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  1. Blessed123 6 mei 2024 16:08

    Zitzak500 schreef op 3 mei 2024 17:39:


    Jij bent zeker een long? De mensen onnodig gouden bergen beloven vind ik nochtans net zo kwalijk.

    Leuk voor je, die lage GAK. Lees even wat pagina’s terug. Je zal zien hoeveel mensen onder water staan.

    Lebby moet eens met iets concreets komen. Hij zit er inmidddels al 7 jaar.

    Of beleggen jullie voor je achterkleinkinderen?
    Ook :-)
  2. forum rang 5 Dragstar 9 mei 2024 00:16
    Commerciële overeenkomsten sluiten blijkt een langdurig en hopelijk doelbewust proces te zijn.
    En dus een stevige tik voor lightwavelogic ( -5,28 % ) en we gaan weer door de 4 dollar-grens .
    3,95 dollar.
    Er werden 464.000 aandelen verhandeld waarvan 196.566, wat 42,37% is als DarkPool-volume .
    Morgen spelen we verder.
  3. forum rang 5 Dragstar 11 mei 2024 00:33
    Terug onder de 4 dollar tijdens de laatste beursdag van deze week. (3,92 $)
    Min 3,21% na het verhandelen van 448.000 aandelen waarvan 183.504, wat 40,96% is als DarkPool-volume.
    De 10Q is ook uit en dit weekend ongetwijfeld meer cijfers en statistieken.
    Volgende week spelen we verder.
  4. Blessed123 13 mei 2024 23:26

    Eddie Merksplas schreef op 13 mei 2024 15:03:

    Mooi interview !! Dit jaar zou best nog wel eens wat verassingen in petto kunnen hebben. Niet iedereen zal het er hetzelfde tegenaan kijken, maar ik blijf onverminderd enthousiast. Ben erg benieuwd of er op de ASM nog nieuwe ontwikkelingen worden gedeeld. Fingers crossed :-)
  5. forum rang 5 Dragstar 14 mei 2024 00:05
    Sterke start deze ochtend voor lightwavelogic met een stijging tot zelfs 10% om uiteindelijk te eindigen met ( + 4,08%).
    Is het vanwege de 10-Q of de jaarlijkse aandeelhoudersvergadering over 7 dagen ?
    Lebby geeft aan van klaar te zijn met zijn 200gbs LWLG-modulator voor massaproductie .
    Tijdens het Benzinga interview..
    WE gaan onze toekomst gedetailleerder uitstippelen dan ooit tevoren.” Lebby “Dit was ongelooflijk druk, ongelooflijk spannend en ja, het soort bezoeken dat we hebben gehad van meer dan 20 grote bedrijven, dat komt kijken naar onze verpakte polymeermodulatoren en de reden hiervoor is dat de prestaties zijn zoals we hebben aangegeven." Lebby "Nou, dit zijn drie geweldige maanden voor ons geweest. Je weet dat de industrie nu ziet dat de prestaties en modulators van onze polymeermodulatoren echt precies zijn waar ze naar op zoek zijn. Dat betekent dat we vooruitkijken naar de komende 6-9 en 12 maanden, het wordt dus erg druk volgens Lebby.
    Hopelijk krijgen we dit jaar toch nog de eerste deal...
    Vandaag werden er alsnog 664.000 aandelen verhandeld waarvan 280.819, wat 42,51% is als DarkPool-volume.
    Morgen spelen we verder.
  6. Eddie Merksplas 14 mei 2024 10:58
    Van Ihub - gepost door Paullee
    de transcriptie van het benzinga interview:

    00:00:01 Speaker 1
    Great. It's great to see you again.
    00:00:03 Speaker 2
    I am excited because there were some updates that you left us with last time that I'm looking to get more clarity on this time around, but before we dive into that, give the folks at home a quick overview.
    00:00:12 Speaker 2
    Of what is it that your.
    00:00:13 Speaker 1
    Company does my weight logic is a company that's based in Denver, Co we create chemistry poll.
    00:00:21 Speaker 1
    These polymers are turned into little components. They get used on the Internet to speed up the Internet. So when you have a problem at home and you have to turn your video off because you don't have the bandwidths, these types of technologies will solve that problem.
    00:00:39 Speaker 2
    And now I know last time we spoke, but also in your Q1 PR you mentioned you had some folks come and check out your live demo. So like what types of visitors come to see the live demo for your packed polymer module?
    00:00:53 Speaker 1
    This has been since we last talked about three months ago. This has been incredibly busy, incredibly exciting and yeah, the types of visits that we've had over 20 major corporations come look at our packaged polymer modulators and the reason being is, is the performance like we've indicated.
    00:01:13 Speaker 1
    All along has really been blowing people away now. I'm not going to go into the technical numbers, but it's certainly world class and it's what the data centers and what we call the hyperscalers are really looking for.
    00:01:26 Speaker 2
    Now I know you recently achieved world class performance on your podium material in the optical interconnect links. Can you elaborate on the implications of the data center industry standards, but also how you can use this in future applications as well?
    00:01:41 Speaker 1
    So if we think about what the Internet is, is it's like a mesh of fiber optic cables that go all over.
    00:01:48 Speaker 1
    The country.
    00:01:48 Speaker 1
    Yeah. Think of it as like your Interstate highway and the data centers are the intersections. You know, that's where the traffic gets backed up and, you know, takes time. It's so different in the data.
    00:02:00 Speaker 1
    And actually what's been happening is, is the generative artificial intelligence, you know, they're really big, exciting push from companies with GPUs like NVIDIA. They've been generating a lot more information on the Internet. And so that's actually forced or driven to hyperscale as a data center.
    00:02:20 Speaker 1
    Is to upgrade their equipment and they're upgrading their equipment to what is known as little boxes called pluggable transceivers that work at speeds of 800 gigabits per second and beyond.
    00:02:32 Speaker 1
    And they're looking, these guys are looking for technologies to support the upgrades and our technology fits perfectly into the performance these guys are needed to upgrade, if you like, the intersections that traffic intersections, we call them data centers.
    00:02:48 Speaker 2
    Yeah. Now I know it's a little bit different than what you are doing, but doc, every month I check if my apartment building has fiber capabilities or not, and every month I'm disappointed.
    00:02:57 Speaker 2
    But that's OK.
    00:02:59 Speaker 2
    Let's keep it moving. Now. I know there's certain things you can tell. Certain things you can't. But I have to ask. Any insights on the types of strategic partnerships or collaborations that you're pursuing?
    00:03:09 Speaker 2
    Following the Q1 update that you gave.
    00:03:11 Speaker 2
    But also like, how are these partnerships gonna align with your growth objectives that you've laid out for the company?
    00:03:17 Speaker 1
    So first of all, a lot of the visitors, I mean these are big players, tier one players and so these are folks that are really taking a close look at this technology and that's really exciting. But in terms of the strategic partnerships, obviously what we have is an engine for a pluggable transceiver box. This is a box that's one inch wide and about.
    00:03:38 Speaker 1
    4 inches long and those folks we're partnering. We're partnering with silicon foundries.
    00:03:45 Speaker 1
    And I think I mentioned just a couple of months ago that our technology is now on 200mm silicon wafers. These are silicon wafers that are 8 inches in diameter. This is the commercial standard. And so we're really excited that our technology is being put on to this type of platform. And so yes.
    00:04:05 Speaker 1
    Boundaries as well as manufacturing facilities as well as packaging. So our focus, our key thing that we add to the industry is the chemistry is the polymer and we're partnering folks that really can help scale that in.
    00:04:20 Speaker 2
    Now I know in May you've got your annual shareholder meeting. Before I ask you about that one final update from the Q1 side, you went ahead and highlighted your contributions to the IPS R-I, which is your integrated photonic system. Rd. maps international. Can you discuss how these positions, right, how it kind of helps you with the integrated?
    00:04:42 Speaker 2
    Photonics industry and drive that long term growth opportunity for the company.
    00:04:47 Speaker 1
    Yeah. Yes, I can. So if we think we've all heard maybe some of us have heard of Moore's law that was in the silicon industry that started in the 60s with Gordon Moore from Intel and came what came out of that was an industry road map for the silicon industry.
    00:05:04 Speaker 1
    It had red.
    00:05:05 Speaker 1
    Brick walls and things and it indicated.
  7. Eddie Merksplas 14 mei 2024 10:58
    00:05:07 Speaker 1
    How far this the technology could advance in the future, so the silicon industry has had a road map for the last let's call it, 40, maybe even 50.
    00:05:17 Speaker 1
    Yes, this is the photonics robot. This is something that folks have been working on for the last decade. And what they do is they focus at for forecast out over the next 10 to 20 years. The key technologies that are going to be needed for things like optical communications, the Internet data centers.
    00:05:37 Speaker 1
    And the good news is, is that polymers are on that road map for the next 20 years.
    00:05:42 Speaker 1
    Both from a polymer material standpoint in terms of its performance like we just demonstrated, as well as a solution for pluggable transceiver boxes that you find going into servers and routers on the Internet. And So what this road map really tells everybody is, is that we've got a great technology.
    00:06:03 Speaker 1
    It's got a great future and we're really looking quite excited to see this happen. And when you see things plotted out for the next 20 years, it tells you you're on the right.
    00:06:14 Speaker 2
    Well, I want to definitely talk to you in 20 years. However, I also want a little bit of a sneak peek on what people can expect for your upcoming and your shareholders meeting that's happening on May 22nd. Considering the progress that you made in Q1, right, and the strategic objectives that you've laid out, provide me some insights on any milestones or developments that you'll discuss.
    00:06:36 Speaker 2
    Or possibly even announced during this meeting.
    00:06:39 Speaker 1
    So one of the things we're going to do at this meeting is we're going to show the shareholders actual working demo of our package modulators so they can actually see it for themselves. This is really important. We've done this to the customer base and now we want to do this to the shareholders. So they'll get a tour of our new facility or our expanded facility.
    00:06:59 Speaker 1
    00:07:00 Speaker 1
    Which I think I reported to do about three to six months ago, you know, to set up for scaling and volume. We'll also be showing what a 200mm wafer looks like for a big silicon wafer where you get thousands of modulators on. We'll also be plotting the future from a business standpoint. And so you know.
    00:07:20 Speaker 1
    One of the pieces of feedback we do get from our retail investor base and I thank them for sending me questions pretty much every day of the week is we're going to be answering those questions. We'll be addressing those questions and we'll be plotting our future in more granularity than we have.
    00:07:38 Speaker 2
    I love it. I definitely look forward to hearing that again. That's on May 22nd, folks, before I let you go, Doc, any final thoughts on your end?
    00:07:47 Speaker 1
    Well, this has been a great three months for us. You know the industry is now seeing that the performance and modulators of our polymer modulators are really exactly what they're looking for. So that means as we look forward over the next 6-9 and 12 months, it's going to be really busy.
    00:08:05 Speaker 1
    And so this is an exciting time for us. So it's go lightweight.
    00:08:08 Speaker 2
    I love and look, I've been, you know, seeing videos of the things that y'all are doing. But I'm gonna have my people talk to your people and maybe the next time you and I talk is gonna be at your facilities and we'll have the things you're doing in the background. But thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate it.
    00:08:21 Speaker 1
    Thank you. I enjoyed it tonight.
    00:08:23 Speaker 2
  8. Eddie Merksplas 14 mei 2024 14:14

    V_v_z schreef op 14 mei 2024 13:12:

    Maar om een lang verhaal kort te maken ? :-)
    Als we hem mogen geloven gaan ze binnen 3-6-9 maanden grote stappen zetten, dat zou wel mooi zijn natuurlijk. Al is dat eerder mijn interpretatie van onderstaande bewoording.

    Well, this has been a great three months for us. You know the industry is now seeing that the performance and modulators of our polymer modulators are really exactly what they're looking for. So that means as we look forward over the next 6-9 and 12 months, it's going to be really busy.

    Ik blijf toch een beetje op mijn honger zitten in afwachting, voorlopig lijkt het toch wat abstract te blijven met veel mooie beloftes.

    Tijdens de ASM volgende week zal er naast een rondleiding in hun facility, een meer gedetailleerde toelichting gegeven worden over de zakelijke toekomstperspectieven interpreteer ik uit onderstaande passage:

    So one of the things we're going to do at this meeting is we're going to show the shareholders actual working demo of our package modulators so they can actually see it for themselves. This is really important. We've done this to the customer base and now we want to do this to the shareholders. So they'll get a tour of our new facility or our expanded facility. Which I think I reported to do about three to six months ago, you know, to set up for scaling and volume. We'll also be showing what a 200mm wafer looks like for a big silicon wafer where you get thousands of modulators on. We'll also be plotting the future from a business standpoint. And so you know. One of the pieces of feedback we do get from our retail investor base and I thank them for sending me questions pretty much every day of the week is we're going to be answering those questions. We'll be addressing those questions and we'll be plotting our future in more granularity than we have.
  9. forum rang 5 Dragstar 15 mei 2024 23:39
    Slechts 1 licentieovereenkomst met een grote halfgeleiderfabrikant is er nodig om de koers positief te beïnvloeden.
    Ondertussen blijft de koers onder druk staan en zijn shorters de enigen die geld verdienen aan lightwavelogic-aandelen.
    Vandaag min 4,24% (3,84 dollar) na het verhandelen van 720.000 aandelen waarvan 50,36% als DarkPool-volume.
    Morgen spelen we verder.
  10. forum rang 5 Dragstar 18 mei 2024 00:24
    We sluiten deze week af met een beurskoers van 3,9 dollar (+2,09%)
    Er werden 417500 aandelen verhandeld waarvan 34,76% als DarkPool-volume.
    Volgende week moet interessant worden naar aanloop van de aandeelhouders-meeting.
    Hopelijk kan lebby verrassend uit de hoek komen om de huidige trend van lage beurskoersen te doorbreken.
    Goed weekend.
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