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Aandeel TomTom AEX:TOM2.NL, NL0013332471

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TomTom februari 2017

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  1. DerksVisie 21 februari 2017 19:15

    Stille vennoot schreef op 21 februari 2017 11:03:

    9 maart is Geneve autosalon...verwachten we daar iets van ?
    persberichten toch vaak ook 1 of 2 dagen vooraf ?

    of valse hoop en maart opties maar doorzetten naar zo ver mogelijk...als het nog iets opbrengt...
    Tata Motors zal daar een nieuw model aankondigen, wellicht direct duidelijk of er een samenwerking met TomTom is.
  2. DerksVisie 21 februari 2017 22:03
    Voor iedereen die nog bang was dat HERE meer sensor-data zou hebben, een stukje uit het jaarverslag:

    "With nearly half a billion sources
    generating millions of kilometres of probe data each day we have
    access to the largest live probe network out there."


    TomTom today has the largest global pools of Sensor-Derived Data and we are extending this with further data from cars they are getting connected. Having the biggest
    data pool today providues us with the ability to build the best products that attract more customers and with them more data.
  3. Mojo 22 februari 2017 00:28
    Bron: Fd

    PSA geeft in gesprek met Merkel baangaranties bij overname Opel

    PSA, het moederconcern van Peugeot en Citroën, heeft dinsdag baangaranties afgegeven voor de werknemers van Opel. Die boodschap heeft PSA-topman Carlos Tavares dinsdag afgegeven in een telefoongesprek met de Duitse bondskanselier Angela Merkel, zo berichten internationale persbureaus en Duitse media.

    Peugeot probeert politieke steun te verwerven voor de overname van het Duitse Opel, dat door het Amerikaanse moederbedrijf General Motors in de etalage is gezet. Afgaande op een woordvoerder van PSA lijkt het charmeoffensief van Tavares succes op te leveren. Merkel zou zich achter de overname hebben gesteld. De besprekingen tussen Tavares en Merkel werden ‘vruchtbaar’ genoemd. ‘Bondskanselier Merkel was zeer bevattelijk voor onze argumenten’, zo heette het in een verklaring van PSA. Het was de eerste keer dat Tavares zich publiekelijk over de overname uitliet.


    De Duitse en Franse ministers van werkgelegenheid, respectievelijk Andrea Nahles en Myriam El Khomri, hebben zich dinsdag ook publiekelijk uitgesproken voor de overname van Opel door PSA.

    Er kan volgens hen sprake zijn van een ‘win-win-situatie’ voor beide landen. Fabrieken in beide landen zouden volgens de twee ministers kunnen profiteren van een nieuw sterk Frans-Duits autoconcern. Eerder hadden prominente auto-experts betoogd dat een samengaan tussen PSA en Opel in Duitsland het verlies van duizenden arbeidsplaatsen zou kunnen betekenen. Zij wijzen er onder meer op dat (afspraken over) werkgelegenheidsgaranties vaak maar voor enkele jaren geleden.

    Opel heeft circa 38.000 werknemers. Grofweg de helft daarvan werkt in drie Duitse fabrieken. Het Britse zusterbedrijf Vauxhall, dat eveneens onder GM valt, heeft 4500 werknemers.

    Eerder deze week was de Duitse staatssecretaris van economie, Matthias Machnig, veel vager over de baangaranties voor werknemers van Opel. Toen achtte hij het 'nog te vroeg' om op basis van de gesprekken met PSA, GM en de Franse regering te concluderen dat de banen en vestigingen behouden zouden blijven.

  4. [verwijderd] 22 februari 2017 02:28

    ZONDAG 19 FEBRUARI 2017 20:20 GMT

    Only five years ago, the autonomous vehicle future seemed like a distant vision. This year at CES, the “frenzy” over autonomous vehicles stole the show with dozens of live demos, partnerships, and product announcements. In fact, 13 of the world’s 14 largest automakers have announced plans to bring autonomous vehicles to market, and 12 of the world’s 14 largest technology companies have announced plans to build technologies to support and operate autonomous vehicles.

    This sudden interest in autonomous driving has bid up the “going rate” for autonomous driving talent to, at least in one case, $10 million per person (Harvard, MIT, CMU, and Stanford students take note!)

    Clearly, many large companies are investing heavily in autonomous driving technology because they see that autonomous cars have the ability to drastically change the auto industry, and they see the enormous cultural change that the presence of AVs could create. If we spend more time in the car and have more time there to do stuff … they want to to be there.

    As investors we have been most interested in watching how various stakeholders are shaping their strategies for competing in this market. For example, will automakers build their own autonomous technology, rely on partners, or both? Do automakers think they will continue selling autonomous vehicles to consumers or only to ride-sharing services? Will ride-sharing services companies want to move into other areas of the industry including building autonomous technologies?

    The ever-changing value chain

    Here is our view of the current state of the autonomous vehicle value chain. The three high-level layers of the autonomous vehicle market are

    Service providers (e.g., ride-hailing, ride-sharing, rentals)
    Technology providers (both hardware and software)
    Automobile manufacturing

    We see a significant number of companies sitting in between layers – such as Tesla building an autonomous driving system as well as being a car manufacturer – and we also see companies that have historically operated in one area making large investments of capital or time in other layers in order extend into other areas of the value chain. An example of this is ReachNow, BMW’s rental and ride hailing service, which is, among other things, a hedge against being cut out of a possible future where ride hailing vs. car owning is the norm.

    Each of these companies sees an opportunity to capture a larger portion of the end-state autonomous vehicle value chain for itself, and they are positioning themselves accordingly.

    The AV partnership matrix: De-risking the future by teaming up

    In addition to investing or acquiring companies or talent, companies have also begun forming partnerships to ensure they do not get cut out of valuable portions of the autonomous vehicle market or caught with single source suppliers for key technologies.

    For example, companies have realized that detailed maps might (though it is still under debate) be one of the most critical inputs to self-driving cars for determining whether the car is seeing the environment or another vehicle, person, or object in its environment. This led to several big moves in developing in-house maps and/or acquiring access to other sets of mapping data. For example, in August of 2015, a consortium of automakers bought Here maps for $3 billion; in July of 2016, Uber announced a $500 million plan to map the world’s roads; and in December of 2016, Mobileye announced a partnership with Here’s owners to share their mapping data.

    Some other interesting takeaways we see from looking across the autonomous vehicle landscape are:

    The companies working with the major technology providers are also developing their own homegrown systems. For example, while Volvo is providing Uber with vehicles for its well-publicized Pittsburgh, San Francisco, and Arizona self-driving tests, the car maker is developing its own autonomous systems as well through its Drive Me research project.
    We have already seen some high-profile ‘breakups’ in the autonomous vehicle space. After Tesla’s crash, Tesla and Mobileye pointed fingers over who fired who (and whose technology led to a fatal crash), and Baidu and BMW called off their joint work citing different development paces and ideas about research. We will likely see more partnering companies go their separate ways over differences in tech and/or business philosophies.
    Most of the major automakers have aligned themselves with a ride-hailing service – either via investment in the case of Toyota-Uber or GM-Lyft or by building servies in house or making a full acquisition. These moves have been interesting because the strength of Uber or Lyft’s driver network becomes less relevant in an autonomous, ride-hailing future. When you can put cars on the road without a person at the wheel, different elements become more important levers of success – namely the ability to manufacture, finance, and maintain cars. This could give automakers a head start later in the game, so to speak. However, success in ride hailing is also dependent on consumer penetration, so companies like Uber and Lyft might have their own leverage over the automaker latecomers.
    Regulators are along for the ride
    While we watch the moves that software companies and automotive companies are making in the autonomous vehicle space, we are also tracking what regulators, drivers, and consumers are thinking and saying about autonomous vehicles.

    To date, we have been impressed with how proactive federal, state, and local governments have been in their support of autonomous driving technology. Regulators and planners at multiple levels appear to have bought into the potential promise of fewer accidents, less congestion, more productive time for citizens and freed up space now devoted to parking lots in cities. But they are treading carefully, encouraging companies to experiment in safe, controlled ways. When the U.S. NHTSA investigated the fatal crash involving Tesla’s Autopilot, it found that, while it failed in that instance, Autopilot had decreased the number of crashes by 40 percent since its introduction.

    However, as this technology becomes mainstream and moves from high-end cars to widespread adoption among ride-hailing and trucking companies, there could be massive disruption to the way the workforce is structured in many different places around the country. A 2015 NPR review of Census data shows that truck driving is the most common job in nearly every U.S. state. Autonomous trucks will have a massive impact on the trucking industry.

    As more startups and large companies begin public demonstrations and public releases of their products, they must find the right ways to introduce these technologies for both public safety and public perception. “Drive fast and break things” will not be the right approach to releasing autonomous vehicles, and companies need to be thoughtful about the best way to introduce these technologies.

    As investors (and eager consumers and citizens) we are watching how the AV market is evolving and looking for opportunities. The innovations over the last five years happened twice as fast as expected, so imagine where we could be in another five – or maybe just two and a half!


  5. forum rang 6 Dutchy Ron 22 februari 2017 07:44

    6-7 maart 2017 spreker op Tech Automated Driving (Berlijn)
    Frans de Rooij
    7-mrt 8:00 uur Director Product Management , TomTom Automotive

    ? Discuss the crucial role maps can play in providing a reference for localization, anticipating what’s up further ahead, and ensuring a comfortable ride
    ? Learn how TomTom’s map-making platform leverages input data from the global driver community, dedicated mapping vehicles and other sources to create an accurate representation of the road and the world around it
    ? Discover how GPS traces and sensor data are processed with deep neural networks that can recognize traffic signs and other road attributes to make detailed and up-to-date maps
    ? Consider how the resulting maps with lane information, lateral depth data, and live map layers can be used in ADAS and AD systems
  6. forum rang 6 Dutchy Ron 22 februari 2017 07:54
    oude info

    TomTom empowers movement. Every day millions of people around the world depend on TomTom to make smarter decisions. We design and develop innovative products that make it easy for people to keep moving towards their goals. Best known for being a global leader in navigation and mapping products, TomTom also creates GPS Sport Watches, as well as state-of-the-art fleet management solutions and industry leading location based products. Our business consists of four customer facing business units: Consumer, Automotive, Licensing and Telematics. Founded in 1991 and headquartered in Amsterdam, we have 3,600 employees worldwide and sell our products in over 35 countries


    Er zijn vast mensen die tijd (over) hebben om dit te melden bij TT ;-)
  7. [verwijderd] 22 februari 2017 08:29
    Wanneer zou TomTom eindelijk eens de deals gaan aankondigen die aantonen dat zij niet "sensor-data-deprived" zullen worden? Hun huidige "probe-claim" is nog grotendeels gebaseerd op oude iOS-probes, met weinig relevantie voor het aanstaande HD-tijdperk.

    Als ze te lang wachten met het te gelde maken van hun "fabriek" zouden ze wel eens kunnen gaan ontdekken dat ze aan enorme kapitaalvernietiging hebben gedaan door niet ECHT te willen partneren. Want wat als ze ook als "dual mapsource" gedisrupt worden omdat de main sensor crowd data suppliers zaken doen met andere partijen? Wie weet is het nog niet zo'n dom idee om TomTom te laten opkopen door Mobileye?

    Of nu razendsnel tot zaken komen met Ford/Toyota en GM in een reëel tegenoffensief tegen de druk die de BAD boys nu op de ketel zetten met hun crowd data deals met Mobileye met HERE als aanstaande fabriek. Die route wordt steeds geloofwaardiger als er geen serieuze tegenzetten komen.

    Historisch gezien wel apart om te zien dat een Israelisch bedrijf de Duitse automobiel industrie moet redden. Dat hadden ze 75 jaar geleden waarschijnlijk niet op het netvlies en zal stiekem toch nog wel door wat hoofden gaan in deze tijd.
  8. forum rang 6 Dutchy Ron 22 februari 2017 08:29

    Rather, BMW's new move involves data collection to improve maps and keep them updated. The company will install Mobileye's Road Experience Management system in 2018 cars, though a BMW representative couldn't be specific on which models and regions the feature will first be introduced. The system will gather data using BMW's existing camera-based advanced driver assist system to gather road data.

    The first step in Mobileye's system is "harvesting agents", also known as people driving around in some 2018 BMW's and other cars similarly equipped. The camera (which also provides lane-departure warning and automatic high beams) tracks stationary objects like road signs, curbs, and landmarks and sends that data to the cloud, which can then be used for autonomous cars. Because Mobileye converts the camera picture into small pieces of data, the company says it only uses about 10 kilobytes per kilometer.

    Systems like this can accelerate the development of autonomous driving and also benefit normal drivers. Real-time data will help to let autonomous vehicles know when roads have been diverted for construction, when they've been closed, and other changes to road conditions. BMW points out that this data collection can help keep any car - autonomous or not - updated with traffic conditions, weather, upcoming hazards, and even potentially availability of on-street parking.

    This data will be made anonymous so that it can't be pinned to an individual. BMW didn't specifically state that it would offer an opt-out option to not send data, however the BMW representative told us that such a feature will probably be offered in some form or another. He also stressed that BMW will follow all laws regarding information privacy. The data collected will then be used to keep Mobileye's Global RoadBook map system up-to-date. The information will also be used by map company HERE (co-owned by BMW), which will do the same. Both companies' charts use data from other manufacturers as well, and HERE offers its maps for use on all levels of autonomous vehicles via a cloud service.
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