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Crucell« Terug naar discussie overzicht

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  1. [verwijderd] 3 juli 2006 12:45

    gogogoo schreef:

    GSucks...kan het lonken (naar andere bio's..!?)niet laten...

    Crucell was the sole midcap decliner, off 0.62 pct to 16.16 after Goldman Sachs downgraded the issue to 'sell' from 'neutral'.


    Crucell niet de enige daler. Ik tel er 6 nu. Maar waar haal je die info vandaan.

    ADVFN III Morning Euro Markets Bulletin
    Daily world financial news from AFX/Associated Press Supplied by advfn.com

    03 Jul 2006 09:41:24

  2. [verwijderd] 3 juli 2006 12:46

    gogogoo schreef:

    De informatie klopt van geen kanten:

    De ene keer zegt men van neutral naar sell
    dan weer een herhaling van sell.
    dan is Crucell de enige daler terwijl er minimaal 6 zijn.

    Hebben ze vergeten Berna en de cahs per aandeel mee te tellen bij het bepalen van het koersdoel van 10 EURO?
    Ik ben blij met GS...omdat ik zeker weet dat er inderdaad nooit iets van klopt...houden zo GS!!!
  3. [verwijderd] 3 juli 2006 12:47
    o.a. uit de RT-draad:
    Net van fd-site gehaald:
    Crucell (-1,05%):
    Goldman Sachs heeft het aandeel een koersdoel van euro 10 gegeven en het sell-advies herhaald.
    Erratum: Toen GS een sell-advies gaf op 6 euro , was dat HET koopadvies ( info Karel Swingtrader van de GURU ( zoonlief heeft bij Goldman Sucks gewerkt )
    Yeah baby yeah!...IMO een goed teken!
    Oude posting van Trudy erbij:
    GS bashed CRXL from 6 to 30 and pumped ACAM from 12 to 8.
    With such a well-established track record as an absolute loser among investors, Golduman Sachs is the best basher we could hope for.
    Bash again, GS!!! And CRXL will double again!!!
    Because you know every Goldman and Every Sach has 2 cousins each, buying CRXL hand over fist; they lie professionally for a reason, not at random...
    Go Crucell!!!
    Trudy de Aap
    Ter aanvulling, zie ook:
    Citaat uit verslag bedrijfsbezoek van Babs:
    "ook was het leuk om te horen dat Goldman Sachs bij de laatste emissie was uitgesloten van deelname. Waarop prompt een week later een adviesverlaging volgde omdat Crucell zwaar overgewaardeerd zou zijn volgen GS....hoezo slechte verliezers???"


    Novartis/ Goldman
  4. [verwijderd] 5 juli 2006 23:59
    Wat voor bank is eigenlijk GS...lees een kritische mening van...

    The Daily Reckoning PRESENTS: The 'investment bank of
    investment banks' has been Wall Street's darling for too
    long. But now the cracks are beginning to show. It's
    time to sell...

    by Lila Rajiva

    On Wall Street, there's a saying: "The best way to
    invest in a hedge fund is to buy Goldman stock."

    The quip is dead on target. At Goldman Sachs, Wall
    Street's investment bank of investment banks, trading
    with borrowed money like a high-flying hedge fund far
    outweighs traditional banking services. Risky
    derivatives now account for more than two-thirds of the
    firm's revenues. It's a formula that's worked
    spectacularly in the last few years, as stocks and
    commodities have soared. Over the past decade, the firm
    has totted up revenues of more than $125bn, more than
    three times the level in the previous decade. In 2005,
    its stock price was up 23% to $128, and this April it
    hit historical highs of $170.

    But the question is: what now for Goldman? How does it
    follow up such a bravura performance? Last month, the
    markets hinted at the answer by taking a sharp turn
    south. When commodities and stocks take a hit, the
    global derivative trade on which Goldman thrives begins
    to look less like a sophisticated insurance mechanism
    and more like a ticking bomb whose time has come. How
    big a bomb? At the end of 2005, the face value of
    outstanding over-the-counter derivatives contracts stood
    at around $300 trillion. Yes, that's

    The implication? Sell Goldman. The firm that rode the
    surf of global liquidity to the crest is unlikely to
    escape lightly when the waves crash. Of course, in a
    scenario of universal derivative meltdown, the fall of
    the house of Goldman would be dwarfed by what came down
    with it. But even a less-than-apocalyptic shake-up in
    the markets should see the stock sink. There's simply
    too much chance that the steam will go out of its
    impressive recent run.

    Actually, the more you examine it, the more the run
    itself seems inexplicable. The recent performance has
    come from trading - and trading, after all, is a risky
    zero-sum game in which every winner has a loser at the
    other end. Usually, the winners and losers balance out
    at a firm's trading division. But not, it seems, at
    Goldman's. Why? What is it that makes the firm so good?

    Goldman aficionados explain the magic by pointing to the
    firm's willingness to take more risks than its rivals.
    Moody's, for instance, rates Goldman at the top for
    trading revenue volatility, ahead of Lehman Brothers by
    a striking 10%. This willingness to gamble means that it
    has more losing days than competitors, but the reward
    for bigger losses on some days is bigger profits on

    But it's not just higher risk, they add. Goldman also
    selects better traders by creaming off the hottest
    resumés from the nation's top schools. And only a
    fraction of these survive the intense wooing and vetting
    that goes on even after hiring. For Goldman fans, the
    bottom line is that you get what you pay for and Goldman
    pays for the best, so they keep on coming. "It's like
    the Zulus," said Paul Deighton, chief operating officer
    of the firm's European business, in an interview with
    Fortune in 2004. "There's always another one coming over
    the hillside to fight."

    It's not only in trading where Goldman's Zulus outnumber
    their opponents. Some grouse that Goldman is not just
    one of the biggest players on Wall Street - it also sets
    the rules of the game with the zillion-watt manpower it
    routinely shunts to Washington. Since the days when CEO
    Sidney Weinberg played éminence grise to Roosevelt and
    Truman, it's given the US three treasury secretaries
    (Henry Fowler, Robert Rubin and now Hank Paulson), an
    undersecretary and several deputy secretaries of state
    (Robert Hormats, John Whitehead, Robert Zoellick), two
    chairmen of the National Economic Council (Rubin and
    Stephen Friedman), a chairman of the Foreign
    Intelligence Advisory Board (Stephen Friedman), a chief
    of staff (Joshua Bolten), a CEO of the New York Stock
    Exchange (John Thain), a president and CEO of the
    Federal Reserve Bank of New York (Gerald Corrigan and

    Then there's also a New Jersey governor, a US senator, a
    chairman of the BBC, several major hedge-fund managers,
    the chairmen of the Port Authorities of New York and New
    Jersey, a governor of the Bank of Italy, the head of the
    US Export-Import Bank, two US trade representatives - a
    veritable Burke's peerage of national and international
    finance. To all this, add Goldman's investment banking
    business, which - though it accounts for only 5% of
    revenues - has a Rolodex crammed with the financial

    Goldman does not just trade the capital markets. In
    alumni terms, it is the capital markets. And the actions
    of those alumni have certainly helped it boom, as they
    have the rest of the banking industry. Note that it was
    on Robert Rubin's watch that we had the mega-
    consolidation of banking that enabled Goldman to race to
    the head of the pack. Note also that the erasure of the
    line between commercial and investment banking and the
    loosening of regulations in 1999 coincided with the
    transformation of Goldman into a publicly traded firm
    and the shift of risk from partners to shareholders. The
    firm's spectacular success was a creation of the easy
    money Robert Rubin and Stephen Friedman, along with
    Federal Reserve chief Alan Greenspan, lavished on the
    economy. The credit bubble that drove the dotcoms to
    Himalayan heights in the nineties simultaneously enabled
    the credit-hungry Goldman to create its own possible
    bubble - that of derivatives. In its quest to expand and
    tighten its grip on world markets, it was Goldman which
    invented many of these complex and fragile financial
    instruments, just as it was Goldman which pioneered
    nearly every other high-risk instrument that we
    associate with modern finance - everything from global
    debt offerings to electronic trading.

    Globalisation, financialisation, speculation. The three
    faces of capital markets in the twenty-first century are
    also the faces of Goldman Sachs.

    But shouldn't this octopus-like reach make the firm
    invulnerable even in a market downturn? Seemingly not.
    No firm, after all, is invulnerable if it starts to
    overstretch itself. Recently, Goldman's penchant for
    being in on every side of a deal has set off polyglot
    howls of protest around the world. Its New York branch
    recently had to smack down its London branch for being
    too aggressive in its bids to buy companies, thus
    threatening the firm's carefully cultivated image as a
    disinterested advisor. In Japan, the aggressive tactics
    have led to some mergers and acquisitions customers
    jumping ship.

    In the US, some eyebrows were raised by its conflict of
    interest in the tie-up between the New York Stock
    Exchange and electronic-trading platform Archipelago.
    NYSE chairman Dick Grasso was ousted for accepting a
    pay-packet of $140 million from the NYSE board in a coup
    headed by then Goldman chief, Paulson. Grasso's
    replacement was another Goldman honcho, John Thain,
    under whom the NYSE merged with Archipelago. Goldman, a
    major investor in Archipelago, saw the value of
  5. [verwijderd] 6 juli 2006 00:01
    Goldman, a
    major investor in Archipelago, saw the value of its
    stake soar immediately. And who advised the NYSE to make
    the plushy deal? Why, Goldman Sachs. With a $100 million
    lawsuit going on against Grasso, there's potential for a
    few skeletons to be rattled.

    Then there are the legal threats against the firm
    itself. So far, Goldman has been much better at keeping
    out of scandal - or at least out of the headlines - than
    its rivals. But in the firm's latest 10K - a filing to
    the US Securities and Exchange Commission - there is a
    10-page section on pending legal claims against it.
    These include mutual-fund trading abuses, research
    improprieties, trading floor special abuses, initial
    public offering irregularities, and an insider dealing
    scandal in 2001 involving a tip on the sale of Treasury
    bonds that gave Goldman an eight-minute edge that
    brought the firm roughly $4 million in profits.

    Most recently, regulators are looking into claims that
    Goldman (among others) helped managers at the US Federal
    National Mortgage Association (known as Fannie Mae)
    prettify their books to maximise performance bonuses at
    the company entrusted with keeping US home loans afloat.
    Which means that Goldman was centre stage not only in
    the credit and derivative booms, but in the housing boom
    too. (Goldman and the other firms deny wrongdoing.)

    Of course, every wealthy firm tends to face legal
    assaults and often cases turn out to be baseless. But
    even if Goldman is innocent on all counts, a slew of
    lawsuits could besmirch its reputation and cost it

    Fit these pieces together and the script that emerges
    looks less like an epic about intrepid Zulu warriors and
    more like a Sergio Leone western. We may all know what's
    good about Goldman, but few of us know the bad or the
    downright ugly.

    The good is obvious: its financial performance is still
    stellar. Goldman shares are up 44% since the end of 2004
    and reported a record profit of $5.63 billion in the
    2005 financial year. Net revenue rose 21% over FY 2004.
    Return on equity at 27% is at the top of the industry.
    Mergers and acquisitions advising and equity
    underwriting are also industry leaders. This year's
    results are as impressive. First quarter earnings per
    share at $5.08 easily beat consensus estimates of $3.29.
    In the second quarter, net income tripled to $2.29
    billion, revenue more than doubled to $18 billion; and
    earnings were $4.97 a share, ahead of estimates and
    double last year's.

    But then there's the bad, some of which is not so
    obvious. First, at a price-to-book value of 2.5, which
    is more than the value of its rivals, the stock price
    looks expensive to some analysts. The market may be
    starting to feel the same. Despite those record second-
    quarter returns, shares still fell $5.75 (or 4%) to
    $139.25, reflecting investor concerns that a weak market
    will take the stock down further. What's more, with CEO
    Hank Paulson now Treasury secretary, his stake of almost
    $500 million in Goldman stock will have to be sold to
    avoid conflicts of interest. That should trigger even
    more selling.

    It's also hard for investors to look under the hood. The
    Economist reports that of the $600 billion worth of
    assets under Goldman's management, the only part that is
    publicly verifiable does no better than any run-of-the-
    mill brokerage, only at higher than average cost. The
    same goes for what little is visible of its hedge-fund
    services. Equity research, too, is said to be mediocre.
    The suggestion is that while Goldman undoubtedly does
    some things very well - such as trading - its glamorous
    name may be disguising pretty underwhelming performance

    The ugly, of course, includes the risks to its
    reputation that we've already seen. The stresses
    generated by greater and greater conflicts of interest
    across the firm's criss-crossing empire, also mentioned
    above. And the sheer danger of being the champion when
    all your rivals are out to bring you down. The high
    value-added stuff that Goldman goes after in the M&A
    business, for instance, could also push it over the
    edge. Citigroup has long boasted it would depose Goldman
    in that area by 2007. Its rivals see it - or claim to
    see it - as increasingly vanquishable. "I view Goldman
    Sachs as the Charge of the Light Brigade," said one
    anonymous rival in Fortune in 2004.

    If so, there's little doubt what Goldman's Valley of
    Death is likely to be - its trading wing, where it just
    took on more risk this quarter. Traders more than
    doubled 'value at risk' (VAR) - the amount of money
    their models say they could lose in a single day - to
    $112 million this year. How much is at stake? According
    to The Economist, the face value of Goldman's
    derivatives exposure is more than $1 trillion. But it's
    hard to know exactly how large Goldman's risk exposure
    is, because the firm is famously secretive -
    understandable if it wants to guard its advantages, but
    not conducive to helping its investors sleep well.

    What's more, a market breakdown would leave the firm
    even more dependent on trading, because revenues from
    banking and underwriting would most likely plummet as
    they did in 2002. That's why Paulson's move to Treasury
    should raise a few red flags. Could he be anticipating a
    storm brewing? Does he, like many in the industry, see
    the firm under relentless pressure to adopt ever more
    dangerous tactics?

    One big tip-off is that Paulson's replacement is Lloyd
    Blankfein, the former head of the fixed-income,
    commodity and currency division. Blankfein's appointment
    shouts - over all the spin to the contrary - that
    derivative trading, not traditional banking, is going to
    keep on playing an outsize role in the firm. As markets
    show signs of buckling, that makes for a dead certainty
    that risk will soar exponentially. Which is to say that
    Paulson's confirmation might just be the clearest signal
    yet we have for Goldman stock now. It's a SELL.


    Lila Rajiva
    for The Daily Reckoning

    Editor's note: Lila Rajiva is a freelance journalist and
    the author of 'The Language of Empire' (Monthly Review
    Press, 2005). Lila is currently an editor/writer for the
    US edition of the Daily Reckoning.

  6. [verwijderd] 6 juli 2006 00:05
    The firm that rode the
    surf of global liquidity to the crest is unlikely to
    escape lightly when the waves crash. Of course, in a
    scenario of universal derivative meltdown, the fall of
    the house of Goldman would be dwarfed by what came down
    with it. But even a less-than-apocalyptic shake-up in
    the markets should see the stock sink. There's simply
    too much chance that the steam will go out of its
    impressive recent run.

    .....als een singalongsong Jan!
    gr.(Incl. de stem van Tom Waits).
  7. gogogoo 6 juli 2006 09:56
    Wat ik niet helemaal begrijp is dat IRIS een koopadvies geeft. Op de Rabo tradersonline site staat onderstaande informatie..(positieve fair value Crucell 64%)...het koersdoel van Rabo is 15% hoger dan de huidige koers en TOCH past men het advies niet aan naar kopen.


    Top 5 Nederland

    Positieve fair value:
    Crucell 64%
    Isotis 44%
    Buhrmann 37%
    Ahold 37%
    Van der Moolen 34%

    Negatieve fair value:
    BE Semiconductors -36%
    ICT -36%
    Grontmij -29%
    VastNed Retail -24%
    Corio -24%
  8. [verwijderd] 8 juli 2006 20:51
    Crucell kaufen
    Dienstag 4. Juli 2006, 15:07 Uhr

    Crucell NV

    Ending (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Experten von "Global Biotech Investing" raten die Aktie von Crucell (ISIN NL0000358562/ WKN 589861) zu kaufen.
    Nach der Übernahme der schweizerischen Berna Biotech winke bei Crucell in den nächsten Monaten eine glatte Kursverdopplung. Denn mit dem Erwerb des weltweit größten unabhängigen Impfstoffspezialisten zu Beginn des Jahres dürften die Niederländer bereits im nächsten Jahr den Sprung in die Gewinnzone schaffen. Anzeige
    Anzeigen - Ihre Meinung
    Vor der Akquisition sei der Break-Even noch zwei Jahre später angestrebt worden. Aus der stark technologielastigen Gesellschaft sei nun ein Biotechunternehmen mit zahlreichen Produktkandidaten in den klinischen Forschungsreihen entstanden.

    Innerhalb Europas zähle Crucell zu den Biotechgesellschaften mit den größten Liquiditätsreserven. Der Cash-Bestand dürfte sich Ende des Jahres irgendwo im Bereich von 180 Mio. EUR bewegen, womit man noch genügend Spielraum für weitere spannende Akquisitionen habe. Die Analysten von SNS Securities würden für 2007 erstmals einen Überschuss von 22 Mio. EUR erwarten. Dieser solle in 2008 auf 58 Mio. EUR ansteigen. Der Umsatz solle bis 2008 gleichzeitig auf 391 Mio. EUR wachsen. Auf Grund der satten Wachstumsraten würden die Analysten das Unternehmen als massiv unterbewertet einstufen.

    Die Experten von "Global Biotech Investing" raten die Crucell-Aktie zu kaufen.(4.7.2006/ac/a/a)

    Analyse-Datum: 04.07.2006

    Weitere Analystenmeinungen zu diesem Titel

    Name Crucell N.V.
    WKN 589861
    Branchen Pharma

  9. aossa 9 juli 2006 17:43
    Biotech in opmars ?

    FYI from Marc litchfield
    by: talentedbh 07/09/06 01:31 am
    Msg: 191365 of 191372

    Interesting note from senior writer

    Movin' On Up
    This column will be my last regular "Real Story" piece. I am happy to tell you that I will be focusing my attention on the biotech sector from now on. I will continue to look at ideas through a contrarian's lens and may occasionally revisit some of the ideas that I've written about over the past six months as important news breaks. But going forward, the vast majority of my work will be in biotech.

    I have long believed that the biotech sector will experience many electrifying breakthroughs over the coming years. It is my goal to help you find some of the companies that will profit from these discoveries and to avoid the pretenders. It is a volatile sector, but one that is packed with potential.

    Hold on tight. It's going to be an exciting ride.

  10. [verwijderd] 10 juli 2006 01:47
    RABO: René Den Boer senior beleggingsadviseur bij RABO geeft een KOOPADVIES voor Crucell (zie Financiële pag. Brabants Dagblad van 8-7-06)



    gogogoo schreef:

    Wat ik niet helemaal begrijp is dat IRIS een koopadvies geeft. Op de Rabo tradersonline site staat onderstaande informatie..(positieve fair value Crucell 64%)...het koersdoel van Rabo is 15% hoger dan de huidige koers en TOCH past men het advies niet aan naar kopen.


    Top 5 Nederland

    Positieve fair value:
    Crucell 64%
    Isotis 44%
    Buhrmann 37%
    Ahold 37%
    Van der Moolen 34%

    Negatieve fair value:
    BE Semiconductors -36%
    ICT -36%
    Grontmij -29%
    VastNed Retail -24%
    Corio -24%
  11. [verwijderd] 12 juli 2006 23:41
    Nu in Rabobank's Ups en Downs.
    Special : vaccins in opkomst.

    Aparte pagina voor Crucell

    IRIS totaaladvies Kopen.

    Verwachting 2007 winstgevend met een winst die sneller oploopt dan menig belegger momenteel verwacht ( op ons na dan....)
    Er is genoeg ruimte voor positieve verrassingen.Kopen.
  12. [verwijderd] 13 juli 2006 20:18
    Uit De Financiële Telegraaf van vandaag - pag.31

    SNS: stap in tweede halfjaar in achtergebleven aandelen


    AMSTERDAM – De Amsterdamse effectenbeurs gaat een goed tweede halfjaar tegemoet. Dat verwacht Reinier Westeneng, hoofd research van effectenhuis SNS Securities. Volgens Westeneng doen beleggers er wel verstandig aan om bepaalde aandelen die in de eerste helft van 2006 een prima rendement hebben opgeleverd, in te ruilen voor fondsen die relatief zijn achtergebleven.
    Als voorbeeld hiervan noemt Westeneng bankverzekeraar ING. Dit aandeel is in het eerste halfjaar met bijna 5% in koers gestegen. „Op zich zijn we bij SNS nog steeds positief over ING. Maar onze voorkeur in de financiële sector gaat momenteel uit naar Fortis, omdat de koers daarvan is achtergebleven. Fortis wordt gewaardeerd op acht keer de winst voor 2007 en biedt een dividendrendement van bijna 5%. Dat is echt goedkoop.”
    SNS Securities was begin dit jaar nog positief over apothekersketen OPG. Maar na de koersspurt van ruim 12,5% die OPG in de eerste zes maanden van dit jaar heeft neergezet, is het volgens Westeneng tijd om de aandacht te verleggen naar andere aandelen. Hij benadrukt dat beleggers daarbij kunnen denken aan biotechnologiebedrijf Crucell. „De koers van Crucell heeft de afgelopen tijd onder druk gestaan. Maar dit lijkt een goed moment om er in te stappen. De balans van Crucell is één van de sterkste in de Europese biotechnologiesector. Bovendien is het bedrijf ver met het ontwikkelen van nieuwe medicijnen. Wij verwachten dan ook dat Crucell in het tweede halfjaar met positieve berichten zal komen die de koers in beweging kunnen zetten.”
    Westeneng gaat ervan uit dat de AEX-index eind dit jaar zal zijn gestegen tot 460 à 470 punten. Hij verwacht daarna in de loop van 2007 een verdere stijging van de beursgraadmeter naar 480 à 500 punten. „Daar zijn een aantal redenen voor aan te wijzen. De waardering van Nederlandse aandelen is nog steeds laag, terwijl ze juist een hoog dividendrendement bieden. Eveneens positief is dat de meeste bedrijven in de komende jaren naar verwachting goede winstgroei zullen boeken.”
    Bij deze optimistische verwachting is de mogelijke afkoeling van de Amerikaanse economie echter een risico voor beleggers. „De Amsterdamse beurs wordt gedreven door de ontwikkelingen in de Verenigde Staten. De Amerikaanse economie zou een klap kunnen krijgen door de renteverhogingen. Dat is zeker een risico, maar beleggers moeten naar onze mening de lage waardering van Nederlandse aandelen en de goede winstperspectieven voor bedrijven zwaarder laten wegen.”
    Met het voorspellen van beurskoersen heeft Westeneng overigens een naam hoog te houden. Het gezaghebbende onderzoeksbureau AQ heeft SNS Securities vorige maand namelijk uitgeroepen tot het beste effectenhuis van de Benelux. Volgens AQ hebben de SNS-analisten in de periode van mei 2005 tot en met april 2006 zowel de beste beleggingsadviezen als de beste winsttaxaties gegeven. Het team van Westeneng, bestaande uit tien aandelenanalisten, was daarmee de beste in een onderzoek onder 67 effectenhuizen.
    SNS Securities lijkt ook dit jaar zijn reputatie waar te maken. Een mandje van vijftien door het effectenhuis geselecteerde aandelen heeft in het eerste halfjaar een rendement van 12,6% opgeleverd, terwijl de AEX slechts met 0,8% steeg.
    Voor de tweede helft van dit jaar heeft SNS Securities opnieuw vijftien aandelen geselecteerd waarover het effectenhuis goede verwachtingen koestert. Vijf daarvan zaten in het eerste halfjaar ook al in het mandje. Dat zijn Bam, Imtech, Philips, TNT en Vedior. De nieuw opgenomen aandelen zijn Akzo Nobel, Crucell, Fortis, Gamma Holding, ICT Automatisering, Océ, SBM Offshore, Tele Atlas, Wessanen en Wolters Kluwer.
  13. gogogoo 13 juli 2006 23:24

    Palmerston schreef:

    In de nieuwe Ups & Downs van 7 juli j.l. staat een kopen advies van IRIS ondersteund door een zeer positief artikel. Zie de bijgevoegde jpg-file.
    Volgens IRIS komen we allemaal voor positieve verrassingen te staan. Let it be, let it be!


    Vermelding stond hierboven al.
    Maar bedankt voor de bijgesloten scan van het artikel.
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