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LNG - liquefied natural gas

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 15 oktober 2021 09:53
    Nederland deed mee mee in herfinanciering van omstreden gasproject Australië
    Bert van Dijk 07:00

    Een tanker met vloeibaar gas van het Ichthys-project op weg naar Taiwan. Foto: ANP

    Nederland heeft vorig jaar de herfinanciering van een van de grootste CO2-uitstotende projecten van Australië mede mogelijk gemaakt. Het gaat om het gasproject Ichthys LNG. Exportkredietverzekeraar Atradius Dutch State Business (ADSB) verzekerde in 2012 voor honderden miljoenen aan kredieten voor de Nederlandse offshorebedrijven Van Oord, Boskalis en Heerema die het project mede hielpen aanleggen. In 2020 deed ADSB mee in een herfinanciering van het project.

    ADSB treedt in grote projecten voor Nederlandse bedrijven op als staatsverzekeraar, omdat particuliere verzekeraars de risico's te groot vinden.

    In 2018 ging het Ichthys-project in bedrijf en sindsdien blijkt dat op grote schaal gas wordt afgefakkeld. Dat druist in tegen Nederlands beleid en de klimaatafspraken van Parijs. Routinematig affakkelen is omstreden, omdat er broeikasgassen bij vrijkomen die bijdragen aan het opwarmen van de aarde.

    Routinematig affakkelen niet toegestaan
    Een woordvoerder van het ministerie van Financiën laat weten dat conform de richtlijnen van de Wereldbank routinematig affakkelen niet is toegestaan, 'tenzij er geen alternatieven beschikbaar zijn'. 'Indien bij aanvraag duidelijk is dat er routinematig ontgast of afgefakkeld zou worden, wordt de transactie al bij voorbaat uitgesloten', aldus een woordvoerder.

    Ten tijde van de herfinanciering in juni vorig jaar werd dagelijks voor ruim een miljoen kubieke meter gas afgefakkeld, zo blijkt uit data van Flare Intel, een bureau in Londen dat op basis van satellieten realtime gegevens verzamelt over het affakkelen van gas.

    ADSB laat weten navraag te doen bij het project.

    Doorlopende monitoring
    Volgens een woordvoerder van ADSB betrof de herfinanciering een renteverlaging, waarop de in 2012 afgegeven polis moest worden aangepast. Omdat het een technische aanpassing betrof en geen nieuwe verzekering, is er geen nieuwe milieubeoordeling gedaan. 'Het project is onderworpen aan een doorlopende monitoring sinds 2012', aldus de woordvoerder.

    'De stand van zaken op het gebied van milieu en sociaal van het project was daarom op het moment van herfinanciering bij ons bekend. Een nieuwe milieu- en sociale beoordeling is niet van toepassing bij een financieel technische aanpassing zoals in dit geval.'

    'Stoppen met exportsteun fossiele projecten'
    De bevindingen roepen vragen op in hoeverre Nederland zijn eigen principes voor het steunen van fossiele projecten wereldwijd naleeft. In de Tweede Kamer groeit bij een deel van de fracties de roep om helemaal te stoppen met het steunen van buitenlandse fossiele projecten.

    De herfinanciering van Ichthys staat niet op zichzelf. Een vrijdag gepubliceerd onderzoek van het Duitse onderzoeksbureau Perspectives Climate Research stelt dat Atradius niet in lijn met Parijs handelt. 'De Nederlandse regering heeft geen formeel beleid voor Atradius om olie, kolen en gas uit te sluiten of te beperken, ondanks toezeggingen van hoge overheidsfunctionarissen', aldus de onderzoekers.

    'Belangrijke stappen gezet'
    'Het kabinet heeft al belangrijke stappen gezet om de groene export te bevorderen met de exportkredietverzekering', reageert de woordvoerder van het ministerie van Financiën. 'Het is aan het volgende kabinet om het ambitieniveau te bepalen voor het uitfaseren van de exportkredietverzekeringssteun aan fossiele transacties.'

    Dat gaat een aantal ngo's niet snel genoeg. Zij willen dat Nederland onmiddellijk stopt met het steunen van buitenlandse fossiele projecten. 'Dit onderzoek bevestigt wat wij al vijf jaar zeggen: de Nederlandse staat ondermijnt zijn eigen klimaatbeleid door exportsteun te blijven verlenen aan de olie- en gassector. De huidige regering en onderhandelaars in de formatie kunnen er niet langer omheen draaien en moeten beslissen per direct te stoppen met deze ondersteuning', zegt Niels Hazekamp van milieuorganisatie Both Ends.

    LNG Mozambique
    Naast Ichthys LNG, heeft ADSB recent ook een ander groot lng-project verzekerd. Dat gebeurde eerder dit jaar in Mozambique. Dat project zal volgens Both Ends straks meer CO2 uitstoten dan Tata Steel en is inmiddels stilgelegd vanwege escalerend geweld in de regio.

    Volgens Hazekamp was er ten tijde van de herfinanciering in 2020 voor alle landen een duidelijk beleid om het affakkelen van gas te ontmoedigen, en voor Frankrijk en Duitsland om het sowieso niet meer te doen.

    Lees het volledige artikel: fd.nl/bedrijfsleven/1415981/nederland...
  2. forum rang 10 voda 18 oktober 2021 08:15
    Wartsila Shaft Generators for Two LNG Carriers

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    18 Oct, 2021, 6:30 am

    The technology group Wärtsilä will supply four shaft generator systems to provide power take-off from the main engines for two LNG Carrier vessels. The ships are being built at the Hyundai Heavy Industries shipyard in Korea for the Greek ship management service provider Capital Gas Ship Management Corp. The order with Wärtsilä was placed in August 2021.

    With installations in more than 600 vessels, Wärtsilä has the shipping industry’s most extensive track record in supplying shaft generator systems. By enabling power take-off, the systems allow the main engine to generate electricity for onboard use, thereby reducing fuel consumption, lowering emission levels, and improving both the vessels Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) and future Carbon Intensity index (CII).

    Each of the two 174,000 cbm capacity vessels will be fitted with two 1.9 MW Wärtsilä shaft generators. The equipment is scheduled for delivery to the yard in 2022.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 19 oktober 2021 08:05
    JAX LNG & Tote Complete LNG Bunkering in United States

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    19 Oct, 2021, 6:30 am

    JAX LNG, a small-scale LNG facility located along the St. John’s River in Jacksonville, recently completed the first fueling of a marine vessel in the United States with a blend of liquefied natural gas and renewable bioLNG. JAX LNG loaded the bioLNG/LNG blend into the Clean Jacksonville bunker barge to fuel the Isla Bella. The Isla Bella is the world’s first LNG-powered container ship and was put into service by TOTE Maritime Puerto Rico in 2015. Element Markets supplied the renewable natural gas used to produce the bioLNG via renewable thermal certificates. Using bioLNG to fuel marine vessels is a readily available pathway to net-zero emissions by 2050. bioLNG’s emissions profile as a maritime fuel is superior even to that of LNG, which already reduces greenhouse gas emissions by more than 25% over ultra-low sulfur diesel.

    Produced from the decomposition of organic waste, bioLNG is compatible with existing natural gas infrastructure, providing a practical and replicable source of energy that mitigates and repurposes carbon emissions. For this bunkering event, RTCs were matched to the physical LNG loaded into the Clean Jacksonville to create the bioLNG/LNG blended product.

    JAX LNG is the long-term supplier to the two LNG-fueled container vessels—the Isla Bella and the Perla del Caribe—that TOTE Maritime Puerto Rico utilizes to reliably transport goods between Jacksonville and Puerto Rico.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 21 oktober 2021 07:20
    AET Completes LNG Bunkering in US

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    21 Oct, 2021, 6:30 am

    On 9 October 2021, AET, a leading owner and operator of maritime transportation assets and specialised services, completed its first ever LNG bunkering in the US, working in coordination with Shell to refuel the LNG dual-fuel Aframax tanker Pacific Ruby outside Port Canaveral in Florida. The transfer of 600 Metric Tons of marine LNG onto the 113,305 DWT petroleum tanker from the Q-LNG 4000 bunker barge was safely and successfully completed within three hours while the entire bunkering operations took nine hours. The operation was coordinated by AET and Shell NA LNG LLC while Pacific Ruby was on its way from Houston bound for Rotterdam.

    AET’s Commercial and Operations Teams out of Houston both commercially and operationally managed the full process with Shell and the crew of Pacific Ruby ensuring efficiency and safety for this first vessel bunkering in the US.

    This bunkering milestone also represents further progress in AET’s commitment to reduce the environmental impact of shipping by using lower emission fuels worldwide. At the same time, it also represents another example of the rapid extension of LNG bunkering facilities in the US and globally, allowing LNG supply for transatlantic tanker routes between Europe and the US.

    AET has invested in 11 LNG dual-fuel vessels, three Aframaxes already in operations in the Atlantic, one Aframax to be delivered for operations in the Pacific in Q4 2021 and two DPSTs operating in North and Barents Seas. Another five dual-fuel VLCCs are at newbuilding stage to be delivered in 2022 and 2023.
  5. börse.de 25 oktober 2021 12:15

    voda schreef op 21 oktober 2021 07:20:

    AET Completes LNG Bunkering in US

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    21 Oct, 2021, 6:30 am

    On 9 October 2021, AET, a leading owner and operator of maritime transportation assets and specialised services, completed its first ever LNG bunkering in the US, working in coordination with Shell to refuel the LNG dual-fuel Aframax tanker Pacific Ruby outside Port Canaveral in Florida. The transfer of 600 Metric Tons of marine LNG onto the 113,305 DWT petroleum tanker from the Q-LNG 4000 bunker barge was safely and successfully completed within three hours while the entire bunkering operations took nine hours. The operation was coordinated by AET and Shell NA LNG LLC while Pacific Ruby was on its way from Houston bound for Rotterdam.

    AET’s Commercial and Operations Teams out of Houston both commercially and operationally managed the full process with Shell and the crew of Pacific Ruby ensuring efficiency and safety for this first vessel bunkering in the US.

    This bunkering milestone also represents further progress in AET’s commitment to reduce the environmental impact of shipping by using lower emission fuels worldwide. At the same time, it also represents another example of the rapid extension of LNG bunkering facilities in the US and globally, allowing LNG supply for transatlantic tanker routes between Europe and the US.

    AET has invested in 11 LNG dual-fuel vessels, three Aframaxes already in operations in the Atlantic, one Aframax to be delivered for operations in the Pacific in Q4 2021 and two DPSTs operating in North and Barents Seas. Another five dual-fuel VLCCs are at newbuilding stage to be delivered in 2022 and 2023.
    Je maakt het forum niet leesbaar door het vol te zetten met nieuwsberichten. Het nieuws krijgen we zelf tot ons, ik zou graag in het forum discussieren over de interpretatie ervan.
  6. forum rang 10 voda 24 november 2021 07:00
    McDermott Bags Ichthys Booster Compression Platform EPC Contract

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    24 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

    McDermott has won an engineering, procurement and construction project after successfully completing FEED services for a booster compression module for the INPEX-operated Ichthys LNG development. The module will be added to the Ichthys Explorer central processing facility, located off the northwest coast of Western Australia.

    This is the third contract McDermott has been awarded for the project after successfully completing FEED services and converting contracts to EPCI.

    McDermott's EPC scope involves a booster compression module which will extend the production from the gas reservoir to the central processing facility. McDermott is currently undertaking umbilicals, risers and flowlines as part of an expansion of the existing offshore facilities.

    The work will be executed from McDermott's Engineering Centers of Excellence in Perth, Kuala Lumpur and Chennai. Fabrication will be completed at McDermott's yard in Batam which has been delivering complex offshore and onshore structures for over 50 years.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 29 november 2021 08:23
    Gazprom Expanding Production & Use of Liquefied Natural Gas

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    29 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

    The Gazprom Board of Directors expressed its approval of the Company's on going projects for the production and supply of liquefied natural gas. It was noted that the Company's work in this promising direction will make it possible to strengthen the position of Gazprom in foreign markets and address in a more flexible manner the tasks related to providing reliable gas supplies to domestic consumers.

    Near the settlement of Ust-Luga in the northwestern part of Russia, Gazprom and RusGazDobycha are building the Complex for processing ethane-containing gas. The Complex will include a large-scale liquefied natural gas production plant which, with its capacity of 13 million tons of LNG per year, is designed to become the biggest such plant in northwestern Europe.

    The project for the construction of the LNG production, storage and shipment complex near the Portovaya CS in the Leningrad Region is in its final stage. The complex will produce 1.5 million tons of LNG per year. The possibility of building another mid-scale LNG plant near Vladivostok is being considered.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 30 november 2021 07:22
    Hyundai Steel Starts Using LNG Powered Carrier HL Oceanic

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    30 Nov, 2021, 5:08 am

    South Korean Hyundai Steel plans to spearhead carbon reduction by replacing its fleet of raw material carriers with eco-friendly ships. Hyundai Steel has started to operate its first eco-friendly raw material carrier HL Oceanic, which was built by Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries in Mokpo, South Jeolla Province. The Oceanic is an 180,000-ton LNG-powered ship. The carrier left the shipyard for Australia. It will transport 2 million tonnes of iron ore and coal annually. In March next year, the HL Sunny, the twin ship of the Oceanic, will be delivered.

    Hyundai Steel will replace the remaining raw material carriers with eco-friendly ships. Starting from March 2022, 31 percent of the steelmaker’s raw material carriers will be loaded with desulfurization devices, and 15 percent will be replaced with LNG-powered ships.

    The International Maritime Organization is tightening environmental regulations to reduce carbon dioxide and sulfur oxide emissions from ships. As a result, LNG-powered ships have been on the rise. Their number increased from 72 in 2014 to 103 in 2016, 145 in 2018 and 220 in 2021. For now, LNG is the most practical eco-friendly fuel. LNG can reduce emissions of sulfur oxide, nitrogen oxide and carbon dioxide by 99 percent, 90 percent, and 30 percent, respectively, compared to conventional high-sulfur vessel oil. It can boost fuel efficiency by more than 30 percent.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 30 november 2021 08:05
    LNG Equipment Conversion Pilot at APM Terminals Barcelona

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    30 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

    In a project co-financed by the European Union, the Port of Barcelona, APM Terminals Barcelona, HAM and Naturgy recently concluded a pilot which tested the viability of using natural gas as a fuel in port equipment. For the project, an APM Terminals Barcelona straddle carrier was converted to natural gas. The results were positive, with certified reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, specifically CO and CO2, compared to diesel-powered machines. On the test bench, fuel consumption reduced by 11%, which could provide an economic boost for the transformation or purchase of new gas-powered machines. Total hydrocarbon emissions were also reduced through the use of natural gas, according to tests carried out with APM Terminals Barcelona's straddle carrier. To achieve a reduction in nitrogen oxides, the tests concluded that the installation of catalytic converters is required.

    Tests, carried out on Idiada Powertrain’s test bench and at APM Terminals Barcelona’s facilities, verified that engines converted to 100% natural gas could provide the required performance while producing lower emissions. Idiada carried out emissions measurement tests using a Portable Emissions Measurement System.

    For the straddle carrier adaption project, Idiada, a leading Catalan multinational in the sector of engineering and homologation for the automotive sector, was responsible for modifying the diesel engine for use with natural gas. This involved machining the cylinder head and cylinders, installing gas injectors and changing electronics and engine sensors.

    Comparible performance with lower emissions

    APM Terminals Barcelona, was in charge of the assembly and commissioning of the converted straddle carrier. The main challenge for the pilot was to ensure that it didn’t disturb ongoing operations at the terminal and did not increase safety risks for port workers. The terminal carried out a number of risk studies to determine the feasibility of using natural gas and the implmentation of safety measures, such as maintaining a distance of 25 metres during LNG refuelling. The machine was able operate within the terminal's normal operations, with similar autonomy to diesel.

    HAM, a family-owned company headquartered in Abrera (Barcelona) with a network of gas stations and liquefied natural gas (LNG) transport facilities in Europe, installed a 600-litre LNG tank and a piping system to feed the converted engine. It also enabled LNG refuelling using a new mobile refuelling station, developed to operate in different locations in accordance with all safety measures.

    Naturgy carried out an LNG supply logistics study, both from a technical and economic point of view. Studying the different supply alternatives for terminal equipment was a critical part of the project, as such equipment cannot simply drive to the nearest gas station. The most viable option was the use of a mobile station developed by HAM.

    The Port of Barcelona coordinated the project, both technically and financially, and carried out the safety studies. Reducing pollutant emissions and greenhouse gases by 100% by 2050, is one of the Port of Barcelona's priorities and in line with the objectives of the European Union and the International Maritime Organisation. The Port of Barcelona is committed to the introduction of new, cleaner fuels, such as hydrogen, biomethane and ammonia, for ships, terminal equipment and land transport.

    The project to upgrade the straddle carrier to natural gas began in January 2016. With a budget of 1.22 million euros, it is part of the Core LNGas hive project, coordinated by Enagás. 42 partners are participating in 14 studies and 11 pilot projects. The Core LNGas hive project has an overall budget of 33.3 million euros and is 50% co-financed by the European Union's CEF programme.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 30 november 2021 08:52
    Woodfibre LNG Awards EPFC Contract to McDermott

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    30 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

    Woodfibre LNG has signed an Engineering, Procurement, Fabrication, and Construction contract with McDermott International. The EPFC contract is an important step in advancing detailed engineering and construction scheduling work in advance of Woodfibre LNG issuing a notice to proceed. Responsibly produced natural gas is a necessary part of making a successful global transition from heavy-emitting fuels to renewables. By harnessing the low-carbon gas resources of British Columbia's Montney region to replace coal-fired energy sources in Asia, Woodfibre LNG will reduce global emissions by 3.5 million tonnes CO2e per annum, equivalent to removing 5 percent of B.C.'s annual emissions from the atmosphere each year. McDermott and Woodfibre's collaboration on front-end engineering and facility design, relative to typical LNG facilities, is expected to result in a reduction of approximately 86 percent of the carbon dioxide emissions per tonne of LNG produced.

    Woodfibre LNG will be the cleanest liquefied natural gas export facility on earth, achieved through the adoption of a low-emission philosophy across every element of engineering and design. The facility will use hydroelectricity for the main liquefaction process, and includes state of the art technology that enables liquefaction machinery to restart without flaring, a recycling system for "boil-off" gas, and additional transformers, switchgear and transmission lines. Altogether, this results in the most groundbreaking technical achievement in the world of LNG, and sets a new standard for efficient plant design. This next-generation LNG production is in high demand. Woodfibre LNG has two offtake agreements signed with BP, meaning over 70 percent of Woodfibre's annual throughput has already been sold.

    McDermott's industry-leading NetZero Modular LNG strategy has been fully utilized during the development of this advanced onshore gas processing and liquefaction facility with floating storage near Squamish, British Columbia, Canada. The strategy provides multiple pathways through design, execution and construction to reduce operational and project emissions.

    McDermott will manage onshore construction, leveraging Canadian-based contractors and commitments included in Woodfibre LNG's Impact Benefit Agreements with the S?wx_wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation). It is estimated that 650 people will be working on the Woodfibre LNG site at peak construction. The EPFC contract commits McDermott to Woodfibre LNG's hiring priority for qualified Squamish Nation members and local workers first, followed by British Columbians and then Canadians. The joint priority is to create a safe, inclusive and respectful workplace that brings benefits to the project's Indigenous partners and community.

    In addition to the EPFC work, McDermott will also be responsible for commissioning and start-up services. Pre-installation work for the project is planned for early 2022 and will gradually ramp up to September 2023, when major construction is targeted to begin. Major works will continue through to substantial completion, expected in Q3 2027.
  11. forum rang 10 voda 6 december 2021 09:23
    Wartsila to Supply Cargo Handling System for LNG Bunker Vessel

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    06 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    The technology group Wärtsilä will supply a new 103 metre long LNG Bunker Barge with a complete LNG cargo storage and handling system. The ship will be built at Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding in Wisconsin in USA for Polaris New Energy. This is the second of two such barges built at the yard for PNE, the same Wärtsilä solution having been ordered for both. The first barge is scheduled for delivery from FBS in December 2021. This latest order with Wärtsilä was placed in November 2021.

    In addition to the equipment scope, Wärtsilä will also provide the detailed design for the system as well as all necessary integration requirements. The second barge will be able to load LNG from the major terminals thanks to an elevated manifold feature. Wärtsilä’s leading position as a provider of LNG systems for the marine sector enables the company to offer solid support for owners and operators as the acceptance of LNG fuel continues to grow.

    The Wärtsilä scope includes four 1350 m3 insulated LNG cargo tanks, the cargo control system, deepwell pumps, a ship-to-shore transfer system, a nitrogen generator, all necessary safety equipment and systems, a custody transfer measurement system, and the gas combustion unit. Deliveries to the yard will commence in November 2022.

    The two barges will be capable of delivering fuel to both ocean-going and inland waterway vessels operating on LNG.
  12. forum rang 10 voda 6 december 2021 09:24
    CMA CGM & Shell Perform Bio LNG Bunkering Operation in Rotterdam

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    06 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    The CMA CGM Group and Shell have performed the first Bio-LNG bunkering trial in Rotterdam. The CONTAINERSHIPS AURORA, a 1,400 TEU LNG-powered vessel, was bunkered by Shell with a nearly 10% blend of low carbon Bio-LNG while calling at Rotterdam. The vessel received around 483 cubic metrs or 219 tonnes of LNG, 44 cubic meters or 20 tonnes of which were Bio-LNG. Safe and efficient bunkering operation was performed by the barge LNG LONDON at the Rotterdam Short Sea Terminals. The operation was thus successfully conducted by means of a ship-to-ship transfer while the CONTAIRNERSHIPS AURORA carried out cargo operations simultaneously, ensuring schedule integrity.

    Shell’s Bio-LNG offering, combined with the dual-fuel gas engine technology developed by CMA CGM, has the potential to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions (including carbon dioxide) by at least 67 % well-to-wake (the complete value chain) compared to VLSFO.

    Produced from agricultural and industrial food waste, Bio-LNG has demonstrated the future potential of the Bio-LNG supply chain. Results from the trial will give the maritime sector a vital demonstration into the scalability, sustainability and technical compliance of Bio-LNG.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 8 december 2021 08:43
    NOVATEK & PetroVietnam Power to Cooperate on LNG & Power

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    08 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    During the official visit of the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Nguyen Xuan Phuc, NOVATEK and PetroVietnam Power signed the Cooperation Agreement on LNG and power projects in Vietnam. Parties to the Agreement intend to cooperate on LNG infrastructure projects with the view to meeting the growing demand for electricity in Vietnam. The Agreement represents an important step in the development of the Company’s cooperation with Vietnamese corporations, which received an additional impetus after NOVATEK opened its representative office in Vietnam.

    PAO NOVATEK is the largest independent natural gas producer in Russia, and in 2017, entered the global LNG market by successfully launching the Yamal LNG project. Founded in 1994, the Company is engaged in the exploration, production, processing and marketing of natural gas and liquid hydrocarbons. The Company’s upstream activities are concentrated mainly in the prolific Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Region, which is the world’s largest natural gas producing area and accounts for approximately 80% of Russia’s natural gas production and approximately 15% of the world’s gas production.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 9 december 2021 09:42
    NYK Delivers New LNG Carrier LNG Endurance to TotalEnergies

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    09 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    The liquefied natural gas carrier LNG Endurance, commercially managed by France LNG Shipping, a French ship-owning company jointly owned by NYK and Geogas LNG, and under a long-term charter contract with TotalEnergies Gas & Power Ltd, was delivered on December 1. The vessel was built in Korea at SAMSUNG HEAVY INDUSTRIES Co Ltd Geoje, Korea.

    The LNG carrier is equipped with a WinGD X-DF diesel engine that can operate on fuel oil or boil off gas stored in its cargo tank. The vessel has a cargo tank capacity of 174,000 cubic meters and a membrane-type tank that will make use of advanced insulating materials to reduce the boil-off rate (percentage of gas volume that vaporizes during navigation).

    Vessel Particulars

    Length overall: about 293 meters

    Breadth: about 45.8 meters

    Gross tonnage: 115,408 tons

    Main engine: X-DF diesel engine

    Cargo tank capacity: about 174,000 cubic meters

    Shipbuilder: Samsung Heavy Industries Co. Ltd.

    Flag: France

    LNG Endurance is a sister-ship of the LNG Enterprise and LNG Endeavour, which were completed in October this year, and will be engaged in LNG transportation.
  15. forum rang 10 voda 9 december 2021 09:44
    Dual Fuel LNG Battery Hybrid Car & Truck Carrier Delivered

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    08 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    United European Car Carriers, which is equally owned by NYK and Wallenius Lines, took delivery of the world’s first dual-fuel LNG battery hybrid pure car and truck carrier. The vessel was built by Jiangnan Shipyard (Group) Co Ltd in China and will be named “Auto Advance.” The ship will be used to transport finished vehicles within Europe. The vessel is equipped with a dual-fuel engine that can use LNG or heavy fuel oil. This is the third such vessel for UECC after Auto Eco and Auto Energy.

    Additionally, the ship comes equipped with the world’s first dual-fuel LNG battery hybrid system, allowing the vessel to further improve fuel consumption by operating the main engine and power generation engine more efficiently than before.

    The battery hybrid system uses a combination of a shaft generator driven by the main engine and a battery to efficiently supply onboard power and reduce the environmental burden. In addition, in the event of a generator failure, power is supplied from the battery to the ship to avoid power loss and thus contribute to safe operation. The use of LNG fuel, in addition to the battery hybrid system to improve fuel economy, will result in virtually 90% less sulfur oxide (SOx) emissions, 85% less nitrogen oxide (NOx), and 25% less carbon dioxide (CO2) compared to conventional vessels fueled with heavy oil. As a result, the vessel will also meet the IMO’s Tier 3 NOx emissions limitations* for the North Sea and Baltic Sea.

    Outline of vessel

    Length overall: 169.10 meters

    Breadth: 28.00 meters

    Gross tonnage: 35,667 tons

    Total car capacity: 3,661 units

    Shipbuilder: Jiangnan Shipyard (Group) Co., Ltd.

    Flag: Madeira
  16. forum rang 10 voda 10 december 2021 08:48
    TEN Ltd Inks Long-Term Charter Extensions for Aframax Tankers

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    10 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    TEN Ltd announced the charter extension for two aframax tankers for a combined period of 48 months to a major oil company. With these two transactions, the total number of long-term businesses secured over the last three months climb to 10 including ones with fixed and profit-sharing contracts. These 10 fixtures combined with the minimum charter proceeds of the LNG carrier and the Shuttle tanker to be delivered in the first and second quarter of 2022 respectively are expected to generate gross revenues of approximately USD 500 million.

    TEN, founded in 1993 is one of the first and most established public shipping companies in the world. TEN’s diversified energy fleet currently consists of 71 double-hull vessels totaling 8.0 m dwt. Its newbuilding program includes one LNG carrier, one suezmax DP2 shuttle tanker and four dual-fuel LNG powered aframax vessels.
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