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  1. Royko 25 april 2022 15:07
    Ik heb Rio Tinto in portefeuille.
    Volgens mij een goede aankoop rond de 45 a 50 pond. Dan noteert het aandeel rond een koerst/winstverhouding van 5 en heb je een dividendrendement van een goede 10% bruto.
    De meeste adviezen zijn kopen of houden en liggen tussen de 60 en 70 pond.
    De meeste grondstoffenprijzen zijn al goed gestegen, maar in een markt met hoge inflatie en veel nood aan grondstoffen zie ik nog enkele mooie jaren voor mijnbedrijven.
    Op het financieel forum van Yahoo kan je ook wel eens goede info vinden.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 26 april 2022 07:42
    Samarco Debt Restructuring Plan Rejected

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    26 Apr, 2022, 6:30 am

    During a meeting held April 18 among creditors and representatives of the Brazilian pellet producer Samarco, the company failed to reach an agreement about an estimated $10 billion financial debt, ultimately derived from the collapse of the Mariana dam in 2015. The creditors are now expected to submit a new proposal to Samarco over the next 30 days.

    The company, a joint venture of Vale and BHP Billiton, halted operations until December 2020, when activities were partially resumed, with full capacity now expected for 2026, according to the creditors, and for 2029, in the view of Vale and BHP Billiton.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 26 april 2022 07:44
    Anglo American Production Report for Jen-Mar Quarter

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    26 Apr, 2022, 6:30 am

    Anglo American plc CEO Mr Mark Cutifani said “Production in the normally slower first quarter was 10% lower than the same period in 2021, impacted by peak Covid-related absenteeism, high rainfall affecting operations in South Africa and Brazil, and safety and other operational challenges at metallurgical coal and iron ore operations. This challenging start to the year highlights the importance of adhering to our Operating Model to stabilise performance after the necessary disruptions of the last two years as we adapted to and now learn to live with - Covid. As a result, we are updating our platinum group metals, iron ore and metallurgical coal volume guidance for the full year, and our unit cost guidance for most product groups to also reflect up to date exchange rates and the inflationary pressure on many input prices, particularly diesel.”

    Q1 2022 highlights

    Rough diamond production increased by 25%, reflecting a strong operational performance and lower rainfall impact, primarily in Botswana. The Benguela Gem, diamond recovery vessel, was commissioned ahead of schedule and on budget, and is expected to add an additional 500,000 carats per year of high value diamonds to our production.

    Metal in concentrate production from our Platinum Group Metals operations decreased by 6%, primarily due to high rainfall at Mogalakwena, with full year guidance revised to 3.9–4.3 million ounces (previously 4.1-4.5 million ounces).

    Copper production decreased by 13% primarily due to planned lower grades. The Los Bronces and El Soldado operations and the Chagres smelter were awarded the Copper Mark in March, recognising responsible copper production practices.

    Iron ore production decreased by 19% as high rainfall and plant issues affected both Kumba and Minas-Rio, with full year guidance revised to 60-64 million tonnes (previously 63-67 million tonnes).

    Metallurgical coal production decreased by 32% due to the delayed longwall move at Moranbah and the end of production from Grasstree. The suspended Grosvenor operation and Aquila life-extension project both started operations in mid-February. Moranbah was suspended following a fatal underground incident in late March, with full year guidance revised to 17-19 million tonnes (previously 20-22 million tonnes), subject to regulator approval for restart at the next panel as planned.

    Full year cost guidance has increased by 9%(2), reflecting a 4%(2) impact from stronger producer currencies and 3%(2) from inflationary pressures, particularly diesel, as well as the revisions to volume guidance.

    Production in Q1 of 2022

    Diamonds - 8.9 MCT, up 25% YoY

    Copper - 140 kilo tonne, down 13% YoY

    Nickel - 9.3 kilo tonne, down 8% YoY

    Platinum group metals - 956 koz, down 6% YoY

    Iron ore - 13.2 million tonne, down 19% YoY

    Metallurgical coal - 2.2 million tonne, down 32% YoY

    Manganese ore - 804 kilo tonne, down 11% YoY
  4. forum rang 10 voda 26 april 2022 07:45
    Codelco Creates Carbon Footprint Calculator for Mining Suppliers

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    26 Apr, 2022, 6:30 am

    After declaring its commitments to sustainable development by 2030, among which the reduction of 70% of its carbon footprint stands out, and announcing carbon neutrality by 2050, the largest copper producer in the world CODELCO gives a new step in developing, together with the Inter-American Development Bank, the Alta Ley Corporation and the Association of Industrial Mining Suppliers Aprimin, a free-to-use platform for supplier companies to calculate their greenhouse gas emissions greenhouse. Measuring, managing and minimizing the carbon footprint of the inputs and products it receives from mining suppliers is the objective of this Codelco project, which will make a measurement platform available to the industry, a service that has not been available until now for this industry.

    The projection is that, in the near future, this carbon footprint calculator, which will be available on a free platform in the second half of 2022, will make it possible to positively discriminate against those suppliers with smaller footprints and GHG emissions into the atmosphere.

    The CO2 calculator for mining products and services developed by Codelco will be available to all industry suppliers, as well as to other companies in the sector, which will make it possible to advance in the measurement and reduction of GHG emissions from scope 3 (indirect emissions produced in the value chain of a company) of large mining companies.

    This pioneering and free tool will be offered through a user-friendly web platform with confidential information. Suppliers must enter their information parameters related to energy consumption, fossil fuels and transportation services associated with the production and supply of their goods and/or services, and they will obtain their respective carbon footprint. Said calculation, which will be private information, will help them to measure themselves, challenge themselves and establish their own goals for reducing their footprint.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 2 mei 2022 07:53
    US SEC Charges Vale with Misleading about Safety at Brumadinho Dam

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    02 May, 2022, 6:30 am

    US’s Securities and Exchange Commission has charged Vale SA, a publicly traded Brazilian mining company and one of the world’s largest iron ore producers, with making false and misleading claims about the safety of its dams prior to the January 2019 collapse of its Brumadinho dam. The collapse killed 270 people, caused immeasurable environmental and social harm, and led to a loss of more than USD 4 billion in Vale’s market capitalization.

    According to the SEC’s complaint, beginning in 2016, Vale manipulated multiple dam safety audits; obtained numerous fraudulent stability certificates; and regularly misled local governments, communities, and investors about the safety of the Brumadinho dam through its environmental, social, and governance disclosures. The SEC’s complaint also alleges that, for years, Vale knew that the Brumadinho dam, which was built to contain potentially toxic byproducts from mining operations, did not meet internationally-recognized standards for dam safety. However, Vale’s public Sustainability Reports and other public filings fraudulently assured investors that the company adhered to the “strictest international practices” in evaluating dam safety and that 100 percent of its dams were certified to be in stable condition.

    The SEC’s complaint, filed in US District Court for the Eastern District of New York, charges Vale with violating antifraud and reporting provisions of the federal securities laws and seeks injunctive relief, disgorgement plus prejudgment interest, and civil penalties.
  6. forum rang 10 voda 12 mei 2022 07:31
    Vale & Sinobras Unveil Maraba Steel Plant Project in Para State

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    12 May, 2022, 6:00 am

    Brazilian mining giant Vale & Siderúrgica Norte Brasil has signed an agreement to create a new steel unit Marabá at in Pará state of Brazil for production of steel billets from pig iron. Under the agreement, Vale will issue guarantees to help Sinobras obtain financing for the plant and the supply of pig iron for the project will be made by Vale’s subsidiary Tecnored and Sinobras will be responsible for the engineering studies, which should be completed by the end of 2023, as well as for the construction and operation of the plant. The detailed work schedule will be presented from the engineering studies phase. The companies did not reveal how much they will invest in the new venture.

    Tecnored is a 100% Vale subsidiary focused on developing a low carbon pig iron process through the use of energy sources, such as biomass, syn-gas and hydrogen, that emit less CO2 than the coal and coke the tradition iron-making processes use. Using biomass, the path to economic carbon neutrality may be achieved in the medium term.

    Since last year, Para state legislators have been conducting an investigation, through a special commission, on the costs and benefits of mining for Pará. Lawmakers have complained that Vale invests little in the state in terms of production units and much more in its mineral extraction operations. Vale has been unveiling a series of initiatives and projects in Para as part of efforts to reduce pressure from local politicians against the company. Vale’s CEO Mr Eduardo Bartolomeo said “This initiative is part of a set of investments and commitments that Vale has made with the people of Para. Altogether, we’re investing BRL 12.2 billion (USD 2.4 billion) in projects in Para, generating around 14,000 jobs at the peak of the works.”

    The expansion of Sinobras activities was also one of the announcements made during the event. With the project called Sinobras phase 2, the company will more than double the production capacity of its steel plant, with an investment that includes the installation of Lamination 2, which will enable the production of 500,000 tonne per year of rolled steel in coil; and a new 230kV substation and transmission line, which will have the mission of supplying the company's new electrical load needs and providing the use of energy from the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant, of which the company is a partner as a self-producer. With this, the company will have the capacity to produce 850,000 tonne per year and will generate a peak of 600 new jobs during the implementation phase and 200 in the operational phase, in addition to producing new products such as wire rod and rebars.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 16 mei 2022 07:30
    Vale to Supply Low Carbon Nickel to Tesla for EVs

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    16 May, 2022, 6:30 am

    Vale has signed a long-term contract with Tesla Inc to supply Class 1 nickel in the United States from its operations in Canada. This agreement is in line with Vale’s strategy to increase exposure to the electric vehicle industry, leveraging our low-carbon footprint and market-leading position as North America’s largest producer of finished nickel. Vale’s target is to deliver 30% to 40% of Class 1 nickel sales into the fast-growing electric vehicle industry.

    Vale’s Canadian operations produce some of the lowest-carbon nickel globally. Rounds from its Long Harbour refinery in Newfoundland & Labrador in 2020 had a verified carbon footprint of 4.4 tonnes CO2 equivalent per tonne of nickel, while pellets and powder from the Copper Cliff Nickel Refinery in Ontario had a verified footprint of 7.3 tonnes equivalent. This includes Scope 1 and 2 emissions from mining, milling and refining as well as upstream Scope 3 emissions from inputs.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 16 mei 2022 07:38
    Rio Tinto Starts Tellurium Production at Kennecott Copper

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    16 May, 2022, 6:30 am

    Rio Tinto has started producing tellurium at its Kennecott copper operation in Utah, becoming one of only two US producers of the critical mineral used in advanced thin film photovoltaic solar panels. Approximately 20 tons of tellurium will be produced per year through a new USD 2.9 million circuit built at the Kennecott refinery. This valuable material is recovered from by-product streams generated during the copper refining process, reducing the amount of waste that needs to be treated and discarded as mine tailings.

    The tellurium will be refined in North America by 5N Plus, a leading global producer of specialty semiconductors and performance materials, under a commercial agreement between 5N Plus and Rio Tinto. The refined tellurium will primarily be supplied to First Solar, the only American company among the world’s ten largest solar manufacturers, under an existing supply contract between 5N Plus and First Solar. 5N Plus will also use the tellurium to manufacture ultra-high purity semiconductor materials at its facility in St. George, Utah, to serve the security and medical imaging markets.

    Tellurium is listed as a critical mineral by the US Government due to its importance to the economy and energy security.

    Tellurium is one of ten metals and products recovered from ore extracted at Kennecott, which produces nearly 15% of US copper with the country’s lowest carbon footprint.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 16 mei 2022 07:41
    Vale Expands Tests of 100% Electric Locomotives

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    16 May, 2022, 6:30 am

    As part of the strategy of accelerating the use of technologies that favor renewable sources, Vale received at the end of April its second 100% electric locomotive, powered by battery. Manufactured in China by CRRC Zhuzhou Locomotive, the equipment will initially operate in the Ponta da Madeira Terminal's switchyard in São Luis in MA. Its batteries, made of lithium, have a storage capacity of 1000 kWh, with autonomy to operate up to 10 hours without stops for recharging. The new equipment will go to the terminal's locomotive workshop, where it will stay for 90 days for system verification and testing. The first test in the switchyard is scheduled for July.

    Currently, Vale's fleet totals 490 locomotives, powered by diesel, dedicated to the transport of iron ore. The company's first all-electric machine, manufactured by Progress Rail, was received in July 2020 at Vitória-Minas Railroad.

    The CRRC locomotive is part of Vale's strategy to electrify its mine and railroad equipment. The two 100% electric locomotives are part of Powershift, a program created by Vale to meet the company's challenge of zeroing scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions. In addition to locomotives, the program has also carried out tests with electrical equipment in underground mines in Canada – there are currently around 40 in operation. Mine and railroad account for 25% of the company's direct carbon emissions, the so-called scope 1. In 2019, Vale announced the goal of zeroing its Scope 1 and 2 net emissions (relating to electricity consumption) by 2050. To that end, it is investing between USD 4 billion and US$ 6 billion.

    Vale's operational equipment electrification strategy also includes a partnership with its peers BHP and Rio Tinto. Last year, the three companies, together with another 17 mining companies, launched the “Charge On Challenge”. It is a global call for innovation aimed at entrepreneurs capable of developing solutions for electrifying large trucks used in mines.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 18 mei 2022 07:23
    Citi GPS Report Unveils Potential for Mining in Space

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    18 May, 2022, 6:30 am

    Citi has released a new Global Perspectives & Solutions, Citi GPS, report titled Space: The Dawn of a New Age. The report focuses on the commercial space market, which has the greatest potential advances over the next few decades. Today's launch costs of USD 1,500 per kilogram are about 30x less than the launch cost of NASA's Space Shuttle in 1981. Reusable rockets and launch vehicles, new materials and fuels, more cost-efficient production methods, and advancements in robotics and electronics systems are combining to drive these costs even lower. Launch costs could fall to USD 100 per by 2040 and in a bullish scenario, to as low as USD 33 per kg. With lower costs, mining on the moon or on an asteroid could become reality

    Looking at the resources in space, the report said that NASA has estimated that the asteroid belt contains minerals worth more an USD 100 billion for each of the six billion people on Earth. Last year an asteroid called 16 Psyche captured worldwide attention as NASA highlighted its mineral wealth. This August, the space agency will launch a mission using a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket. NASA estimates in theory 16 Psyche is worth USD 10,000 quadrillion. The asteroid contains enough iron and nickel to cover the world's needs for millions of years.

    However, the idea of astronauts bringing down gold, silver, iron and other metals from space could be a little ways off. Citigroup said it is more feasible to start mining on the moon, with water being the first extracted resource.
  11. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 27 mei 2022 21:13
    Interessant artikel! Diversen komen langs.

    “Canada [has] tremendous opportunity here . . . Strategically the government is doing a good job by bringing in anchor investors that will drive further investment” NANO ONE CEO, Dan Blondal.

  12. forum rang 10 voda 30 mei 2022 08:03
    Glencore Reaches Resolutions with US, UK & Brazilian Authorities

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    30 May, 2022, 6:30 am

    Glencore has resolved the previously disclosed investigations by authorities in the United States, the United Kingdom and Brazil into past activities in certain Group businesses related to bribery, and separate US investigations related to market manipulation. Glencore cooperated with these investigations. Under the terms of the US resolutions, Glencore will pay penalties of USD 700 million to resolve bribery investigations and USD 486 million to resolve market manipulation investigations by the Department of Justice and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Of this amount, up to USD 166 million will be credited against other, parallel matters, including in the UK, so that the net amount payable to the US authorities is expected to be USD 1,020 million. Glencore has further agreed to pay USD 40 million under a resolution signed with the Brazilian Federal Prosecutor’s Office in connection with its bribery investigation into the Group.

    Glencore Energy UK Limited has also indicated that it will plead guilty to charges brought by the UK Serious Fraud Office in respect of its bribery investigation. The penalty to be paid will be determined following a sentencing hearing currently scheduled for 21 June 2022.

    The plea agreements entered into by Glencore International AG and Glencore Ltd with the DOJ each provide for the appointment of an independent compliance monitor for a period of three years to assess and monitor the Company’s compliance with the agreements and evaluate the effectiveness of its compliance program and internal controls.

    Glencore continues to cooperate with a previously disclosed and ongoing investigation by the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland into Glencore International AG for failure to have the organisational measures in place to prevent alleged corruption, and an investigation of similar scope by the Dutch Public Prosecution Service. The timing and outcome of these investigations remain uncertain

    Starting before the Company knew of the DOJ’s investigations, Glencore has invested substantial resources towards developing a best-in-class Ethics and Compliance Program. Glencore has also taken extensive remediation actions, including through the separation or discipline of employees involved in the wrongdoing. The Company has a refreshed Board and management team, who are dedicated to fostering a culture of integrity, responsibility and transparency. The DOJ noted certain enhancements to Glencore’s compliance program and internal controls in the resolutions.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 3 juni 2022 07:04
    Rio Tinto & bp to Trial Marine Biofuels

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    03 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    Rio Tinto and bp have agreed to work together on a one-year biofuel trial to help reduce carbon emissions from Rio Tinto’s marine fleet. Under the trial, bp is supplying Rio Tinto with marine biofuel for approximately 12 months. The fuel will be trialled on Rio Tinto’s RTM Tasman vessel on a mix of Transatlantic and Atlantic-Pacific routes, in one of the longest-duration marine biofuel trials to date. The results of the trial will help Rio Tinto study ways to reduce its carbon emissions from its marine fleet and inform its future biofuel strategy.

    The extended trial agreement follows a successful journey on the RTM Tasman after it refuelled with biofuel in Rotterdam in March 2022 for the first time and then picked up its first load of the trial at the Iron Ore Company of Canada’s Sept-Îles port in Quebec in April. All biofuel refuelling during the trial will be at Rotterdam.

    The trial is using a bp-manufactured B30 biofuel blend composed of 30% fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) blended with very low sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO). This B30 biofuel blend can reduce lifecycle carbon dioxide emissions by up to 26% compared to standard marine fuel oil. FAME is a renewable alternative fuel (biodiesel) largely produced from recycled cooking oils and renewable oil sources. It has physical properties similar to conventional diesel, and is a ‘drop in fuel’, requiring no modifications to the engine or vessel. The origination and production of the feedstocks used to produce the FAME is certified for its sustainability to internationally recognized standards.

    Working with bp and the ship managers Anglo Eastern, the trial will analyse a series of engine and fuel performance factors, including engine efficiency and fuel consumption, corrosion and degradation, microbial growth, temperature impact, fuel switching impacts and fuel stability.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 8 juni 2022 08:40
    Rio Tinto & Salzgitter to Study Use of Rio’s Ore for Green Steel

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    08 Jun, 2022, 8:23 am

    Global mining giant Rio Tinto & German steel maker Salzgitter Group have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to work together towards carbon-free steelmaking by studying optimization of Rio Tinto’s high quality Canadian & Australian iron ore products for use in Salzgitter’s SALCOS green steel project in Germany. Under the MOU, Rio Tinto and Salzgitter will explore optimization of iron ore pellets, lump and fines for use in hydrogen direct reduction steelmaking. The two companies will also explore the potential for greenhouse gas emission certification across the steel value chain.

    The partnership will focus on the potential use of these products in the SALCOS, Salzgitter Low CO2 Steelmaking program, which is targeting virtually carbon-free steel production, starting step-by-step in 2025 using hydrogen direct reduction. The technical issues comprise the following in detail: optimizing pellet quality with respect to direct reduction with hydrogen, the use of lump ore and other iron carriers when reducing by hydrogen, and the production of a sinter for deployment in a direct reduction plant when reducing by hydrogen. Furthermore, the carbon emissions in the entire supply chain and opportunities for their registration and certification are to be examined. Both companies will also actively engage in this sphere as with low-carbon steel production and the requisite raw materials they can lay the foundation for achieving their sustainability targets and those of their customers.

    Under the SALCOS program, Salzgitter’s carbon-based blast furnace route will gradually be replaced from the middle of this decade by direct reduction plants, initially operated by natural gas and then with a steadily increasing proportion of hydrogen.

    Rio Tinto produces iron ore pellets & concentrates at Iron Ore Company of Canada and iron ore lump and fines in Western Australia’s Pilbara region. Rio Tinto is committed to reaching net zero emissions by 2050 and is targeting a 15% reduction in Scope 1 & 2 emissions by 2025 (from a 2018 baseline) and a 50% reduction by 2030. Rio Tinto’s approach to addressing Scope 3 emissions is to engage with its customers on climate change and work with them to develop the technologies to decarbonize.
  15. forum rang 10 voda 14 juni 2022 08:04
    BHP’s Autonomous Drillers at WA Iron Ore Create Record

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    14 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    Australian mining giant BHP’s Western Australia Iron Ore has reached a significant milestone, with its drills operating autonomously for more than 479,607 hours, drilling more than 25 million meters, equivalent to drilling the distance from Perth to Newman almost 21 times. WAIO’s remotely operated drilling program commenced at Yandi in late 2016 and has since expanded to a total of 26 rigs across 5 Pilbara mine sites.

    November 2016: Yandi completes a successful 18-month trial of three autonomous drill rigs, paving the way for a staged approach across other WAIO mine sites

    January 2017: Mining Area C introduces autonomous drilling

    October 2017: Newman’s Eastern Ridge mine implements autonomous drill rigs

    December 2017: Jimblebar introduces autonomous drilling

    March 2018: Newman’s Whaleback mine implements autonomous drill rigs

    2020: South Flank rolls out autonomous drill rigs, making WAIO’s drill rig program fully autonomous.

    WAIO now has one of the biggest autonomous drill fleets in the world, which is managed by 32 crew members and one engineer all based at IROC. The rigs are all controlled remotely from the Integrated Remote Operations Centre in Perth.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 16 juni 2022 07:53
    Rio Tinto Calls for Large-Scale Wind & Solar Power in Queensland

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    16 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    Global mining giant Rio Tinto has called for proposals to develop large-scale wind and solar power in Central and Southern Queensland to power its aluminium assets, help meet its climate change ambitions and further encourage renewable development and industry in the region. The approach, which is through a formal market Request for Proposals, is intended to support the development of multiple new wind and solar power projects that can, in parallel with firming solutions, start supplying power to Rio Tinto’s Gladstone assets through the Queensland grid by 2030.

    Rio Tinto is seeking proposals that can competitively meet the energy needs of its three production assets in the Gladstone region: the Boyne smelter, the Yarwun alumina refinery and the Queensland Alumina refinery.

    These assets require 1140 MW of reliable power to operate, which equates to at least 4000 MW of quality wind or solar power with firming.
  17. forum rang 10 voda 16 juni 2022 07:56
    Vale Ventures to Focused on Decarbonization of Mining

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    16 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    Brazilian miner Vale has launched a subsidiary, Vale Ventures, focused on finding sustainable solutions for the future of mining and metals activities. With an initial budget of USD 100 million, Vale Ventures will support start-up companies in the development of new business models and technologies that will be incorporated to its operations. The main items to be addressed by Vale Ventures will be the decarbonization of the mining chain and helping Vale and its clients reduce carbon emissions to achieve the company’s goal of carbon neutrality in 2050.

    The company also aims to reduce mining residues and environmental impacts, fostering a circular economy and generating a new flow of revenues; increasing capacity to supply the metals that are essential to the energetic transition; and investing in new technologies that will change the ways that the mining companies develop their business.
  18. forum rang 10 voda 17 juni 2022 07:38
    Rio Tinto Invests in Lithium Battery Innovator Nano One

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    17 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    Clean technology innovator in battery materials Nano One Materials Corp & Rio Tinto have agreed to enter into a strategic partnership providing iron and lithium products, collaboration and a USD 10 million investment into Nano One. This partnership and funding will accelerate Nano One’s multi-cathode commercialization strategy and support cathode active materials manufacturing in Canada for a cleaner and more efficient battery supply chain for North American and overseas markets.

    This investment will be directed towards technology and supply chain development, commercialization, Nano One’s acquisition of the Candiac facility in Québec, its conversion to One-Pot lithium iron phosphate and industrial scale piloting of other Nano One CAM technologies and for working capital purposes.

    Nano One’s patented One Pot Process and metal to cathode active material M2CAM technologies form a unique manufacturing platform that enables nickel-rich NMC, iron-rich LFP and manganese-rich LNMO lithium-ion cathode active materials to be made sulfate-free from a range of battery metal sources with fewer steps, lower costs, less complexity and a much smaller environmental footprint. The technology applies to all lithium-ion battery chemistries for applications in electric vehicles, renewable energy storage and portable electronics.
  19. forum rang 10 voda 20 juni 2022 08:17
    BHP to Retain New South Wales Energy Coal

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    20 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    Leading Australian miner BHP will retain New South Wales Energy Coal in its portfolio, seek the relevant approvals to continue mining beyond its current mining consent that expires in 2026 and proceed with a managed process to cease mining at the asset by the end of the 2030 financial year. The decision follows BHP’s review of its lower grade metallurgical and energy coal assets that was announced in August 2020 and has also resulted in the divestment of our interests in Cerrejón and BHP Mitsui Coalin January and May 2022 respectively.

    A trade sale process for NSWEC was conducted however the process did not result in a viable offer. Assessment of the resource economics, geotechnical profile and future investment requirements determined that continued mining in the near term and moving to a closure in 2030 provides the optimal financial outcome when compared to alternate options.

    Continuation of mining to the end of FY2030 will afford eight years to work with our people, state and federal governments and local communities in the Hunter Valley region on a transition approach that supports long-term community sustainability.

    Plans to continue operating NSWEC to FY2030 are subject to obtaining relevant approvals to enable mining beyond the current consent, which only provides approval for mining until 2026.

    Work is underway to prepare the application for the relevant approvals with the New South Wales and Australian governments to support mining until 2030. This will also include plans for closure of the asset, including rehabilitation and determining the most appropriate post-mining land use. It is expected that continued work on rehabilitation will take 10 to 15 years following the cessation of mining. The provision for closure of the mine as at 31 December 2021 was approximately USD 700 million.
  20. forum rang 10 voda 20 juni 2022 08:18
    Rio Tinto Delivers Iron Ore from Gudai Darri Mine in Pilbara

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    20 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    World’s leading miner Rio Tinto has delivered first ore from the Gudai-Darri iron ore mine as the company brings online its first greenfield mine in the Pilbara in Western Australia in more than a decade. Gudai-Darri will help underpin future production of the company’s flagship Pilbara Blend product. The first autonomous AutoHaul trains loaded with ore from Gudai-Darri’s process plant have travelled the new 166 kilometers rail line that connects to Rio Tinto’s existing rail and port infrastructure. Production from the mine will continue to ramp up through the remainder of this year and is expected to reach full capacity during 2023.

    Since ground was broken in April 2019, more than 14 million work hours have resulted in the movement of over 20 million cubic meters of earth, batching and placement of 35,000 cubic meters of concrete and the installation of 10,000 tonnes of steel.

    With an expected life of more than 40 years and an annual capacity of 43 million tonnes, Gudai-Darri will underpin future production of Pilbara Blend ™ product. A feasibility study to support an expansion of this new hub is also progressing.

    The mine’s commissioning and ramp-up is expected to increase Rio Tinto’s iron ore production volumes and improve product mix from the Pilbara in the second half of this year. Full year shipments guidance for 2022 remains at 320 to 335 million tonnes subject to risks around the ramp up of new mines, weather and management of cultural heritage.

    The capital cost for the mine is estimated to be USD 3.1 billion. As disclosed in February, the company’s replacement projects in the Pilbara, including Gudai-Darri, were subject to potential capital increases of approximately 15% due to ongoing COVID 19 restrictions, including labour access and supply chain quality issues. Group capital expenditure guidance for 2022 is unchanged at around USD 8 billion.
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