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spineway so kansrijke pennystocker parijs

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  1. vantodim1970 18 januari 2022 18:46
    Press Release Ecully, 18 January, 2021 – 6 pm
    Revenue increased by 27% in 2021 to €4.3 M Q4 2021 superior to Q4 2020 (+ 26%)
    In thousands of euros


    % Variation
    Q1 Revenue

    1 039

    - 17%

    Q2 Revenue
    1 021
    + 153%
    Q3 Revenue
    1 060


    + 22%

    Q4 Revenue
    1 345
    1 067
    + 26%
    Annual Revenue
    4 290

    3 379

    + 27%
    *Figures not audited including revenue from Distimp since its acquisition date, i.e., from 26 June 2021 through 31 December 2021, representing 365 k€.
    In a context still disrupted by the pandemic, Spineway closes the 2021 financial year with a turnover of €4.3 million, up 27% compared to 2020, driven by a strong commercial dynamic concretized by a 4th quarter at €1.3 million, up 26% compared to last year.
    This growth was driven in particular by high sales performances in the Group's historical areas. Thus, Latin America recorded revenues of nearly €2 million, up 33% compared to fiscal year 2020, despite a still complicated situation; while sales in Asia reached €1 million, up 19% compared to 2020.
    Moreover, in line with its strategy, Spineway is continuing to develop its product mix by strengthening its higher value-added ranges. Thus, benefiting from the first commercial synergies with Distimp, sales in Europe amounted to nearly €1 million, up 38% compared to last year.
    The financial situation remains very solid and reinforces the Group's capacity to accelerate its development through investments.
    After a strong fourth quarter, Spineway is pursuing its strategic plan combining organic and external growth with the ambition of becoming a leading European player with premium positioning in spine surgery.
    Find out all about Spineway at www.spineway.com
    This press release has been prepared in both English and French. In case of discrepancies, the French version shall prevail.

    Spineway designs, manufactures and markets innovative implants and surgical instruments for treating severe disorders of the spinal column.
    Spineway has an international network of over 50 independent distributors and 90% of its revenue comes from exports. Spineway, which is eligible for investment through FCPIs (French unit trusts specializing in innovation), has received the OSEO Excellence award since 2011 and has won the Deloitte Fast 50 award (2011). Rhône Alpes INPI Patent Innovation award (2013) – INPI Talent award (2015).
    ISIN: FR0011398874 - ALSPW
  2. vantodim1970 19 april 2022 10:55
    Press Release Ecully, April 15, 2022 – 10 am
    Continued growth in Q1 2022
    Q1 2022 revenues up +55%
    In thousands of euros 2022* 2021 % Variation
    Turnover Q1 1 342 865 + 55%
    Unaudited consolidated data
    In line with the last quarter of 2021, Spineway confirms its growth momentum and totals revenues
    of €1.3 million for the first quarter of 2022, up 55% compared to the year 2021. The latter benefits
    from the synergies implemented with Distimp, the growth of sales in France and positive
    commercial orientation in Latin America.
    Sales in Latin America showed strong growth of 31.1% compared to 2021 and represented 41.5% of
    Group sales (€558 k). Despite the continuing health crisis in the territory, the region is benefiting
    from a return to a more normalized situation in surgical activity, which has enabled the booking of
    significant orders.
    The significant growth in the Europe region, which doubled compared to Q1 2021 to reach €427 k,
    was mainly driven by sales in France, which now represent 26.2% of Group sales at €351 k in Q1
    2022, following the successful integration of Distimp.
    Asia remained stable in Q1 2022 (€181 k), while the Middle East zone amounted to €176 k and
    increased significantly compared to Q1 2021, following the strengthening of the Group's presence in
    North Africa.
    On the basis of the upward trend at the beginning of 2022, Spineway confirms the recovery of its
    business and reinforces its ambition to become a leading European player in spine surgery with
    Premium positioning
  3. forum rang 8 josti5 12 juni 2022 14:29

    watch-dog schreef op 9 juni 2022 18:17:

    0,0002 Euro
    Market Cap: 3,25 miljoen Euro
    In combinatie met:

    'On the basis of the upward trend at the beginning of 2022, Spineway confirms the recovery of its
    business and reinforces its ambition to become a leading European player in spine surgery with
    Premium positioning':

    1+ 1 = 2?

    Heb begin dit jaar, dus achteraf nog veel te vroeg, gemiddeld, en zie wel, wat er van komt.
  4. vantodim1970 18 juli 2022 12:05
    Revenue for the first half 2022 : + 65%

    • Acceleration of sales over the 2nd quarter (+74%)
    • Higher activity level than before the health crisis
    • Very good performances in France and Latin America

    In thousands euros 2022* 2021* Variation 2022/2021
    in %

    Turnover 1
    st quarter 1 342 866 + 55%
    Turnover 2nd quarter 1 770 1 029 + 74%
    Turnover 1 st semester 3 113 1 885 + 65%
    CA proforma
    st semester** 3 113 2 140 + 45%

    Slecht is dit toch allemaal niet lijkt mij?
  5. watch-dog 22 juli 2022 10:00
    Ecully, July 21, 2022 – 6 pm

    Continuation of the targeted external growth strategy Acquisition of Spine Innovations

    Spineway, a specialist in innovative implants for the treatment of severe spine pathologies, announces the acquisition of 100% of the capital of the French company Spine Innovations, which specializes in cervical and lumbar disc prostheses.
    Spine Innovations, a spin-off from Groupe FH Ortho’s spine activity and majority owned by the investment fund LBO France, has over 25 years of expertise in the field of spine surgery. The company has developed, in collaboration with renowned French surgeons and after more than 10 years of Research & Development, the first viscoelastic lumbar prosthesis called "LP-ESP" which was implanted in 2004 at the Pitié Salpêtrière University Hospital in Paris.
    The patented one-piece viscoelastic ESP disc prosthesis (shock absorbing core) allows surgeons to implant a device that mimics the movement and behavior of a natural disc. They are now used in more than 15 countries and Spine Innovations aims to become a major player in the field of disc prostheses worldwide with this innovative technology.
    Spine Innovations is based in Lyon and Mulhouse and is supported by a team of 15 people. It markets its products mainly in France, Europe and Australia. For the fiscal year 2020/2021, the company generated sales of €4.2 million, 76% of which were generated internationally. The company is majority owned by the investment fund LBO France, which has been supporting its development since 2020.

  6. watch-dog 26 juli 2022 17:20
    Ecully, July 26, 2022 – 8.30 am

    Launch of a Spineway share consolidation

    The Extraordinary General Meeting of Spineway's shareholders was held on Monday, July 25, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. at the Company's headquarters. The resolutions presented, including those relating to the share consolidation, were approved by the shareholders with the exception of the 5th resolution, concerning the capital increase reserved for employees, which was rejected in accordance with the Board of Directors' recommendation. The Board of Directors of the Company, which met on the same day, decided to implement the share consolidation.

    Watch the video of Stéphane Le Roux, CEO of Spineway click here

    Implementation of the share consolidation

    At its meeting of July 25, 2022, the Spineway Board of Directors decided to implement the reverse stock split of Spineway's share capital approved by the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of July 25, 2022 under the terms of its first resolution, at the rate of one (1) new share to be issued for forty thousand (40 000) existing shares to be consolidated. Taking into account the exchange parity retained, as a result of the consolidation, the number of outstanding shares will be divided by forty thousand (40 000). The par value of the Spineway share will be increased in proportion to the consolidation ratio and will increase from a ten thousandth (0.0001) of euro to four (4) euros.

    The purpose of this consolidation is to reduce the volatility of Spineway's share price, promote its stabilization and thus better reflect the Group's development prospects.

    This consolidation has no impact on the amount of share capital, only the par value of the share and, concomitantly, the number of shares in circulation are modified.

    The consolidation is therefore a purely technical adjustment, with no direct impact on the total value of the Spineway shares held by each shareholder. The mnemonic code (ALSPW) will remain unchanged. However, the ISIN code of the new SPINEWAY shares (post consolidation) will become FR001400BVK2.

  7. forum rang 6 Op en Neer 29 oktober 2022 09:51

    Green-Oval schreef op 15 februari 2021 17:30:

    heb me ook laten verleiden.. 250K stuks, je weet maar nooit en anders maar een boterhammeke minder deze week haha
    Een aandelensplitsing van 1 op 40.000 is wel heel bijzonder. Als je voor € 1.000 had gekocht, dan vertegenwoordigde dit bij de oorsprong op maar liefst 40 miljoen euro.

    Dat is veel voor een internationaal bedrijf in innovatieve implantaten en chirurgische instrumenten en met meer dan 50 onafhankelijke distributeurs, waarvan 90% van zijn inkomsten komt uit de export.

    Hoe kun je zoveel kapitaal vernietigen met dergelijk bedrijf. Er is niets makkelijker dan een tand vervangen. Dergelijke groot kapitaalverlies is niet meer te begrijpen. Je bent waarschijnlijk opgelicht en je moet een klacht bij de AFM gaan indienen.
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