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3D printing

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 11 november 2022 10:29
    Borneo Now Has First 3d Printed House

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    11 Nov, 2022, 4:30 am

    In the Northern coastal part of Borneo, which is more urbanized than the rainforest covered center, the large concrete pre-casting company Sarawak Consolidated Industries Berhad recently revealed their first 3D printed demo house in Sarawak.

    The house consists of a built area of 1000 square feet, had a total printing time of 46 hours and was 3D printed using the BOD2 3D construction printer from Danish based COBOD International. The total length of the print was over 9 km that were extruded layer by layer on top of each other in a total of 145 layers each of 2 cm height. The SCIB team chose to plaster the outside walls of the house, which is normal practice in the region due to high humidity weather conditions. Also, plastering makes it easy to wash and clean when green algae grow on the walls which occurs due to the climate conditions.

    The 3D construction printer SCIB used was supplied by market leader COBOD International, who’s printers have proven their worth around the globe from India, over Middle East, Africa and Europe, to North America, where COBOD 3D printers recently were used in two story buildings in Texas and Ontario.

    The new 3D printed house in Borneo is located on the premises of the Malaysian Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB), which is the permitting body in Malaysia, at their training arm premises Malaysian Construction Academy (ABM) in Kuching, Sarawak (Malaysia) and was built in collaboration with the agency.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 16 november 2022 08:19
    ICON & Lennar Start Construction of 3D-Printed Homes in Georgetown

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    15 Nov, 2022, 1:55 pm

    US’s advanced construction technologies pioneering large-scale 3D printing leader ICON and US’s leading homebuilders Lennar have announced that construction is underway on the largest community of 3D-printed homes and reservations will begin in 2023.

    Situated north of Austin in the city of Georgetown’s master-planned community of Wolf Ranch by Hillwood Communities, a Perot company, the 100-home community combines innovative robotics, software and advanced materials to create homes that are technologically advanced, environmentally sustainable and architecturally striking. Each Lennar home in Wolf Ranch is co-designed by the renowned architectural firm BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group. Prices are anticipated to start from the mid-USD 400,000s.

    Blending contemporary Texas ranch style aesthetics, the community of 3D-printed homes features elevated architectural and energy-efficient designs that highlight the benefits of resiliency and sustainability with the digital possibilities of additive construction. Delivered at speed and at scale using a fleet of ICON’s Vulcan robotic construction systems, software and advanced materials, each home’s full wall system - including interior and exterior walls - are produced with less waste and with more design freedom.

    Construction at Wolf Ranch deepens a relationship that began with Lennar’s investment in Austin-based ICON’s series B financing round and offers a promising path toward an alternate method of delivering technology-driven homes that meet rising demand in desirable communities. In addition to state-of-the-art homes, Lennar homeowners in Wolf Ranch can enjoy all of the amenities offered in tree-covered hill country, including pools, recreational trails and parks within easy access of downtown Georgetown and a short drive to Austin.

    Lennar’s investments are facilitated by LENX, which drives a focused strategy within Lennar to integrate technology solutions across the homebuilding industry. With a clearly defined strategy of investing in technology companies directly adjacent to Lennar’s core homebuilding operations and a disciplined investment process, LENX provides hands-on mentorship and guidance from senior leaders of Lennar’s management team and a marquee opportunity to provide products and technology to Lennar customers, allowing portfolio companies to scale at an unprecedented pace.

    The community will offer eight stunning floorplans with 24 unique elevations ranging from 1,574 to 2,112 square feet of thoughtful living space. The homes will offer three to four bedrooms and two to three baths. All homes will be powered by the sun with rooftop solar panels and will feature components from Lennar’s Connected Home package including a Ring Video Doorbell Pro, a Schlage Encode™ Smart WiFi deadbolt and a Honeywell Home T6 Pro WiFi smart thermostat. Plus, each home will come equipped with the Wolf Ranch security package.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 29 november 2022 14:29
    Amerikaanse universiteit onthult 3D-geprint huis van biobased materiaal
    Artikel van admin • Gisteren om 18:16

    Onderzoekers van de Universiteit van Maine hebben een volledig huis gemaakt met 3D-printtechnologie. De woning bestaat daarnaast volledig uit biobased materialen, zoals houtvezels en hars.

    © Aangeboden door Change Inc.
    De BioHome3D is volledig recyclebaar. | Credit: University of Maine

    De beschikbaarheid van betaalbare woonruimte is een groeiend probleem in de Verenigde Staten, zeker ook in Maine. Tekort aan bouwmaterialen en personeel maakt het daarnaast steeds lastiger om woningen bij te bouwen. De Universiteit van Maine denkt met de 3D-geprinte woning een deel van de oplossing in handen te hebben.

    Volledig recyclebaar
    De BioHome3D, zoals de 3D-geprinte woning heet, is volledig recyclebaar. Het bouwproces levert nauwelijks bouwafval op, dankzij de nauwkeurigheid van 3D-printtechnologie. En omdat de onderdelen van het huis op voorhand geproduceerd worden in een fabriek, is de ‘on-site’ bouwperiode beduidend korter én zijn er minder werknemers voor nodig. Het prototype, dat nabij de campus van de universiteit staat, was binnen een halve dag klaar voor gebruik.

    De woning werd geprint met ’s wereld grootste ‘polymeer 3D-printer’, waarmee in 2019 ook al ’s werelds grootste 3D-geprinte boot geproduceerd werd.

    Volledig 3D-geprint
    “De meeste 3D-geprinte woningen worden gemaakt van beton. Maar de betonnen muren worden meestal geplaatst op een fundering en skelet die op een conventionele manier zijn geproduceerd”, zegt Habib Dagher van de Universiteit van Maine. “De BioHome3D is écht volledig 3D-geprint, van de vloeren tot de muren en het dak.”

    Het prototype van de BioHome3D is uitgerust met verschillende sensors, om de prestaties van de woning (bijvoorbeeld op het gebied van isolatie en energiegebruik) te monitoren. Aan de hand van die data wordt het ontwerp de aankomende tijd verbeterd

  4. forum rang 10 voda 12 december 2022 11:51
    ICON Starts 3 D Printed Wolf Ranch Community near Austin

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    12 Dec, 2022, 4:17 am

    Advanced construction technologies pioneering large-scale 3D printing leader ICON, the leader of and one of the US’s leading homebuilders Lennar announced that construction is underway on the largest community of 3D-printed homes and reservations will begin in 2023.

    Situated north of Austin in the city of Georgetown’s master-planned community of Wolf Ranch by Hillwood Communities, a Perot company, the 100-home community combines innovative robotics, software and advanced materials to create homes that are technologically advanced, environmentally sustainable and architecturally striking. Each Lennar home in Wolf Ranch is co-designed by the renowned architectural firm BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group. Prices are anticipated to start from the mid-USD 400,000s.

    The community will offer eight stunning floorplans with 24 unique elevations ranging from 1,574 to 2,112 square feet of thoughtful living space. The homes will offer three to four bedrooms and two to three baths. All homes will be powered by the sun with rooftop solar panels and will feature components from Lennar’s Connected Home package including a Ring Video Doorbell Pro, a Schlage Encode™ Smart WiFi deadbolt and a Honeywell Home T6 Pro WiFi smart thermostat. Plus, each home will come equipped with the Wolf Ranch security package.

    Blending contemporary Texas ranch style aesthetics, the community of 3D-printed homes features elevated architectural and energy-efficient designs that highlight the benefits of resiliency and sustainability with the digital possibilities of additive construction. Delivered at speed and at scale using a fleet of ICON’s Vulcan robotic construction systems, software and advanced materials, each home’s full wall system - including interior and exterior walls - are produced with less waste and with more design freedom.
  5. forum rang 8 closer 22 december 2022 11:29
    Honderden 3D-geprinte handprotheses van Delftse ingenieur naar Oekraïense oorlogsslachtoffers
    De Delftse onderzoeker Gerwin Smit ontwikkelde een kunsthand voor slechts 100 euro. De 3D-geprinte versies gaan naar Oekraïne, waar sinds het uitbreken van de oorlog grote behoefte is aan protheses.

    Oscar van Putten, 22 december 2022, 06:00

    Dicht, open, dicht, open. De kunsthand op tafel spant aan en ontspant, grijpt en laat los. Gerwin Smit, wetenschapper biomechanica aan de TU Delft, bestuurt de hand met een eenvoudige kabel. In het biomechanisch lab, in de kelder van de faculteit Werktuigbouwkunde, demonstreert hij de iGrip, de door hem 3D-geprinte handprothese. Sinds kort heeft die een nieuwe bestemming: Oekraïne.

    Door de oorlog is het aantal amputaties in Oekraïne fors toegenomen. Schattingen lopen sterk uiteen, maar in de eerste zes maanden sinds de Russische inval waren het er al vijfhonderd, zei een chirurg bij een Oekraïens academisch ziekenhuis tegen ABC News. Geschikte en betaalbare prothesen zijn er nauwelijks. De iGrip biedt een oplossing: het prijskaartje bedraagt zo’n 100 euro, tegenover duizenden euro’s voor andere modellen. In oktober ontving Oekraïne de eerste levering van 350 Delftse kunsthanden. Nu verzamelt Smit donaties voor een tweede ronde, in samenwerking met de Movendi Foundation, een organisatie die gehandicapte mensen in diverse landen helpt.

    Die lage prijs bereikte hij door eenvoud. De iGrip werkt via een kabel, die vastzit aan de tegenoverliggende schouder: een rechterhand is dus verbonden met de linkerschouder. Door de arm naar voren of opzij te bewegen, spant de kabel aan, waardoor de vingers vastklampen. Met een schakel in de handpalm kan de gebruiker de vingers vastzetten. ‘De prothese is licht en sterk, door een combinatie van 3D-geprint kunststof en lasergesneden staal.’

    Smit kwam al op jonge leeftijd in aanraking met een prothese, zijn tante heeft er een. Die is puur cosmetisch, zonder grijpfunctie. Dat moet beter kunnen, dacht Smit. Zijn eigen prothese kan niet alleen voorwerpen vastpakken, maar lijkt ook op een echte hand, met lichtbruine huidskleur met scherp afgetekende nagels. Al zie je nog wel een paar schroeven zitten. Wie dat niet wil, kan een speciale handschoen gebruiken met daarop bijvoorbeeld ook rimpels voor een nog levensechter uiterlijk. ‘Al is het wel gedoe’, zegt Smit, terwijl hij de strakke handschoen over de prothese probeert te trekken.

    Oorspronkelijk ontwierp Smit het hulpmiddel voor ontwikkelingslanden. ‘80 procent van alle mensen met een amputatie woont in een land zonder toegang tot goede prothesen.’ Sinds vorig jaar is hij verkrijgbaar in India, waar inmiddels een paar honderd mensen met de iGrip rondlopen. Daar verzamelt Smit feedback van gebruikers. ‘Gebruiksvriendelijkheid vind ik net zo belangrijk als de prijs. We merken dat de prothese intuïtief werkt: mensen hebben hem binnen tien minuten door. Hij is ook licht en snel, dat vinden gebruikers prettig.’

    Begin dit jaar kwam Oekraïne in beeld. Een paar jaar geleden verzorgde Smit daar een cursus en hield contact met een lokale distributeur. De Delftse ingenieur mailde hem aan het begin van de oorlog hoe het ging. Het antwoord: niet goed, ze hadden een acuut tekort aan prothesen. Smit: ‘Hij was meteen enthousiast toen ik voorstelde deze kunsthanden op te sturen.’

    Makkelijk te repareren
    Corry van der Sluis, gespecialiseerd in armamputaties en niet betrokken bij het onderzoek, is enthousiast over de actie. ‘De hand is precies voor dit soort doeleinden bedoeld', zegt de revalidatiearts van het UMCG. Bijkomend voordeel: volgens haar is deze prothese bij schade ook makkelijk ter plaatse te repareren. ‘Dat is mooi, anders belanden ze mogelijk weer in de kast.’

    Het opsturen van prothesen alleen is niet genoeg, zegt Smit. ‘Artsen moeten hem installeren, patiënten moeten hem leren gebruiken. Nu ligt de focus op acute hulpverlening, maar het revalidatietraject is net zo belangrijk.’ Dat proces verloopt nog moeizaam door de constante bombardementen en stroomstoringen in Oekraïne. Ook in de protheses zelf ziet Smit ruimte voor verbetering. Zo wil hij met een tweede lading verschillende handgroottes meesturen. ‘Je wil niet dat een stoere militair met een piepkleine hand loopt, of een kind met een te grote.’

  6. forum rang 10 voda 5 januari 2023 08:23
    3D Printed Gold Process Used in Bentley Mulliner Batur

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    5 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    Bentley Motors has introduced 3D printed solid gold in the exclusive Mulliner Batur, the first time such a ground-breaking process is believed to have been used in the automotive industry. The ‘additive manufacturing’ technique will add up to 210 grams of 18ct yellow gold to the coachbuilt coupe, the fastest Bentley in the company’s 103-year history.

    Bentley Mulliner has worked with renowned goldsmiths Cooksongold to craft the unique Batur parts. A member of the Heirmerle + Meule Group, Cooksongold is based in the historic Jewellery Quarter of Birmingham, England, where jewellery has been made for centuries. The special collaboration highlights Bentley’s ability to combine new, advanced manufacturing technologies with more traditional materials and finishing techniques.

    All the sustainably sourced gold is 100 per cent recycled from old jewellery, ground into a fine powder needed for the 3D printing technique. Recycling ensures there is no environmental impact from mining for new precious metals. It also reflects Bentley’s commitment to a more sustainable future and is in line with the company’s Beyond100 strategy, to be end-to-end carbon neutral by 2030.

    Every 3D gold part in the Batur is digitally designed using CAD models, before a printing process with laser melting printers. Each is then hand finished by skilled artisan jewellers, using traditional techniques to achieve the polish and quality that is synonymous with a Bentley.

    All parts produced for the Batur are hallmarked in Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter as a sign of having solid material authenticity. Additionally, any parts manufactured in 2022 also receive the Jubilee hallmark, celebrating the late Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee year.

    In February, Bentley committed a further GBP 3 million investment to double AM capacity at the Crewe factory, converting 3D CAD models into physical parts. Future applications will facilitate more low volume manufacturing components and bespoke customer personalisation – including the pioneering use of 3D printed gold in a range of new generation models.

    Bentley’s legendary 6.0-litre, twin-turbocharged W12 engine generates more than 740 PS in the Batur, with chassis technology that includes eLSD, four-wheel steering and 48V electric active anti-roll bars to match the performance. The coupe offers an endless array of options, including parts crafted in titanium, sustainable Natural Fibre composites and even low-carbon leather sourced from Scotland. The coupe’s new design DNA also shows the direction for future Bentley BEVs (battery electric vehicles).

    The W12-engined Batur is restricted to just 18 examples, all of which have already been sold to Mulliner clients at GBP 1.65 million each. The optional, 3D printed gold includes key driver touch points, such as the Charisma Dial, encircling the start/stop button and used to change driver modes. The centrepiece of an exquisite cabin, the dial complements the design of the Batur front grille. Gold is also applied to Bentley’s iconic Organ Stop vent controls on the dashboard, as well as a gold insert marker on the steering wheel itself.
  7. nobahamas 12 januari 2023 19:35
    has signed an initial contract with a major European multinational chemical, oil, and gas conglomerate with 2021 revenues exceeding USD$25 billion (the “Client”) to assess the applicability of PyroGenesis’ fully electric plasma torches for use in its Client’s chemical production process
  8. forum rang 10 voda 13 januari 2023 07:15
    Skoltech Researchers Join Bronze & Steel by 3D Printing

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    13 Jan, 2023, 4:24 am

    Russian Skoltech researchers have used a 3D printer to fabricate samples of bronze-steel alloys previously unknown to materials science and investigated their mechanical characteristics. Blending the distinct properties of bronze and steel, the novel alloys could be used to manufacture combustion chambers for aircraft and rocket engines that would simultaneously benefit from steel’s ability to withstand extreme temperatures and bronze’s capacity to conduct heat away from the chamber and thus prevent the engine from overheating. The study came out in Materials & Design.

    Skoltech Materials Associate Professor Mr Igor Shishkovsky said “3D printing is promising for manufacturing composite parts, endowed with the properties of the two distinct materials that make up the composite. Consider, for example, that steel is resistant to the high temperatures created by fuel combustion in an operating engine. This is great, but compared with bronze, steel is a modest thermal conductor, so the engine coolant cannot siphon heat away from it as effectively to prevent overheating and damage. Well, with 3D printing, you can actually get the best of both worlds by manufacturing a combustion chamber that seamlessly goes from being bronze on the inside for better temperature management to being steel on the outside for holding the structure together.”

    Mr Shishkovsky was the principal investigator on the study that reported the first-ever synthesis of a bronze-steel alloy using a 3D printing technique called direct laser deposition, which melts and fuses powdered ingredients by a laser beam at every successive point in the metal part just as it’s being created. In fact, the Skoltech team combined bronze and steel in two different ways, obtaining both so-called quasi-homogeneous alloys and sandwich structures. In the former, the two materials are more or less evenly intermixed throughout the sample, while the latter consist of a series of alternating 0.25-millimeter-thick layers of bronze and steel. The researchers used one type of steel but varied its content in the alloy from 25% to 50% and experimented with three different common varieties of bronze.

    The study confirmed that the two materials fused well, without defects forming, and investigated the bronze-steel alloy’s structural and mechanical properties. To do this, the team grew vertical bars from the bottom up and examined their shape, chemical composition, and microstructure. “
  9. forum rang 10 voda 16 januari 2023 07:05
    Babcock 3D Prints Part of Periscope of British Armored Vehicles

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    16 Jan, 2023, 6:04 am

    Babcock has 3D printed steel parts to be used across the British Army’s active armored fleets that have been manufactured and fitted by defense company, Babcock International Group. The steel components are believed to be the first made in this way by any supplier to the UK’s Ministry of Defense specifically to tackle the growing challenges of technical and commercial obsolescence. Fitted onto in-service fleets, Titan and Trojan vehicles, the parts form part of the periscope system to ensure Army crews have visibility of their immediate surroundings.

    The major milestone is part of a longer-term global advanced manufacturing investment programme by Babcock, which is developing a capability that could see parts printed anywhere in the world as and when the point of need arises. This could include seeing 3D printers’ onboard vessels at sea or at military sites abroad.

    In February, Babcock launched its technology partnership with Plymouth Science Park and unveiled a brand new innovation centre focused on additive manufacturing techniques. It now means the process to print parts that are obsolete or required in low quantity, such as the periscope clamp, can now be completed in days instead of months. Digital solutions such as additive manufacturing are becoming increasingly significant in the management of complex, critical, legacy, and low volume assets. Printing parts in this way can also ensure companies that need to manufacture at scale can do so in a more sustainable way, using only materials at the point of need.

    Babcock is responsible for the fleet management of over 50,000 vehicles for the British Army ranging from quad bikes and generators to main battle tanks, and weapons from pistols to in-direct artillery.
  10. mjmj 16 januari 2023 15:07

    nobahamas schreef op 12 januari 2023 19:35:

    has signed an initial contract with a major European multinational chemical, oil, and gas conglomerate with 2021 revenues exceeding USD$25 billion (the “Client”) to assess the applicability of PyroGenesis’ fully electric plasma torches for use in its Client’s chemical production process
    n.b.. het is een studie naar de toepasbaarheid... stelt dus kwa omzet niet zoveel voor.
  11. R dayhigh 17 januari 2023 14:00
    PyroGenesis Signs Emissions Reduction Contract with North American Lithium-Ion Battery Recycler


    contract van nog geen 1 miljoen. stelt niet veel voor. wel jammer dat er weer geen client bekend gemaakt kan worden...
    mogelijk is dit de klant: insidexploration.com/call2recycle-and...
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