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  1. [verwijderd] 15 april 2008 22:18
    Press Release Source: Intel Corporation

    Intel Posts Record First Quarter Revenue of $9.7 Billion
    Tuesday April 15, 4:15 pm ET
    -- Record Server Microprocessor Revenue
    -- Revenue up 9 Percent Year-over-Year
    -- Gross Margin up 4 Points Year-over-Year
    -- Operating Income up 23 Percent Year-over-Year
    -- Net Income $1.4 Billion; EPS 25 Cents

    SANTA CLARA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Intel Corporation today announced record first-quarter revenue of $9.7 billion, operating income of $2.1 billion, net income of $1.4 billion and earnings per share (EPS) of 25 cents.
    “Our first quarter results demonstrate a strengthening core business and a solid global market environment,” said Paul Otellini, Intel president and CEO. “We saw healthy demand for our leading-edge processors and chipsets across all segments. Looking forward, we remain optimistic about our growth opportunities as we continue to reap the benefits of our 45nm technology leadership.”

    Q1 2008 vs. Q1 2007 vs. Q4 2007
    Revenue $9.7 billion +9% -10%
    Operating Income $2.1 billion +23% -32%
    Net Income $1.4 billion -12% -36%
    EPS 25 cents -11% -34%
    Results for the first quarter of 2008 included the effects of restructuring and asset impairment charges that lowered EPS by 4 cents. Results in last year’s first quarter included tax adjustments along with the effects of restructuring and asset impairment charges that together increased EPS by approximately 5 cents. Results for the fourth quarter of 2007 included the effects of restructuring and asset impairment charges that reduced EPS by approximately 2.5 cents.

    Financial and Key Product Information

    Intel’s microprocessor and chipset businesses came in as expected. Total microprocessor units were lower sequentially, with the ASP approximately flat.
    Consistent with the company’s updated expectations, NAND revenue was flat as significant price declines offset unit growth.
    Gross margin was 53.8 percent, in line with the company’s revised expectation.
    Restructuring and asset impairment charges of $329 million included $275 million in impairment charges for the assets transferred to Numonyx.
    The effective tax rate was 33.5 percent, higher than the previous expectation of approximately 31 percent, primarily driven by a higher than expected proportion of profits being in higher-tax jurisdictions along with the tax effects of impairment charges related to the assets sold to Numonyx.
    The company used $2.5 billion to repurchase 122 million shares of its common stock.
    Business Outlook

    Intel’s Business Outlook does not include the potential impact of any mergers, acquisitions, divestitures or other business combinations that may be completed after April 14.

    Q2 2008:

    Revenue: Between $9.0 billion and $9.6 billion. The forecast reflects a significant reduction in NOR flash memory revenue as a result of the Numonyx transaction.
    Gross margin: 56 percent plus or minus a couple of points.
    Spending (R&D plus MG&A): Between $2.8 billion and $2.9 billion.
    Restructuring and asset impairment charges: Approximately $250 million.
    Net gains from equity investments and interest and other: Approximately $75 million.
    Tax rate: Approximately 33 percent.
    Depreciation: Approximately $1.1 billion.
    Full-Year 2008:

    Gross margin: 57 percent plus or minus a few points, unchanged.
    R&D: Approximately $6 billion, higher than the previous expectation of approximately $5.9 billion.
    MG&A: Approximately $5.5 billion, unchanged.
    Capital spending: $5.2 billion plus or minus $200 million, unchanged.
    Tax rate: The tax rate for the third and fourth quarters is expected to be approximately 33 percent.
    Depreciation: $4.4 billion plus or minus $100 million, unchanged.
    Risk Factors

    The above statements and any others in this document that refer to plans and expectations for the second quarter, the year and the future are forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Many factors could affect Intel’s actual results, and variances from Intel’s current expectations regarding such factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in these forward-looking statements. Intel presently considers the following to be the important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the corporation’s expectations.

    Demand could be different from Intel’s expectations due to changes in business and economic conditions, including conditions in the credit market that could affect consumer confidence; customer acceptance of Intel’s and competitors’ products; changes in customer order patterns, including order cancellations; and changes in the level of inventory at customers.
    Intel’s results could be affected by the timing of closing of acquisitions and divestitures.
    Intel operates in intensely competitive industries that are characterized by a high percentage of costs that are fixed or difficult to reduce in the short term and product demand that is highly variable and difficult to forecast. Additionally, Intel is in the process of transitioning to its next generation of products on 45nm process technology, and there could be execution issues associated with these changes, including product defects and errata along with lower than anticipated manufacturing yields. Revenue and the gross margin percentage are affected by the timing of new Intel product introductions and the demand for and market acceptance of Intel's products; actions taken by Intel's competitors, including product offerings and introductions, marketing programs and pricing pressures and Intel’s response to such actions; Intel’s ability to respond quickly to technological developments and to incorporate new features into its products; and the availability of sufficient supply of components from suppliers to meet demand.
    The gross margin percentage could vary significantly from expectations based on changes in revenue levels; product mix and pricing; capacity utilization; variations in inventory valuation, including variations related to the timing of qualifying products for sale; excess or obsolete inventory; manufacturing yields; changes in unit costs; impairments of long-lived assets, including manufacturing, assembly/test and intangible assets; and the timing and execution of the manufacturing ramp and associated costs, including start-up costs.
    Expenses, particularly certain marketing and compensation expenses, vary depending on the level of demand for Intel's products, the level of revenue and profits, and impairments of long-lived assets.
    Intel is in the midst of a structure and efficiency program that is resulting in several actions that could have an impact on expected expense levels and gross margin.
    The tax rate expectation is based on current tax law and current expected income. The tax rate may be affected by the jurisdictions in which profits are determined to be earned and taxed; changes in the estimates of credits, benefits and deductions; the resolution of issues arising from tax audits with various tax authorities, including payment of interest and penalties; and the ability to realize deferred tax assets.
    Gains or losses from equity securities and interest and other could vary from expectations depending on fixed income and equity market volatility; gains or losses realized on the sale or exchange of securities; gains or lo
  2. [verwijderd] 15 april 2008 22:30
    1 minute ago Market Snapshot: U.S. stocks end higher led by financials, ahead of Intel - by Nick Godt
    4 minutes ago CORRECT: Intel sees Q2 gross margin at roughly 56% - MarketWatch
    9 minutes ago Intel expects Q2 rev in $9 bln-$9.6 bln range - MarketWatch
    10 minutes ago Intel's Q1 gross margin 53.8%, in line with expectations - MarketWatch
    10 minutes ago Intel late-traded shares up 4.2% at $21.80 - MarketWatch
    11 minutes ago Intel Q1 net rev $9.67 bln vs $8.85 bln - MarketWatch
    12 minutes ago Intel Q1 net income 25c vs 28c a share - MarketWatch

    In iedergeval niet slecht eerder goed gezien alle slechte verwachtingen.

    mvrgr jo jo
  3. forum rang 10 voda 15 april 2008 22:37
    Intel winst KW1 daalt 12%, omzet stijgt 9%

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Intel corp zag de nettowinst in het eerste kwartaal van 2008 met 12% dalen terwijl de omzet met 9% steeg. Dit maakt de Amerikaanse chipproducent dinsdag na het slot van Wall Street bekend.

    De nettowinst in het eerste kwartaal kwam uit op $1,4 miljard, oftewel $0,25 per aandeel, vergeleken met $1,6 miljard in dezelfde periode vorig jaar. De omzet steeg naar $9,7 miljard van $8,9 miljard in het eerste kwartaal van 2007.

    Analisten gingen uit van een winst van $0,28 per aandeel en een omzet van $9,6 miljard.

    De producent van microchips gaf aan dat er in het eerste kwartaal een afwaardering van van $0,4 per aandeel is geweest op activa en herstructureringskosten.

    Door Anna Marij van der Meulen; +31-20-5715 201; annamarij.vandermeulen@dowjones.com

  4. [verwijderd] 15 april 2008 22:42
    Intel reported lower earnings that matched analysts' estimates, but the company's shares took off in late trading as it gave guidance that was higher than expected.

    Paul Sakuma / AP
    Intel's headquarters in Santa Clara, California.

    The world's biggest chip maker reported a first-quarter profit of 25 cents a share on sales of $9.67 billion.

    Intel was seen earning 25 cents a share and reporting a topline of $9.629 billion, according to figures compiled by Thomson Financial.

    The company also boosted its forecast for the current quarter, saying it expects sales of $9 billion to $9.6 billion, compared with current estimates of $9.24 billion.

    Intel shares Intel CorpINTC
    20.91 0.22 +1.06% NASDAQ

    Quote | Chart | News | Profile
    [INTC 20.91 0.22 (+1.06%) ], which closed 1.06 percent higher at $20.91 Tuesday, jumped 7.5 percent in extended electronic trading.

    The company also said it sees gross margins of 56 percent in the second quarter, compared with an expected 54.9 percent. For the full year, Intel now expects gross margins of 57 percent. The Street had expected 56 percent for the full year.

    "The full year gross margin guidance of 57 percent, plus or minus a few points, is pushing the stock up. The concern was that the memory business was dragging down the gross margins, which would drag down earnings. The general consensus was that it would be more like 56 percent," said Doug Freedman, an analyst with American Technology Research.

    "The combination of slightly better-than-expected revenue growth, better-than-expected margin forecast and the speed of the gross margin recovery means that Street estimates are likely to move slightly higher."

    Top Technology News
    CNBC Earnings Central
    Tech Check with Jim Goldman

    In the same period last year, Intel earned 27 cents a share on sales of $8.852 billion.

    More Oversupply of NAND Memory Chips

    Intel expects continued oversupply of NAND memory chips, used in cell phones and other gadgets, for the remainder of the year, the company's chief financial officer told Reuters.

    "As expected we saw weak pricing," CFO Stacy Smith said in a phone interview. "We do expect to see continued oversupply throughout the rest of the year. That's what we have baked into our forecast."
  5. forum rang 10 voda 15 april 2008 22:51
    En van Betten:

    Intel boekt winstdaling, verwachting overtreft consensus
    15 april 2008, 22:40 uur | FD.nl/Betten
    Amsterdam (BETTEN FINANCIAL NEWS) - Intel, 's werelds grootste chipproducent, heeft de winst in het eerste kwartaal van 2008 zien dalen met circa 12%. Het bedrijf realiseerde een winst van $ 1,44 mrd, tegenover een winst van $ 1,65 mrd in dezelfde periode een jaar geleden.

    De daling is te wijten aan het afstoten van een verlieslatend onderdeel, dat in totaal $ 300 mln kostte. De winst per aandeel kwam in de verslagperiode uit op $ 0,25 tegenover $ 0,28 een jaar geleden.

    Exclusief items overtrof de winst per aandeel de analistenconsensus. Deze kwam uit op $ 0,29 waar analisten uitgingen van $ 0,28 per aandeel.

    De omzet kwam in de verslagperiode uit op $ 9,67 mrd, een stijging van 9,3% ten opzichte van dezelfde periode een jaar geleden. Analisten rekenden op een omzet van $ 9,65 mrd.

    In het tweede kwartaal denkt Intel een omzet te zullen realiseren in een range van $ 9 mrd tot $ 9,6 mrd. De analistenconsensus voor dit cijfer lag op $ 9,25 mrd.

    Marijn Wellink

    (c) BETTEN FINANCIAL NEWS (tel: +31 20 710 1756; fax: +31 20 710 1875)
  6. gogogoo 15 april 2008 22:59

    22years schreef:


    In iedergeval niet slecht eerder goed gezien alle slechte verwachtingen.

    mvrgr jo jo

    Ik denk dat je daar een waar woord zegt. Gezien de slechte verwachtingen. Alsof verliezen met voetbal met 10 nul minder erg is als je verwachte 11 nul ;-)
    Verliezen met 10 nul is toch ook minder erg dan 11 nul. Niet veel minder .... maar wel iets minder ;-)
  7. [verwijderd] 15 april 2008 23:34

    Cees-Nix-Long schreef:

    Uitvergroting 5 jaar toont nog een gap naar beneden?
    Winst per aandeel 12% minder over het kwartaal. LT chart in € laat nu potentieel "up" zien. Ik zal in volgende posting even de laatste 5 jaar uitvergroten.
    Howdy Cees, Hoe is de grafiek uitgedrukt in Zimbabwe dollars ?
  8. [verwijderd] 15 april 2008 23:37

    Amor Arrows schreef:

    Uitvergroting 5 jaar toont nog een gap naar beneden?
    Winst per aandeel 12% minder over het kwartaal. LT chart in € laat nu potentieel "up" zien. Ik zal in volgende posting even de laatste 5 jaar uitvergroten.

    Howdy Cees, Hoe is de grafiek uitgedrukt in Zimbabwe dollars ?
    Het beste plaatje krijg je met de japanse roebel
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