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Aandeel ArcelorMittal AEX:MT.NL, LU1598757687

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23,480   -0,050   (-0,21%) Dagrange 23,200 - 23,770 1.134.626   Gem. (3M) 2,6M

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  1. svh21 9 september 2014 09:58
    ArcelorMittal advies omhoog bij Credit Suisse - Market Talk

    Dinsdag 9 september 2014 09:38
    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Credit Suisse heeft het advies voor ArcelorMittal (MT.AE) verhoogd naar outperform van neutral. De analisten verwachten dat de prestaties van het staalbedrijf zullen verbeteren als de dieptepunt van de prijsdalingen voor ijzererts achter de rug zijn en de inkoopmanagersindices zullen stijgen. Toch zien ze ook nog veel onzekerheden voor het aandeel en voordat een langdurige stijging kan plaatsvinden zijn volgens hen eerst meer tekenen nodig dat betere resultaten in 2015 mogelijk zijn. Het koersdoel gaat omhoog naar $18 van $17.
    Omstreeks 9.20 uur noteert het aandeel 1,6% hoger op EUR11,57, terwijl de AEX vlak noteert. (LDF)
  2. [verwijderd] 10 september 2014 01:05

    svh21 schreef op 9 september 2014 09:58:

    ArcelorMittal advies omhoog bij Credit Suisse - Market Talk

    Dinsdag 9 september 2014 09:38
    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Credit Suisse heeft het advies voor ArcelorMittal (MT.AE) verhoogd naar outperform van neutral. De analisten verwachten dat de prestaties van het staalbedrijf zullen verbeteren als de dieptepunt van de prijsdalingen voor ijzererts achter de rug zijn en de inkoopmanagersindices zullen stijgen. Toch zien ze ook nog veel onzekerheden voor het aandeel en voordat een langdurige stijging kan plaatsvinden zijn volgens hen eerst meer tekenen nodig dat betere resultaten in 2015 mogelijk zijn. Het koersdoel gaat omhoog naar $18 van $17.
    Omstreeks 9.20 uur noteert het aandeel 1,6% hoger op EUR11,57, terwijl de AEX vlak noteert. (LDF)

    Op naar de 18e dan maar!
  3. GVteD 13 september 2014 15:59
    12 sep '14 Afbouwen € 9,5 » € 9,0 Lager Nomura Meer »
    10 sep '14 Verkopen € 9,5 » € 10,0 Hoger Goldman Sachs Meer »
    10 sep '14 Hoger Underweight» Overweight € 11,0 » € 13,5 Hoger Barclays Meer »
    08 sep '14 Hoger Afbouwen» Kopen € 10,0 » € 13,0 Hoger Kepler Cheuvreux Meer »
    26 aug '14 Hoger Verkopen» Kopen € 10,5 » € 14,0 Hoger UBS Meer »
    20 aug '14 Aanbevolen - Theodoor Gilissen Meer »
    05 aug '14
  4. viermeiden 15 september 2014 14:41

    ArcelorMittal 14:23
    EUR 10,99 -0,07 (-0,59%)

    ArcelorMittal en Gerdau verkopen Gallatin

    LUXEMBURG (AFN) - ArcelorMittal en Gerdau verkopen hun belangen van elk 50 procent in Gallatin Steel aan Nucor Corporation voor 770 miljoen dollar in contanten. Dat maakte 's werelds grootste staalconcern maandag bekend.

    Gallatin bezit een fabriek in Gallatin County in de staat Kentucky met een productiecapaciteit van 1,8 miljoen ton. ,,De verkoop levert onze aandeelhouders substantiële waarde op en is in lijn met onze strategie om niet-kernactiviteiten af te stoten'', aldus ArcelorMittal.

    De transactie wordt naar verwachting tegen het eind van dit jaar afgerond.

  5. svh21 18 september 2014 18:09

    ArcelorMittal opens higher as BofA upgrades to Buy

    Sep 18 2014, 09:50 ET | About: ArcelorMittal (MT) | By: Carl Surran, SA News Editor

    ArcelorMittal (MT +1.5%) is upgraded to Buy from Neutral with a $17.50 price target at BofA/Merrill, which cites margin upside.
    The firm's positive outlook on MT is based on the belief that Europe steel prices have troughed and will rise into Q4, steel margins are expanding with steel prices having proved more resilient than raw materials, and that iron ore will not prove a headwind for earnings from here.

  6. viermeiden 22 september 2014 15:37
    BRUSSEL (AFN) - In de 65 landen die zijn aangesloten bij de World Steel Association is in augustus 135 miljoen ton staal geproduceerd, een toename van 1,4 procent op jaarbasis. Dat maakte de organisatie maandag bekend.

    China was met 68,9 miljoen ton, 1 procent meer dan een jaar eerder, goed voor ruim 51 procent van de totale productie. De Japanse productie steeg met 2,2 procent tot 9,3 miljoen ton. Andere Aziatische landen rapporteerden stevige plussen in de productie. Zo was India goed voor 7 miljoen ton, een stijging van 5,2 procent en nam de Zuid-Koreaanse productie met 8 procent toe tot 5,3 miljoen ton.

    In diverse Europese landen nam de productie juist af. De sterkste daling werd gemeten in Oekraïne, met 37 procent tot 1,8 miljoen ton. Ook in Frankrijk daalde de productie fors, met 9,1 procent tot 1,1 miljoen ton. Duitsland leverde 3,1 miljoen ton (min 1 procent) en Spaanse fabrikanten maakten 1,1 miljoen ton (min 0,4 procent).

  7. svh21 23 september 2014 13:16
    ArcelorMittal koersdoel omhoog - Market Talk

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Analisten van JPMorgan Cazenove hebben hun koersdoel voor ArcelorMittal (MT.AE) verhoogd naar EUR16 van EUR13. Het advies blijft overweight. Ze denken dat het verwacht margeherstel en het terugkerende vermogen om prijzen te bepalen zwaarder zal wegen dan het risico van dalende ijzerertsprijzen. Ze verwachten veel van de potentiele overname van de Italiaanse staalfabriek Ilva. Omstreeks 10.55 uur noteert het aandeel 0,5% lager op EUR11,26, terwijl de AEX met 0,6% daalt. (LDF)

  8. svh21 24 september 2014 18:10

    Why ArcelorMittal Is Not As Bad As Wall Street Believes

    Sep. 24, 2014 11:05 AM ET | About: ArcelorMittal (MT)

    Disclosure: The author has no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. (More...)

    •When combined with the boom experts project for industrial output and rising demand from new sectors, steel stocks should remain buoyed for the rest of 2014 and beyond.
    •Given the better outlook for the steel industry, ArcelorMittal's commitment towards extracting value will pay dividends.
    •As the only real bargain left in a recovering sector, investors would be wise to buy now.

    Over the past couple of years, "doing more with less" has been the operating mantra for steel producer ArcelorMittal (NYSE:MT), whose shares are down almost 40% since the stock reached a high of $23.37 in Feb. 2012.

    For investors, holding on hasn't been easy. They have shown an extremely high frustration threshold. With the stock down 19% on the year to date, and trailing the 8% gain of the S&P 500, they now have a tough decision to make.

    While the steel industry is poised for a rebound, according to some experts, ArcelorMittal is not among Wall Street's favorites to play the recovery. That honor has gone to, among others, US Steel (NYSE:X) and Steel Dynamics (NASDAQ:STLD), whose shares have gained 53% and 26%, respectively, in the past three months.

    And when you consider the 16% gain Nucor Corporation (NYSE:NUE) has posted in the past two months, there are very few bargains left in the steel industry -- unless, of course, you're considering ArcelorMittal, whose shares should retest the $17.50 mark in the next 12 to 18 months. That a 20% premium from current levels.

    Despite what bears want to portray about the company's deteriorating financials, which has led to several downgrades, ArcelorMittal is not as bad as its underperformance suggests.

    In the most recent quarter the company posted a 3% year over year jump in revenue, which also advanced 5% sequentially. This was helped by a 3% growth in shipments. Equally impressive, iron ore shipments surged 14%. And given the brutal environment with mining operations, the 2% revenue increase in mining was encouraging.

    Given the extent of the slowdown in European core operations, where the company generates roughly 50% of its revenue, these numbers, including the 4% increase in reported EBITDA, were impressive. And they are likely to get better because of the recent boost in demand for tubes and pipes - the types used for oil drilling. This is due to the recent rise in U.S. shale.

    When combined with the boom experts project for industrial output and rising demand from new sectors, steel stocks should remain buoyed for the rest of 2014 and beyond. For ArcelorMittal, whose EBITDA has steadily risen over the past couple of quarters, the increase in demand coupled with the company's operational improvements will reward patent shareholders.

    Management has established a two-year plan to take out upwards of $3 billion in incremental costs in what the company called a "Management Gain Program," which is aimed at lowering the company's net debt to $15 billion. As of the most recent quarter, the net debt stood at $17.4 billion.

    To that end, ArcelorMittal continues to work to divest its non-core assets. This led to last week's announcement to sell Gallatin Steel Company, a flat-rolled products mill based in Gallatin County, KY, to Nucor. The deal was valued at $770 million. ArcelorMittal, which owned Gallatin as a 50/50 joint-venture in with Gerdau Ameristeel, will help ArcelorMittal better focus on its core operations and turnaround its business. Not to mention, help the company achieve its cost-reduction goals.

    ArcelorMittal has enjoyed a solid reputation as the premier name in integrated steel. The company just hasn't been able to overcome weak steel prices and slumping demand. But given the better outlook for the steel industry, ArcelorMittal's commitment towards extracting value will pay dividends. And as the only real bargain left in a recovering sector, investors would be wise to buy now.

    seeking alpha post
  9. Yabbedabbedoe 1 oktober 2014 10:22
    'ArcelorMittal blijft attractief'

    Gepubliceerd op 1 okt 2014 om 07:38 | Views: 1.791 | Onderwerpen: staal
    Reacties (1)
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    ArcelorMittal 10:01

    EUR 10,84 -0,07 (-0,60%)
    •'ArcelorMittal blijft attractief'
    •'ArcelorMittal en JSW gaan bod doen op Ilva'

    AMSTERDAM (AFN) - Het aandeel ArcelorMittal blijft attractief. Dat constateren analisten van ING woensdag in een rapport over het staalconcern. Ze denken dat het bedrijf, ondanks flinke tegenwind vanwege de ijzerertsprijzen, weergerelateerde- en operationele tegenslag in de Verenigde Staten, in staat moet zijn het bedrijfsresultaat (ebitda) te laten groeien ten opzichte van 2013.

    De marktvorsers haalden opmerkingen van het bestuur van ArcelorMittal aan, die aangegeven er vertrouwen in te hebben dat de doelstelling van een ebitda van minimaal 7 miljard dollar zal worden gehaald. ING wees er verder in het rapport op dat ondanks de dalende ijzerertsprijzen de prijs per product stabiel blijft in lokale valuta vanwege een sterke vraag. Die vraag komt vooral uit de Verenigde Staten en uit de hoek van plaatstaal.

    De bank handhaaft het buy-advies op het aandeel en het koersdoel van 13 euro. ArcelorMittal sloot dinsdag op 10,90 euro.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 16 oktober 2014 17:21
    Nedstaal rekent op doorstart

    DONDERDAG 16 OKTOBER 2014, 09:54 uur | 216 keer gelezen

    ALBLASSERDAM (AFN) - Het in surseance verkerende staalbedrijf Nedstaal denkt in afgeslankte vorm een doorstart te kunnen maken. Het bedrijf voert in dat kader gesprekken met meerdere partijen, waarvan enkele reeds in een gevorderd stadium zijn aanbeland, zo maakte de staalproducent donderdag bekend.
    Het bedrijf vroeg woensdag uitstel van betaling aan bij de rechtbank in Rotterdam omdat het zijn schuldeisers niet meer kan betalen. Tegelijk verzocht Nedstaal om een zogenoemde afkoelingsperiode. Dat geeft de bewindvoerders de gelegenheid om te bepalen welke goederen zij voor de onderneming willen behouden, met het oog op de voortzetting of de verkoop van het bedrijf.

    Nedstaal verwacht dat tijdens de adempauze, in overleg met de bewindvoerders, een oplossing voor de schuldenproblematiek kan worden gevonden. De huidige inschatting is dat rekening wordt gehouden met een faillissement, maar “dat verkoop van Nedstaal met behoud van gedeeltelijke werkgelegenheid voor de regio tot de reële mogelijkheden behoort”. De onderneming zet daarbij in op behoud van de productiefaciliteit in Alblasserdam met optimaal behoud van banen.

    Het staalbedrijf heeft 280 werknemers en een jaaromzet van bijna 100 miljoen euro. Het produceert zogeheten blokgegoten staal voor de smeedmarkt, en is een van de grote marktspelers op het gebied van kogellagers voor de auto-industrie.

  11. forum rang 10 voda 16 oktober 2014 17:23
    EU steel imports continued to rise in July and August

    EUROFER recently announced that the latest EU customs statistics show that third country imports remained on a rising trend in July and August: finished steel imports rose 32 percent YoY, compared with a 6 percent rise in Q1 and 33 percent rise in Q2.

    This means that over the first 8 months of this year total finished steel imports rose 21 percent. While flat product imports grew 15 percent year-on-year, long product imports increased by a staggering 49 percent.

    These growth rates of third country imports arriving in the EU contrast sharply with the only very moderate growth of apparent consumption. EUROFER statistics show demand for finished steel products in the 1st half of 2014 rising almost 5.5 percent compared with 2013.

    For the whole of this year around 3.5% growth in apparent steel consumption is foreseen, reflecting the usual seasonal destocking in the second half of the year. This underpins that the rebound in steel demand is only gradually gaining momentum.

    Interim General Director Axel Eggert said that “That is exactly the reason why we are so concerned about the sharply rising trend in imports we are observing since the start of the year. Low priced imports benefit more from the fragile recovery in the EU market than domestic producers. Moreover, the combination of volume and pricing effects exacerbates the already severe margin pressure in the EU steel sector.”

    Source – Strategic Research Institute
  12. forum rang 10 voda 16 oktober 2014 17:23
    Rio Tinto updates on production of iron ore

    Global iron ore production of 216.2 million tonnes (Rio Tinto share 170.3 million tonnes) and global shipments of 220.4 million tonnes (Rio Tinto share 173.8 million tonnes) set new nine month records. Rio Tinto’s share of production in the period was 11% higher than in the same period of 2013.

    Pilbara operations;
    Production in the first nine months of 205.3 million tonnes (Rio Tinto share 163.9 million tonnes) was 12% higher than the same period in 2013 and set a new nine month record, driven by a combination of rail, haul truck and processing plant productivity improvements and achieving the 290 MT per annum run rate in May, two months ahead of schedule. Almost 90% of the additional tonnes produced in the year to date has gone directly into our Pilbara Blend, the market leading iron ore product. The Q3 marked the first full quarter of production at a 290 MT per annum run rate, delivering a 13% increase in production in the quarter to 72.9 million tonnes (Rio Tinto share 58.2 million tonnes) when compared to the same period last year.

    Pilbara sales;
    Record sales of 209.8 million tonnes (Rio Tinto share 167.6 million tonnes) in the first nine months were 20% higher than the same period of 2013. Sales in the period exceeded production by 4.5 million tonnes due to the drawdown of stockpiled iron ore inventory built at Pilbara mine sites in previous years to facilitate a ramp up of the expanded port and rail facilities to 290 MT per annum. The growth of our Pilbara iron ore business has enabled us to deliver additional Pilbara Blend iron ore volumes to Asian steel markets, providing our customers with reliable, long-term supply of stable quality. Our Yandicoogina and Robe Valley products remained in high demand from major steel mills in Asia. Q3 sales set a new quarterly record of 73.7 million tonnes (Rio Tinto share 59.1 million tonnes), 15% higher than the same period of 2013.

    Pilbara expansion;
    Infrastructure for the 360 Mt per annum expansion is 75% complete, with all rail, marine and wharf works now in place. The infrastructure expansion is expected to be complete by the end of the H1 2015. In November 2013, Rio Tinto set out its breakthrough pathway to optimise the growth of mine capacity towards 360 Mt/a, which freed up more than USD 3 billion of capital previously earmarked for the expansion. The 360 Mt per annum project is poised to generate significant value for shareholders and production from the Pilbara is expected to be 330 million tonnes (100% basis) in 2015.

    Iron Ore Company of Canada (IOC);
    Production for the first nine months was four per cent lower than the same period of 2013 due to the unusually cold winter experienced in the Q1 of 2014. While production in the Q3 was 2% lower than the same period of 2013, sales were 14% higher and shipments exceeded production in the quarter by nine per cent as previously frozen material became available for sale.

    2014 shipping and production guidance;
    Rio Tinto expects 2014 global shipments of approximately 300 million tonnes (100% basis). 2014 global production guidance is unchanged at 295 million tonnes (100% basis), subject to weather constraints. Around five million tonnes of iron ore inventory is expected to be drawn down from the Pilbara mines during the year.

    Source – Strategic Research Institute
  13. forum rang 10 voda 16 oktober 2014 17:26
    ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih's crude steel output edges down in Jan-Sept

    In the January to September period of the current year, the crude steel production of ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih, Ukrainian subsidiary of global steel giant ArcelorMittal, totaled 4.7177 million tonnes down 1% YoY as announced by the company.

    In addition, in the first nine months of the year ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih registered a 0.7% decrease YoY in its finished steel output to 4.1479 million tonnes while its pig iron production in the given period increased by 0.5% YoY to 4.1697 million tonnes.

    Meanwhile, in September alone, the company produced 594,200 MT of crude steel, 524,500 MT of pig iron and 511,900 MT of finished steel products.

    Source -Visit www.steelorbis.com for more
  14. forum rang 10 voda 17 oktober 2014 15:33
    UBS cuts forecast as iron ore prices continue to go down

    It is reported that iron ore prices at China corrected further on October 16th as worries over the outlook for Chinese economy increase

    In line with physical market, iron ore futures in China and Singapore also extended losses. The most-traded iron ore for January delivery on the Dalian Commodity Exchange closed down 3.1 percent at CNY 565 (USD 92) a tonne. The December iron ore contract on the Singapore Exchange fell 1.9 percent to USD 79.09 a tonne.

    UBS estimates that around 100 million tonnes of Chinese iron ore output have been cut and about 50 million tonnes of supply from the rest of the world. UBS said in a report "At these prices, around 1/4 of current iron ore production is loss making. These producers will fight to cut costs and stay in the trade, but we believe a significant portion will be unable to do so.”

    You can keep track of prices of more than 800 items including raw materials, meatllics & semis, long products and flat products by subscribing to recently launched revamped SteelGuru’s Market Intelligence Services PS14.
  15. forum rang 10 voda 17 oktober 2014 15:34
    South Koreans concerned over Fukushima radiation found in steel imports - Reports

    RIA Novosti reported that radioactive steel imported by South Korea from Japan, which is still struggling to eliminate the consequences of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, poses a real threat.

    Mr Park Jong kwon, chairman of the Masan Changwon Jinhae Korea Federation of Environmental Movements said that "A case in August, in which imports of scrap steel from Japan were found to contain radioactive material and sent back to Japan clearly shows we're exposed to a real risk."

    On Tuesday, South Korean environmental activists staged a rally in front of a steel company in Changwon, a city on the country's southeastern coast. The protesters demanded that local steel companies stop importing Japanese steel, especially since many of South Korean seaports are not equipped with radiation detection devices.

    The protest in Changwon followed similar complaints earlier this week by a civic group in another South Korean port city of Gunsan, located southwest of the capital Seoul.

    In August, the Seoul government discovered that there were traces of radiation in some scrap metal imported from Japan and ordered the importer to return the items.

    According to information from the South Korean Nuclear Safety and Security Commission, the radioactive material was of the kind that was released into the air during Japan's Fukushima nuclear disaster.

    On March 2011, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant was hit by a 9.0-magnitude earthquake and a subsequent tsunami, which caused a partial meltdown of three of the plant's nuclear reactors. The radiation from the plant leaked into the atmosphere, soil and sea.

    Source - RIA Novosti
  16. forum rang 10 voda 17 oktober 2014 15:36
    Rio Tinto hits back over Premier's iron ore critique

    SMH reported that Rio Tinto posted a 12% rise in September quarter production to 76.8 million tonnes compared to the same time last year.

    Rio posted a 12% rise in September quarter production to 76.8 million tonnes, compared to the same time last year. Photo: Bloomberg.

    Mr Sam Walsh CEO of Rio Tinto has questioned West Australian Premier Mr Colin Barnett's surprise attack on the miner and rival BHP Billiton for acting seemingly in a concert way to flood a depressed iron ore market, saying the expansions were approved by his government.

    Mr Walsh said that "I'm not sure where Colin is coming from, given that we have been very clear in our plans and our expansions are approved by government."

    Mr Walsh, who previously resided in Perth, said that Mr Barnett need not stress, given the long-term fundamentals for the iron ore industry were strong. It's a great story, no matter how you tell it playing down the impact of weak iron ore prices on Rio's earnings.

    Mr Walsh was reacting to sustained criticism from the Liberal Premier, who in the past week appeared to imply that Rio and BHP were colluding and could face a royalty rate increase if they continued to flood a depressed iron ore market.

    On Tuesday, Mr Barnett, who is a former economics lecturer, told state Parliament that "If you are selling a product into a market and the price is falling and falling at a very fast rate, the normal commercial reaction would be to cut back on supply into that industry. And I think it will be a failed policy no doubt about it and I find it strange that the companies are acting seemingly in a concert way."

    Mr Barnett said that he had not meant to imply any sort of collusion was going on. Rather, he said he was critiquing the strategy, which both companies had adopted.

    Rio Tinto and BHP's strategy of mining huge amounts of low-cost iron ore is extremely controversial because it could lower worldwide prices and drive some producers out of business, including Australian miners.

    Mr Andrew Harding Rio Tinto iron ore boss has taken umbrage at suggestions Rio and its fellow iron ore majors should withhold supply to drive a price recovery, saying it is not something the miner would ever countenance.

    He said that "The only way that you could actually have not had that void being filled by anyone is if all the producers got together and decided not to do that, and that is not something that Rio Tinto would ever consider."

    Source – SMH
  17. forum rang 10 voda 17 oktober 2014 15:37
    Why Port Hedland's iron ore export narrowed in Sept

    Port Hedland’s iron ore export;
    Australia accounts for a large percentage of the world’s iron ore seaborne exports. The exports are used by companies like BHP Billiton, Fortescue Metals Group and Atlas Iron.

    The Hedland Port is one of the major iron ore exporting ports in the world. It represents about one fifth of the global seaborne iron ore trade. The majority of Australia’s approximately 400 million tonnes of iron ore exports are shipped from Port Hedland and the Port of Dampier. Shipments through Port Hedland represented 55% of Australia’s iron ore exports last year. More than 80% of the cargo goes to China.

    September dip from record levels;
    Total September shipments recorded 36.3 million tonnes. It recorded levels of 37.4 million tonnes in August. It recorded 29 million tonnes last year in September.

    China’s iron ore shipments, from Australia’s Port Hedland, declined from its record levels. This was a result of speculation demand. It could ease amid slowing economic growth. For September, shipments stood at 29.8 million tonnes. There was a record of 32 million tonnes in August. There were 23 million tonnes in September 2013.

    Source – Market Realist
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