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GeneMax Corp PER.C6(R) technology ..

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  1. [verwijderd] 28 juni 2005 16:03
    GeneMax Corp. Announces Receipt of its Primary Vaccine Candidate for Oncology Applications

    - Company preparing for final stages of pre-clinical development -

    VANCOUVER, June 28 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - GeneMax Corp. (OTC Bulletin
    Board: GMXX), a biotechnology company specializing in the development of
    preventative vaccines and immunotherapeutics for cancer and infectious
    diseases announced today that it has received its lead vaccine candidate,
    AdhTAP(OS-1) from its PER.C6(R) technology licensor and contract manufacturer,
    Crucell (Leiden, The Netherlands). The proprietary adenovirus construct has
    been optimized to allow enhanced expression of the Transporter of Antigen
    Processing (TAP) that, in animal models, has been shown to increase both the
    killing of tumours by the immune system and animal survival.
    "Receipt of the AdhTAP(OS-1) viral construct is an exciting and important
    milestone for GeneMax as it positions us to move forward with pre-clinical
    development of our leading oncology product," said Konstantine Sarafis,
    President and CEO of GeneMax. "The design, production and quality control of
    AdhTAP(OS-1) took two years to complete. GeneMax scientists have worked
    diligently to achieve this milestone and will now rapidly move to conclude
    testing of the vaccine enhancer in animal models of cancer, ready for
    manufacturing scale up and preclinical testing in humans. This is a notable
    accomplishment for GeneMax."
    Larger scale production of AdhTAP(OS-1) will be performed using the
    PER.C6(R) cell line, licensed to GeneMax by Crucell. This proprietary cell
    line has been shown to be suitable for growth of the virus. Before filing an
    Investigational New Drug (IND) submission with the U.S. Food and Drug
    Administration (FDA), the company will complete toxicology studies and a third
    oncology model assessing the efficacy of AdhTAP(OS-1).

  2. [verwijderd] 28 juni 2005 16:44
    Ik denk niet dat Crucell dit als PB naar buiten hoeft te brengen.
    Crucell is in deze alleen maar een producent van een adenovirusconstruct dat zij op PerC6 hebben gegroeid.

    Het bericht is wetenschappelijk wel interessant omdat Genemax het eiwit TAP hebben gebruikt omdat in het adenovirus te zetten. TAP is betrokken bij het naar binnen sluizen van eiwitten/peptiden vanuit het cytoplasma van de cel naar het endoplasmatisch reticulum (ja sorry, ik heb die naam ook niet bedacht). In het ER worden de peptiden uiteindelijk geladen in MHC presentatie moleculen die naar de celmembraan verhuizen via het Golgi Apparaat (GA, nog zo'n malle naam). Dit leidt uiteindelijk allemaal tot verbeterde antigeen presentatie en daardoor een verbeterde imuunrepsons tegen bv kanker of virussen. In veel kankers is TAP afwezig en dus kan het immuunsysteem de kanker niet herkennen en de tumor uitgroeien. Door TAP in te brengen via het adenovirus lukt het beter.

    Hier een stukje in het engels vanaf hun website:
    TAP-1 Therapeutic Cancer Vaccine

    GeneMax’s TAP-1 therapeutic cancer vaccine is a leading edge technology targeted towards a group of cancers deficient in the TAP protein, which includes lung cancer, liver cancer, kidney cancer, head and neck cancer, breast cancer, melanoma, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, and cervical cancer. Cancers are able to grow undetected in the body as they lack the proper signals on their cell surface to alert the immune system of their presence. Due to this property, most cancer cells proliferate in the body.

    The unique TAP-1 cancer vaccine restores the ability of the body’s immune system to recognize the cancer cells as “foreign”. The vaccine boosts the natural process for destroying the cancerous cells. The process involves delivering the TAP-1 gene via a viral vector (adenovirus or vaccinia virus) to the cancer cells to recreate the missing TAP pathway. With TAP pathway restored by the vaccine, the immune system recognizes the cancer cells as foreign and an immune response is initiated to eliminate these cells.

    The therapeutic cancer vaccine has been proven in successful animal trials: mice infected with a murine lung cancer have experienced up to 70% survival rates following treatment with the vaccine. Recent studies have indicated that the vaccine is also effective in the treatment of melanoma in mice studies.

    Heb je hier iets aan?
  3. [verwijderd] 28 juni 2005 17:06
    PB dd 12-08-2003.

    Crucell and GeneMax enter PER.C6 licence agreement in Gene Delivery field to advance clinical trial.

    Under the terms of the agreement, GeneMax will use Crucell's PER.C6 technology for research in the field of adenovirus-based gene delivery.


    Mooie vermelding PER.C6. Dit zie je bv ook op de website van SingVax.
    Zou leuk zijn als de overige licentiehouders(zoals bv. Merck, Sanofi-Pasteur, GSK, etc.etc.) Crucell ook eens wat vaker noemen.

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