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  1. diederique 1 juni 2008 23:03
    Payrolls Probably Fell for Fifth Month: U.S. Economy Preview

    By Shobhana Chandra

    June 1 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. lost jobs for a fifth month in May and manufacturing contracted, signaling the economy is stagnating, economists said before reports this week.

    Payrolls probably dropped by 60,000 workers, according to the median estimate of economists surveyed by Bloomberg News before the Labor Department's June 6 report. Figures tomorrow may show the Institute for Supply Management's factory index fell to 48.5 in May.

    Credit restrictions triggered by foreclosures, along with soaring food and fuel prices, have caused spending to slow, prompting banks, construction companies and manufacturers to fire workers. Rising joblessness heightens the risk that consumers will keep retrenching, further hurting growth.

    ``The job market is really emphasizing how bad things are in the economy,'' said Lindsey Piegza, an economic analyst at FTN Financial in New York. ``Payroll declines will further weaken consumer spending.''

    The projected decrease in May payrolls would follow a decline of 20,000 in April that brought the total number of jobs lost so far this year to 260,000. The jobless rate likely rose to 5.1 percent from 5 percent, according to the survey median.

    Factory payrolls probably shrank by 40,000 workers, reflecting automakers' efforts to trim costs, according to the survey median.

    General Motors Corp., the biggest U.S. automaker, said last week that 26 percent of its union workforce accepted the latest offer to leave the company and help clear out its highest-paid factory workers. About 19,000 of GM's United Auto Workers members signed up for the buyout packages, and most will stop working by July 1, the company said.

    ISM Index

    The Tempe, Arizona-based ISM group's manufacturing index would follow an April reading of 48.6. Fifty is the dividing line between expansion and contraction. Growth in overseas markets is helping offset softening demand at home.

    The following day, the Commerce Department may report factory orders dropped 0.1 percent in April after rising 1.3 percent the prior month.

    Federal Reserve policy makers, at their April 29-30 meeting, noted that ``labor market conditions had deteriorated further, and manufacturing activity was soft,'' according to minutes released in May.

    ``The restraint on spending emanating from weakness in labor markets was expected to increase over coming quarters, with participants projecting the unemployment rate to pick up further this year and to remain elevated in 2009,'' the minutes said.

    Rising Claims

    The weakness is reflected in more Americans filing first- time claims for unemployment benefits. Weekly claims have averaged 357,500 so far this year, compared with 321,000 in 2007, when the economy generated an average of 91,000 new jobs a month.

    Service industries, which make up almost 90 percent of the economy, probably expanded at a slower pace last month as financial markets remained unsettled and the housing recession worsened, a report from the supplier managers' group on June 4 is forecast to show. The ISM non-manufacturing index probably fell to 51 in May from 52 the prior month, the Bloomberg survey showed.

    ach, zal ook wel weer negeren worden of toch niet?.........
  2. diederique 2 juni 2008 16:20
    ach peanut toch........

    De productie van de verwerkende industrie in de Verenigde Staten is in mei voor de vierde achtereenvolgende maand gekrompen. Dat maakte het ISM-onderzoeksinstituut maandag bekend.

    De inkoopmanagersindex voor de Amerikaanse productiesector kwam in mei uit op 49,6. Een stand van meer dan 50 punten geeft groei aan en een stand onder de 50 punten duidt op een krimp.

    Het cijfer is wel iets beter dan analisten hadden verwacht. Zij gingen uit van een verdere daling naar 48,5 punten. In april was de stand 48,6. De productie in de Amerikaanse industriële sector staat onder druk door een tragere vraag en de stijgende kosten als gevolg van de dure olie.
  3. diederique 2 juni 2008 18:42
    U.S. stocks on Monday slumped for the first time in five sessions as upheavals at Wachovia Corp. and Washington Mutual Inc. revived worries about continuing credit losses in the financial sector.

    "Concerns in the financial sector have been in the spotlight, following trouble at the U.K. lender Bradford & Bingley, while management shake-ups at Wachovia and Washington Mutual have unsettled the markets as well," said analysts at Action Economics.


    een klein begin van de grotere correctie

    en maar blijven negeren?.........

    of toch niet?
  4. diederique 2 juni 2008 19:34
    Stocks down after tepid economic data, bank woes

    By MADLEN READ, AP Business Writer 12minutes ago

    NEW YORK - Wall Street retreated sharply Monday on more signs of economic weakness and executive shake-ups at two major banks — reminders of the ongoing fallout from the credit crisis. The Dow Jones industrial average fell 200 points.

    Two key economic reports indicated that the economy is still struggling. As expected, the Institute for Supply Management's manufacturing index for May showed its fourth straight monthly decline, while the Commerce Department said construction spending dipped in April for the sixth time in seven months due to a drop in home building.

    The market drew no comfort from the ailing financial sector, either. As the financial system still contends with the aftermath of the nation's prolonged credit problems, Wachovia Corp. chief executive Ken Thompson was forced out Monday and Washington Mutual Inc. is taking the chairman role away from chief executive Kerry Killinger. Thompson has become the third CEO of a major U.S. financial institution to lose the top job as a result of the credit crisis.

    In addition, British lender Bradford & Bingley issued a poor financial outlook and said it is selling a 23 percent stake to a private equity firm, while the ratings agency Standard & Poor's downgraded Merrill Lynch and Lehman Brothers and revised JPMorgan Chase & Co.'s outlook to negative.

    Richard Sparks, a senior equity analyst at Schaeffer's Investment Research in Cincinnati, noted that the S&P 500 neared the 1,400 level Friday, which has proven a tough level to breach in recent weeks.

    "There's just no big catalyst on the horizon to get the market up and over that hurdle ... It seems to me like one of those dreary Mondays without any positive news out there," Sparks said.

    And crude oil prices did not give investors any respite. After slipping last week and moving lower in early trading, light, sweet crude rebounded $1.45 to $128.80 a barrel Monday on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

    By early afternoon trading, the Dow Jones industrial average fell 200.05, or 1.58 percent, to 12,438.27, after gaining last week on better-than-expected economic data and a pullback in oil prices.

    Broader stock indicators also dropped Monday. The Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 20.88, or 1.49 percent, to 1,379.50. The Nasdaq composite index fell 46.34, or 1.84 percent, to 2,476.32.

    Government bonds rose as stocks pulled back. The 10-year Treasury note's yield, which moves opposite its price, fell to 4.04 percent from 4.06 percent late Friday.

    High energy costs have been hurting both companies and consumers, who still face falling home prices. Real estate data company Radar Logic said Monday that only one of the 25 metropolitan areas it tracks — Milwaukee — saw a rise in real estate values in March.

    U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, during a speech in Abu Dhabi, said there are no "quick remedies" for rising energy prices, which he attributed to high demand and limited supplies. "The Gulf region alone cannot alleviate the pressures," Paulson said.

    In its manufacturing data Monday, the ISM said commodity prices for the manufacturing sector rose at a faster rate in May than in April.

    After announcing its CEO's departure, Wachovia shares fell 66 cents, or 2.8 percent, to $23.14, near multi-year lows. WaMu shares fell 11 cents to $8.91.

    And weighing on the Nasdaq, shares of ImClone Systems Inc. fell $2.50, or 5.7 percent, to $41.08 on disappointment over trial data for its drug Erbitux as a treatment for lung cancer and colorectal cancer.

    Declining issues outnumbered advancers by about 2 to 1 on the New York Stock Exchange, where volume was at 439.5 million shares.

    The Russell 2000 index of smaller companies fell 8.72, or 1.17 percent, to 739.56.

    The dollar traded mixed against other major currencies, while gold prices edged higher.

    Meanwhile, the Financial Times reported that the private equity firm Cerberus Capital Management has sold more than half its equity in its deals for GMAC and Chrysler to other investors.

    Overseas, Japan's Nikkei stock average closed up 0.71 percent. In afternoon trading, Britain's FTSE 100 fell 0.76 percent, Germany's DAX index fell 1.24 percent, and France's CAC-40 fell 1.58 percent.
  5. [verwijderd] 2 juni 2008 21:20
    Als je 2 grootheden met elkaar vergelijkt.
    1- energie kosten
    2- arbeids kosten

    Dan zul je zien dat de verhouding wellicht 1:10 is.
    Als inflatie nu het probleem is, en de grondstoffenprijs niet onder controle te brengen is. Dan blijft over de lonen.

    Dat lukt blijkbaar wel. Afnemende lonen las ik hierboven. Perfect om inflatie tegen te gaan. Sterker nog lagere lonen zullen ook de grondstoffenprijs laten zakken.

    Nog iets anders , wat echt bizar gestegen is in de afgelopen jaren zijn de huizenprijzen. Het is toch helemaal van de zotte dat , iets 20% per jaar in waarde zou toennemen. Wij vinden dat normaal omdat we er allemaal van profiteren. Maar het maakt de verhouding met arbeid totaal scheef. Ik heb een huis dat is in tien jaar tijd verdubbeld. Dat betekent ca. 45/50.000 euro netto per jaar.

    Ga dat nu eens omzetten in energie.
    In arbeid, logisch dat mensen vinden dat arbeid niet genoeg oplevert. Maar zo zit het niet.
    Die verdubbeling is wat niet klopt.

    Die correctie loopt nu in amerika , waar ze altijd de tijd 5 jaar vooruit zijn. Wat is daar nu zo negatief aan? de verhoudingen zullen weer beter op elkaar aansluiten en ook de wetenschap dat "you win some and you loose some" nog gewoon opgaat.
    De gemidd. amerikaan kan er waarschijnlijk beter mee omgaan dan de gemidd. nederlander.

    Overigens is 372000 een getal dat prima is, komen we boven de 400.000 dan is er sprake van nul groei ( ook dat scenario hebben we de laatste maanden vaker gehoord)

    In ieder geval is een zakkende beurs, en een zakkende huizenprijs , en een lager uurloon , prima tegen de inflatie.


  6. [verwijderd] 2 juni 2008 21:51
    Ja en in Europa een duurdere overheid.
    straks 1% BTW verhoging
    Dit jaar al in Duitsland

    dat creeert inflatie.

    Je kan moeilijk een andere overheid kiezen
    Dus het antwoord is dan hoe vervelend dan ook
    lagere lonen
    minder uitgaves
    lagere produktie

    Nu dan zijn ze in de States vast goed op weg.
    die Diederique ziet het snel..

    De USA heeft de problemen straks al opgeruimd als wij er nog aan gaan beginnen, let op dollar wordt dan sterker , aandelen in de USA stijgen eerder..

  7. [verwijderd] 2 juni 2008 22:03
    Even ter info in de EU ligt de inflatie bij 3- 3,6

    Duitsland is de motor.
    Maar de winkelverkopen zijn al 2 maanden achter elkaar lager.

    Italie is eigenlijk in een recessie.

    Eigenlijk zou de ECB de rente moeten verlagen.
    Maar met 3.6% inflatie is dat weer een probleem
    Zo te zien zijn we er slechter aan toe dan de USA.

    Die gaan de rente straks weer verhogen, dan wint de dollar aan waarde etc.

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