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Acambis accused in smallpox vaccine row

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  1. [verwijderd] 22 augustus 2005 17:39
    Acambis accused in smallpox vaccine row

    Heather Tomlinson
    Monday August 22, 2005
    The Guardian

    A fight to supply the US with smallpox vaccine has led to aggressive allegations against one of Britain's largest biotechnology companies, Acambis, which stands accused of stealing trade secrets from a rival.
    The biotech is vying for a $1.9bn (£1bn) contract to supply the US with weakened versions of the smallpox vaccine, designed for the elderly and others with compromised immune systems, in case of biological terrorist attack.

    Acambis is in direct competition with Danish firm Bavarian Nordic, the only other company that has a weakened smallpox vaccine in development.

    The contract is vital for Acambis's future, since the company recently slipped into losses after lucrative contracts to provide different types of smallpox vaccines were wound down.
    Bavarian Nordic has issued a lawsuit in America, claiming Acambis used the Danish company's research information and technology to develop its own version of the vaccine, which is also known as MVA.

    Bavarian is also claiming that Acambis's vaccine infringes the patents of its own product and has filed a complaint with the International Trade Commission in Washington DC.

    "If successful, Bavarian Nordic will be in a position to either stop Acambis from engaging in the importation of any infringing MVA smallpox vaccine products into the USA, or seek a royalty for each infringing dose of MVA smallpox vaccine imported to the USA," a statement from the company said.

    The US lawsuit claims "misappropriation of trade secrets", with Bavarian Nordic alleging that Acambis received copies of Bavarian's own type of smallpox vaccine as well as information on how effective the doses were, and then used this to develop its own competing product. It said it is seeking "unspecified monetary damages and injunctive relief" for the alleged theft.

    Bavarian said yesterday that its copies of its own strain of smallpox virus were given to Acambis by an American government body to produce a vaccine based on the information, in February 2003, and before that Acambis did not have an MVA product. "These legal actions are being taken to protect our assets," said Bavarian Nordic's chief executive Peter Wulff.

    Acambis and Bavarian must put their bids to the US health department by the end of September and should hear by February who has won. Analysts thought it was likely that the contract would be shared in some way between the two.

    The US authorities want an initial 20m doses of the vaccine, with the option of buying up to 60m more. Acambis could not be reached for comment yesterday.
  2. miekemuis 22 augustus 2005 21:39

    oudje schreef:

    Koerdaling Acambis in Londen 2,3%.
    Zou het koopadvies van Goldman Sachs nog wijzigen?
    gepost door Hans1987 op 16/6 :
    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--De Amerikaanse zakenbank Goldman Sachs heeft de winst in het tweede kwartaal van het lopende boekjaar met 27% zien dalen.
    De netto-omzet van Goldman Sachs daalde in het tweede kwartaal met 13% tot 4,81 miljard dollar.

    Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5890270

    gepost door Pim f op 20/7 :
    Goldman Sachs have just announced they've increased their stake in ACM by over 1m shares, they've gone from 3.04% to 4.01%:

    "Cambridge, UK and Cambridge, Massachusetts - 13 July 2005 - Acambis plc
    ('Acambis') (LSE: ACM, NASDAQ: ACAM) announces an interest in its shares by The
    Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.

    On 12 July 2005, Acambis received notification that, as of the close of business on 7 July 2005, The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., ('GS Inc') of 85 Broad Street, New York, NY 10004, USA, was interested in a total of 4,304,347 ordinary shares of 10p each, representing a 4.01% holding of Acambis' issued share capital."

    Wat jammer toch ! Verkeerde keuze gemaakt hé ?(Acambis i.p.v. Crucell)Voor de jongens van Sachs wordt het een spannend 3de en 4de kwartaal....

    Voor ons misschien een beetje troost, immers zoals Babs al eerder eens zei : het beste vermaak is leedvermaak.
  3. [verwijderd] 22 augustus 2005 22:03
    Aanbevolen miekemuis.

    Stukje uit dat dING van S. Bennett(pagina 6):
    Acambis is competing with one other company, Bavarian Nordic, to win a US smallpox vaccine contract that could be worth up to US$ 900m. news on which could come before the end of the year.
    Acambis has previously won a US$ 428 m. smallpox contract awarded by the US Government.
    Acambis currently has a technology value of around 230 m. Euro, which we see as fair value.

    (Acambis met veel koerswinst eruit en Crucell spotgoedkoop erin(ING-portefeuille) ...zou zo maar eens kunnen, nou ja, dat is ook weer mooi, kunnen we vanaf morgen weer terug richting "mijn" bodem van twintuuuug!
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