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Aandeel NEL ASA CHX:NEL_O.CXE3, NO0010081235

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Nel ASA - 2023

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  1. cdbe 15 maart 2023 08:45
    Nel ASA: Receives firm purchase order from HH2E for 120 MW of electrolyser equipment
    (March 14, 2023 - Oslo, Norway,) Reference made to the press release issued January 6, 2023, regarding a Letter of Intent with HH2E. Nel Hydrogen Electrolyser AS, a subsidiary of Nel ASA (Nel, OSE:NEL), has now signed a firm contract with HH2E for 120 MW of alkaline electrolyser equipment. The value of the contract is approximately EUR 34 million.

    HH2E is a renewable energy company planning to deploy scalable hydrogen projects in Germany, such as the HH2E Lubmin in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, where hydrogen production will commence by 2025 and be increased substantially by 2030.

    "These projects are important for the energy transition in Germany and Europe, and we are excited to support HH2E in their efforts to create a greener society”, says Håkon Volldal, CEO of Nel

    “One of the prerequisites for reaching our goal of producing at least a quarter of a million tonnes per year of RED-II compliant green hydrogen in Germany by 2030 is the sufficient availability of high-quality electrolysers in Europe, such as those that Nel will supply. We are convinced on Nel's technology, customer support, and experience.", says Andreas Schierenbeck, Co-founder and board member of HH2E.
  2. Sirlander 17 maart 2023 09:42
    Hopelijk zijn we door het slotje en kunnen we terug richting 18 om vandaar uit verder te stijgen.
    Emissie was aan 14,90, zijn we vandaag overgesprongen.

    Gelukkig zijn de toekomst plannen uiterst positief.

    Ik zie in de nabije toekomst enkele advieswijzigingen omhoog.
  3. Sirlander 17 maart 2023 09:42
    Nel ASA: The EU accelerates renewable hydrogen measures
    (March 17, 2023 - Oslo, Norway,) Thursday, the European Commission presented initiatives to increase the speed and scale-up of the renewable hydrogen industry.

    The Net Zero Industry Act identifies electrolysers as a strategic net zero technology for Europe. It aims to accelerate permitting and reduce the administrative burden on electrolyser manufacturers when applying for permits. Until now, there have been no harmonized rules across the European internal market regarding the permitting of clean-tech manufacturing.

    “We look forward to the implementation of the numerous EU initiatives intending to create an attractive investment framework in Europe,” says Nel’s CEO, Håkon Volldal.

    The EU package also includes an aspirational target of meeting at least 40% of the EU’s annual electrolyser manufacturing deployment needs by 2030 with electrolysers made in Europe.

    “There is fierce competition between continents for global leadership in renewable hydrogen technology, and we welcome the EU setting a target for the production of electrolysers made in Europe,” says Volldal.

    The Commission also communicated on the highly anticipated “Hydrogen Bank.” A first pilot auction of the Hydrogen Bank with an indicative budget of €800 million will be launched in the autumn of 2023. Winners of the auction will receive a fixed premium for each kg of renewable hydrogen produced over 10 years.

    In addition, the European Commission presented a proposal for a “Critical Raw Materials Act” aimed at strengthening the European critical raw materials value chain as well as diversifying the EU’s imports of critical raw materials whilst reducing strategic dependencies.

    The world’s first
    Nel’s production of alkaline electrodes at Herøya in Norway, where the company has established the world’s first fully automated electrolyser factory, does not depend on any rare earth metals or other scarce resources. The facility has a capacity of 500 MW and the company has started the construction of a second production line, which will take the manufacturing capacity in Herøya to 1 GW by April 2024. The facility can be further expanded to 2GW manufacturing capacity.

    In addition, Nel recently announced that the company has made a final investment to expand its existing manufacturing facility in Wallingford (US) from 50 to 500MW annual output.

    The company is also in the final site selection phase for a new gigafactory in the United States of America. The gigafactory will have a potential annual manufacturing capacity of up to 4 GW.

    Volldal says Nel is committed to adding capacity when and where the market needs it.

    “We will continue to search for sites for further expansion. With our fully automated manufacturing concept, we have a great starting point for building more production lines and factories,” says Volldal.
  4. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 16 april 2023 09:35

    GakGak schreef op 16 april 2023 09:25:

    NUjij'er Henk_Haneveld zegt:

    "De reden waarom er geen waterstoftrucks gekocht worden staat in het artikel zelf: "Een tankstation krijgt alleen subsidie als er ook bijbehorende vrachtwagens worden aangeschaft." Het is een kip en ei probleem, de ondernemers investeren geen geld in trucks waarvoor geen infrastructuur aanwezig is en de infrastructuur wordt niet gebouwd omdat er geen trucks worden gekost."

    NUjij'er D_DeJonge zegt:

    "Laatst met de waterstofauto van Groningen naar Rotterdam gereden. Rijdt prima. 1 kilo waterstof koste in Rotterdam 45 euro en in Groningen 25 euro. Dat was apart. Daarnaast is het zoeken naar die paar tankstations is ook wel even een dingetje, als je tank bijna leeg is. Het grote voordeel is; in 3 minuten kun je weer 600 kilometer rijden. Dat doet geen elektrische auto je na. Tankstations moeten er komen, duizenden in heel Europa. Dus nog even tien jaar wachten."

    Elektrische vrachtwagen maakt opmars, maar niemand wil rijden op waterstof
    Zie ookElektrische vrachtwagen maakt opmars, maar niemand wil rijden op waterstof

    NUjij'er Grasvreter zegt:

    "Waterstof is gewoon niet geschikt voor wegtransport. Het is enorm inefficiënt om het op grote druk te brengen zodat de auto of vrachtwagen een goede range heeft. En als je 5 auto's achter elkaar laat tanken op een tankstation staat nummer 5 een half uur te wachten omdat de waterstof eerst weer op druk moet worden gebracht."

    "Ga je 2 weken op vakantie en staat de auto stil? Dan is je tank bijna leeg, want waterstof vervliegt. Kleinste molecuul eh. Daarnaast, waterstof is veel minder efficiënt dan elektrisch rijden. De industrie, ga aub over op waterstof, wegtransport, ga elektrisch."

    NUjij' er Frank_Visser_ zegt:

    "Ik heb, tussen 3 BEV's door, bijna 3 jaar op waterstof gereden in een iX35, wat op papier moest lukken omdat ik op 20 minuten rijden van een tankstation woon en de prijs van €12,-/km (€0,12/km) vergelijkbaar was met benzine.
    Helaas is de techniek van 700 bar productie en opslag te complex om zonder toezicht te laten draaien, 3 van de 10 tankbeurten gaven problemen en dat is nog buiten de vele keren dat je er niet heen ging omdat de app aangaf dat er storing was. Nu de prijzen naar minimaal €22,50/kg zijn gestegen kostte het ritje om te tanken alleen al €11,- en naar een vervangend tankstation €25,- niet te doen dus."

    "Nu weer een BEV, prijsverschil met waterstof als je al je stroom bij FastNed zou laden factor 3, als je thuis kan laden factor 6.
    Waterstof: te duur (te veel elektriciteit nodig) , te complex (zonder vaste monteur ter plekke gaat het niet), te hoge bouwkosten (>€1,5 miljoen voor een station) en ongeschikt voor compacte auto's. Al met al ingehaald door de accutechnologie."
  5. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 18 april 2023 17:26
    Batterij elektrisch vs. waterstof

    Scania heeft geïnvesteerd in waterstoftechnologieën en is momenteel de enige fabrikant van zware voertuigen met voertuigen die actief zijn bij klanten. De ingenieurs hebben waardevolle inzichten verkregen uit deze vroege tests en de inspanningen zullen worden voortgezet. Het gebruik van waterstof voor dergelijke toepassingen zal voorlopig echter beperkt zijn, aangezien er drie keer zoveel hernieuwbare elektriciteit nodig is om een waterstoftruck van stroom te voorzien in vergelijking met een batterij elektrische vrachtwagen . Er gaat namelijk veel energie verloren bij de productie, distributie en omzetting naar elektriciteit.

    Reparatie en onderhoud moeten ook worden overwogen. De kosten voor een waterstofvoertuig zullen hoger zijn dan voor een batterij elektrisch voertuig, aangezien de systemen ervan complexer zijn, zoals een uitgebreid lucht- en koelsysteem. Bovendien is waterstof een vluchtig gas dat meer onderhoud vereist om de veiligheid te waarborgen.
  6. Sirlander 24 april 2023 16:17

    In addition to green wind energy produced in the North Sea, Belgium is now ramping up its hydrogen ambitions. This should promote the ecological transition of our heavy industry. In support of this move, Belgium adopted its first federal hydrogen strategy in October 2021.

    This strategy is based on 4 pillars and aims to position Belgium at the heart of the European hydrogen industry by focusing on the same assets that have allowed it to play a key role in the European LNG industry in recent decades: a central position, world-class ports (Antwerp and Zeebrugge) and the deployment of a pipeline network capable of supplying a large part of Europe.

    At the same time, the aim is to position Belgium as a pioneer in hydrogen technologies for example through electrolysers with a company like John Cockerill and to create a robust hydrogen market by implementing an open-access hydrogen backbone and encouraging the various stakeholders (industries, regions, neighbouring countries and exporting third countries) to join forces and know-how.

    Thanks to hydrogen, European industry will succeed in its energy transition while controlling its costs, which is crucial for sectors such as steel, glass, aluminium, plastics and cement.
  7. Sirlander 27 april 2023 08:50
    Nel ASA: First quarter 2023 financial results
    04/27/2023 | 01:01am EDT

    (April 27 - 2023, Oslo, Norway) Nel ASA (Nel, OSE:NEL) reported revenues of NOK
    359 million in the first quarter of 2023, up 68% from NOK 213 million in the
    same quarter of 2022. Order intake was NOK 580 million, up 105% year-on-year,
    positively impacted by purchase orders from HH2E (EUR 34 million) and HyCC (EUR
    12 million). At the end of the first quarter, the order backlog was NOK 2 913
    million, up 126% from Q1 2022. The cash balance was NOK 4 621 million at quarter

    Quarterly highlights

    · Nel reported revenue and operating income in the first quarter of 2023 of
    NOK 359 million, up 68% from the first quarter of 2022 (Q1 2022: 213). All
    segments, Fueling, PEM electrolysers and alkaline electrolysers experienced
    strong growth compared to the same quarter last year.
    · Order intake in the quarter amounted to NOK 580 million (96% from
    electrolyser), up 105% from the same quarter last year (Q1 2022: 283).
    · At quarter end, Nel had a record high order backlog of NOK 2 913 million
    (88% related to electrolyser), up 126% from the first quarter of 2022 and up 12%
    compared to the previous quarter.
    · EBITDA of NOK -121 million (Q1 2022: -152) driven by high losses in Fueling,
    low margins on electrolyser projects signed in 2020/2021, and increased
    personnel expenses to prepare for large-scale projects.
    · Net loss of NOK -192 million (Q1 2022: 84), mainly related to loss from
    operations and a net negative unrealized fair value adjustment from
    shareholdings of NOK -76 million. The same quarter last year had a positive
    unrealized fair value adjustment from shareholdings of NOK 270 million.
    · Cash balance of NOK 4 621 million (Q1 2022: 3 940) following a successful
    private placement during the quarter which raised NOK 1 609 million in gross

    Nel had a good start to 2023 with robust growth for its Electrolyser division
    compared to the previous year's first quarter. The production volumes at the
    company's manufacturing facility at Herøya in Norway are increasing, and the
    company received two large purchase orders for its alkaline electrolyser
    equipment. The new contracts followed a solid second half of 2022, with the
    company improving terms and conditions on significantly larger contracts.

    "Our results are improving as a consequence of increased production volumes and
    the fact that better margins on our newest contracts have started to impact our
    financial results," says Nel's CEO, Håkon Volldal.

    At quarter-end, the cash balance was NOK 4 621 million (Q1 2022: 3 940)
    following a successful private placement on 6 March 2023. The capital raise puts
    Nel in a solid financial position as the company is committed to capitalizing on
    its position as a technology frontrunner.

    Volldal says Nel will continue to invest in the organization, in technology
    development, and in scaling up the production capacity.

    "Nel is observing a constant increase in interest and potential opportunities
    within the hydrogen industry. Our pipeline continues to improve and mature, and
    we continue to secure large-scale contracts. As a result, we shall keep on
    investing in the organization, improving our technology platforms, and scaling
    manufacturing capacity," says Volldal.

    The construction of Nel's second production line at Herøya is progressing
    according to plan, bringing the total production capacity to 1 GW. In addition,
    the company is preparing to automate its PEM electrolyser technology's
    production process, and expand to ~500 MW manufacturing capacity at its facility
    in Wallingford, Connecticut.

    Furthermore, the site selection process for Nel's new gigawatt Alkaline and PEM
    manufacturing facility in the US is now in its very final stage, and the company
    will shortly communicate in which state this factory will be located.
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