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Beter Bed 2022

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  1. Sec_Brut 27 juli 2022 14:14

    Alexis vdB schreef op 27 juli 2022 11:48:

    Degene die telkens grote orders in de bied zet, kunt u aub een bestens order uitvoeren om alle laat eruit te knallen en de koers wat te steunen?

    Nu 11k bied op 3.955, just execute a bestens order please!
    Vermoedelijk iemand die wel het analisten rapport heeft gelezen :

    - solid sales growth in 1H 2022, however Q2 softer mainly due strong comparison base Q2 2021.
    - Macroeconomic uncertainty and difficult labour market continue to concern us
    - Remain confident in ability to increase full year revenues in 2022 compared to 2021
    - Gross margin towards the end of the year expected to remain stable compared to 2021
    - increased capex in 2022 to support accelerated revenue growth as set in our 2025 strategy
    - Expect the whole retail sector to be inpacted by low consumer spending due to uncertainties in the market, however we are confident
    BBH is resilient in charcter and ideas and on track to realise 2025 targets

    Wat we ook nergens gehoord of gelezen hebben :

    A set up of a supply chain for mattress sales in Germany, And revitalization of Alpine plus as an insternational brand for market place.

    Revised concept of Beddenreus :

    - Beddenreus as a powerful discount formula
    - Fast : short delivery times with in - store stock, fast delivery services for online items.
    - concept will be tested in Beverwijk

    Joint venture in Poland :

    - BBH has entered into a binding memorandum of understanding with the Bovelli Group and the Veldeman Group to acquire a 33.3 % interest in a Poland based bedding and mattress factory
    - There are future possibilities to further scale up production.

    Veldeman groep :

    Veldeman groep is een 100% familiale onderneming opgericht in 1954 en ondertussen actief in heel Europa. De kernactiviteit ligt in de ontwikkeling en productie van hoogwaardige slaapsystemen voor het midden- en hogere marktsegment.

    Om optimaal in te spelen op de wensen en noden van die marktsegmenten, werkt de groep met een multi-merkenstrategie. Met een heel uitgesproken focus voor ieder merk.

    Vanuit de kernactiviteit ontwikkelden zich in de loop der jaren een aantal spin-offs, waaronder een projectafdeling, een industriële schrijnwerkerij en een eigen revolutionaire pocketveren-productie.

    Veldeman groep is tevens leverancier van slaapcomfort voor private label klanten.

    Bovelli group :

    Our bed.
    Your time to relax.
    Bovelli Bedding Sp. z o.o. is an established Polish manufacturer of upholstered furniture, specializing in the production of continental beds along with mattresses, headrests and pouffes. Our products combine Polish quality

    and workmanship, Belgian experience and Italian finesse.

    Our continental beds are a product made with attention to raw material, comfort and appearance.

    Our market is the western countries of the EU, however, knowing how much comfort and healthy sleep the Poles miss, we decided to start expansion in the home market in 2020-2021.

    We put all our passion and love of beauty into the production of beds. We pay great attention to care for the environment. We use natural raw materials in our beds, and we have modern environmentally friendly technological lines. We are committed to ensuring that our children live in a clean and healthy climate.

    We produce about 100,000 pieces of furniture annually, and we ship about 4 trailers of goods per day.

  2. forum rang 4 SpecuKlaas 28 juli 2022 07:26
    veldeman.com/ www.bovelli.pl/o-nas beiden familie bedrijven.

    Lijkt me v BBH een goede zet om hierin met een minderheidsaandeel in deel te nemen en niet zelf de markt daar open te breken/concurreren. In familiebedrijven heb ik wel vertrouwen (100% betrokkenheid) en kennis hiermee delen en opschalen is alleen maar goed.

    Oke zeer zwaar economisch weer [dat velen nog steeds niet inzien... WOZ x5 :-( , gas, etc etc ] op komst ... maar cash positie is goed en er zit een vermogende partij in, Zolang de omzet maar toeneemt en er geen verlies gedraaid gaat worden is het een mooie lange termijn investering denk ik. Hoop wel dat er tussentijds fff wat meer klein positief nieuws wordt gebracht.
  3. Sec_Brut 28 juli 2022 16:52

    Ookaanwezigbij... schreef op 28 juli 2022 00:35:


    Succes heeft hij zeker nodig, mits die persoon aandelen heeft. Wordt een lastige tijd voor BBH.
    Haha dank je, succes wordt altijd affected, een bril heb ik, maar ook dat hielp niet om de woordenbrij te ontcijferen.
    No hard feelings natuurlijk, maar dacht laat ik ook eens een wel gemeend advies geven, cursus Nederlands wil daarbij goed helpen hoor, maar vermoed dat Bear dat anders ziet. (Met of zonder bril, no pun intended)
  4. forum rang 5 maci 3 augustus 2022 07:52
    Gezien de grootse aankondiging middels een PB zal het wel een hele dure meneer zijn.... ;-)

    Beter Bed and sleep guru Matthew Walker team up to help Dutch and Belgians sleep better

    Bedroom specialist Beter Bed is proud to announce that neuroscientist and sleep expert Matthew Walker will be speaking on its event to raise awareness of the importance of good and sufficient sleep. Along with healthy eating and sufficient exercise, a good night’s sleep is one of the most important conditions for staying healthy as you get older. Research by Beter Bed shows that although a large part of Dutch people recognise the importance of a good night’s sleep, they hardly ever act on this.

    As part of its mission ‘Sleep better, live better’, Beter Bed has been focusing on improving people’s sleep for years now. The bedroom specialist teams up with various experts to provide in-depth information on sleep related topics. At the invitation of Beter Bed in cooperation with box spring brand Velda, Matthew Walker is coming to the Netherlands to share his knowledge and inspiration with interested Dutch and Belgian parties. At a major event organised by Beter Bed in September this year, Walker will answer questions such as: why is sleep so important? How does sleep impact your brain health and risk of Alzheimer’s disease? How does a lack of sleep impact your heart health, and also your immune health, including risk of cancer? Walker will give practical tips to help you put better sleep into practice right away. In addition to Walker’s presentation, during which he will share his inspiring insights, attendees will be able to follow sessions offering tips on how to improve their sleep, including breathing techniques or a mindful walk, for example.

    About Matthew Walker

    Matthew Walker, a British scientist, earned his PhD in neuroscience from the Medical Research Council in the UK, and subsequently became a Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He is currently Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, and director of the Center for Human Sleep Science. Matt’s research focuses on the effect of sleep on human health and disease, brain, and body. Walker has published more than 100 scientific research studies and has received numerous funding awards from the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health, and is a Kavli Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences. He was recently awarded the Carl Sagan Prize for Science Popularization. Matt has given a main-stage TED Talk that has been viewed over 14 million times, has also created several TED Miniseries on sleep, a Master Class series on sleep, and is author of the New York Times bestseller, Why We Sleep. Matt is also host of the 5-star-rated, The Matt Walker Podcast.

    Beter Bed is keen to help everyone in the Netherlands and Belgium sleep better. It is therefore important that not just the invited guests get the chance to experience Matthew Walker’s insights and inspiration. The sleep expert’s presentation on 1 September will therefore be broadcast via a live stream, available exclusively to a limited number of participants. If you want to find out all there is to know about sleeping better, sign up now at beterbed.nl/matthew-walker.
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