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Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield 2022, het jaar van de comeback?

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  1. kweetnie 3 januari 2022 15:26
    Allen een goed nieuwjaar gewenst met vele inhoudelijke posts en hopelijk zien we de koers dit jaar weer richting de 85 gaan waar deze afgelopen jaar al eens op heeft gestaan.
    Laten we hopen dat corona (met eventuele nieuwe varianten) geen belemmering meer is en dat eenieder (met voorop de virologen etc) toch maar leert leven hiermee zodat wij geen lockdowns meer krijgen en alles weer enigszins naar het normale leven voor corona terug gaat.
    Velen willen maar al te graag hun welverdiende centen graag weer uitgeven in de winkelcentra, horeca etc. etc.
    Succes allen en dat we maar een mooi jaar mogen beleven.
  2. forum rang 6 Lamsrust 3 januari 2022 17:30
    Allen allereerst de beste wensen voor 2022 (en m.n. voor de katholieken onder ons een Zalig Nieuwjaar).

    Dank voor de nieuwjaarsspeech op het forum hier. Mooie opening.

    Het komende kwartaal zijn de belangrijkste gebeurtenissen uiteraard de FY 2021 cijfers, waarbij inzicht ontstaat in de relevante parameters en waar hopenlijk ook inzicht wordt gegeven hoeveel de AREPS zou bedragen indien de financiele verplichtingen uit alle lopende huurcontracten volledig worden nagekomen. Maar ik vermoed dat dit wordt bewaard tot op de strategy update.

    Interessant nieuwsbericht van C&W vandaag uit de kantorenmarkt:


    Jeroen Lokerse, CEO Cushman & Wakefield Netherlands says: “The pandemic has not led to less demand for offices, but more demand from other offices. Office users want buildings of very high quality, sustainable and focused on health and well-being in prime locations in city centers. They want to be housed in places with good accessibility, where high-quality facilities are close by and where you can combine work with meeting. It is not a question of fewer meters, but different use of meters in other places. Demand will increase further in the coming years and the shortage will become comparable to what is happening in the housing market.”

    Deze zogenoemde "bifurcation"" is in de kantorenmarkt al gaande sinds de meest recente crisis in 2012/2013 (Stahli van NSI heeft er goed op ingespeeld) en leidt nu derhalve waarschijnlijk tot een tekort aan kantoorruimte op de toplocaties in de grote steden. Mijns inziens is er een grote kans dat hetzelfde zich in de toekomst zal aftekenen op de retailmarkt, i.e. de vraag naar mixed-used ruimte op toplocaties neemt toe ten koste van die op provinciale locaties. Gezien haar prime bezit in Europa en de US (uitgezonderd regionals) zit URW vooraan om op deze trend in te spelen, hetgeen ze momenteel reeds doen.

    Ook moeten we niet vergeten dat URW in Europa met een noge betere portfolio uit de corona storm komt, i.e. de winkelcentra die in 2020/2021 zijn verkocht waren qua kwaliteit minder dan de gemiddelde kwaliteit.

    De treinen vol jongeren die aflopen dagen naar Belgie vertrokken bewijst bovendien dat fysiek winkelen/entertainment ook bij 30 minners geenszins over is (https://www.dumpert.nl/item/100018752_b69f499a - een populaire nieuwbron ik weet het, maar URW malls moeten het hebben van de massa en die wordt hier afgebeeld).

    All-in-all blijf ik dus positief op URW.
  3. forum rang 7 HCohen 4 januari 2022 08:35
    Alle kleine beetjes helpen(Q4)

    Duitse detailhandelsverkopen onverwacht gestegen
    Beeld: ABM Financial News
    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Duitse detailhandelsverkopen zijn in november onverwacht gestegen. Dit bleek dinsdag uit cijfers van het Duitse statistiekbureau Destatis.

    Op maandbasis namen de verkopen in november, gecorrigeerd voor inflatie, met 0,6 procent. Economen hadden echter gerekend op een daling met 0,5 procent.

    Op jaarbasis daalden de detailhandelsverkopen in november met 2,9 procent.
    Spain's November retail sales rise 4.9% y/y
    Dec 28 (Reuters) - Spanish retail sales rose 4.9% in November from a year earlier on a calendar-adjusted basis, the National Statistics Institute (INE) said on Tuesday.
  4. forum rang 6 Lamsrust 4 januari 2022 09:37

    roel schreef op 3 januari 2022 18:57:

    experts sloegen in iedergeval vandaag de plank goed mis. URW op eerste handelsdag bijna 2 procent erbij en Mittal 1,7 procent. Hopen dat dit zo de hele maand blijft.

    Maakt eigenlijk ook niet uit want zit erin voor lange termijn dividend, maar ziet er op papier natuurlijk beter uit.
    De term "experts" is een relatief begrip: dit zijn veelal personen die veel weten over sectorspecifieke feiten en omstandigheden in het heden en verleden en vanuit die kennis een traject voor de toekomst schetsen. Dat laatste is echter zeer lastig, aangezien er veelal exogene factoren zijn waarmee nu nog geen rekening kan worden gehouden die het toekomstig traject beïnvloeden. Als deze "experts" de toekomst zouden kunnen voorspellen zouden ze niet bij een bank werken, maar het vermogen van dew top 5% van de Quote 500 beheren.
  5. forum rang 7 HCohen 4 januari 2022 10:14

    Lamsrust schreef op 4 januari 2022 09:37:


    De term "experts" is een relatief begrip: dit zijn veelal personen die veel weten over sectorspecifieke feiten en omstandigheden in het heden en verleden en vanuit die kennis een traject voor de toekomst schetsen. Dat laatste is echter zeer lastig, aangezien er veelal exogene factoren zijn waarmee nu nog geen rekening kan worden gehouden die het toekomstig traject beïnvloeden. Als deze "experts" de toekomst zouden kunnen voorspellen zouden ze niet bij een bank werken, maar het vermogen van dew top 5% van de Quote 500 beheren.
    Leuke quote;
    ''If stock market experts were so expert, they would be buying stock, not selling advice(Norman Ralph Augustine)''
  6. forum rang 7 HCohen 4 januari 2022 14:31
    Westfield Mall of Scandinavia verwelkomt MediaMarkt!
    TIS, JAN 04, 2022 08:00 CET

    Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield trapt het jaar af met de aankondiging van een nieuwe huurder voor Westfield Mall of Scandinavia. Het is de Duitse consumentenelektronicagigant MediaMarkt die een winkelruimte van ongeveer 1700 vierkante meter inneemt, op een centrale locatie direct bij de hoofdingang van Arenatorget op de eerste verdieping.

    Het is nu duidelijk dat een van Europa's toonaangevende ketens voor consumentenelektronica in het voorjaar van 2022 zal openen in Westfield Mall of Scandinavia. MediaMarkt, met zijn brede assortiment en digifysische focus, wordt een fantastische nieuwe toevoeging aan een toch al groot winkelaanbod.

    We zijn zo blij om vandaag aan te kondigen dat MediaMarkt met ons opent! MediaMarkt is toonaangevend in zijn sector en goed in het vinden van synergieën tussen digitale en fysieke handel. Onze bezoekers wachten lang op een toevoeging van consumentenelektronica en daarom zijn we ervan overtuigd dat ze zeer goed zullen worden ontvangen", zegt Sofia Rundström, Centre Manager bij Westfield Mall of Scandinavia.

    We krijgen een fantastische locatie bij de grote ingang van Westfield Mall of Scandinavia die 15 miljoen bezoekers per jaar heeft. Het nieuwe warenhuis speelt een strategisch belangrijke rol in onze voortdurende uitbreiding, niet in de laatste plaats voor ons omnichannel-aanbod", zegt Magnus Håkansson, CEO van MediaMarkt Zweden.
  7. forum rang 7 HCohen 5 januari 2022 06:59
    Innovatieve activiteiten;

    Youseum opening new social media experiences in Sweden and Germany
    Youseum experiences are designed for visitors to create content for social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok.
    Bea Mitchell
    5 januari 2022

    Youseum, an immersive social media museum in the Netherlands, has raised €3 million in growth capital to fund its expansion across Europe, starting with new locations in Sweden and Germany.

    Youseum is a location-based experience in Amsterdam and Leidschendam. Its rooms are designed for guests to create content for social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok.

    “We aim to build playgrounds of boundless creativity that invite our visitors to play with social media,” said Joep Heusschen, COO and co-founder. “Meanwhile, we try to spark a discussion about the role of social media in our day-to-day lives.”

    Youseum first opened to the public in November 2019 as a pop-up venue in Amsterdam. Despite the pandemic, the attraction welcomed more than 75,000 visitors in its first year.

    New locations in Westfield malls
    The success of the museum in Amsterdam prompted the launch of Youseum’s next venue in June 2021 at Westfield Mall of the Netherlands, which is home to the country’s first TikTok experience.

    It also features hidden passageways, as well as 18 unique spaces and 25 installations where guests can take photos for social media. These include slides, swings, optical illusions and an obligatory ball pit.

    Now, the company plans to expand into Europe and the MENA region. It has raised €3m in growth capital from existing and new private equity and angel investors.

    The new Youseum locations are opening at Westfield Mall of Scandinavia in Stockholm, Sweden and Westfield Centro in Oberhausen, Germany.

    “Social media is about more than just a selfie,” Heusschen said last year. “At Youseum, we highlight the good and the bad sides of social media.”
    'Instagram-museum' Youseum haalt 3 miljoen op
    Gepubliceerd op 4 januari 2022 om 11:50
  8. matin 5 januari 2022 11:08

    Beurswinkelier schreef op 5 januari 2022 11:00:

    De koers gaat alleen nog maar omhoog deze week. Wat is de reden precies dat het opeens zo hard gaat?
    Kunnen we verwachten dat deze winst niet ook weer binnen een paar dagen verdwenen is?
    Hard gaan???

    We staan nog maar op € 66 en hebben nog een hele weg te gaan naar €100 plus.
    De malls draaien als een tierelier, er is inflatie en goede vraag naar winkelspace.

  9. forum rang 6 !@#$!@! 5 januari 2022 13:33

    HCohen schreef op 4 januari 2022 10:14:


    Leuke quote;
    ''If stock market experts were so expert, they would be buying stock, not selling advice(Norman Ralph Augustine)''
    Mooie :-)

    Analyses kunnen handig zijn om te lezen. Maar enige adviezen naar het aandeel moet je gewoon negeren.
  10. forum rang 7 HCohen 5 januari 2022 14:10
    The 2022 trends every retail leader needs to know about
    (Content for business decision-makers)
    From digital bricks to artificial intelligence, the new year will be an exciting time for retail. Even space commerce is on the cards

    Jan 04, 2022

    Katie Byrne

    The retail sector spent the past 12 months dealing with the impact of Covid-19. However, 2022 looks set to be a year of fast-moving innovation.

    Bricks-and-mortar retailers spent Q1 2021 in lockdown. However, the rest of the year felt decidedly more promising – and the stats back it up. In October 2021 alone, the UK’s retail spending was up by 6.3% compared to the same period in 2019.

    “2021 has been a real mixed bag for retailers across the board,” says Wizz Selvey, founder of retail consultancy Wizz & Co. “There have been many new openings but a lot of closures, too. 2022 will continue to see a lot of change. Everything has accelerated, and we’ll continue to see the evolution of retailers who have taken on the challenge of the last 18 months and reacted quickly to change.”

    Retailers need to think about their physical and their online presence as one, rather than as two separate entities

    Kate Orwin, UK leasing director at shopping centre operator Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield (URW), is also feeling optimistic. Since opening in April 2021, URW has welcomed more than 40 million visitors to Westfield London and Westfield Stratford City, she notes.

    “What’s more, when people visit physical retail stores, they’re coming with a real intention to spend. Online will continue to lead the way but offline will be even more important for brands, including digitally native brands, who are looking to truly engage with consumers.”

    The retail sector is heading full steam towards the future. However, elements like customer experience, brand loyalty and the need to encourage post-pandemic footfall will be as crucial as ever. Here are some of the most exciting retail trends for 2022.

    Business buddies
    The past year has seen a stream of US businesses partner up, with one retailer incorporating another into its stores for an exclusive customer opportunity. Target is a prime example. In the last year alone, it’s brought micro-shops from Disney, Apple and Ulta Beauty into many of its stores and extended existing partnerships with Lego and Levi’s.

    There can be many benefits to ‘buddying up’ and playing host to another carefully chosen business, not least because you’re doubling your potential footfall by attracting a whole new customer base. In 2022, UK retailers should consider how they can tap into the trend and think about potential partners.

    “This is a huge opportunity for retailers if the right partnership can be found,” says Selvey. “Both brands will be focused on creating engaging content, so a collaboration provides an opportunity to co-create and educate customers.”

    Be careful who you approach. It could be a boost to sales “if the collaboration is made with a business that has similar values but sits in a non-competitive category”, Selvey notes.

    This trend will be particularly important for department stores. “They’ll want to be increasing dwell time by adding exclusive services and hosting brand collaborations or pop-ups,” predicts Selvey. “These can all act as change-makers within big department stores and create reasons for shoppers to return.”

    Digital bricks
    ‘Digital bricks’ refers to physical stores with technology at their core. Orwin thinks this retail trend will rapidly grow in 2022, with URW research indicating that 89% of customers are interested in using more technology in-store.

    “We expect to see brands that have traditionally lived offline investing more than ever in new and exciting technologies to encourage consumers to visit their spaces,” she says. “A retailer’s shop window is incredibly powerful in driving awareness and loyalty when compared to the cluttered online marketplace.”

    More online brands are set to take the leap through the screen, Orwin predicts, with the likes of Netflix and TikTok both opening physical stores in URW shopping centres in 2021. Amazon’s 4-Star store opened recently at Westfield London, offering shoppers a range of products that are either best sellers, trending on the website or boast a high customer rating.

    “Retailers need to think about their physical and their online presence as one, rather than as two separate entities,” says Orwin. “The line between the two is increasingly blurred in the minds of the end consumer. Retailers should also consider the power, from a marketing perspective, that a physical store can offer.”

    Upgrading the customer experience
    Giving careful thought to a customer’s in-store experience will be crucial in 2022. Lockdown made shoppers long to be in-store: research conducted by Mood Media found 45% of consumers admitted to missing touching and trying on products. Be sure to craft the experience they deserve.

    “After going through a prolonged period where the luxury of physical contact was limited, meaningful experiences have never been more important,” says Daljit Singh, founder of design agency isinstore. “Driven by the idea of discovery and surprise and a need for a moment away from the real world, retail brands are reigniting excitement through meaningful escapism and sense-stimulating environments. Appealing to our childlike curiosity, immersive installations and sensorial displays will provide a sense of wonderment and joy.”

    Retailers should also consider how they can invite shoppers to actively participate and be part of brand experiences, with the screen-savvy Gen Z influencing a new era of creative communications. According to research from digital payments firm Square, 35% of consumers are interested in seeing virtual reality incorporated into their shopping experiences, while over a quarter (26%) want live-streamed experiences.

    Retailers can make their customers part of the creative process, Singh notes. “Within this, we’ll see brands exploring how live-streaming and broadcasting can be built into the physical store experience to encourage footfall and boost brand-customer connection.”

  11. forum rang 7 HCohen 5 januari 2022 14:11
    Vervolg artikel

    AI goes next level

    For retailers, artificial intelligence (AI) offers a fantastic opportunity to understand and improve a customer’s experience. Cyrus Gilbert-Rolfe, chief revenue officer at software company EVRYTHNG, is excited about the potential. He points to the use of life-size holographic people in stores and shopping centres, an example of AI that’s been around for a while but was too expensive to deploy at scale until now. Such holograms can respond to questions or even take payments.

    “Can you imagine holding your credit card inside a hologram of R2-D2 at the Disney Store? Shoppers will definitely crowd into a shop just to interact with a hologram, delivering footfall and dwell time.”

    AI can also provide retailers with insights into what their customers want, with AI and machine learning (ML) used in tandem for predictive analytics.

    “This will allow retailers to identify trends, clusters and patterns in data, which can improve decision-making and even automate certain decision points,” says Thomas Staven, chief product officer at Extenda Retail. “This can contribute towards retaining consumers and staff. These technologies also provide opportunities to streamline processes to make them more efficient, which will also have a positive impact on retailers’ ever-pressing margins.”

    Staven anticipates that AI and ML will be used by retailers to monitor in-store behaviour and provide access to real-time insights. He also predicts that computer vision will be widely incorporated, allowing for image and video recognition.

    “This will mean, for example, automated recognition of non-barcoded items to provide a seamless checkout experience.”

    Smart robotics will recognise on-shelf availability, Staven adds, allowing for automated replenishment. “For grocers, analysis of product freshness will be accessible using the same technology, allowing for dynamic pricing.”

    Tackling ransomware
    As technology becomes more sophisticated, so too do the threats. In 2022, retailers should be vigilant of ransomware, ensuring they’ve taken appropriate measures to protect themselves from cybercrime.

    “Ransomware is now a business,” explains AJ Thompson, chief commercial officer at IT consultancy Northdoor. “It’s a constant threat and businesses have to accept that at some point, they will be breached.”

    Criminal tactics include efforts to access staff credentials through social media or convincing spoof emails, with the end goal of accessing a company’s network. The criminal can then either resell company data or hold it to ransom. This could result in a fine from the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for a GDPR failure, not to mention the damage such a security breach could cause the business itself.

    So how can retailers tackle this threat in 2022? Investment and awareness are key.

    “Under GDPR legislation, organisations are responsible for the cyber resilience of their supply chain,” says Thompson. This has traditionally meant sending a series of questions to a supplier and asking for feedback, he says, a manual, biannual process that’s “inaccurate, slow and painfully one-sided. It is highly unlikely that your suppliers confess to any IT security issues.”

    However, some organisations are now looking to automate this process, he says, allowing them to run their own continual external assessments of their suppliers’ web domains. “This provides a more accurate assessment, which in turn improves their security.”

    Thompson also points to immutable back-ups, also known as air gap back-ups, which provide an original copy of data for recovery. These are becoming increasingly essential, he says, allowing for recovery in the event of a breach. Effectively read-only, immutable back-ups can never be edited, overwritten or altered in any way, so they can’t be affected by ransomware code.

    Some organisations might already be able to create immutable back-ups as part of their solution, he says. “Most, however, will need to implement a new set of technologies.”

    Sustainability focus
    With all eyes recently on COP26, customers will be closely watching how their favourite brands respond to environmental issues. For retailers, it’s time to make your stance clearer than ever.

    “Transparency is key,” says Orwin. “Consumers don’t want pledges or targets. They want action. The more brands can show that they’re taking real, tangible steps, the better.”

    Customers want to shop with brands that act with integrity and purpose. Increasingly, they feel they can make a difference by carefully choosing where they spend their money. Brands can tap into this by considering how they present their products, whether through informative window displays, detail-rich labels or online copy that makes the origin story and eco-friendly credentials of an item crystal clear.

    “Brands that can demonstrate transparency within the store experience will be rewarded with greater affinity and engagement,” predicts Singh. “We’ll see more brands initiate take-back schemes, open repair stores and consider modular store formats to accompany the move towards a more regenerative future.”

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