern Energy Supply Limited (SSE) has selected Elster as their Smart Metering partner for the first phase of their smart metering deployment, to be completed by mid-2012.

    .......Elster worked with Logica to ensure a secure, interoperable and reliable data communications solution for SSE using the existing GPRS network. Both Elster and Logica are members of the Smart Specification Working Group, a group of industry leaders producing open interoperability specifications enabling the market to deploy early.

  4. forum rang 5 Porscheknakker 13 juli 2011 12:42

    beeldscherm schreef:


    Normaliter wel,zou die al tussen de 1,60/1,70 moeten noteren,maar posities worden/zijn ingenomen speculerend op Overname Logica,want die is m.i zeer naarbij...
    Als het gerucht bestaat dat Logica overgenomen zou worden dan stond de koers al rond de 1,75 euro.
    Dat de koers daalt is voor mij het bewijs dat dit gerucht er nog niet is.

  5. forum rang 5 Porscheknakker 13 juli 2011 16:20

    ooievaar49 schreef:

    Laten we er dan een gerucht van maken? Volgens mij gaat Logica volgende week woensdag om 15.00 uur overgenomen worden.
    Heb nu mijn huis en kleding verkocht en alles op Logica gezet:):):)

    Eindelijk eens een grapjas op het forum.
    Wie-o-wie gaat Logica overnemen?

    Och, ook zonder overname zullen we wel weer eens nar 1,75 euro gaan, althans dat hoop ik. Dividend is in ieder geval ok, zodat we niet in paniek hoeven te verkopen. Jammer dat er vele anderen anders over denken en Logica voor 1,39 euro verkopen. Wat een stelletje sukkels.

  6. [verwijderd] 14 juli 2011 10:11

    Gaan wij eerst naar de euro 1,31 toe ?
    Lees TA hieronder.

    Onze voorkeur : zolang 1.45 niet opgegeven wordt, geven we de voorkeur aan een neerwaartse beweging van Logica met 1.31 en vervolgens 1.28 als volgende koersobjectieven.

    Alternatief scenario :als een verdere stijging gewenst is, moet het scenario overwogen worden dat 1.45 opgegeven zal worden met 1.5 en vervolgens 1.53 als volgende koersobjectieven.

    Analyse: de dagelijkse technische indicatoren vertonen een dalende trend. De RSI is onder het neutrale gebied op 50. De MACD is onder de signaallijn en negatief. Tot slot beweegt Logica zich onder de laagste dagelijkse Bollinger band (op 1.42.

    steunpuntenenweerstanden: 1.5 *, 1.45 **, 1.44, 1.408, 1.31, 1.28 **, 1.25 *
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