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  1. forum rang 7 HCohen 30 augustus 2022 15:01
    Singapore Considers Stricter Rules for Retail Crypto Investors — Regulator Says Cryptocurrencies Are 'Highly Hazardous'

    Singapore’s central bank, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), is contemplating imposing stricter rules on retail crypto investors. “MAS regards cryptocurrencies as unsuitable for use as money and as highly hazardous for retail investors,” said the central bank chief.

    New Rules May Be Coming to Retail Crypto Investors in Singapore
    Ravi Menon, the managing director of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), the Singaporean central bank, talked about cryptocurrency regulation at the Green Shoots seminar Monday.

    He outlined five areas of risk in digital assets that the central bank’s regulatory approach is focused on. They are combating money laundering and terrorist financing risks; managing technology and cyber-related risks; safeguarding against harm to retail investors; upholding the promise of stability in stablecoins; and mitigating potential financial stability risks.

    The central bank chief noted:

    MAS regards cryptocurrencies as unsuitable for use as money and as highly hazardous for retail investors.

    “Cryptocurrencies lack the three fundamental qualities of money: medium of exchange, store [of] value, and unit of account,” he emphasized.
  2. [verwijderd] 2 september 2022 08:54
    Georgia to Update Crypto Regulations to Incorporate EU Rules, Legalize Industry
    The government of Georgia has approved amendments to the legal framework for the Caucasian nation’s financial sector, including additional regulations for crypto and fintech activities. The move aims to align Georgian law with relevant EU provisions.

    Parliament of Georgia to Vote on Crypto Legislation in Coming Months
    A legislative package expanding the regulatory framework for companies dealing with crypto assets has been submitted to the parliament by the government in Tbilisi. Its adoption is planned for the fall session of the legislature, Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development Levan Davitashvili announced. Quoted by the Business Media news outlet, he elaborated:

    We expect that in the fall, Georgia will have updated legislation that will significantly develop the financial sector.

    According to Levan Davitashvili’s statement, the draft legislation prepared by the Georgian government has been tailored to achieve convergence with three important directives of the European Union — the Payment Services Directive (PSD 2), Capital Requirements Directive (CRD), and the Virtual Asset Service Providers Directive (VASPs).

    This transposition of the VASPs directive, which envisages granting legal status to entities involved in virtual assets trading and defining their obligations and rights, will be one of the most important steps towards the sustainable regulation of the Georgian crypto industry, the report notes. It is “particularly important for the formation of a legal environment for crypto services and crypto exchanges in Georgia,” Davitashvili emphasized.

    Georgia Strives to Become a Crypto Hub
    The Georgian economy minister considers the synchronization of the country’s financial legislation with the EU directives as a first move toward reaching the ultimate goal of turning Georgia into a crypto hub. That vision of that has been featured in the small nation’s development strategy for 2020-2025 period which was approved by the executive power two years ago.

    Business Media also remarks that the new legal framework will make it easier for major players in the global crypto industry to establish presence in Georgia. Among them is the world’s leading digital asset exchange, Binance, which is considering to open a regional office in the country but is still awaiting for the introduction of a licensing regime.

    The latest regulatory development comes after a meeting of Georgian Primer Minister Irakli Gharibashvili with other key participants in the crypto market, including representatives of the blockchain company Ripple and another large cryptocurrency exchange, FTX. Both companies signaled their interest in setting up offices in Georgia.
  3. [verwijderd] 5 september 2022 11:48
    Billionaire David Rubenstein Bullish on Crypto, Optimistic About Regulation
    Billionaire David Rubenstein, Carlyle Group’s founder, believes that U.S. lawmakers will not push to regulate the crypto industry unduly. Noting that he is bullish on crypto, the billionaire investor said: “the greatest fortunes are made when people go against conventional wisdom.”

    David Rubenstein Bullish on Crypto
    Billionaire investor David Rubenstein, co-founder of the Carlyle Group, one of the largest investment firms, shared his cryptocurrency outlook in an interview with CNBC Thursday.

    Responding to a question about whether he is bullish on cryptocurrency, the billionaire explained:

    I’m bullish in the sense that I think the greatest fortunes are made when people go against conventional wisdom.

    “Who knows where crypto’s going to be but right now crypto’s been beaten down dramatically,” he pointed out, indicating opportunities in the sector.

    He then confirmed that he is a crypto investor. “Not just crypto itself but I’ve invested personally in the companies that surround the industry, not just the cryptocurrencies themselves but companies that service the industry,” the Carlyle Group co-founder stated. Coinbase (Nasdaq: COIN) is an example of one of these companies, Rubenstein clarified, adding that these firms “have not actually done that well lately” due to the decline in crypto prices.

    Nonetheless, Rubenstein stressed:

    But in time, I think the industry is not going away.

    The billionaire was skeptical about crypto in the beginning. However, in April, he revealed that he changed his mind about crypto.

    Regarding cryptocurrency regulation, he told the news outlet that in his view, “Members of Congress are not going to push to regulate this industry unduly.”

    Rubenstein opined:

    The crypto constituency is very strong in Congress. They tend to be Republican, libertarian, and very willing to spend money on lobbying.

    “I think the industry is not going to be soft in dealing with members of Congress. I think they’re going to be fairly aggressive, and I think members of Congress will act by not pushing regulations to do more than they are already doing,” the Carlyle Group co-founder further noted.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 7 september 2022 10:20
    Bitcoin zakt richting dieptepunt van eerder dit jaar
    31 min geleden

    AMSTERDAM (ANP/BLOOMBERG) - De waarde van de bitcoin beweegt richting het dieptepunt van eerder dit jaar. Deze week verloor de belangrijkste digitale munt meer dan 6% van zijn waarde, waarmee deze noteert op $18.620 per stuk.

    Die daling zorgt er mede voor dat de totale marktwaarde van de cryptosector onder de $1 biljoen is gezakt. Ook andere cryptomunten naast de bitcoin zakten deze week met zo’n 6%.

    Stijgende rente
    De stijgende rentetarieven, die worden beschouwd als de echte kosten van lenen, zorgen voor een enorme druk op een reeks risicovolle investeringen waar de cryptomunten deel van uitmaken. Met de daling van de bitcoin deze week beweegt de munt zich richting het dieptepunt van $17.600 dat eerder dit jaar werd aangetikt.

    „Het macroverhaal is erg moeilijk om los te laten. Het zal risicovolle investeringen in beweging zetten”, zei Kevin Loo van vermogensbeheerder IDEG Asset Management tegen persbureau Bloomberg. „Bitcoin staat lager dan 20.000 dollar. Hier zijn we eerder geweest. Het is waarschijnlijk dat we zelfs nog iets lager kunnen gaan.”

    Bitcoin gezakt onder de $20.000, maar fans houden moed: ’Hij gaat altijd weer omhoog’

    In een dal
    Wel wees hij erop dat bitcoin al wel eerder in een dal heeft gezeten, maar zich daar weer kon uit bewegen. „Als je van dal tot dal meet, is de trend dat we op langere termijn weer omhoog gaan.”

    De brede cryptomarkt verloor dit jaar ongeveer 60% van zijn waarde. Bitcoin is hard gevallen ten opzichte van de piek van november vorig jaar, toen de munt nog $69.000 waard was.

    Ministerie waarschuwt voor risico’s crypto’s

  5. forum rang 10 voda 8 september 2022 08:46
    Bitcoin in zwaar weer: 'Dit ziet er niet sterk uit'
    Video 08:32

    In de Crypto-update bespreekt Wilson Boldewijn met trader Joël Happé het laatste nieuws uit de wereld van de digitale munt. Deze keer bitcoin dat lange tijd in een dip zit, ethereum die er weinig last van lijkt te hebben en een nieuwe campagne van de overheid.

  6. [verwijderd] 8 september 2022 09:06
    IMF: Crypto Assets Become More Mainstream as Hedges Against Weak Currencies, Potential Payment Instruments
    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) published a report stating that crypto assets have gained a “more mainstream presence as speculative investments, hedges against weak currencies, and potential payment instruments.” The IMF has called for a global response to crypto regulation that is coordinated, consistent, and comprehensive.

    IMF Officials on Crypto Regulation, Mainstream Adoption
    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) published a report titled “Regulating Crypto: The right rules could provide a safe space for innovation” in the September edition of its flagship Finance & Development magazine. The report is authored by IMF’s Monetary and Capital Markets Department deputy director Aditya Narain and assistant director Marina Moretti.

    “Crypto assets have been around for more than a decade, but it’s only now that efforts to regulate them have moved to the top of the policy agenda,” the report describes, elaborating:

    It’s only in the past few years that crypto assets have moved from being niche products in search of a purpose to having a more mainstream presence as speculative investments, hedges against weak currencies, and potential payment instruments.

    “The failures of crypto issuers, exchanges, and hedge funds — as well as a recent slide in crypto valuations — have added impetus to the push to regulate,” the authors noted.

    The report details challenges in regulating crypto. “Applying existing regulatory frameworks to crypto assets, or developing new ones, is challenging for several reasons,” Narain and Moretti wrote.

    “For a start, the crypto world is evolving rapidly. Regulators are struggling to acquire the talent and learn the skills to keep pace given stretched resources and many other priorities. Monitoring crypto markets is difficult because data are patchy, and regulators find it tricky to keep tabs on thousands of actors who may not be subject to typical disclosure or reporting requirements,” they explained.

    Noting efforts on both the national and international levels to develop crypto regulations, the IMF officials said: “The regulatory fabric is being woven, and a pattern is expected to emerge. But the worry is that the longer this takes, the more national authorities will get locked into differing regulatory frameworks.”

    “This is why the IMF is calling for a global response” that is coordinated, consistent, and comprehensive, they concluded, elaborating:

    "A global regulatory framework will bring order to the markets, help instill consumer confidence, lay out the limits of what is permissible, and provide a safe space for useful innovation to continue."
  7. [verwijderd] 8 september 2022 09:07
    What New UK Prime Minister Liz Truss Says About Cryptocurrencies
    Liz Truss, Britain’s new prime minister, previously said: “We should welcome cryptocurrencies in a way that doesn’t constrain their potential.” Truss beat former Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak, who had a plan to make the U.K. a crypto-friendly nation.

    Liz Truss Becomes Britain’s New Prime Minister
    Liz Truss has won the race to become the new U.K. prime minister, beating former Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak. The Foreign minister has won the Conservative Party leadership and will be taking over from Boris Johnson.

    On Tuesday, Johnson will travel to Scotland to meet Queen Elizabeth to officially tender his resignation. The queen will then appoint Truss as Britain’s new prime minister. Johnson announced his resignation in July after months of scandal.

    Truss, 47, has promised to act quickly to tackle Britain’s cost of living crisis. She also said that she will come up with a plan within a week to fight rising energy bills and secure future fuel supplies. “I will take bold action to get all of us through these tough times, grow our economy, and unleash the United Kingdom’s potential,” Truss tweeted Monday.

    The incoming British prime minister has not said much about crypto except for a tweet she made in January 2018. Truss wrote: “We should welcome cryptocurrencies in a way that doesn’t constrain their potential. Liberate free enterprise areas by removing regulations that restrict prosperity.”

    In contrast, Sunak had paved the way for the U.K. to become a crypto hub. He and Economic Secretary to the Treasury John Glen were the architects of a comprehensive and detailed plan to strengthen Britain’s image as a hospitable place for crypto. However, both Sunak and Glen quit Johnson’s government in July.

    Sunak said in April: “It’s my ambition to make the U.K. a global hub for crypto asset technology, and the measures we’ve outlined today will help to ensure firms can invest, innovate, and scale up in this country.” His colleague, Glen, similarly said:

    We want this country to be a global hub — the very best place in the world to start and scale crypto-companies.

    In May, the U.K. government outlined its plans to support crypto adoption in the Queen’s speech, delivered by Prince Charles. The British government also affirmed its commitment to regulate stablecoins. In July, officials from the U.K. and the U.S. discussed broader crypto regulation. In the same month, the British Law Commission, a statutory independent body, published proposals to reform laws relating to digital assets.

    Truss will face an array of challenges as the new prime minister of Britain amid surging inflation. Recent data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) showed that India had surpassed the U.K. and become the world’s fifth largest economy.
  8. forum rang 6 Zaphod Beeblebrox 8 september 2022 09:35

    Enzo123 schreef op 8 september 2022 09:06:

    “For a start, the crypto world is evolving rapidly. Regulators are struggling to acquire the talent and learn the skills to keep pace given stretched resources and many other priorities. Monitoring crypto markets is difficult because data are patchy, and regulators find it tricky to keep tabs on thousands of actors who may not be subject to typical disclosure or reporting requirements,” they explained.
    Kortom, het IMF zou crypto graag willen reguleren. Ze vinden het belangrijk deze nieuwe markt te reguleren, maar ze weten niet goed hoe. Ook kunnen ze geen kundige mensen vinden en kunnen ze het tempo van de ontwikkelingen niet bijhouden. Dat loopt dus zo'n vaart niet. Gelukkig worden de meeste netwerken gereguleerd door cryptografisch beschermde algoritmes, dus daar is niet veel controle nodig. Wel bij meer traditionele organisaties die in crypto doen. Het is daar waar de meeste problemen plaatsvinden. Prijswijs is regulering vooral het teken voor institutionele beleggers om een half tot 1 procent te investeren wat een gigantisch prijsopstuwend effect zal hebben.
  9. forum rang 7 HCohen 8 september 2022 09:39
    Elon Musk $258 billion Dogecoin lawsuit expands
    Wed, September 7, 2022

    NEW YORK (Reuters) - The $258 billion racketeering lawsuit accusing Elon Musk of running a pyramid scheme to support the cryptocurrency Dogecoin has expanded, adding seven new investor plaintiffs and six new defendants including his tunnel construction business Boring Co.

    According to an amended complaint filed on Tuesday night in Manhattan federal court, Musk, his electric car company Tesla Inc, his space tourism company SpaceX, Boring and others intentionally drove up the price of Dogecoin more than 36,000% over two years and then let it crash.

    By doing so, the defendants "profited tens of billions of dollars" at other Dogecoin investors' expense, while knowing all along that the currency lacked intrinsic value and that its value "depended solely on marketing," the complaint said.

    Tesla, SpaceX and Boring did not immediately respond on Wednesday to requests for comment. Tesla disbanded its media relations department in 2020.

    The original lawsuit was filed in June.

    Shortly afterward, Musk, the world's richest person, tweeted that he would "keep supporting Dogecoin," and in an interview said "people that work around the factory at SpaceX or Tesla" asked him for that support, the amended complaint said.

    Other new defendants include the Dogecoin Foundation, which calls itself a nonprofit providing governance and support for Dogecoin. It could not immediately be reached for comment.

    The $258 billion in damages is triple the estimated decline in Dogecoin's market value since May 2021.

    That was around the time Musk, playing a fictitious financial expert on a "Weekend Update" segment of NBC's "Saturday Night Live," called Dogecoin "a hustle."

    Dogecoin traded at about 6 cents on Wednesday, down from around 74 cents in May 2021.

    The case is Johnson et al v. Musk et al, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 22-05037.
  10. I-trader 12 september 2022 12:05

    I-trader schreef op 31 augustus 2022 12:26:

    blue dot hash ribbon is sterk koopsignaal , het verleden leert dat als de blue dot verschijnt dat de bodem gezet was , in dit gevan +/_17600!
    nog 1 x dalen en retest trendline en we kunnen aan bullrun beginnen :)
    einde jaar verwacht ik + $50000 btc price
  11. forum rang 10 voda 14 september 2022 14:25
    Zuid-Korea jaagt op ontwikkelaar stablecoin TerraUSD
    Arrestatiebevel voor Do Kwon.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Zuid-Koreaanse autoriteiten zijn op zoek naar Do Kwon, de ontwikkelaar achter de ingestorte cryptomunt TerraUSD, een zogeheten stablecoin. Dat meldden diverse internationale persbureaus.

    Kwon is de oprichter van Terraform Labs, dat twee cryptomunten creëerde die eerder dit jaar crashten.

    Meer dan 90 personen in Zuid-Korea hebben Kwon beschuldigd van fraude en illegale fondsenwerving.

    Openbare aanklagers in Seoel hebben woensdag bevestigd dat er arrestatiebevelen uitstaan voor zes personen onder wie Kwon.

    TerraUSD is een zogeheten stablecoin die zo ontworpen was dat de waarde gelijk zou blijven aan de Amerikaanse dollar. Maar eerder dit jaar stortte zowel TerraUSD als Luna in, omdat mensen massaal uit de munt stapten, waardoor in enkele dagen miljarden dollars verdampten.

    Door: ABM Financial News.


    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
  12. forum rang 6 Zaphod Beeblebrox 15 september 2022 14:58

    Amarillo schreef op 15 september 2022 09:44:

    Kan iemand mij eens uitleggen waarom er zoveel reuring word gegeven aan " the merge" ...ze gaan gewoon wat efficiënter werken..niks meer niks minder
    Los van het feit dat ze van PoW naar PoS gegaan zijn, wat minder energie verbruikt, maar ook minder goed getest is en daarmee risicovoller, is ethereum meer deflatoir geworden omdat de uitgifte van ETH nu beter vastligt. Eerst was dat nogal onduidelijk. Bovendien kun je nu ETH staken met een verwacht rendement van 5% tot 7% waardoor sommige mensen zeggen dat ethereum een crypto-obligatie is geworden wat vervolgens weer interesse opwekt ook van hele grote institutionele partijen. Maw giga geld inflow en onvoorstelbare koerswinsten voor ETH. Vooropgesteld dat de merge goed verloopt maar daar lijkt het voorlopig wel op.
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