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  1. Barren Wuffett 13 juni 2022 14:23
    Nederlands bedrijf claimt in 2028 als eerste op waterstof naar Londen te vliegen

    Over zes jaar moet het mogelijk zijn om met een middelgroot passagiersvliegtuig van Amsterdam naar Londen te vliegen, claimt ontwikkelaar Hydrogen Aircraft Powertrain and Storage System (HAPSS). Kunnen we dan eindelijk zonder schuldgevoel het vliegtuig pakken?

  2. forum rang 10 voda 14 juni 2022 09:47
    HAPSS: eerste passagierstoestel in 2028 op waterstof naar Londen
    ANP Producties - Gisteren om 11:43
    © ANP

    DEN HAAG (ANP) - Vanaf 2028 moet het mogelijk zijn om met een middelgroot passagiersvliegtuig met tot tachtig zitplaatsen op waterstof van Amsterdam over de Noordzee naar Londen te vliegen. Een grote Nederlandse samenwerking bouwt momenteel een waterstofsysteem dat in bestaande vliegtuigen kan worden ingebouwd. Aan het initiatief doen verschillende bedrijven en instanties van eigen bodem mee.

    De bedoeling is dat er vanaf 2028 al meerdere commerciële vluchten wereldwijd gaan vliegen. Het Hydrogen Aircraft Powertrain and Storage System (HAPSS) is een volledig Nederlandse publiek-private samenwerking, opgezet door Unified International en InnovationQuarter met 17 bedrijven, waaronder Fokker, TU Delft, Rijksoverheid en het Koninklijk Nederlands Lucht- en Ruimtevaartcentrum. Vanuit het Nationaal Groeifonds werd 383 miljoen euro toegekend aan het programma Luchtvaart in Transitie, waarvan het HAPSS-project het grootste onderdeel is.

    Het systeem zal in 2025 al op kleine schaal gereed zijn voor testen in het laboratorium. Het systeem wordt daarna in eerste instantie ingebouwd in een bestaand propellervliegtuig met 40 tot 80 zitplaatsen. Vervolgens zou het systeem gebruikt kunnen worden in nieuwe zero-emissie-vliegtuigen waar nog meer passagiers mee vervoerd kunnen worden.

    1200 banen

    De initiatiefnemers denken dat HAPPS tegen 2028 tot wel 1200 banen oplevert. Het systeem zou volgens de initiatiefnemers interessant kunnen zijn voor markten waar voor korte afstanden nu nog wordt gemikt op elektrisch vliegen zoals in Scandinavië en Nieuw-Zeeland.

    Anders dan in de huidige vliegtuigen wordt de brandstof niet meer in de vleugels opgeslagen. Dat gebeurt in het nieuwe systeem met waterstofcapsules in de staart. De waterstof wordt daarna richting de motor getransporteerd en omgezet in elektriciteit die de propellers in beweging zet.

  3. forum rang 10 voda 15 juni 2022 07:22
    Underground Hydrogen Gas Storage Facility in Lulea Open for HYBRIT

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    15 Jun, 2022, 7:06 am

    Swedish steel maker SSAB, LKAB and Vattenfall are inaugurating HYBRIT’s pilot facility for fossil free hydrogen gas storage at Svartöberget in Lulea in Sweden. The rock cavern storage facility is the first of its kind in the world. The inauguration ceremony marks the start of the two-year test period, which will run until 2024. The hydrogen storage facility will play a very important role in the overall value chain for fossil-free iron and steel production. Producing fossil-free hydrogen gas when there is a lot of electricity, for example when it is very windy, and using stored hydrogen gas when the electricity system is under strain, will ensure a steady production of sponge iron, the raw material behind fossil-free steel.

    The pilot plant has a size of 100 cubic meters. At a later stage, a full-scale hydrogen gas storage facility measuring 100,000 to 120,000 cubic meters may be required, in which case it will be able to store up to 100 GWh of electricity converted to hydrogen gas, which is sufficient to supply a full-sized sponge iron factory for three to four days.

    The technology for storing gas in a lined rock cavern is well proven and has been used in southern Sweden for about 20 years for storing natural gas. Now the technology is taking a step forward by the development for storage of hydrogen gas, and the storage facility will also be used more dynamically, being filled and emptied at pace with the hydrogen production.

    HYBRIT initiative was launched in 2016 by the three owners; SSAB, LKAB and Vattenfall. Using HYBRIT technology, SSAB can reduce Sweden’s carbon dioxide emissions by 10 percent. SSAB, LKAB and Vattenfall invest a total of SEK 259 million in the hydrogen storage itself, divided into three equal parts, and the Swedish Energy Agency contributes with SEK 72 million.
  4. Barren Wuffett 16 juni 2022 13:38
    OCI breidt terminal uit voor de import van groene waterstof

    Methanolproducent OCI breidt zijn importterminal voor ammonia in de Rotterdamse haven uit. Daarmee anticipeert het bedrijf op de groeiende vraag naar groene waterstof en duurzame brandstof voor de scheepvaart.

  5. forum rang 10 voda 20 juni 2022 08:40
    Volvo CE Testing Hydrogen Articulated Hauler Prototype

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    20 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    Volvo Construction Equipment is continuing acting on its commitment to drive change towards a net-zero future. Following the completion of a multi-stakeholder research project aimed at breaking new ground in hydrogen technology, the company has started testing of the world’s first fuel cell articulated hauler prototype, the Volvo HX04. Now, an important milestone has been reached with the testing of a world-first emission free hydrogen fuel cell articulated hauler prototype, the Volvo HX04. The results of the project will provide important insights into the possibilities provided by hydrogen and fuel cells as Volvo CE continues research for its future product development programs.

    The Volvo HX04 is the result of a research project running between 2018 and 2022, with funding from FFI, a national collaboration between the Swedish Innovation Agency VINNOVA, Swedish Energy Agency, and Swedish Transport Administration, to support sustainable vehicle strategic research, innovation and development. Partners include Volvo CE, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, who provided specialist competence on driveline development and safety, and PowerCell Sweden, a developer of fuel cell-based hydrogen-electric power solutions.

    The development and building of the six-wheel prototype has largely been carried out at Volvo CE’s facility in Braås in Sweden, the same location where Gravel Charlie, the world’s first articulated hauler, was born back in 1966, giving the Volvo HX04 the nickname “Electric Charlie”. Engineers at the Technology Center in Eskilstuna, Sweden, have contributed with software development and knowledge gathered through its fuel cell test lab. While not commercially available, valuable insights from the concept will inevitably inform future production.

    Infrastructure for hydrogen is still in development, which means refueling the Volvo HX04 is an important aspect to solve in the project. Shell installed a state-of-the-art hydrogen refueling station at the Volvo CE test track in Braås. Both Shell and Volvo Group are founding members of H2Accelerate, a collaboration of companies working to foster conditions for the mass market roll-out of hydrogen trucks in Europe.

    Acting on its Science Based Targets initiative commitment of net-zero value chain greenhouse gas emissions by 2040, and driving industry transformation towards carbon neutrality, Volvo CE has accelerated its work into sustainable power sources.
  6. forum rang 10 voda 20 juni 2022 08:41
    TotalEnergies & Adani to Create Green Hydrogen Company in India

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    20 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    TotalEnergies has entered into an agreement with Adani Enterprises Limited to acquire a 25% interest in Adani New Industries Limited. ANIL will be the exclusive platform of AEL and TotalEnergies for the production and commercialization of green hydrogen in India. ANIL will target a production of 1 million tonnes per annum of green hydrogen by 2030, underpinned by around 30 GW of new renewable power generation capacity, as its first milestone.

    In order to control green hydrogen production costs, ANIL will be integrated along the value chain, from the manufacturing of equipment needed to generate renewable power and produce green hydrogen, to the production of green hydrogen itself and its transformation into derivatives, including nitrogenous fertilizers and methanol, both for the domestic market and export. To start with, ANIL intends to develop a project to produce 1.3 million tonnes per annum of urea derived from green hydrogen for the Indian domestic market, as a substitution to current urea imports, and will invest around USD 5 billion in a 2 GW electrolyzer fed by renewable power from a 4 GW solar and wind farm.

    This partnership is based on the remarkable complementarity of the two companies. Adani's portfolio will contribute its deep knowledge of the Indian market, execution capabilities, and operations and capital management excellence. TotalEnergies will offer its thorough understanding of the global markets, expertise in renewable technologies and large-scale industrial projects, and financial strength, enabling ANIL to lower its financing cost. The partners' complementary strengths will help ANIL deliver the largest green hydrogen ecosystem in the world, which will enable the lowest green hydrogen cost to the consumer.

    In 2018, TotalEnergies and Adani Group embarked on an energy partnership with the development of a joint LNG business – from regas terminals to LNG marketing and an investment by TotalEnergies in Adani Total Gas Limited, a city gas distribution business. In 2020, TotalEnergies and Adani Group deepened their relationship with the acquisition by TotalEnergies of a 20% minority interest in Adani Green Energy Limited, then the largest solar developer in the world, along with a 50% stake in a 2.35 GW portfolio of operating solar assets owned by AGEL, for a total investment of USD 2.5 billion.
  7. Barren Wuffett 20 juni 2022 15:11
    Deze batterij en waterstoffabriek in één maakt energietransitie betaalbaar

    Mattijs Slee is CEO van Battolyser Systems. Dit bedrijf maakt apparaten die waterstof kunnen maken én stroom in batterijen op kunnen slaan. "We hebben in Nederland de kans om een speler van betekenis te worden in de groene waterstofeconomie."

  8. forum rang 4 StartendeBelegger 20 juni 2022 17:01

    Remykat schreef op 20 juni 2022 16:49:

    Beste forumleden, heeft er iemand enig idee waar bedrijf Powertal maar steeds blijft dalen, de koers is onderuit gegaan! Ik kan niets vinden, ook heeft bedrijf reageert niet op mijn mail..
    Bedankt alvast.
    Helaas ook geen idee. Is nog steeds een start-up, dus kan nog steeds alle kanten op.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 21 juni 2022 06:56
    Eni Inaugurates Hydrogen Refuelling Station in Mestre in Venice

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    21 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    Leading Italian energy & gas supplier Eni has inaugurated the new San Giuliano Enistation in Mestre in Venice in Italy. This is the first road mobility station to open to the public in an urban area in Italy where it is also possible to refuel using hydrogen. The system is equipped with two dispensing points with a capacity of over 100 kg/day, which can refuel vehicles in about 5 minutes and buses too. The station was fitted with innovative safety and fire-fighting equipment. It was completely rebuilt in recent months and has reopened to the public in February. It supplies traditional fuels and electrical recharging services, with one charging column supporting two stations that can simultaneously recharge a vehicle in fast and ultrafast mode.

    Following the agreement signed in 2019 between the Municipality & Metropolitan City of Venice, Eni and Toyota, the car manufacturer will put a minimum of ten Toyota Mirai on the road. Three were delivered today to Mayor Luigi Brugnaro and will be used by the Municipality of Venice. Three other cars will become part of the car fleet dedicated to the KINTO car-sharing service in the city of Venice. The remainder will be delivered in the coming months.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 21 juni 2022 07:00

    Remykat schreef op 20 juni 2022 16:50:

    Powertap bedoelde ik.
    Hier het laatste nieuws:

    PowerTap Participates in California Hydrogen Leadership Summit
    June 21, 2022 00:01 ET | Source: PowerTap Hydrogen Capital Corp.

    VANCOUVER, British Columbia and IRVINE, Calif., June 21, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PowerTap Hydrogen Capital Corp (NEO: MOVE) (FWB: 2K6B) (OTC: MOTNF) (“PowerTap” or the “Company” or “MOVE”) is pleased to provide an update on its continued efforts in California and recent participation in the California Hydrogen Leadership Summit (CHLS) in Sacramento, California in early June 2022.

    In early June 2022, the California Hydrogen Business Council held the CHLS with PowerTap Hydrogen Fueling Corp. sponsoring, participating and moderating an industry panel. Participation was strong with over 550 registrants, including representatives from the transportation, power and heavy industry sectors, utility companies, and vendors from across and beyond the hydrogen industry. A key audience for the summit was California policy makers and regulators and focused on exploring the policies, programs and incentives needed to accelerate production, use, and storage of hydrogen, essential to California’s ability to meet emissions goals and address climate protection, air quality, energy resilience and sustainable economic growth needs. With a primary intent of educating California policy makers and regulators on the accelerating the hydrogen industry in the state, significant takeaway from the summit was that collaboration between market participants will solidify the hydrogen industry toward complete decarbonization in California and state and federal incentives will enable winners with standout cost effective technology and business models to emerge and make significant strides to establishing the industry.

    PowerTap Hydrogen Fueling Corp. President, Salim Rahemtulla, moderated a panel entitled “Building a Hydrogen Fueling Network that Fuels the Gaps in California’s Transportation Decarbonization and Air Quality Goals” that included panelists from Nikola Corporation (NASDAQ: NKLA), Ballard (NASDAQ: BLDP), Chevron (NYSE: CVX) and Trillium (of the Love’s Family of Companies). The discussion points of the panel clearly identified that collaboration is necessary across hydrogen industry verticals from fuel-cell electric truck and bus OEMs to hydrogen producers and fueling station developers.

  11. forum rang 10 voda 21 juni 2022 07:04
    ZeroAvia & Otto Aviation to Develop Design with Hydrogen- Engine

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    21 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    Leading hydrogen & electric solutions provider for aviation ZeroAvia has announced collaboration with Otto Aviation to develop hydrogen-electric powertrain to power Otto's Celera aircraft. Under the agreement, Otto and ZeroAvia will work to integrate ZeroAvia's ZA600 zero-emission engines to Otto's revolutionary Celera aircraft. The collaboration has the potential to make the Celera the first new airframe design to leverage zero-emission propulsion in its launch models.

    The Celera is a highly innovative new model of transcontinental aircraft, scalable to 19 passengers, that significantly improves the efficiency of flight and reduces the operational costs of flying as a result. This combination significantly expands the opportunities for private air transportation.

    Otto's advanced aircraft design offers exceptionally low drag across the entire aircraft. The design of the Celera fuselage, empennage and wings take advantage of laminar flow. Laminar flow is the minimum drag solution for aircraft surfaces and features smooth layers of airflow with little to no mixing of adjacent layers. When coupled with highly fuel-efficient propulsion systems, the Celera will significantly reduce operating costs and increase range relative to comparable aircraft, while creating optimal passenger comfort and cargo capacity.

    When powered by ZeroAvia's powertrain, the Celera will offer long range zero-emission flights, while further reducing operating costs, thanks to reduced maintenance costs and falling hydrogen-fuel prices. The Celera design is highly conducive to accommodate large volumes of hydrogen within the fuselage that will enable 1,000 nautical miles of range - all with zero climate impact from carbon and non-carbon emissions (like NOx, SOx and particulates). With non-carbon emissions from relatively inefficient, high temperature combustion contributing over half of the total climate impact of aviation, long range hydrogen-electric aircraft such as Celera will play an important role in eliminating all climate impacts of aviation.

    The development of this 600kW powertrain is part of Project HyFlyer II and will deliver a fully certified powertrain for aircraft of up to 19-seats by 2024. HyFlyer II is supported by the UK Government's Department for Business, Energy and Industry Strategy, Aerospace Technology Institute and Innovate UK through the ATI Programme. After having flown multiple 6-seat R&D prototypes, ZeroAvia is preparing its first 19-seat prototype for its inaugural flight in the coming weeks. The company is also retrofitting a second Dornier-228 testbed in Hollister in California to conduct further flight testing.
  12. Joni-2 21 juni 2022 19:52
    Familie Colruyt stapt in ontwikkelaar van groene waterstof VoltH2
    Emmanuel Vanbrussel
    Dinsdag 21 juni 2022 om 15:09

    Energie-ondernemer André Jurres verkoopt een meerderheidsaandeel van zijn bedrijf VoltH2, dat gespecialiseerd is in groene waterstof, aan investeerder DIF Capital Partners en Virya Energy, een vehikel van de supermarktfamilie Colruyt.

    “De twee nieuwe aandeelhouders, beide actief in groene energieproductie, innovatie en duurzame investeringen, brengen extra kapitaal en expertise binnen bij VoltH2 om de ontwikkeling van Europese groene waterstof productiecapaciteit te versnellen”, zegt VoltH2 in een mededeling, zonder financiële details te geven.

    VoltH2 is in 2020 opgericht door energiepionier André Jurres en ontvouwde in amper twintig maanden concrete plannen voor productielocaties in Vlissingen, Terneuzen en Delfzijl. “Deze fabrieken zullen bij de start samen goed zijn voor 75 megawatt en gaandeweg opschalen naar 250 megawatt. Met deze geplande capaciteit is VoltH2 momenteel een leidende speler in Europa, met daarnaast nog een groot aantal projecten in de pijplijn”, klinkt het.

    “Lokale verankering”
    Jurres: “Deze investering getuigt van het vertrouwen in groene waterstof en in de groei van VoltH2. Met de betrokkenheid van DIF Capital Partners en Virya Energy kunnen we VoltH2 lokaal verankeren, onze ambities waarmaken en een cruciale rol spelen in de Europese energiemarkt en energietransitie.”

    Virya Energy is een bedrijf opgericht door de Colruyt-groep en Korys, de investeringsmaatschappij van de familie Colruyt, waarin participaties in hernieuwbare energie worden samengebracht. Virya was al investeerder in het waterstof project te Terneuzen (met Fluxys), en wordt nu dus een grote aandeelhouder van VoltH2 zelf.

    CEO Paul Tummer: “Wij hebben op vandaag al meer dan 1 gigawatt aan hernieuwbare productiecapaciteit opgebouwd. Voor ons is groene waterstof een belangrijke vector om onze economie en maatschappij op termijn koolstofvrij te maken.”
  13. forum rang 10 voda 22 juni 2022 07:58
    H2E & MET Group Plan Hydrogen Plants in Lubmin in Germany

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    22 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    German hydrogen playe HH2E AG & the Swiss MET Group have announced a partnership to develop one of the largest green hydrogen production plants in Europe to date in Lubmin Mecklenburg-Vorpommern on the German Baltic coast. The project aims to construct a new generation power-to-X plant with a capacity to produce around 6,000 tonnes, over 200,000 MW, of green hydrogen per year. A second-stage expansion is planned to increase capacity to over 1 GW, which will produce more than 60,000 tonnes of green hydrogen per year and help avoid more than 800,000 tonnes of direct CO2 emissions annually.

    The technology mix developed by HH2E for the green power plant in Lubmin is another step towards 100% renewable energy, for all sectors and around the clock. The volatility of renewable energy production is solved by combining a 50 MW alkaline electrolyser with a 200 MW high-capacity battery, which enables constant production of green hydrogen without a permanent supply of renewable power. The renewable power input is to be secured through long-term power purchase agreements from offshore and onshore wind farms as well as solar parks in the region.

    The partnership between HH2E and MET Group is taking shape with the foundation of the project company H2 Lubmin GmbH, which will be responsible for the development of the project, the construction and long-term operation of the new plant.

    Construction of the first phase of the plant in Lubmin with total investments of over 200 million euros is to begin as early as 2023. Commissioning is planned for 2025. Commissioning of the second stage is scheduled for 2030. The total investment can exceed 1 billion euros.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 22 juni 2022 07:59
    Air Liquide & Groupe ADP to Create Hydrogen Infra at Airports

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    22 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    With this ambition of creating the first engineering joint venture dedicated to accompanying airports in their project to integrate hydrogen in their infrastructure, Air Liquide & Groupe ADP are strengthening their collaboration. 50:50 joint venture will be to provide airports in France and across the world with the engineering and services they will need in their transition to hydrogen. As the first hydrogen-powered commercial aircrafts are expected by 2035, airports need to start reconsidering their infrastructure as of today. In particular, they must look at how liquid hydrogen will be supplied and how it can also serve other ground mobility usages, notably heavy duty mobility or light ground support equipment.

    The services provided will allow airports to meet all the challenges they will face to integrate hydrogen, including

    Estimated volumes of hydrogen required over time

    The optimal hydrogen supply chain based on the airport’s specific characteristics and location

    Scope and pre-installation work for the hydrogen infrastructure required at the airport

    Air Liquide will bring to the joint venture its expertise in hydrogen, from production through electrolysis, liquefaction, storage to the distribution of hydrogen to aircraft. Groupe ADP will contribute its expertise in airport engineering and knowhow in airport operations.

    In 2021, Air Liquide and Groupe ADP initiated a first collaboration, together with Airbus, to carry out a year-long study into the configurations of 30 airports worldwide, with a particular focus on Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Paris-Orly. Preliminary studies confirmed hydrogen’s potential to decarbonize aviation, identifying several production and supply chain patterns that can be integrated in airport infrastructures. Thanks to this cooperation, Air Liquide and Groupe ADP have developed unique expertise in the infrastructure sizing and pre-implementation phases that will be required at airports for this transformation.
  15. forum rang 10 voda 22 juni 2022 08:35
    Volvo test truck op waterstof; actieradius zou oplopen tot 1.000 kilometer
    Laurens Bouckaert - Gisteren om 12:19

    Volvo Trucks is gestart met het testen van voertuigen die gebruik maken van “brandstofcellen aangedreven door waterstof”. Daarover beweert de Zweedse firma dat hun actieradius zou kunnen oplopen tot wel 1.000 kilometer.

    © Aangeboden door Business AM

    In een verklaring zegt het in Göteborg gevestigde Volvo Trucks dat het bijtanken van de voertuigen minder dan 15 minuten zou duren.
    Het maximum totaalgewicht kan oplopen tot 65 ton.
    Het is de bedoeling dat er in de komende jaren proefprojecten met klanten worden gestart, en dat de voertuigen “in het laatste deel van dit decennium gecommercialiseerd worden”.
    De brandstofcellen voor de voertuigen zullen geleverd worden door Cellcentric, de joint venture voor waterstoftechnologie die in maart 2021 met Daimler Truck werd opgericht.
    Elektrisch rijden vs. rijden op waterstof
    Naast voertuigen op waterstofbrandcellen ontwikkelt Volvo Trucks – dat deel uitmaakt van de Volvo Group – ook ‘batterij-elektrische’ vrachtwagens.

    Het grote verschil tussen een waterstofauto en een batterij-elektrische wagen is de manier waarop de energie wordt opgeslagen. Elektrische auto’s, zoals ze nu van de band rollen, slaan de elektriciteit op in een groot accupakket. Waterstofwagens halen hun energie uit – je raadde het – H2.

    “Beide zijn zinvol”
    In een interview met het zakenmedium CNBC vorig jaar werd Martin Daum, voorzitter van de raad van bestuur van Daimler Truck, gevraagd naar het debat tussen batterij-elektrisch en waterstofbrandstofcel.

    “Wij gaan voor beide, omdat beide zinvol zijn”, antwoordde hij toen, alvorens uit te leggen hoe verschillende technologieën in verschillende scenario’s geschikt zouden zijn.

    “In het algemeen kun je zeggen: als het gaat om stadsbezorging, waar je lagere hoeveelheden energie voor nodig hebt, die je ’s nachts in een depot kunt opladen, dan is het zeker batterij-elektrisch”, klonk het.

    Lange afstanden
    “Maar op het moment dat je onderweg bent, op het moment dat je van Stockholm naar Barcelona gaat (…) dan heb je naar mijn mening iets nodig dat je beter kunt vervoeren en waarmee je beter kunt tanken en dat is uiteindelijk H2”, concludeerde Daum.

    “Elektrische vrachtwagens die aangedreven worden door brandstofcellen op waterstof zijn bijzonder geschikt voor lange afstanden en zware opdrachten die veel energie vergen”, beaamt Roger Alm, voorzitter van Volvo Trucks, in de recente verklaring.

    Geen infrastructuur
    Hoewel er in bepaalde businesskringen opwinding heerst over het potentieel van voertuigen op waterstof, zijn er hindernissen als het gaat om een wijdverbreide implementatie. Dat punt wordt door Volvo Trucks in z’n verklaring erkend.

    Zo wees de Zweedse autofabrikant op uitdagingen zoals de “levering op grote schaal van groene waterstof”, en “het feit dat de infrastructuur voor het bijtanken van zware voertuigen nog ontwikkeld moet worden.”

    Volvo Gent
    Vorig jaar maakte Volvo Group in Gent overigens bekend dat het distributiecentrum de eerste vorkheftrucks op waterstof in huis had.

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