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Aandeel OCI AEX:OCI.NL, NL0010558797

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
26,140   +0,020   (+0,08%) Dagrange 26,050 - 26,270 45.047   Gem. (3M) 428,3K

OCI 2024

1.834 Posts
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  1. niceguy19502020 14 februari 2024 20:17

    BultiesBrothers schreef op 14 februari 2024 19:47:

    Voor mensen die het FT artikel hebben gelezen over Sawiris. Dit is de belangrijkste zin uit dat interview:

    Please use the sharing tools found via the share button at the top or side of articles. Copying articles to share with others is a breach of FT.com T&Cs and Copyright Policy. Email licensing@ft.com to buy additional rights. Subscribers may share up to 10 or 20 articles per month using the gift article service. More information can be found at www.ft.com/tour.

    OCI’s board in May approved a strategic review of all business lines as well as its listing venue of the Netherlands after Ubben bought a 5 per cent stake and pressed the group to explore options, including asset sales to improve shareholder returns.

    By the end of the year OCI had agreed to offload two fertiliser holdings for about $3.6bn apiece, to the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company and Koch Industries of the US.

    Sawiris said Ubben, who was “not hostile at all”, had written a letter explaining how OCI’s market value was far less than the sum of its parts.

    “So I told him, actually, the letter makes sense,” he said, adding that “ultimately we went along with Jeff’s recommendation. Within six months we had executed those two transactions, and there’s more to come.”
    Domme typefout van mij, eerder op de dag.

    Ik heb inderdaad aandelen OCI
    aan € 26,17 bijgekocht en een paar calls september 2024 strike € 27,00

    Bedankt voor jouw allerlaatste post: There's more to come.

    Het lijkt mij voor een belegger nog een extra reden om de stukken goed vast te houden!
  2. forum rang 6 BultiesBrothers 14 februari 2024 22:41
    Nitrogen Market Outlook

    Management believes that global nitrogen industry fundamentals point to a constructive global nitrogen supply-demand balance in the near-term and a tightening global nitrogen supply-demand balance in the medium-term.

    In the near-term, the Company expects global nitrogen demand to remain resilient driven by continued strong agriculture applications and recovering industrial demand. Additionally, key producing regions continue to face challenging production economics due to the cost and availability of natural gas.

    North America: Management believes nitrogen channel inventories remain below average following a strong fall 2023 ammonia season, nitrogen imports to the region that are below the 3-year average, and reported production downtime in the region during the fourth quarter of 2023. The Company projects that 91 million acres of corn will be planted in the United States in 2024 and that North American farm profitability will improve in 2024 compared to 2023 as lower crop prices are offset by lower input costs. As a result, management expects nitrogen demand in North America for the spring 2024 application season to remain strong.
    Brazil: Imports of urea into Brazil totaled 7.3 million metric tons in 2023, an increase of approximately 3% year-over-year. Management expects Brazil to remain the largest importer of urea globally despite reported farmer caution regarding fertilizer purchases during this growing season as they evaluate the potential impact of poor weather conditions on the upcoming safrinha plantings.
    India: Management expects India to remain a significant importer of urea in 2024 even as domestic production increases with higher operating rates at its new nitrogen facilities. Imports of urea in 2024 are projected to be in a range of 6.0-7.0 million metric tons.
    Europe: Approximately 40% of ammonia and 25% of urea capacity were reported in shutdown/curtailment in Europe as of early January 2024 as high natural gas prices and lower global nitrogen values continue to challenge production economics in the region. Management believes that ammonia operating rates and overall domestic nitrogen product output in Europe will remain below historical averages over the long-term given the region’s status as the global marginal producer. As a result, the Company expects nitrogen imports of ammonia and upgraded products to the region to be higher than historical averages.
    China: Management expects urea export controls and inspections imposed by the Chinese government on domestic producers to remain in place in 2024 in order to prioritize fertilizer production for domestic consumption. The Company also anticipates that the Chinese government will allow windows during the year that will enable Chinese producers to export. Urea exports from China are projected to be approximately 4 million metric tons for 2024.
    Trinidad: Ammonia production in Trinidad in recent years has been approximately 1 million metric tons lower annually compared to the 2018-2020 average. Management expects ammonia production to remain below average due to anticipated higher natural gas prices and lower natural gas availability in the country for nitrogen producers.
    Russia: Exports of ammonia from Russia continue to remain lower compared to prior years due to geopolitical disruptions arising from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the resulting closure of the ammonia pipeline from Russia to the port of Odessa in Ukraine. Exports of other nitrogen products from Russia are at pre-war levels, with product moving to countries willing to purchase Russian fertilizer, including Brazil and the United States.
    Over the near- and medium-terms, significant energy cost differentials between North American producers and high-cost producers in Europe and Asia are expected to persist. As a result, the Company believes the global nitrogen cost curve will remain supportive of strong margin opportunities for low-cost North American producers.

    Longer-term, management expects the global nitrogen supply-demand balance to tighten as global nitrogen capacity growth over the next four years is not projected to keep pace with expected global nitrogen demand growth of approximately 1.5% per year. Global production is expected to be further constrained by continued challenges related to cost and availability of natural gas.
  3. Jan de Man 15 februari 2024 09:25

    niceguy19502020 schreef op 15 februari 2024 09:19:

    [quote alias=BultiesBrothers id=15187990 date=202402150910]
    Er wordt gedumpt en gekocht..... koers wisselt met flinke sprongen en dalen

    Gisteravond nog contact gehad met Nico Inberg. Hij gaat er toch vanuit, dat de koers richting € 35,00 kan.

    Ik heb geduld.
    LOL Nico Inberg ik luister nog eerder naar mijn vrouw
  4. Senior 1936 15 februari 2024 10:03

    Senior 1936 schreef op 15 februari 2024 10:00:

    ik las op IEX dat OCI 3 miljard sluist naar aandeelhouders, maar dat normale dividend wordt overgeslagen'.
    Houdadvies met koersdoel 28
    voorlopig houd ik mijn aandelen OCI in portefeuille. Ik heb wel een geschreven september put 22 teruggekocht.
  5. Buschuitje 15 februari 2024 10:05
    Als OCI al zijn activiteiten verkoopt is het toch evenveel waard als de intrinsieke waarde? Deze waarde staat op ongeveer 8 euro per aandeel. Dan zie ik de koers eerder dalen! De intrinsieke waarde van een onderneming is het verschil tussen de waarde van de bezittingen en de schulden. Het is in feite het eigen vermogen.
  6. The wolf of Duck Street 15 februari 2024 10:23
    Schiet lekker op dit soort teksten. Ter indicatie: de intrinsieke waarde van ASML is een paar tientjes per aandeel.
    Met andere woorden., intrinsieke waarde zegt vaak niet zoveel. En in het geval OCI: misschien is er ook een kans dat de onderdelen tegen een andere prijs verkocht worden dan waarvoor ze in de boeken staan...
  7. forum rang 6 BultiesBrothers 15 februari 2024 11:11

    Kruimeldief schreef op 15 februari 2024 10:21:

    Buschuitje, als een koper verwacht met die activiteiten veel geld te (kunnen) verdienen, zijn die toch veel meer waard dan de netto beurswaarde?
    Klopt. Totale assets bij oci wordt gewaardeerd op 9.5 miljard meende ik. Q3 2023. Zo staat het in Financial Statement van Q3 2023.
    Als je daar de schuld van 3 miljard aftrekt komt je uit op 6.5 miljard dollar, ofwel zo'n 30 euro per aandeel.
    Als overnemende partij daar nog een premie over betaald van 30%, dan kom je zo uit op 38 euro. Net wat Berenberg zegt.
  8. forum rang 4 Goldfinger 15 februari 2024 12:39

    BultiesBrothers schreef op 15 februari 2024 11:11:


    Klopt. Totale assets bij oci wordt gewaardeerd op 9.5 miljard meende ik. Q3 2023. Zo staat het in Financial Statement van Q3 2023.
    Als je daar de schuld van 3 miljard aftrekt komt je uit op 6.5 miljard dollar, ofwel zo'n 30 euro per aandeel.
    Als overnemende partij daar nog een premie over betaald van 30%, dan kom je zo uit op 38 euro. Net wat Berenberg zegt.
    Dan wil ik toch eens weten, en wie heeft daar een antwoord op, op welke rekenmachine Jeff Ubben het heeft uitgerekend. Die kwam toch tussen de 45 en 50 euro. Die heeft het balletje aan het rollen gekregen, maar het rolt nog steeds niet onze kant op. Hoor hier nooit hoe de man de plank zo heeft mis geslagen.
  9. forum rang 5 Money Never Sleeps 15 februari 2024 12:47

    Goldfinger schreef op 15 februari 2024 12:39:


    Dan wil ik toch eens weten, en wie heeft daar een antwoord op, op welke rekenmachine Jeff Ubben het heeft uitgerekend. Die kwam toch tussen de 45 en 50 euro. Die heeft het balletje aan het rollen gekregen, maar het rolt nog steeds niet onze kant op. Hoor hier nooit hoe de man de plank zo heeft mis geslagen.
    Dus............. inkopen nu. Net weer op 26,44
    Krijgen we hetzelfde scenario als gisteren?

    Euro 0,98 / aandeel winst gisteren; 17,25 alles eruit.
  10. forum rang 6 BultiesBrothers 15 februari 2024 13:27
    US CF Industries projecting constructive near-term global nitrogen supply and demand balance
    Mark Milam


    HOUSTON (ICIS)–Global nitrogen industry fundamentals point to a constructive global nitrogen supply and demand balance in the near term as well as there being a tightening global supply and demand balance in the medium term, CF Industries said in its latest fertilizer market outlook.

    The US fertilizer producer expects that in the near term global nitrogen demand will remain resilient and be driven by continued strong agriculture applications and recovering industrial demand.

    Additionally, there is a view that the key producing regions will continue to face challenging production economics because of the cost and availability of natural gas.

    For North America, CF said their management believes nitrogen channel inventories remain below average amid a strong fall ammonia run and nitrogen imports to the region being below the three-year average.

    There was also some production downtime in the region during Q4.

    Right now, CF is projecting 91 million acres of corn will be planted in 2024 and that North American farm profitability will improve in 2024 compared to 2023 as lower crop prices are offset by lower input costs.

    As a result, the producer expects nitrogen demand in North America for spring applications to remain strong.

    Looking at Brazil, CF highlighted that imports of urea were at 7.3 million tonnes in 2023, an increase of approximately 3% year on year.

    The producer said it expects Brazil to remain the largest importer of urea globally despite reported farmer caution regarding fertilizer purchases during this growing season as they evaluate the potential impact of poor weather conditions on the upcoming safrinha plantings.

    Another key market will be India which CF management sees as remaining a significant importer of urea this year even as their domestic production increases with higher operating rates at its new nitrogen facilities.

    Imports of urea in 2024 are projected to be in a range of 6 million to 7 million tonnes.

    For Europe there is challenges ahead as CF noted that approximately 40% of ammonia and 25% of urea capacity were reported in shutdown or curtailment as of early January with high natural gas prices and lower global nitrogen values primary factors.

    The producer said it believes that ammonia operating rates and overall domestic nitrogen product output in Europe will remain below historical averages over the long-term given the region’s status as the global marginal producer.

    It therefore expects nitrogen imports of ammonia and upgraded products to the region to be higher than historical averages.

    Regarding China, the company said their expectations are that urea export controls and inspections imposed on domestic producers will remain in place to prioritize their output for domestic consumption.

    CF does anticipate the government will allow windows during the year that will enable producers to export with volumes coming from China calculated around 4 million tonnes for 2024.

    In Trinidad, the level of ammonia production in recent years has been approximately 1 million tonnes lower annually compared to the 2018-2020 average.

    The producer is projecting ammonia production to remain below average due to anticipated higher natural gas prices and lower natural gas availability for facilities.

    Looking at Russia CF is forecasting that ammonia exports will continue to remain lower compared to prior years due to geopolitical disruptions and the resulting closure of the ammonia pipeline.

    It did say from its view that the exports of other nitrogen products are at pre-war levels, with product moving to countries willing to purchase Russian fertilizer, including Brazil and the US.

    Viewing the near and medium-term outlooks, CF said the significant energy cost differentials between North American producers and high-cost producers in Europe and Asia are expected to persist.

    As such the company believes the global nitrogen cost curve will remain supportive of strong margin opportunities for low-cost North American producers.

    Longer term, CF said their management expects the global nitrogen supply-demand balance to tighten as global nitrogen capacity growth over the next four years is not projected to keep pace with expected global nitrogen demand growth of approximately 1.5% per year.

    Also, global production is expected to be further constrained by continued challenges related to natural gas cost and availability.
  11. Eekhoorn50 15 februari 2024 23:59

    Senior 1936 schreef op 15 februari 2024 10:00:

    ik las op IEX dat OCI 3 miljard sluist naar aandeelhouders, maar dat normale dividend wordt overgeslagen'.
    Houdadvies met koersdoel 28
    3 miljard op 210 mlj. aandelen is toch mooi €14,30 per aandeel. Dividend of kapitaal teruggave?
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