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Dinsdag 19 mei

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  1. [verwijderd] 19 mei 2009 09:52
    josti5 - 18 mei 09, 16:53 | Reageer | Quote | Dit is niet OK | Aanbevolen: 0

    aad100 schreef:

    en waarom wordt ie steeds weer met een paar aandelen lager gezet? zie daar het nut niet van in. Kan iemand mij helpen?

    Dat komt door de ijzeren vuist van Ronald Brus en z'n maten.
    Zo tegen de AVA van 6 juni wordt het corset wellicht ietsiepietsie verruimd, teneinde niet al te veel boze (dus lastige) aandeelhouders te moeten ontvangen.
    Waarbij op 7 juni de boel nog strakker dan tevoren aangetrokken wordt, natuurlijk.

    AB-tje voor Josti

    Koers mag eventueel ietsjepietsie up
    tot de AVA
    om inderdaad
    lastige aandeelhouders enigszins
    de mond te snoeren
    en daarna gaat de koers in overleg met MT
    weer volledig op slot.

    Met deze sigarendoos-analyse
    ben ik het volledig eens!

    AB Josti
  2. flosz 19 mei 2009 12:30
    During the period December 31, 2008 and April 17, 2009, a number of 250,000 options with an exercise price of
    € 9.4 were exercised by Ronald Brus and 85,000 options were exercised by Jaap Goudsmit with an exercise price
    of € 9.4. There were no other changes in the number of options held by members of the Management Board or
    Supervisory Board.

    Kruimer ook nog imo.

    Name of Holder April 25, 2008

    Ronald Brus 250,000 2009 9.40

    Jaap Goudsmit 85,000 2009 9.40

    Leon Kruimer 85,000 2009 9.40

  3. gogogoo 19 mei 2009 17:19
    Sanofi, Glaxo Must Get Ready for Swine Shot, WHO Says (Update1)
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    By Jason Gale

    May 19 (Bloomberg) -- The World Health Organization urged Sanofi-Aventis SA, GlaxoSmithKline Plc and other drugmakers to start preparations for a swine flu vaccine and be ready to mass- produce a shot as early as mid-July.

    A WHO panel’s advice, if endorsed by Director-General Margaret Chan, means drugmakers should develop batches for testing and get documents ready for regulators to speed the approval process. They shouldn’t stop making seasonal flu shots, the agency said today.

    The WHO, armed with limited information about the new flu’s virulence, wants pharmaceutical companies to speed production of the vaccine that protects against seasonal influenza, which can kill up to 500,000 people a year, while scientists take a few more weeks to select the fastest-growing strain of the H1N1 virus to form the basis of a protective pandemic vaccine.

    “We should be prepared,” Chan said in a May 15 interview. “We don’t want to give the virus a chance to surprise us again and again.”

    The worldwide swine flu outbreak has caused 9,830 infections and 79 deaths since it was first identified in Mexico and the U.S. at the end of April. Health officials from more than 190 countries meeting for the World Health Assembly in Geneva this week are debating whether the infection is spreading widely enough to declare the first pandemic since 1968.

    Chicken Eggs

    Based on cases so far, the swine-derived strain is at least as contagious as seasonal flu and has the ability to sustain community spread, WHO said today in a guidance document on its Web site.

    “There is, therefore, no reason to expect that ongoing spread of the virus will stop,” the agency said.

    WHO guidelines state that a pandemic involves disease spreading in communities in a country outside the initially affected region.

    U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said there is “broad consensus” among delegates that the WHO should have greater flexibility in declaring a pandemic. Health ministers from the U.K. and Japan, which have each reported more than 100 cases, yesterday said the WHO should consider severity of disease and other factors in addition to geographic spread.

    Sebelius said laboratories are testing several strains of the new flu to determine which one is the best to use in a vaccine.

    Vaccine Virus

    Glaxo of London, Paris-based Sanofi and Switzerland’s Novartis AG said today that they expect to get the best strain selected, known as the vaccine virus, at the end of the month. Distribution may be delayed by one or two weeks as laboratories modify the virus so it’s incapable of causing disease.

    “Our companies stand ready to produce H1N1 vaccines when the recommendation comes from the WHO,” said Michael D. Boyd, acting director general of the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations, in a statement released after drugmakers met Chan and United Nations Secretary- General Ban Ki-Moon.

    Finding the strain that’s best able to multiply is important because relying on a slow-growing virus could reduce global supplies of vaccine, the WHO said.

    Drugmakers cultivate batches of the vaccine virus to identify the fastest-growing strains, which are injected into chicken eggs. In the egg, the virus multiplies and can be harvested, purified and incorporated in a vaccine. The product then requires testing to ensure it works and is safe to use.

    Production Time

    Once the process is completed drugmakers submit data on the vaccine for regulatory approval. The process of growing, testing and seeking approval means a vaccine won’t be available for several months after production begins, according to health officials.

    The WHO estimates it would take about a year after drugmakers begin production to make as many as 4.9 billion doses of pandemic vaccine. Two shots may be needed for protection, especially in younger people who may not have any natural immunity to H1N1 viruses. Older people may have some protection because they were previously infected by similar viruses.

    The WHO, which met with drugmakers last week to discuss vaccination plans, is inching closer to a recommendation that drugmakers focus on producing only a pandemic shot.

    If Chan adopts today’s panel recommendation, the same group will meet again in a few weeks to review the speed at which drugmakers are building their seasonal vaccine stockpiles as well as the spread and severity of swine flu. Based on that assessment, they may recommend that drugmakers switch from making seasonal flu vaccines to producing swine flu ones. Chan will then decide whether to endorse the panel’s recommendation.

    Securing Supplies

    WHO estimates seasonal vaccine production will be 73 percent complete by the end of next month and 90 percent complete by July 31.

    Governments are already trying to secure supplies before a pandemic is declared. The U.K., France, Belgium and Finland agreed to buy about 158 million shots from Glaxo and Baxter International Inc. of Deerfield, Illinois, according to statements last week from Glaxo and the U.K. government. The U.S. hasn’t ordered any, Sebelius said today in Geneva.

    Chan and Ban sought an accord today with executives from drugmakers aimed at ensuring that developing countries have access to pandemic vaccines. Glaxo, Novartis, Sanofi, Baxter International Inc. and Crucell NV were among the companies participating in the meeting, according to their Geneva-based trade group.

    “Solidarity in the face of this particular outbreak must mean that all have access to drugs and vaccines,” Ban told the World Health Assembly in Geneva.

    To contact the reporters on this story: Jason Gale in Singapore at j.gale@bloomberg.net.

    Last Updated: May 19, 2009 10:13 EDT

  4. flosz 19 mei 2009 17:33
    Zaklamp erbij:
    Chan and Ban sought an accord today with executives from drugmakers aimed at ensuring that developing countries have access to pandemic vaccines. Glaxo, Novartis, Sanofi, Baxter International Inc. and Crucell NV were among the companies participating in the meeting, according to their Geneva-based trade group.
  5. eddy59 19 mei 2009 23:45
    De slotveiling van vandaag ziet er positief uit.
    Op het einde van de handels dag wordt er ingestapt.
    Zoals ik al voorspelde gaan we deze week richting de € 17,00
    17:35:02 2 16,07
    17:35:02 187 16,07
    17:35:02 652 16,07
    17:35:02 3.113 16,07
    17:35:02 3.000 16,07
    17:35:02 670 16,07
    17:35:02 2.530 16,07
    17:35:02 4.158 16,07
    17:35:02 500 16,07
    17:35:02 1.071 16,07
    Tijd Volume Koers
    17:35:02 1.000 16,07
    17:35:02 500 16,07
    17:35:02 500 16,07
    17:35:02 3.000 16,07
    17:35:02 1.841 16,07
    17:35:02 2.400 16,07
    17:35:02 1.400 16,07
    17:35:02 624 16,07
    17:35:02 515 16,07
  6. [verwijderd] 20 mei 2009 12:55

    wilb52 schreef:

    Zo tegen de AVA van 6 juni wordt het corset wellicht ietsiepietsie verruimd, teneinde niet al te veel boze (dus lastige) aandeelhouders te moeten ontvangen.
    Waarbij op 7 juni de boel nog strakker dan tevoren aangetrokken wordt, natuurlijk.

    AVA is toch 05 juni? Of heb ik het verkeerd op de kalender staan?

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