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Aandeel Nokia PSE:NOKIA.FR, FI0009000681

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Nokia 2023

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  1. Dhrbelegger 23 februari 2023 11:41

    Tele2 Group partnered with Nokia to offer private 5G wireless services in the operator’s home market of Sweden, a move the pair claim will unlock a range of Industry 4.0 use cases for enterprises.

    The operator stated it will use Nokia’s edge computing platform Digital Automation Cloud (DAC) to deliver private wireless 5G networks to business clients, helping companies realise cost, efficiency and sustainability goals.

    Tele2 and Nokia claim enterprises could benefit from secure, robust and low-latency connectivity, along with real-time on-site data processing which, when combined with analytics, machine learning and AI, open the potential for use cases including remote monitoring, predictive maintenance, autonomous vehicles and robots.

    Interestingly, the agreement comes in the same week rival vendor Ericsson and competing operator Telia announced an enterprise 5G tie-up targeting the automotive and transport sectors.
  2. [verwijderd] 27 februari 2023 11:20
    Nokia herontwerpt logo omdat mensen denken dat het nog steeds mobiele telefoons maakt

    (27 februari): De Finse fabrikant van 5G-apparatuur Nokia Oyj heeft zijn logo opnieuw ontworpen om te voorkomen dat mensen het associëren met mobiele telefoons - een bedrijf dat het bijna tien jaar geleden verliet.

    De vernieuwing van het merk, aangekondigd op zondag (26 februari), komt naast een reeks nieuwe strategische pijlers die bedoeld zijn om snellere groei mogelijk te maken naarmate de wereld steeds meer mobiele technologieën van de vijfde generatie (5G) toepast.

    "In de ogen van de meeste mensen zijn we nog steeds een succesvol merk voor mobiele telefoons, maar dit is niet waar het bij Nokia om draait", zei CEO Pekka Lundmark in een interview voorafgaand aan het Mobile World Congress in Barcelona op zondag. "We willen een nieuw merk lanceren dat zich sterk richt op netwerken en industriële digitalisering, wat iets heel anders is dan de oude mobiele telefoons."

    Telefoons van het merk Nokia worden nog steeds verkocht door HMD Global Oy. HMD kreeg de licentie nadat Microsoft Corp, dat het bedrijf in 2014 kocht, stopte met het gebruik van de naam.

    Lundmark zei ook dat Nokia zich zal concentreren op het vergroten van marktaandeel in de activiteiten van het bedrijf ten dienste van draadloze dienstverleners met netwerkapparatuur. Nokia heeft nu "de munitie en de tools" om marktaandeel te veroveren zonder marges op te offeren, zei hij. Dat werd geholpen door beperkingen voor de Chinese rivaal, Huawei Technologies Co, nadat een aantal Europese regeringen het bedrijf blokkeerden om onderdelen voor 5G-netwerken te verkopen.

    Nokia wil ook de groei versnellen van zijn activiteiten door particuliere 5G-netwerken aan bedrijven te verkopen. De bedrijfsactiviteiten bereikten vorig jaar een aandeel van 8% in de omzet van Nokia, en het volgende doel is om het bedrijf "naar dubbelcijferig" gebied te duwen, voornamelijk door organische groei en kleinere overnames, aldus de CEO.

    Toch sloot Nokia uit dat het de weg zou inslaan van zijn belangrijkste concurrent Ericsson AB, wiens overname van Vonage Holdings Corp voor $ 6,2 miljard (RM27,74 miljard) werd aangewakkerd door een soortgelijk doel om te groeien aan de zakelijke kant.

    Nokia heeft onlangs een BBB-rating van beleggingskwaliteit van S&P Global Ratings teruggekregen, waarmee een einde kwam aan zijn meer dan tien jaar durende slog in junk-territorium. Toch ziet Lundmark meer werk aan de winkel, met name aan de operationele marges van het bedrijf.

    "We zijn nog niet tevreden met waar we nu staan", zei hij.

  3. Dhrbelegger 3 maart 2023 15:37

    JOHANNESBURG, Feb 27 (Reuters) - Nokia (NOKIA.HE) said on Monday it has been selected by MTN South Africa (MTNJ.J) for the first time ever as one of its 5G radio access network equipment providers, as the mobile carrier expands next-generation wireless services across the country.
  4. forum rang 6 Take a sisi 20 maart 2023 10:35
    G-5 waarvan ze 4500 patenten van bezitten is zonder meer de toekomst , ook hun verwachte outlook voor 2023 voorspeld mooie winstgevendheid .
    Net profit van afgelopen kwartaal 1 miljard euro tegen 0.7 miljard het jaar daarvoor .
    Ik verwacht van die winstgevendheid in Q1 ( 20 april ) opnieuw weer het bewijs daar van te zien .
    Ook de omzet van Nokia groeid gestaagd door , afgelopen jaar was dat 16%
    Nokia een goed aandeel met hoog toekomstperspectief .
  5. forum rang 6 Take a sisi 21 maart 2023 17:05
    Tech blijft al enkele dagen achter , lijkt "no go" met de rate hike die ze ons morgen voorschotelen , ik verwacht 25 b-punten .
    Heb me voorgenomen om al vast in te stappen , dus nog voor de bekendmaking van Powel , ik gooi het op andersom denken en verwacht tegengestel aan de komende rente verhoging een opleving .
    NOKIA staat veel te laag , terwijl de vooruitzichten voor de G5 markt zeer goed zijn , de koers kan eigenlijk alleen maar naar boven mocht het tegen mijn verwachting in toch dalen , zal dat zeker geen diepe val zijn , en koop ik bij .
  6. FORT1944 13 april 2023 17:11

    Take a sisi schreef op 21 maart 2023 17:05:

    Tech blijft al enkele dagen achter , lijkt "no go" met de rate hike die ze ons morgen voorschotelen , ik verwacht 25 b-punten .
    Heb me voorgenomen om al vast in te stappen , dus nog voor de bekendmaking van Powel , ik gooi het op andersom denken en verwacht tegengestel aan de komende rente verhoging een opleving .
    NOKIA staat veel te laag , terwijl de vooruitzichten voor de G5 markt zeer goed zijn , de koers kan eigenlijk alleen maar naar boven mocht het tegen mijn verwachting in toch dalen , zal dat zeker geen diepe val zijn , en koop ik bij .
    REEDS OP 28/2 stevig bijgekocht aan 4.37€ het volgende dividend is 0.03€ het vorige op 9/2 was 0.02€ de goede trend is ingezet , NOKIA denkt nu aan zijn aandeelhouders :)
  7. forum rang 6 Take a sisi 13 april 2023 19:07
    Vandaag verdubbeld :-) , wil dit eventueel nog een keer doen , maar vraag me af of die kans nog zal komen .

    Nokia will publish its first-quarter financial results on 20 April 2023 at approximately 8 a.m. Finnish time (EEST). The financial report will be made available on the Nokia website immediately after publication.
  8. forum rang 4 mvdp 13 april 2023 23:00
    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Halfgeleiderbedrijven met blootstelling aan consumentenelektronica, geheugen en 5G zullen in het eerste kwartaal tegenwind hebben ondervonden, terwijl zij die zich richten op automotive en de industrie juist de wind mee hadden, maar omdat de markt per saldo voorzichtig gestemd is, moeten beleggers 'bullish' blijven op de sector. Dit schrijven analisten van Bank of America donderdag in een vooruitblik op het cijferseizoen.

    De Amerikaanse bank denkt dat STMicroelectronics, Infineon, ASM International en Nordic positief kunnen verrassen met de cijfers, terwijl de analisten neerwaartse risico's zien voor AMS-Osram, Ericsson, Nokia en Siltronic.

    Over ASMI zeiden de analisten meer positief commentaar te verwachten over de tweede jaarhelft. Dat zou dan leiden tot verhogingen van de taxaties voor de omzet en de EBIT in 2023.
    De sectorfavorieten van Bank of America zijn op dit moment ASMI, STMicroelectronics en BE Semiconductor Industries.

    "We blijven positief over Besi en onze taxaties voor 2023 liggen boven die van de markt, maar voor het eerste kwartaal zitten we eronder", aldus Bank of America.
  9. forum rang 6 Take a sisi 19 april 2023 05:23
    Nokia Oyj
    NOK -3.92%
    Shares are trading lower by 4.12% to $4.65 Tuesday afternoon in sympathy with Ericsson ADR Class B
    ERIC -8.95%
    Fell after reporting first-quarter results.

    Ericsson also announced CFO Carl Mellander will step down at the end of the first-quarter 2024.

    Ericsson continues to see a choppy environment during 2023 with poor visibility. Ericsson reported a first-quarter FY23 sales growth of 14% year-on-year
  10. forum rang 6 Take a sisi 19 april 2023 22:33
    Finland's Nokia Corp. is scheduled to report results for the first quarter on Thursday. Here's what you need to know:

    NET PROFIT: Nokia is expected to report comparable net profit of 386 million euros ($423.6 million) in the first quarter, down from EUR416 million a year earlier, according to a FactSet analyst poll. On a reported basis, net profit is seen at EUR335 million in the quarter, from EUR219 million in the same period a year earlier.
    SALES: Sales are forecast to rise 7.1% to EUR5.73 billion, according to FactSet.


    --MARGINS: Margins will be in focus after the company previously noted a business shift away from higher-margin mobile network contracts in North America to markets such as India. This was also reported by rival Ericsson AB, with the Swedish company delivering below-forecast margin guidance for the second quarter when on Tuesday. Weaker 1Q topline and gross margin is expected to lead to full year EBIT downgrades for Nokia, Bank of America Securities analysts said in a note.

    GUIDANCE: Nokia has guided for 2023 net sales of between EUR24.9 billion and EUR26.5 billion, representing 2% to 8% growth in constant currency. It sees the full-year comparable operating margin between 11.5% and 14.0% with free cash flow conversion from comparable operating profit of 20% to 50%. "We believe Nokia will retain its 2023 revenue and profit guidance, as management continues to sound confident in their forecasts based on customer orders and deployment plans." Citi analysts say in a note.
  11. forum rang 6 Take a sisi 20 april 2023 08:19
    Nokia Corporation Financial Report for Q1 2023

    Strong net sales growth; outlook unchanged

    Net sales grew 9% y-o-y in constant currency (10% reported).
    Enterprise net sales grew 62% y-o-y in constant currency (65% reported).
    Comparable gross margin declined 300bps y-o-y to 37,7% (reported -310bps to 37,5%), due to regional mix and a lower contribution from Nokia Technologies partly related to a license option exercised in Q4 2022.
    Comparable operating margin declined y-o-y by 270bps to 8,2%, due to the above mentioned factors impacting gross margin along with a significant swing in venture fund contribution, somewhat offset by disciplined cost control.
    Reported operating margin increased 70bps y-o-y to 7,3%. In addition to the above factors, the margin increased due to a provision recognized in the prior year compared to a partial reversal this year along with a divestment related gain.
    Comparable diluted EPS of EUR 0,06; reported diluted EPS of EUR 0,05.
    Free cash flow negative EUR 0,1bn, net cash balance of EUR 4,3bn.
    2023 outlook unchanged in constant currency. Full year net sales outlook applying 31 March 2023 exchange rates is EUR 24.6bn to 26.2bn. Comparable operating margin guidance remains 11.5% to 14.0%.
    This is a summary of the Nokia Corporation Financial Report for Q1 2023 published today. Nokia only publishes a summary of its financial reports in stock exchange releases. The summary focuses on Nokia Group's financial information as well as on Nokia's outlook. The detailed, segment-level discussion will be available in the complete financial report hosted at www.nokia.com/financials. A video interview summarizing the key points of our Q1 results will also be published on the website. Investors should not solely rely on summaries of Nokia's financial reports and should also review the complete report with tables.


    We started this year with the unveiling of a renewed corporate strategy and refreshed brand. This reflects who we are today - a B2B technology innovation leader unleashing the exponential potential of networks. Q1 also saw the launch of our new industry-leading optical networking platform PSE-6s and AirScale Habrok, our latest 5G massive MIMO radios powered by a new generation of ReefShark chipsets. Both products are designed to help our customers achieve more with lower power consumption, supporting our intent to develop ESG into a competitive advantage.

    Financially we delivered a solid start to 2023 with Q1 net sales growing 9% in constant currency. Our comparable operating margin was 8.2%, a decline of 270bps year-on-year, which was primarily due to expected greater seasonality in Mobile Networks’ profitability, a lower contribution from Nokia Technologies in the quarter and a negative impact from venture fund investments.

    Network Infrastructure had another great quarter with 13% constant currency net sales growth and continued operating margin expansion. We saw particular strength in Optical Networks and good growth in both IP Networks and Submarine Networks. Mobile Networks net sales grew 13% as 5G deployments in India ramped up, more than offsetting a slowdown in North America spending. As we expected, we are seeing greater seasonality between the first and second half of the year in terms of profitability for Mobile Networks.

    Cloud and Network Services achieved net sales growth of 3% in constant currency, but profitability was impacted by product mix. Nokia Technologies net sales declined 22% in the quarter, which was largely due to a long-term license which is no longer contributing after an option was exercised in Q4 2022. We remain confident Nokia Technologies will return to an annual run-rate of EUR 1.4-1.5bn of net sales.

    We maintained our strong momentum in Enterprise with 62% net sales growth in constant currency. We continue to make good progress in both webscale and private wireless and we expect to see strong double-digit growth for the full year.

    One of our strategic pillars is to actively manage our portfolio to secure a leading position in all segments where we decide to compete. To support that goal, we have signed agreements to divest part of our Radio Frequency Systems business and our VitalQIP business. In addition, we recently agreed to the sale of our stake in the joint venture TD Tech, subject to closing conditions.

    Looking forward, we are starting to see some signs of the economic environment impacting customer spending. Given the ongoing need to invest in 5G and fiber, we see this primarily as a question of timing; nevertheless we will maintain our cost discipline to ensure we can successfully navigate this uncertainty. We remain on track to deliver another year of growth in 2023 so our outlook is unchanged with the expectation that profitability in the second half of the year will be stronger than the first half.
  12. FORT1944 20 april 2023 09:32

    Take a sisi schreef op 20 april 2023 08:19:

    Nokia Corporation Financial Report for Q1 2023

    Strong net sales growth; outlook unchanged

    Net sales grew 9% y-o-y in constant currency (10% reported).
    Enterprise net sales grew 62% y-o-y in constant currency (65% reported).
    Comparable gross margin declined 300bps y-o-y to 37,7% (reported -310bps to 37,5%), due to regional mix and a lower contribution from Nokia Technologies partly related to a license option exercised in Q4 2022.
    Comparable operating margin declined y-o-y by 270bps to 8,2%, due to the above mentioned factors impacting gross margin along with a significant swing in venture fund contribution, somewhat offset by disciplined cost control.
    Reported operating margin increased 70bps y-o-y to 7,3%. In addition to the above factors, the margin increased due to a provision recognized in the prior year compared to a partial reversal this year along with a divestment related gain.
    Comparable diluted EPS of EUR 0,06; reported diluted EPS of EUR 0,05.
    Free cash flow negative EUR 0,1bn, net cash balance of EUR 4,3bn.
    2023 outlook unchanged in constant currency. Full year net sales outlook applying 31 March 2023 exchange rates is EUR 24.6bn to 26.2bn. Comparable operating margin guidance remains 11.5% to 14.0%.
    This is a summary of the Nokia Corporation Financial Report for Q1 2023 published today. Nokia only publishes a summary of its financial reports in stock exchange releases. The summary focuses on Nokia Group's financial information as well as on Nokia's outlook. The detailed, segment-level discussion will be available in the complete financial report hosted at www.nokia.com/financials. A video interview summarizing the key points of our Q1 results will also be published on the website. Investors should not solely rely on summaries of Nokia's financial reports and should also review the complete report with tables.


    We started this year with the unveiling of a renewed corporate strategy and refreshed brand. This reflects who we are today - a B2B technology innovation leader unleashing the exponential potential of networks. Q1 also saw the launch of our new industry-leading optical networking platform PSE-6s and AirScale Habrok, our latest 5G massive MIMO radios powered by a new generation of ReefShark chipsets. Both products are designed to help our customers achieve more with lower power consumption, supporting our intent to develop ESG into a competitive advantage.

    Financially we delivered a solid start to 2023 with Q1 net sales growing 9% in constant currency. Our comparable operating margin was 8.2%, a decline of 270bps year-on-year, which was primarily due to expected greater seasonality in Mobile Networks’ profitability, a lower contribution from Nokia Technologies in the quarter and a negative impact from venture fund investments.

    Network Infrastructure had another great quarter with 13% constant currency net sales growth and continued operating margin expansion. We saw particular strength in Optical Networks and good growth in both IP Networks and Submarine Networks. Mobile Networks net sales grew 13% as 5G deployments in India ramped up, more than offsetting a slowdown in North America spending. As we expected, we are seeing greater seasonality between the first and second half of the year in terms of profitability for Mobile Networks.

    Cloud and Network Services achieved net sales growth of 3% in constant currency, but profitability was impacted by product mix. Nokia Technologies net sales declined 22% in the quarter, which was largely due to a long-term license which is no longer contributing after an option was exercised in Q4 2022. We remain confident Nokia Technologies will return to an annual run-rate of EUR 1.4-1.5bn of net sales.

    We maintained our strong momentum in Enterprise with 62% net sales growth in constant currency. We continue to make good progress in both webscale and private wireless and we expect to see strong double-digit growth for the full year.

    One of our strategic pillars is to actively manage our portfolio to secure a leading position in all segments where we decide to compete. To support that goal, we have signed agreements to divest part of our Radio Frequency Systems business and our VitalQIP business. In addition, we recently agreed to the sale of our stake in the joint venture TD Tech, subject to closing conditions.

    Looking forward, we are starting to see some signs of the economic environment impacting customer spending. Given the ongoing need to invest in 5G and fiber, we see this primarily as a question of timing; nevertheless we will maintain our cost discipline to ensure we can successfully navigate this uncertainty. We remain on track to deliver another year of growth in 2023 so our outlook is unchanged with the expectation that profitability in the second half of the year will be stronger than the first half.
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