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Aandeel ArcelorMittal AEX:MT.NL, LU1598757687

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
22,060   0,000   (0,00%) Dagrange 21,790 - 22,170 1.813.580   Gem. (3M) 2,5M

Arcelor Mittal - Juni 2022

710 Posts
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  1. 5&60+ 17 juni 2022 03:48

    Gotcha70 schreef op 16 juni 2022 20:23:


    Ik geloof vooral in feiten. En die feiten zeggen dat dit aandeel schommelt tussen de 25 en 31 met soms een uitschieter naar beneden of naar boven.

    Ik had het trouwens over Corné van Zeijl. Die het aandeel bij de floppers zette. Maar sommige leden geloven liever in de mirages en fata morgana's van de € 40+

    ik was nogal verheugd dat HIJ dat deed ………
    Was Corné niet die meneer die per saldo in 10 jaar bij gelijk blijvende Index
    het SNS nederlandse aandelenfonds in waarde liet halveren ?

    @ Duikert , ik zie/zag laag voor een koop op 24,45 en verder 23,15 .
    Misschien nog beter Tempus Fugit vragen of die ergens een koop heeft inliggen .....
  2. forum rang 10 voda 17 juni 2022 05:59
    Beursupdate: AEX op Wall Street

    Door ABM Financial News op donderdag 16 juni 2022
    Views: 7.089

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Op Wall Street zijn donderdag zeven van de acht AEX-genoteerde fondsen ten opzichte van het slot in Amsterdam lager gesloten.

    Aegon (-0,36%)
    ArcelorMittal (-1,22%)
    ASML (-1,22%)
    ING Groep (+0,14%)
    Philips (-1,01%)
    RELX (-1,07%)
    Royal Dutch Shell (-1,44%)
    Unilever (-0,69%)

    Euro/dollar: 1,0559

    Op basis van de bovenstaande koersuitslagen zou de AEX index, die sloot op 638,34 punten, zijn geëindigd op 634,92 punten.

    Bron: ABM Financial News
  3. izak 17 juni 2022 06:22
    Lieve beleggersvrienden,

    er hangt een donkere wolk boven de beurs en iedereen wordt nat. De AEX daalt 11% in een week.
    Genoeg om de doorsneebelegger de schrik om het hart te doen slaan en een veilige haven te zoeken, om daar te schuilen en te wachten op opklaringen.
    Zoniet de doorgewinterde ArcelorMittal-speculant; die heeft in een jaar tijd al 6 keer lagere slotstanden gezien als waar we nu op staan.

    Om u, ondanks zwaar weer, in de gelegenheid te stellen toch een zonnige toekomst tegemoet te gaan, kondig ik met blijdschap en trots de geboorte van een nieuw beleggingsfonds aan: het Buienradar-Index-Accumulation-Fund.
    Na jarenlange, grondige analyse heb ik namelijk ontdekt dat bij stijgende temperaturen de beurs navenant zakt, waar wij dan weer op inspelen.
    Deze theorie heeft zich gedurende langere periode (7 dagen) succesvol bewezen.

    U kunt vanaf slechts €100.000 instappen. Ook met geleend geld, maar dan verlangen wij ArcelorMittal aandelen als onderpand.

    Ik zie uw geld met blijde verwachting tegemoet en vergeet niet:
    Er is hoop aan de horizon en na regen komt zonneschijn!

    Hoogleraar Beleggingsanalyse en Warrig Taalgebruik aan de Universiteit van Franeker en belegginsstrateeg bij de DSB-bank
    Uwe Izak
  4. forum rang 4 03har 17 juni 2022 06:24
    Steel Dynamics Inc. expects record Q2 earnings
    Thursday, 16 June 2022 18:28:10 (GMT+3) | San Diego

    Steel Dynamics, Inc. today provided record second quarter 2022 earnings guidance in the range of $6.33 to $6.37 per diluted share.

    Comparatively, the company's sequential first quarter 2022 earnings were $5.71 per diluted share. Prior year second quarter earnings were $3.32 per diluted share and adjusted earnings were $3.40 per diluted share.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 17 juni 2022 07:18
    ArcelorMittal Canada & Partners Fined for Mont Wright Mining Waste

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    17 Jun, 2022, 6:57 am

    ArcelorMittal Canada was fined a total of CAD 15 million by the Court of Quebec, at the Montréal courthouse on 10 June 2022. On 15 October 2021, ArcelorMittal Canada was found guilty of 93 charges and 623704 Canada Inc was found guilty of five charges for violating the Fisheries Act and Metal Mining Effluent Regulations. The conviction stemmed from incidents at the Mont Wright mining complex in Fermont, Quebec, from 25 May 2011 to 14 May 2013. The Government of Canada Environmental Damages Fund will receive the total fines, to support projects that have a positive impact on Canada’s natural environment.

    On March 6, 2013, the ECCC Enforcement Branch opened an investigation into a November 2012 dike rupture at the Mont Wright mining complex. The investigation also covered 33 unauthorized deposits out of the normal course of events of toxic substances made in water frequented by fish between 25 May 2011 and 14 May 2013, in violation of subsection 36(3) of the Fisheries Act. The criminal investigation resulted in the filing of charges on 19 July 2017. The investigation also revealed that ArcelorMittal Canada Inc had not declared all the results of its effluent monitoring tests, as required by the MMER. The firm concealed from the authorities a number of unauthorized deposits out of the normal course of events of toxic substances. As a result, ECCC had an inaccurate and altered overview of the situation. ArcelorMittal Canada Inc. was therefore found guilty of having made false and misleading statements to ECCC officers, in violation of subsection 63(1) of the Fisheries Act.

    ArcelorMittal Canada Inc and 7623704 Canada Inc were also found guilty of failing to conduct the testing required during deposits out of the normal course of events. The firms thus violated paragraph 14(1)(b) and subsection 17(1) of the MMER. In addition, ArcelorMittal Canada Inc was found guilty of failing to submit quarterly effluent monitoring reports within the prescribed timeframe, in violation of subsection 21(1) of the MMER.

    As a result of this conviction, both firms will be added to the Environmental Offenders Registry, which contains information on firms that have been convicted for violations of certain federal environmental laws.

    With more than 2,500 employees in Fermont, Port-Cartier and Longueuil, ArcelorMittal Mines and Infrastructure Canada is the largest employer on the North Shore. Their operations are divided between two complementary entities, ArcelorMittal Mining Canada and ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada. ArcelorMittal Mining Canada and produces iron ore concentrate and iron oxide pellets for the global steel market. ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada operates a 420-kilometre railroad that transports concentrate between Mont-Wright and Port-Cartier, as well as Canada’s largest privately owned seaport located in Port-Cartier from which our products are shipped around the world.
  6. forum rang 10 voda 17 juni 2022 07:21
    Worker Union Starts Strike at ArcelorMittal Mexico

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    17 Jun, 2022, 7:11 am

    Mexico’s national union of mining &metallurgical workers launched a strike on 15 June 2022 at an ArcelorMittal plant after labor representatives failed to reach agreement with the steelmaker over profit-sharing. The union said the ArcelorMittal Mexico is refusing to share 10% of profits from the 2021 fiscal year among over 3,500 direct employees of the plant in the western state of Michoacan.

    ArcelorMittal Mexico said “Despite the efforts at the negotiation tables, the unionized workers of the ArcelorMittal Mexico mining plant have decided to break out in a work stoppage, a situation that the company regretted. The work between the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare STPS, the workers affiliated with the National Union of Mining, Metallurgical and Similar Workers of the Mexican Republic did not reach an agreement. ArcelorMittal Mexico regrets this decision because, in addition to escalating the conflict, it will have an impact and serious consequences in the short, medium and long term on labor and economic stability in the Lázaro Cárdenas region, in the state of Michoacán.”

    ArcelorMittal Mexico added that damages are also expected in the national production chain and in the country's economy given the importance of steel as an essential input for countless industries.

    ArcelorMittal Mexico said “The conflict arises from the disagreement of the workers for the amounts that were covered on 30 May 2022 for profit sharing and that are equivalent to three months' salary. ArcelorMittal Mexico has always shown full willingness to engage in dialogue and collective bargaining, has one of the most generous and attractive collective bargaining agreements in the country, with the highest salaries and benefits in the industry, and has at all times placed safety, dignity and well-being of its workers as a top priority. It is under this philosophy that, in order to find a balanced solution that could address the concern expressed by the workers, the company undertook the task of exploring possible alternatives together with the union. It was thus that, considering the favorable and exceptional results that the company had in the 2021 financial year, it has been possible to offer at the negotiating table the granting of an additional single bonus equivalent to six months of salary with which the total payment, adding the amounts already received by the workers, would be equivalent to nine months of salary, that is, three times the legal limit. Unfortunately, the union has rejected this proposal and instead of favoring dialogue has opted for the explosion. In this regard, we reiterate our full and broad openness and willingness to continue working at the negotiating tables.”

    ArcelorMittal Mexico added “It is very important that with the will of both parties we reach an agreement that allows us to recover our normality and operational continuity as soon as possible for the benefit of our source of employment, the well-being of the region and the country's economy.”
  7. forum rang 10 voda 17 juni 2022 07:34
    Turkey to Decide AD Duty on HR Imports Soon

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    17 Jun, 2022, 7:21 am

    S&P Global Commodity Insights reported that Turkish Steel Exporters Union CIB Vice President & steelmaker Çolakoglu CEO Mr Ugur Dalbeler said that Turkey is expected to implement anti-dumping duties on hot-rolled coil imports from Europe and South Korea before the end of June 2021. He said “We are expecting to see that a required answer to the EU's unfair attitudes against Turkey in the last four years will be given by the ministry.”

    Turkey had started an anti-dumping investigation on hot-rolled coil imports from European Union in South Korea in January 2021 and the Turkish Ministry of Trade announced 14.08-49.84% final dumping margins in March 2022. According to the preliminary decision, ArcelorMittal will be subject to a dumping margin of 39.83%, Tata Steel 30.64%, ThyssenKrupp & Liberty Steel 23.30% and all other EU producers 49.84%. South Korean producer POSCO will be subject to 14.62%, Hyundai Steel 14.08% and other South Korean producers 18.59%.

    The investigation report with the final determinations was to be submitted to the Board of Evaluation of Unfair Competition after receiving opinions and claims from relevant parties for a final decision. The final decision was expected at the end of June. These rates could be changed in the final decision.

    Turkey has exported only 700,000 tonnes HRC in the January-April 2022, but imported 2.2 million tonnes.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 17 juni 2022 07:34
    Acciaierie d'Italia Plugs BF Leakage during Scheduled Maintenance

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    17 Jun, 2022, 7:26 am

    Taranto based Italian steel giant Acciaierie d'Italia informed that on 12 June 2022 there was a scheduled maintenance stop of Blast Furnace 1, lasting about sixteen hours. About three hours after start up, a slight leakage of dust and slag was found from a hot air injector & leakage was contained by the casting channels below with no consequences for people, the environment and the structure of the plants.

    Acciaierie d'Italia is jointly owned by ArcelorMittal and the Italian government & operates the former assets of insolvent Italian firm Ilva.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 17 juni 2022 07:46
    Decree Needed to Issue Funds for Decarbonization of Taranto Plant

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    17 Jun, 2022, 7:40 am

    La Gazzetta el Mezzogiorno reported that 150 million euros to be used for Acciaierie d’Italia Taranto plant decarbonization are not yet available because there is no implementing decree from the ministries. This was specified by the extraordinary commissioners of Ilva in extraordinary administration Mr Antonio Lupo, Mr Francesco Ardito & Mr Alessandro Danovi in a hearing in the parliamentary commission of inquiry on illegal activities connected to the waste cycle and on environmental offenses.

    The commissioners specified that the funds for the reclamation derive from a transaction entered into by Ilva with the Riva family made in May 2017 for the sum of EUR 1.157 billion, which passed into the assets of Ilva with the constitution of assets allocated through a bond loan. The transfer of funds was completed in December 2018. The individual spending budgets, it was specified, for the interventions and areas of competence were indicated by the Comfort Letter of the EU Commission of 4 May 2016, in agreement with the Italian government, which was the basis for the execution of the public tender made with the previous governments and which gave rise to the stipulation of the contract for the rental of the plants with Acciaierie d'Italia.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 17 juni 2022 07:48
    Arcelor, neem een voorbeeld hieraan...

    US Steel, Nucor & SDI Expect Record Earnings in Apr-Jun Quarter

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    17 Jun, 2022, 7:42 am

    Three major US’s steel makers US Steel, Nucor & SDI have increased their guidance for April-June quarter of 2022, to highest ever record levels.

    United States Steel said that April-June quarer of 2022 adjusted EBITDA is expected to be approximately USD 1.6 billion, a new all-time best second quarter performance, & adjusted net earnings per diluted share is expected to be in the range of USD 3.83-3.88. US Steel’s President & Chief Executive Officer Mr David B Burritt said “We expect to continue delivering record performance in the second quarter, with each business segment meaningfully contributing to profitability. Our broad end market exposure keeps our business resilient with demand across a diverse customer base, including the resurging energy market. Our focus on strategic end markets and the continued realization of significantly increased fixed price contracts is again expected to generate another quarter of record performance.”

    Nucor Corporation expects second quarter earnings to be in the range of USD 8.75- 8.85 per diluted share, which would surpass the previous quarterly earnings record of USD 7.97 per diluted share set in October-December quarter of 2021. Nucor said “End use market demand remains strong for steel and steel products, and we remain confident that 2022 will be another year of very strong earnings and cash flow for Nucor. Second quarter earnings will be driven by increased profitability in the steel products segment, which continues to benefit from robust demand in nonresidential construction markets. In addition, the steel mills segment earnings are expected to strengthen due primarily to increased profitability at our bar, sheet and plate mills. Similarly, Nucor's raw materials segment is expected to generate increased profits in the second quarter due to relatively higher selling prices for raw materials.”

    Steel Dynamics has provided record second quarter 2022 earnings guidance in the range of USD 6.33-6.37 per diluted share. SDI said Second quarter 2022 profitability from the company’s steel operations is expected to be historically strong, but lower than first quarter 2022 results, due to lower earnings from the company’s flat roll steel operations, as lower average flat roll steel pricing is expected to more than offset increased flat roll steel shipments. Demand for the company’s long product steel products is also strong supporting increased average realized pricing and expected record shipments for the company’s Engineered Bar Products, Roanoke Bar, and Structural and Rail steel divisions. Despite softening hot roll coil steel pricing, broad steel demand remained solid during the second quarter, led by the automotive, construction, and industrial sectors, with energy continuing to improve. Second quarter 2022 earnings from the company’s metals recycling operations are expected to be significantly higher than sequential first quarter results, based on strong demand supporting increased shipments and higher pricing. Second quarter 2022 earnings from the company’s steel fabrication operations are expected to be meaningfully higher than record first quarter results, based on record shipments and significantly higher selling values more than offsetting marginally higher steel input costs. The non-residential construction sector remains strong as evidenced by robust order activity, resulting in a continuing historically strong order backlog, with record forward-pricing for the company’s steel fabrication platform. The company anticipates this momentum to continue into 2023 based on these dynamics.”
  11. forum rang 6 christo1 17 juni 2022 08:23
    Zelfs als arcelormittal iets minder doet dan hun vorig kwartaal, blijft het een goed kwartaal.

    Arcelormittal heeft wel wat issues dat zijn Amerikaanse concurrenten niet hebben, zoals Oekraïne.... Maar dan nog zal het een goed kwartaal zijn, beurs kijkt altijd vooruit en zelfs wordt het in de toekomst een pak minder, de schulden zijn drastisch gedaald, arcelormittal is een ander bedrijf dan 15 jaar geleden qua financiële positie.

    Ik verwacht een derde inkoopprogramma ten laatste met de tweede kwartaal resultaten, en nu staat de koers ook laag.
  12. forum rang 4 Jan66 17 juni 2022 09:26

    christo1 schreef op 17 juni 2022 08:23:

    Zelfs als arcelormittal iets minder doet dan hun vorig kwartaal, blijft het een goed kwartaal.

    Arcelormittal heeft wel wat issues dat zijn Amerikaanse concurrenten niet hebben, zoals Oekraïne.... Maar dan nog zal het een goed kwartaal zijn, beurs kijkt altijd vooruit en zelfs wordt het in de toekomst een pak minder, de schulden zijn drastisch gedaald, arcelormittal is een ander bedrijf dan 15 jaar geleden qua financiële positie.

    Ik verwacht een derde inkoopprogramma ten laatste met de tweede kwartaal resultaten, en nu staat de koers ook laag.
    Idd en de k/w is nu minder dan 2.
  13. forum rang 4 Jan66 17 juni 2022 12:39

    christo1 schreef op 17 juni 2022 11:21:


    K/W kan wel wat stijgen naarmate de winst in het najaar afneemt en de komende jaren, maar dan nog is die historisch laag te noemen, waarde komt vroeg of laat bovendrijven.
    Idd ook AM zal de crisis gaan merken in de nabije toekomst maar financieel staat het bedrijf er goed voor.
  14. Dduck 17 juni 2022 15:28

    christo1 schreef op 17 juni 2022 11:21:


    K/W kan wel wat stijgen naarmate de winst in het najaar afneemt en de komende jaren, maar dan nog is die historisch laag te noemen, waarde komt vroeg of laat bovendrijven.
    Winst blijft idd redelijk stabiel..
    Maar waardestijging blijft een illusie.
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