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Aandeel Nokia PSE:NOKIA.FR, FI0009000681

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
4,022   -0,016   (-0,38%) Dagrange 4,014 - 4,046 34.637   Gem. (3M) 143,7K

Nokia Januari 2014

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  1. [verwijderd] 9 januari 2014 14:07
    Haha inderdaad, maar er zijn er sowieso nog wel een paar andere silent followers hier heb ik het idee...

    Juist, de patenten, misschien niet op de lange termijn maar zeker op korte termijn gaat dit geld opleveren.En ik heb daarnaast het gevoel dat er nog een klein stukje onzekerheid verrekend zit in de koers mbt microsoft. Veel gevoel en weinig feiten, maarja wat wil je anders als particulier met fulltime job.
  2. [verwijderd] 9 januari 2014 14:16

    drulletje drie schreef op 9 januari 2014 13:24:


    Ik trade Nokia niet scheelt een hoop koers kijken.

    Spreek je over een paar maanden als de koers € 7.00 hoog staat ok ;)
    2x a 3x per maand 5.000x0.10 trade is heel fijn en met Nokia zijn er veel kansen. Kijk maar naar de afgelopen paar dagen. Een paar keer schommeling tussen 5,87 en 5,95. Vandaag van 5,94 naar 6,11 en terug naar 6,02.
  3. drulletje drie 9 januari 2014 14:22

    Lisad schreef op 9 januari 2014 14:16:


    2x a 3x per maand 5.000x0.10 trade is heel fijn en met Nokia zijn er veel kansen. Kijk maar naar de afgelopen paar dagen. Een paar keer schommeling tussen 5,87 en 5,95. Vandaag van 5,94 naar 6,11 en terug naar 6,02.
    Jaja weet ik je heb helemaal gelijk alleen ik doe het niet ;)

  4. [verwijderd] 9 januari 2014 15:16
    Hier zo'n 'silent follower'. En ook ik heb 8€ als eerstvolgend koersdoel om weer deel te verkopen. Eerder deeltje verkocht bij 5,5 € om amd te kopen (ongeveer 25% gestegen, en potentie om dit jaar te verdubbelen). 8€ voor Nokia lijkt me dit kwartaal mogelijk met: afronding devices naar microsoft, goede q-cijfers, patentdeal(s)en/of grote nsn-opdrachten, helderheid over strategie, dividend en nieuwe ceo.
    opbrengst gaat dan naar gluu, of msft of Sony als deze nog wat dalen.
  5. forum rang 5 gpjf 9 januari 2014 15:31

    Nou Lisad , kijk toevallig weer eens naar Nokia maar jij schiet echt de vogel af, ongelooflijk dat dit allemaal na de misere bij Nokia in de afgelopen jaren gebeurt maar verdient moet ik zeggen. Ik ben het met drulletje drie eens maar durf het ook niet meer. Succes met je beslissingen maar vooralsnog zijn die prima !
  6. [verwijderd] 9 januari 2014 15:43
    Had mijn intuïtie moeten volgen en verkopen om later terug te kopen!
    Nokia verliest patent zaak in Duitsland.



    Taipei, Jan. 9 (CNA) A German court on Thursday dismissed a patent-infringement complaint filed by Nokia Oyj against Taiwan's HTC Corp. in relation to technology that allows users to accept calls while downloading software updates.

    Judge Matthias Zigann of the District Court in Munich ruled that HTC's devices did not violate Nokia's patent EP0804046 on a "method and apparatus for updating the software of a mobile terminal using the air interface."

    HTC said it is pleased with the ruling and believes the patent will be found invalid eventually.

    "This decision follows a string of similar dismissals against other patents that Nokia has tried to assert against HTC in Germany," the Taoyuan-based company said in a statement.

    "We will continue to pursue the invalidity action pending before the German Federal Patent Court and expect the patent to be revoked in due course," HTC said.

    The patent-in-suit does not cover all over-the-air updates but a particular way of enabling mobile phone users to accept calls while downloading an update, according to a blog post by technology patent expert Florian Mueller.

    Nokia, which has filed a series of patent-infringement complaints against HTC since 2012, said in a statement that it "respectfully disagrees with" the judgment of the Regional Court in Munich and is considering an appeal.

    The ruling came after the same court found in December 2013 that two other Nokia patents were infringed by HTC products, enabling Nokia to enforce injunctions against the import and sale of all infringing HTC products in Germany, as well as to obtain damages for past infringement.

    The previous two German rulings in favor of the Finnish handset maker were on a USB-related patent and a patent on certain kinds of negotiated data transfer over NFC and Bluetooth connections. Most of the infringing HTC products were outdated models and were no longer available in Germany.

    Since 2012, Nokia has asserted more than 50 patents against HTC and believes that HTC has been free riding on Nokia technologies.

    Regional Courts in Mannheim and Munich in Germany, the U.K. High Court of Justice of England and Wales, and the U.S. International Trade Commission have found that HTC infringed on six Nokia patents.

    HTC shares ended down 1.15 percent at NT$128.5 (US$4.28) Thursday in Taipei trading, while the broader market dropped 0.48 percent.

    Ik ben niet bekend met "maar jij schiet echt de vogel af". Wat bedoel je hiermee?
  7. forum rang 5 gpjf 9 januari 2014 16:46

    In het zuiden van het land is traditioneel het zogenaamde koningschieten ( Ik doe niet mee hoor haha) Op een hoge paal staat een houten vogel waarop geschoten wordt door schutterijen en degene die de vogel afschiet is koning , hetgeen gezien wordt al een geweldige prestatie en de betreffende persoon is het hele jaar koning ( meestal mannen die schieten). Kortom het is een gezegde die alle lof voor je prestatie/visie tot uitdrukking brengt.
  8. Pi-Mol 9 januari 2014 16:52

    Lisad schreef op 9 januari 2014 15:43:

    Had mijn intuïtie moeten volgen en verkopen om later terug te kopen!
    Nokia verliest patent zaak in Duitsland.
    Vooralsnog heeft de koers er niet veel mee, of komt 'de schok' nog?

    Er staat namelijk ook in het artikel:

    "Regional Courts in Mannheim and Munich in Germany, the U.K. High Court of Justice of England and Wales, and the U.S. International Trade Commission have found that HTC infringed on six Nokia patents"

    Dat zijn niet 50 geschonden patenten, maar bevestigd wel dat er in ieder geval 6 zijn geschonden.
    Wellicht vandaar zelfs de kleine koersstijging?
  9. [verwijderd] 10 januari 2014 10:29
    Ik vind het knap van je als je aan het eind van de rit winst maakt bij het daytraden in -nog steeds- zo'n volatiel aandeel, lisad.
    Er zit inderdaad veel beweging in en dat zijn inderdaad kansen, maar de marge is zeer klein. Insiders en grote investeerders zijn eerder en dat zorgt voor de grootste beweging, wij hobbelen er in feite achteraan....
  10. Balimoney 15 januari 2014 03:44
    Continental and HERE team up to map out the future of vehicle connectivity

    Joint development for next generation Electronic Horizon, Automated Driving and new Intelligent Transportation Systems based on high precision map technology

    Detroit, USA and Espoo, Finland - Today at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit, Michigan, Continental, the international automotive supplier, and HERE, a leader in mapping and location services, announced that their teams will intensify their collaboration in bringing the Connected Car to life, focusing on Electronic Horizon, future Automated Driving functionalities and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).

    The work, which starts now, will begin with the development of highly precise map technology for Continental's Electronic Horizon platform that will enable your vehicle to continuously determine its position on the road to within 10-20 centimeters (3-8 inches). The maps will include a range of road information, including lane markings and connectivity, speed limit changes, no passing signs and more. Using this information, all types of vehicles will be able to comfortably react to shifting circumstances, such as changing speed limits, automatically. The technology will enable enhanced anticipatory driving, leading to improvement for drivers in the areas of comfort, efficiency and safety.

    Continental aims to provide a complete end-to-end connected Electronic Horizon solution based on HERE data and cloud services to vehicle manufacturers worldwide. The solution will also be the basis for Highly Automated Driving functionality that Continental targets to have in vehicles rolling off assembly lines by 2020. With more than 26 million telematics units produced worldwide, Continental is already providing the necessary systems for connected vehicles.

    The collaboration between Continental and HERE not only fits the development roadmap of both Continental and HERE in the area of Automated Driving but also paves the way for the advent of Intelligent Transportation Systems. Both companies believe that there will be many phases in the evolution towards connected Intelligent Transportation Systems, of which Automated Driving is one.

    "With precise map data from HERE and the connected Electronic Horizon, we will achieve advancements across all areas of today's vehicle-based individual mobility," explains Ralf Lenninger, Head of Interior Electronics Solutions, Continental. "With the connected Electronic Horizon, vehicle manufacturers will be able to reduce their vehicles' CO2-footprint by at least two grams per kilometer. In addition, exact map data will make the driving experience more enjoyable and safe by providing useful information about road congestion so that drivers can predetermine alternate routes, as well as a way to adapt future LED headlight functions to the road ahead."

    "Providing an accurate, precise and timely representation of the roads and the vehicle environment is essential not only for Automated Driving but for all areas of advanced driving solutions. With our superior HERE LiDAR technology, rich data analytics and ability to integrate "dynamic" events, HERE is uniquely positioned to provide the highly accurate and always-fresh 3D maps required to enable such an experience." said Ogi Redzic, Vice President, Connected Driving, HERE.

    For nearly two decades Continental and HERE have jointly built navigation systems for the vehicle environment. Combining Continental's expertise in automotive electronics system integration, including hardware, software, services and cloud solutions for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) with the core competencies of HERE in the areas of automotive-grade digital mapping and location intelligence, both companies now jointly work on the future of car connectivity.

    About HERE and Nokia
    HERE, a Nokia business, offers the world's freshest maps and location experiences across multiple screens and operating systems. HERE inspires a new generation of location services and devices helping more people to navigate their lives with ease and confidence. Built on more than 25 years of experience in cartography and drawing on more than 80,000 sources of data, HERE offers "Maps for Life" for more than 190 countries, voice guided navigation in 95 countries in more than 50 languages and live traffic information for 34 countries. To learn more about HERE, visit blog.here.com

    Nokia is a global leader in mobile communications whose products have become an integral part of the lives of people around the world. Every day, more than 1.3 billion people use their Nokia to capture and share experiences, access information, find their way or simply to speak to one another. Nokia's technological and design innovations have made its brand one of the most recognized in the world. For more information, visit www.nokia.com/about-nokia.

    About Continental
    With provisional sales of around €33.3 billion in 2013, Continental is among the leading automotive suppliers worldwide. As a supplier of brake systems, systems and components for powertrains and chassis, instrumentation, infotainment solutions, vehicle electronics, tires, and technical elastomers, Continental contributes to enhanced driving safety and global climate protection. Continental is also an expert partner in networked automobile communication. Continental currently has more than 177,000 employees in 46 countries.

    The Automotive Group with its three divisions Chassis & Safety (sales of approximately €7.0 billion in 2012, 34,500 employees), Powertrain (sales of approximately €6.1 billion in 2012, 31,000 employees) and Interior (sales of approximately €6.4 billion in 2012, 33,000 employees) achieved sales of approximately €19.5 billion in 2012. The Automotive Group is present in more than 170 locations worldwide. As a partner of the automotive and commercial vehicle industry, it develops and produces innovative products and systems for a modern automotive future, in which cars provide individual mobility and driving pleasure consistent with driving safety, environmental responsibility and cost-efficiency.

    The Chassis & Safety Division develops and produces electronic and hydraulic brake and chassis control systems, sensors, driver assistance systems, airbag electronics and -sensorics, washer systems and electronic air suspension systems. Its core competence is the integration of active and passive driving safety into ContiGuard. The Powertrain Division integrates innovative and efficient system solutions for vehicle powertrains. The comprehensive range of products includes gasoline and diesel injection systems, engine management, transmission control, including sensors and actuators, as well as fuel-supply systems and components and systems for hybrid and electric drives. Information management is at the very heart of the Interior Division, which provides a range of products that includes instrument clusters and multifunctional displays, control units, electronic car-entry systems, tire-monitoring systems, radios, multimedia and navigation systems, climate control systems, telematics solutions and cockpit modules and systems.

    Media Enquiries:

    Email: press.services@nokia.com
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