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  1. forum rang 10 voda 20 augustus 2021 08:37
    LITHIUM: Neometals, SMS Group to fast-track German battery recycling

    Australia-based Neometals and partner SMS Group say they have agreed to fast-track commercial lithium-ion battery recycling operations in Germany, Kallanish reports.

    The two companies say that 50:50 joint venture operator Primobius GmbH will expand a demonstration recycling plant in Germany with its proprietary process and build up operational capacity to handle 10 tonne/day by early 2022. The plant will be in Hilchenbach, Germany. Plans call for it to be expanded to 50 t/d

    The plant will be designed to remove metal electrodes, plastic separators and casings and produce battery cathode and anode materials for refining. It will include a front-end shredding and beneficiation circuit and a backend hydrometallurgical refining circuit which is under construction.

    To date, the German demonstration plant has produced about 1.5 t of black mass in Stage 1 that will be refined in Stage 2.

    Neometals says the decision to fund the commercial shredding operations is a positive move to keep pace with a rapidly developing lithium battery industry. German-based SMS Group and Neometals have now approved funding to establish a dedicated commercial and operational team to procure and install new equipment, modify the currently installed shredder circuit and to lease additional areas from SMS.

    The two companies note that Primobius is in advanced commercial negotiations with third parties to secure feed via disposal service agreements for the commercial-scale plant. Primobius is also seeking customers to buy the materials from the German recycling operation.

    Bob Downing USA
  2. forum rang 10 voda 20 augustus 2021 08:37
    LITHIUM: SQM earnings jump on-year

    Chilean chemical producer SQM saw its profits jump considerably on-year in the second quarter, partly due to surging lithium volumes, Kallanish reports.

    SQM earned $89.8 million during the quarter, up from $50.8m in Q2 2020. Sales likewise rose to $588m from $458.5m in Q2 2020.

    “Our strong results were particularly led by lithium and iodine sales volumes, which increased over 90% and almost 40%, respectively,” says ceo Ricardo Ramos. “Our average lithium prices during the second quarter of 2021 were almost 20% higher compared to the first quarter of 2021, as sales contracts signed last year are expiring and a higher percentage of our sales are invoiced based on the current pricing scenario. Our average prices during the second half of the year are expected to increase further as the market continues to tighten and the 2020 contracts continue to expire.”

    Ramos says he believes global lithium demand could increase 40% on-year in 2021, with total volumes to exceed 1m tonnes by 2025.

    “Accordingly, our sales volumes could reach over 95,000 t this year, as we work diligently to help meet our customers' growing demand,” he says.

    Dan Hilliard USA
  3. forum rang 10 voda 20 augustus 2021 08:40
    SMM cracks innovative recycling process for battery materials

    Japan’s Sumitomo Metal Mining (SMM) claims to have developed the world’s first recycling process that integrates production of a soluble slag enabling lithium recovery, Kallanish reports.

    If commercially viable, the new technology for the recycling of lithium-ion batteries could be promising not only for Japan but for the entire EV value chain. The new process is able to recycle copper, nickel, cobalt and lithium from used secondary batteries.

    Using pyrometallurgical smelting processes, SMM produced a soluble slag that enables lithium recovery. Through a hydrometallurgical refining process, it recovered copper. With optimisation at its pilot plant, the company also managed to recover a high-purity nickel-cobalt mixture by stably and efficiently separating out the impurities.

    This material was then tested and performance of batteries using the recycled cathode materials was equivalent to that of batteries manufactured with primary raw materials, the company explains.

    “If we are able to commercialise this process, which has verified ‘battery to battery’ recycling, we expect to be able to take the domestic sustainable circular economy to the next level and to make contributions to resource recycling in response to global resource depletion,” SMM says in a statement.

    The miner adds that electrification of automobiles will develop further worldwide, with demand for nickel and cobalt expanding.

    “However, stable supply is a major issue,” it notes, pointing out imbalances in the regions producing these critical materials. “Demand for recycling of these resources is growing greater than ever."

    Gabriela Farhangi UK
  4. forum rang 10 voda 24 augustus 2021 09:55
    LITHIUM: IGO, Tianqi produce Australia’s first hydroxide product

    Australian miner IGO and its joint venture partner Tianqi Lithium have produced Australia’s first lithium hydroxide batch during the hot commissioning of the Kwinana refinery, Kallanish reports.

    The undisclosed batch follows the start of Train 1 over the past few months. The material is not yet a battery-grade product, but is described by IGO’s ceo Peter Bradford as a “key milestone” for the Lithium JV – 49% owned by IGO, 51% by Tianqi.

    The partners will now focus on stabilising Train 1 production in order to improve product quality for qualification by offtake customers. The JV expects commercial product will be produced in the December 2021 quarter, followed by a battery-grade product for accreditation by customers in March 2022 quarter.

    Train 1 will continue ramping up production and should reach its nameplate capacity of 24,000 tonnes/year by the end of 2022.

    “The strong demand being witnessed in the lithium market globally reinforces the strategic nature of Kwinana which, together with the Lithium JV’s interest in the Greenbushes mine, is rapidly evolving into a globally significant, integrated lithium operation catering to the specific needs to premium lithium-ion battery manufacturers,” comments Bradford.

    IGO notes that the Greenbushes mine is the largest, highest-grade lithium mine in the world. The mine is owned by the Lithium JV (51%) and Albermale Corporation (49%). Through the Lithium JV, IGO owns a 25% indirect stake at the mine in Western Australia.

    Gabriela Farhangi UK
  5. forum rang 10 voda 24 augustus 2021 09:56
    LITHIUM: Sayona Mining shareholders strongly back SPP

    Australia-based Sayona Mining says that shareholders have significantly oversubscribed to the company’s share purchase plan (SPP), Kallanish reports.

    The emerging lithium producer raised AUD 68 million ($48.89m), more than 13 times the original SPP target of AUD 5m, in what the company called a vote of confidence from shareholders. That target has since been expanded to AUD 20m.

    Funds raised by the SPP, together with AUD 45m raised in a previous placement with institutional investors, will help Sayona and partner Piedmont Lithium to buy North American Lithium in Quebec and advance the proposed Abitibi lithium hub, also in Quebec.

    Under the SPP, each eligible shareholder was entitled to subscribe for up to AUD 30,000 of new fully paid ordinary shares in the company at the price of AUD 0.075/share, subject to scale back.

    “We are delighted by the enormous vote of confidence we have received from shareholders who have shown their support for our growth strategy by their significant investment in our company,” says managing director Brett Lynch in a statement.

    Bob Downing USA
  6. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 25 augustus 2021 09:41

    Ecograf will 100% abfallfrei und mit erneuerbarer Energie produzieren

    Ecobatterien; Quelle; Shutterstock
    5.00 von 5 - 1 Bewertungen

    Vielen Dank für die Bewertung dieses Beitrags.
    EcoGraf Limited (ASX: EGR; FRA: FMK) will in seiner neuen australischen Anlage für Batterieanodenmaterialien eine vollständig abfallfreie Betriebsstrategie realisieren. Das Ziel soll sein, 100 % des Ausgangsmaterials durch Produktinnovation und -entwicklung zu verwerten, teilt das Unternehmen in seiner heutigen Meldung mit. Derzeit läuft ein Produktentwicklungsprogramm zur 100-prozentigen Wertschöpfung der Nebenprodukt-Feinstoffströme. Alle Nebenprodukt-Feinstoffe sollen vollständig genutzt und zu höherwertigen industriellen Anwendungsprodukten weiterverarbeitet werden. Eines der in der Entwicklung befindlichen Produkte ist ein grüner Kohlenstoffaufkohlungszusatz für die Stahlindustrie.

    Außerdem arbeitet Ecograf an einer technischen Lösung für die Wasseraufbereitung, um das Abwasser von Kwinana-Rockingham zu behandeln und wiederzuverwerten und den Wasserverbrauch um 75 % zu senken. Ebenso wird der bestmögliche Einsatz von erneuerbaren Energien in der Industriezone von Kwinana-Rockingham geprüft. Es wird erwartet, dass der Energiemix in Kwinana Solarenergie und die derzeit im Bau befindlichen Abfallverbrennungsanlagen umfassen wird.

    Das übergeordnete Ziel sei die Verringerung der Kohlenstoffemissionen durch die Entwicklung von Lebenszyklusbewertungsmodellen (LCA) zusammen mit Kunden.

    Nebenprodukt könnte zur Herstellung von grünerem Stahl genutzt werden

    Für die Stahlherstellung in Lichtbogenöfen werden bis zu 4 % Kohlenstoff als Aufkohlungsmittel benötigt, das derzeit aus stark verschmutzenden Petrolkoksmaterialien gewonnen wird.

    Die Stahlherstellung steht derzeit an erster Stelle, wenn es um Schadstoffemissionen geht, und es wird erwartet, dass die weltweiten Bemühungen um eine Reduzierung der Emissionen zu neuen, saubereren Materialien in der Lieferkette führen werden. EcoGraf positioniert sein Produktentwicklungsprogramm so, dass es Änderungen in den Herstellungsmethoden unterstützt, wie z. B. den Übergang zu wasserstoffbasierter Stahlherstellung.

    Die EcoGraf™ Battery Anode Material-Anlage in der Kwinana-Rockingham Industrial Zone wird die erste ihrer Art sein, die außerhalb Chinas gebaut wird und eine neue Versorgung mit nachhaltig produziertem, qualitativ hochwertigem und kostengünstigem gereinigtem sphärischem Graphit für den Lithium-Ionen-Batteriemarkt bietet.

    Fazit: Soeben hat ein schwedischer Hersteller den ersten klimafreundlichen Stahl ausgeliefert, der mit Öko-Wasserstoff produziert worden ist. Schweden übernimmt hier weltweit eine Führungsrolle. Ecograf will seine Prozesse so optimieren, dass sie zu einer wasserstoffbasierten Stahlherstellung passen. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist es vielleicht kein Zufall, dass sich das Unternehmen jüngst ausgerechnet ein Industriegelände in Schweden für eine zweite Anlage im Auge hat. Ein Durchmarsch des „grünen“ Stahls ist freilich noch längst ausgemacht. Die meisten Expertinnen und Experten schätzen, dass er, im industriellen Maßstab produziert, 30 bis 40 Prozent teurer sein wird als der aus Staaten mit geringeren Klimaauflagen. Allerdings gibt es auch Fachleute, die es für möglich halten, dass der grüne Stahl bis 2030 nicht mehr teurer sein wird als herkömmlicher.


    Risikohinweis: Die GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH bietet Redakteuren, Agenturen und Unternehmen die Möglichkeit, Kommentare, Analysen und Nachrichten auf www.goldinvest.de zu veröffentlichen. Diese Inhalte dienen ausschließlich der Information der Leser und stellen keine wie immer geartete Handlungsaufforderung dar, weder explizit noch implizit sind sie als Zusicherung etwaiger Kursentwicklungen zu verstehen. Des Weiteren ersetzten sie in keinster Weise eine individuelle fachkundige Anlageberatung und stellen weder ein Verkaufsangebot für die behandelte(n) Aktie(n) noch eine Aufforderung zum Kauf oder Verkauf von Wertpapieren dar. Es handelt sich hier ausdrücklich nicht um eine Finanzanalyse, sondern um werbliche / journalistische Texte. Leser, die aufgrund der hier angebotenen Informationen Anlageentscheidungen treffen bzw. Transaktionen durchführen, handeln vollständig auf eigene Gefahr. Es kommt keine vertragliche Beziehung zwischen der der GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH und ihren Lesern oder den Nutzern ihrer Angebote zustande, da unsere Informationen sich nur auf das Unternehmen beziehen, nicht aber auf die Anlageentscheidung des Lesers.

    Der Erwerb von Wertpapieren birgt hohe Risiken, die bis zum Totalverlust des eingesetzten Kapitals führen können. Die von der GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH und ihre Autoren veröffentlichten Informationen beruhen auf sorgfältiger Recherche, dennoch wird jedwede Haftung für Vermögensschäden oder die inhaltliche Garantie für Aktualität, Richtigkeit, Angemessenheit und Vollständigkeit der hier angebotenen Artikel ausdrücklich ausgeschlossen. Bitte beachten Sie auch unsere Nutzungshinweise.

    Gemäß §34b WpHG und § 48f Abs. 5 BörseG (Österreich) möchten wir darauf hinweisen, dass die GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH und/oder Partner, Auftraggeber oder Mitarbeiter der GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH Aktien der EcoGraf Limited hielten oder halten und somit ein Interessenskonflikt besteht. Die GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH behält sich zudem vor, jederzeit Aktien des Unternehmens zu kaufen oder verkaufen. Darüber hinaus besteht zwischen EcoGraf Limited und der GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH ein Vertragsverhältnis, das beinhaltet, dass die GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH über EcoGraf Limited berichtet. Dies ist ein weiterer, eindeutiger Interessenskonflikt.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 25 augustus 2021 11:11
    LITHIUM: Veolia, ioneer sign Rhyolite Ridge agreement

    Australia-based ioneer Ltd says it has awarded a major engineering/equipment supply contract to Veolia Water Technologies for the development of its Rhyolite Ridge lithium-boron project in Nevada, Kallanish reports.

    Veolia has commenced work on the final engineering design of the equipment package that includes evaporation, crystallisation and dewatering equipment. The contract was awarded on a limited notice to proceed basis. Phase 2, the supply of equipment, is dependent on a final investment decision. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

    Veolia and ioneer have been working together on the Rhyolite Ridge project since 2018, including design and operation of the full simulation pilot plant in Vancouver, British Columbia.

    The mine is expected to produce about 20,600 tonnes/year of lithium carbonate or about 22,000 t/y of lithium hydroxide, along with about 174,400 t/year of boric acid over the mine’s 26 years of operation. Production is expected to begin in late 2023. The project will cover 3.8 square kilometres or 377 hectares.

    The company wants to develop its mine and processing facilities in Esmeralda County, even as the US Fish and Wildlife Service says it intends to protect a rare Nevada wildflower under the federal Endangered Species Act. The company says its mine can co-exist with the Tiehm’s buckwheat and the company’s conservation and protection measures could aid the plant in its recovery.

    The US Fish and Wildlife Service must offer a proposed rule before 30 September along with a public comment period. A final decision on the endangered species listing must be released by 30 September, 2022. A proposed critical habitat rule must be proposed by 31 January, 2022. The plant is reported only in about four hectares in the Silver Peak Range in western Nevada. It grows only in mineralised soils with high levels of lithium and boron.

    The Rhyolite Ridge project includes two deposits that are about 4 km apart southwest of Tonopah, Nevada. The lithium and boron mineral resources total about 146.5 million t.

    Bob Downing USA
  8. forum rang 10 voda 25 augustus 2021 11:13
    LITHIUM, NICKEL, COBALT: Tests achieve 99% leach extraction efficiency

    Canada-based American Manganese reports that it has successfully upcycled lithium-ion battery black mass into a nickel-manganese-cobalt oxide cathode precursor, Kallanish reports.

    Lab-scale testing of the black mass samples demonstrated a 99% leach extraction efficiency of lithium, nickel, manganese and cobalt, using the company’s proprietary recycling technology, the company says.

    The resulting pregnant leach solution was then adjusted to the desired ratio of nickel, manganese and cobalt before the direct co-precipitation of the NMC-622 cathode precursor. The company says the RecycLiCo NMC-6222 product shares the same high-quality technical specifications found in conventional lithium-ion battery cathode precursor materials produced from mined raw materials.

    “Our continued success in upcycling EV battery production scrap and black mass broadens our business strategy and potential for strategic partners,” says president and ceo Larry Reaugh in a statement.

    Bob Downing USA
  9. forum rang 10 voda 25 augustus 2021 11:13
    LITHIUM: Hainan Mining to build hydroxide plant in China

    Chinese iron ore company Hainan Mining is investing CNY 1.06 billion ($164 million) to enter the lithium hydroxide market, boosted by growing electric vehicle demand.

    The miner said in an exchange announcement on 23 August it will build a facility in Dongfang, in its home province of Hainan, southern China. The plant will produce 20,000 tonnes/year of lithium hydroxide. Construction is estimated to take 18 months, Kallanish reports.

    The decision to invest in the battery materials industry reflects the rising lithium prices, on the back of strong demand for lithium-ion batteries for EVs. In terms of location, the company defended Hainan is closer to Australia – where its spodumene feedstock will come from – than the Jiangxi and Sichuan provinces, usual lithium hydroxide production bases.

    It also cited the abundant transportation links, including ports, and reduced logistics costs as benefits.

    The project is yet to be approved by Hainan shareholders and marketed to downstream battery companies. Hainan Mining didn’t indicate whether it had started talks with spodumene concentrate suppliers, but noted that price of the feedstock represent a risk for the project. The lithium product accounts for a big portion of the production cost of the battery-grade lithium chemical.

    Gabriela Farhangi UK
  10. forum rang 10 voda 26 augustus 2021 06:56
    Group14, InoBat to collaborate on lithium-silicon batteries for EVs

    US-based Group14 Technologies and Slovakia’s Inobat Auto are partnering to manufacture lithium-silicon batteries customised to automotive OEMs, Kallanish reports.

    The companies announced the partnership in a joint statement on 24 August saying demand for higher-performing energy storage continues “to skyrocket at an unprecedented rate.” Auto and battery makers are turning to “drop-in-ready technologies” such as silicon-based anode materials to achieve “dramatically more” energy density per volume than the traditional lithium-ion-based batteries, the companies add.

    Group14 claims to be the largest lithium-silicon battery materials manufacturer, with capacity to produce 120 short tons/year of its patented anode technology. The so-called SCC55 product is made in its first domestic battery active materials (BAM) factory in Woodinville, Washington. Most of this production is currently earmarked for the electronics sector, but part of it is being destined for auto customers' qualification processes.

    InoBat already supplies automotive, commercial and aviation customers with its EV batteries customisable in different cell formats such as pouch or cylindrical. The company claims it has “faster development timelines than the industry norm.”

    “With this partnership with Inobat, we are taking a leap to enable automotive OEMs to meet and exceed cost-parity all while delivering unparalleled performance and mitigating carbon emissions on a global scale,” comments Group14’s ceo Rick Luebbe.

    His counterpart at InoBat, Marian Bocek, adds that the cooperation will enable the companies to “bring advanced energy solutions across the whole battery value chain for a variety of markets.”

    Group14 has recently entered into a JV agreement with SK Materials to launch a factory in South Korea to enable dual sourcing of its patented lithium-silicon technology.

    Gabriela Farhangi UK
  11. forum rang 10 voda 27 augustus 2021 08:08
    LITHIUM: Pilbara Minerals reaps rewards of Altura acquisition

    Australia’s Pilbara Minerals said Thursday its spodumene concentrate production more than tripled in the financial year 2021 on the back of improved market conditions and strong operational performance.

    The miner produced 281,440 dry metric tonnes of spodumene concentrate, compared to 90,768 dmt a year earlier. Shipments rose 142% in the same period to 281,440 dmt, from 116,256 dmt, supported by a significant increase in demand in the second half of FY2021, which ended on 30 June 2021.

    Thanks to several improvement projects in processing, Pilbara achieved higher feed and utilisation, as well as improved recoveries, leading to a reduction in the average unit cash operation cost to AUD 519/dmt ($389/dmt) cif China. This, in turn, helped the company to increase its cash gross margin from operations and reduce both debt and net loss, Kallanish notes.

    Financial results for the year show revenue increased 108.9% y-o-y to AUD 175.82m and net loss attributable to shareholders came down to AUD 51.4m.

    “What an incredible turnaround we have seen during the second half of FY2021,” comments managing director Ken Brinsden. “Global demand growth for lithium raw materials has now really kicked-in and it is resulting in substantial increases in the price received for our products.”

    The executive notes that production from the processing plant acquired from Altura is “completely uncommitted.” Pilbara plans to sell such capacity on the spot market through its recently launched BMX platform – “an additional sales channel to help realise more of the available margin available between the value of spodumene concentrate and lithium hydroxide in this buoyant market, which will be an outstanding outcome for us and our shareholders,” he adds.

    Looking ahead, Pilbara expects production in FY2022 to be around 460,000-510,000 dmt and sales at 440,000-490,000 dmt. The average operating cost for its spodumene concentrate should be around AUD 525-575/dmt cif China, before lowering to AUD 450-500/dmt beyond FY2023.

    Gabriela Farhangi UK
  12. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 27 augustus 2021 08:57
    Gisteren in een vrij rode US beurs bijna +11%.


    voda schreef op 25 augustus 2021 11:13:

    LITHIUM, NICKEL, COBALT: Tests achieve 99% leach extraction efficiency

    Canada-based American Manganese reports that it has successfully upcycled lithium-ion battery black mass into a nickel-manganese-cobalt oxide cathode precursor, Kallanish reports.

    Lab-scale testing of the black mass samples demonstrated a 99% leach extraction efficiency of lithium, nickel, manganese and cobalt, using the company’s proprietary recycling technology, the company says.

    The resulting pregnant leach solution was then adjusted to the desired ratio of nickel, manganese and cobalt before the direct co-precipitation of the NMC-622 cathode precursor. The company says the RecycLiCo NMC-6222 product shares the same high-quality technical specifications found in conventional lithium-ion battery cathode precursor materials produced from mined raw materials.

    “Our continued success in upcycling EV battery production scrap and black mass broadens our business strategy and potential for strategic partners,” says president and ceo Larry Reaugh in a statement.

    Bob Downing USA
  13. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 30 augustus 2021 15:42
    Zie draadje: www.iex.nl/Forum/Topic/1380291/Canade...


    Martin Kepman, CEO of Manganese X Energy Creates Web Resource - Explains Why Investors Should Be Interested in Canadian Manganese Deposits
    Manganese as an essential component in steel production is poised to replace cobalt in lithium ion batteries, manganese a future-friendly investment along with being ecologically green friendly.

    Manganese X Energy Corp.August 30, 2021 04:45 ET
    New Brunswick, Canada, Aug. 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

    Martin Kepman, CEO of Manganese X Energy,Martin Kepman Explains Why Investors Should Be Interested in Canadian Manganese Deposits!

    Manganese is the fourth most widely used metal globally, with 90% of usage being attached to steel and development industries. China is the world’s biggest purchaser of manganese.

    The cost of mining manganese, however, has consistently been volatile throughout the past several years because of ethical issues in sourcing or the use of selenium (a highly toxic mineral) in processing high-quality manganese.

    Manganese is an important component of the steel production process, which makes it extremely relevant to the vast majority of production industries, which rely heavily on steel. It is also projected to replace cobalt in lithium ion battery production because it is less toxic and more economical to produce.

    “We foresee greater demand for manganese arising from electric vehicle EV expansion, resulting in an upward price for manganese,” explains CEO of Manganese X Energy, Martin Kepman. Reasons for increased future demand include plans by Tesla and Volkswagen’s respective plans to open multiple gigafactories across the world, in addition to Ford and GM’s investment in EV models. A-Forecasts predict a 23% increase in demand for manganese each year until 2030.

    Significant mining developments in South Africa, Ghana, and Gabon may have led to an oversupply in the manganese market via earlier expansion in Chinese port stockpiles, “forcing downward pressure” on the price of manganese in 2019 and into mid-2020, according to a 3030 Roskill market report on the metal.

    In mid-2020, a brief spike in the price of manganese followed COVID-19 lockdowns, which slowed the manganese production process. The mineral’s unique supply and demand dynamics mean that “investing in manganese could be a future-friendly mining idea,” notes Kepman.

    “Manganese enhanced batteries are more robust, higher in density and much less toxic than cobalt. Manganese is currently more affordable than cobalt per ton, at less than a third of the price of cobalt on world markets. All this without the mining logistics and production issues associated with cobalt, making it an ethically, environmentally, and economically viable investment,” states Martin Kepman.

    The choice of industry to move to manganese instead of cobalt for their batteries is an obvious one: manganese creates better performing, and more ethically sourced batteries at a fraction of the cost.

    “Manganese X Corp expects a huge development in the manganese market because of its demonstrated value in clean energy applications, Mr. Kepman concludes. Moreover, we expect the increased proportions of manganese projected to be used for nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) and lithium-particle (Li-particle) batteries to be significant and will affect all future rechargeable batteries, EV and Hybrid electric vehicles and energy backup power storage industries.”

    Web Resource

    For more information on the supply and demand dynamics of cobalt and answers to essential questions for investors, read Mr. Kepman’s full discussion of the current manganese market.

    About Manganese Energy Corp.

    Manganese X Energy Corp. intends to provide a secure ethically sourced manganese supply by exploring and developing its manganese rich deposit near Woodstock New Brunswick, the Battery Hill Project. The Fraser Institute has recently called New Brunswick one of the best mining jurisdictions in Canada, a country known to be mining friendly.

    Manganese X Energy Corp. (TSXV: MN) (FSE: 9SC2) (OTC:QB:MNXXF) (FRANKFURT:

    9SC2) with its head office in Montreal QC, owns 100% of the Battery Hill property project (1,228 hectares) located in New Brunswick Canada. Battery Hill is strategically situated 12 kilometers from the US (Maine) border, near existing infrastructures (power, railways, and roads). It encompasses all or part of five manganese-iron zones, including Iron Ore Hill, Moody Hill, Sharpe Farm, Maple Hill and Wakefield. According to Brian Way’s (2012) master’s thesis on the Woodstock manganese occurrences, that includes Battery Hill, the area “hosts a series of banded iron formations that collectively constitute one of the largest manganese resources in North America, approximately 194,000,000 tons.”

    Media contact:

    Rene Perras Digital PR Consultant for Manganese X Energy Corp


    When sharing on social media please help us by using these hashtags:

    #ManganeseXEnergyisElectricGold #ManganeseXMinerforElectricGold

    #ManganeseisElectricGold #ManganeseXisElectricGold

    New Brunswick, Canada


  14. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 31 augustus 2021 10:58
    Japanese Patent Office Issues Patent for American Manganese’s Closed-Loop Lithium-ion Battery Upcycling Process

    American Manganese Inc. (“AMY” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that the Japanese Patent Office has issued Patent No. 6906060, for the company’s closed-loop lithium-ion battery upcycling process, RecycLiCo™. The Japanese Patent joins already issued patents in the United States (U.S. Patent No. 10246343 and U.S. Patent No. 10308523) and South Korea (Patent No. 10-2246670). The Company has also filed National Phase Patent Applications for China, Europe, Australia, India, and Canada.

    The patent provides coverage for AMY’s novel closed-loop method for achieving up to 100% extraction of cobalt, nickel, manganese, aluminum, and lithium from the treatment of several cathode chemistries such as lithium-cobalt oxide (LCO), lithium-nickel-manganese-cobalt oxide (NMC), and lithium-nickel-cobalt-aluminum oxide (NCA). Most of the electric vehicle market uses NMC and NCA cathode chemistries, while LCO cathodes are used in smaller portable electronics.

    Compared to traditional hydrometallurgical recycling processes, the Company’s patented closed-loop process offers advantages such as faster reaction rates, lower consumption of acids, improved water balance, and higher leaching efficiency.

    “As we move towards our goal of commercialization, we are reminded by the foundation of patents that supported our growth in battery recycling and we are honoured to be issued another patent by a country that is one of the world leaders in battery innovation,” said Larry Reaugh, President and CEO of American Manganese, “Innovation is at the core of our company and as a pioneer in battery recycling we continue to monitor new lithium-ion battery technologies and opportunities.”

    About American Manganese Inc.
    American Manganese Inc. is a critical minerals company focused on the upcycling of lithium-ion battery waste into high-value battery cathode materials, using its closed-loop RecycLiCo™ Patented Process. With minimal processing steps and up to 99% extraction of lithium, cobalt, nickel, and manganese, the upcycling process creates valuable lithium-ion battery materials for direct integration into the re-manufacturing of new lithium-ion batteries.

    American Manganese’s original patented manganese process is the cornerstone technology in the development of the Company’s lithium-ion battery cathode recycling process, RecycLiCo™.

    On behalf of Management


    Larry W. Reaugh
    President and Chief Executive Officer

    The Toronto Stock Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This news release may contain certain "Forward-Looking Statements" within the meaning of Section 21E of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's expectations are disclosed in the Company's documents filed from time to time with the Toronto Stock Exchange, the British Columbia Securities Commission and the US Securities and Exchange Commission.
  15. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 31 augustus 2021 11:40
    Samenvatting over American Manganese Inc.

    American Manganese aims to create circular lithium-ion battery supply chain through its ground-breaking technology

    The company's focus is on recycling lithium-ion batteries from electric-vehicles and then selling the materials back for re-use

    Battery minerals are critical minerals
    Patent-protected process
    Clear route to commercialization
    What American Manganese does:

    American Manganese Inc (CVE:AMY) (OTCMKTS:AMYZF) is blazing a trail in recovering key metals from scrap cathode material rejected by battery manufacturers.

    The critical metals tech group is focused on recycling lithium-ion batteries from electric vehicles (EVs) and then selling the materials back to said firms.

    Due to the rapid upswing in electric vehicles (EVs), demand for lithium-ion batteries is growing exponentially and the raw material supply is struggling to keep up.

    Lithium, cobalt, manganese, nickel, and aluminum are all used in battery production and the recoverable value for these metals is estimated to be as high as US$75.8 million per gigawatt of lithium cobalt batteries.

    Meanwhile, there is an increase in spent lithium-ion battery waste and no efficient method to recover the valuable cathode materials trapped inside. Existing methods are capital intensive and uses high heat (1,500?), which comes along with harmful emissions, and low recovery and purity of cathode materials that are not repurposed into new batteries.

    The EV manufacturing industry's titan Tesla Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) has announced that it is looking to “close the loop” on battery production by using recycled materials at its Gigafactory in Nevada, and Swedish competitor Northvolt is planning to build environmentally-friendly batteries by incorporating a recycling facility.

    American Manganese, based in Surrey, British Columbia, announced early in 2019 a significant milestone after being awarded a patent for its lithium-ion battery cathode material recycling technology called RecycLiCo. The technology is a breakthrough in recycling of lithium-ion batteries by providing a high extraction of cathode materials such as lithium, cobalt, nickel and manganese at battery-grade purity. The process involves minimal steps, ensuring a high-grade, low-cost output.

    How is it doing:

    It's been a busy 12 months for AMY, now also listed on the OTCQB Venture Market in New York, as it steadily advances its technology.

    On April 9, the company announced that it had improved its manganese processing flowsheet following the recent research and development on the Wenden Stockpile reclamation and advanced material processing bench-scale project, which was funded by the US Defense Logistics Agency (DLA).

    It said it expects the flowsheet enhancements to further improve process efficiencies and reduce capital costs of a potential future commercial operation, as recent metallurgical bench-scale studies that focused on solid-liquid separation demonstrated that the original flowsheet can be optimized. The company added that it achieved up to 99% extraction of manganese from the leach studies and determined optimal processing conditions.

    On March 12, 2021, American Manganese reported that it had awarded a C$2.7 million contract to partner Kemetco to build a 500 kilogram (kg) per day demonstration plant and also to construct a 5 tonne per day commercial recycling plant.

    The goal of the demonstration plant is to provide a tool for licensing or joint developing RecycLiCo with potential industry partners, and, armed with engineering data from that project, Kemetco will design the commercial version. The pair agreed to increase the initially planned commercial plant capacity to process battery cathode waste of five tonnes per day (t/d) from three t/d.

    Among the many achievements of the American Manganese-Kemetco collaboration in recent years has been test results achieving 99.7% extraction of lithium, nickel, manganese, and cobalt from the process and achieving 99.99% purity on recycled lithium-ion battery material. It has also tested various cathode chemistries including NCA, NMC, LCO, and LMO.

    Also in March, the company said it had inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Italvolt SpA, Italy’s first battery Gigafactory and one of the largest in Europe, to develop a commercial recycling plant alongside its planned facility in Scarmagno, Italy.

    Italvolt is building the largest and greenest Gigafactory in Europe with a capacity of 45 GWh by 2024, potentially rising up to 70 GWh. The factory will be built at the iconic Olivetti factory in the heart of Europe's Motor Valley.

    In February 2021, AMY said it had appointed former Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) director for central Europe, Jochen Rudat, to its advisory board. Rudat spent 10 years working under Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, where he helped launch Models S, 3, X and Roadster in Europe.

    The company has welcomed new US President Joe Biden's executive order (EO) to strengthen critical supply chains, which specified "high-capacity batteries, including electric-vehicle batteries", as one of three key technology supply chains.

    There has also been progress on the company's Wenden Stockpile project in Arizona this year. The project site contains around 322,000 metric tons of low-grade manganese, bought by the US Government in the 1950s and 1960s, and is being funded by an award from the United States Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), to confirm the viability of efficient electrolytic manganese metal (EMM) production using American Manganese's recovery process.

    It has the potential to create a US domestic supply of manganese, for which the US has been 100% import-dependent since 1973.

    In February 2021, the firm said it had achieved positive manganese extraction results from the asset, after a series of bench-scale tests using AMY's patented process achieved up to 99% extraction of manganese.

    The company also recently boosted its patent portfolio after being awarded a South Korean patent for its RecycLiCo technology. The company has also filed National Phase Patent Applications for China, Japan, Europe, Australia, India, and Canada.

    Inflection points:

    Construction of demonstration and commercial plants
    Italy project developments and Wenden activity
    More deals and tie-ups
    What the boss says:

    In April's statement regarding its US Defense Logistics Agency project, American Manganese CEO Larry Reaugh said: “We continue to demonstrate our advanced manganese processing capabilities on low-grade manganese resources through our project with the DLA. Our work suggests that despite its low grade, the Wenden Stockpile may be a valuable manganese resource for the US, which is now 100% import-dependent for manganese in all forms."

    “It’s important that we maintain our methodical approach to enable an efficient and cost-effective flowsheet for treating Wenden Stockpile material to produce electrolytic manganese metal on a commercial scale,” Reaugh added.

    Contact the author at jon,hopkins@proactiveinvestors.com

  16. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 2 september 2021 12:15
    BMW wil CO2-uitstoot drastisch beperken
    Oliver Zipse, ceo van BMW, vorig jaar tijdens de Autoshow IAA van Frankfurt. Op 7 september gaat de IAA in München van start.

    BMW is van plan om de uitstoot van het broeikasgas CO2 drastisch beperken. De autofabrikant uit Beieren wil in 2030 de uitstoot van zijn productieprocessen, en de uitstoot van de auto's gedurende hun gebruiksduur. met ten minste 40% verminderen ten opzichte van de uitstoot van 2019. Daarmee scherpt BMW zijn doelstelling, die eerst op 30% lag, aan.

    Dat heeft de ceo van BMW, Oliver Zipse gezegd in aanloop naar de Autoshow IAA die dat volgende week in München wordt gehouden, aldus persbureau Reuters. 'We zetten ons in voor een duidelijke koers om de doelstelling van 1,5 graad te halen', aldus Zipse, verwijzend naar het internationale Klimaatverdrag van Parijs uit 2015.

    Meer hergebruik

    De landen die dat verdrag hebben ondertekend, hebben zich verplicht de opwarming van de aarde beperkt te houden tot 1,5 graden Celsius. Dat houdt in dat er snel een einde moet komen aan het gebruik van fossiele brandstoffen die als oorzaak worden gezien van het broeikaseffect.

    BMW wil zijn aangescherpte doelstelling onder meer bereiken door nog meer materialen en onderdelen opnieuw te gebruiken. Het hergebruik wordt opgeschroefd van 30% naar 50%. BMW wil geen scherpe deadline stellen om te stoppen met de productie van brandstofauto's. Als reden geeft de autofabrikant dat het in Europa nog altijd schort aan de infrastructuur voor de grootschalige inzet van elektrische auto's.


    Evenals andere autofabrikanten leidt BMW onder de chiptekorten en de stijgende grondstofprijzen. In juli moest het concern zijn productie opschorten. Volgens het Duitse onderzoeksinstituut Ifo kampte 83,4% van de autofabrikanten en hun toeleveranciers in juli met een tekort aan halfgeleiders. Desondanks kwam BMW een maand geleden met positieve halfjaarcijfers.
  17. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 2 september 2021 23:03

    User133 schreef op 13 augustus 2021 12:02:


    Ik heb ze sinds 0,05 en dit is het nieuws waar we op hebben zitten wachten. Koers zal nog even hangen en wellicht wat terugzakken naar deal waarde (0,31 AUD) maar m.i. daarna fors omhoog. Hotcopper is ook lyrisch. Kijk maar eens naar de Pilbara grafiek en het moment van de off-take aankondiging.

    Core Lithium: "We've got offtake agreements with some of the key players in the lithium battery supply chain."



  18. Locpilot 7 september 2021 22:25
    Nieuw op dit forum, dus vergeef me als ik met het volgende in herhaling treed: 2 zeer ondergewaardeerde lithium companies op de beurs in Australie (ASX): Argosy Minerals (AGY.AX): brine Zuid Amerika dat het chemisch proces meer dan bewezen heeft en vanaf juni as zal produceren (iets waar de meeste concurrenten slechts van dromen). VerderAVZ Minerals (AVZ.AX): gigantische hoeveelheden hoogwaardig grond (“rock”) aan de oppervlakte in de Congo in Afrika. Productie voorzien in 2023. Beide aandelen ver onder de prijs van de meeste concurenten (die verre van de-risked zijn, zoals deze 2 winners). Do your own research……Succes! Holder (“buy”), Locpilot.
  19. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 7 september 2021 22:37

    Locpilot schreef op 7 september 2021 22:25:

    Nieuw op dit forum, dus vergeef me als ik met het volgende in herhaling treed: 2 zeer ondergewaardeerde lithium companies op de beurs in Australie (ASX): Argosy Minerals (AGY.AX): brine Zuid Amerika dat het chemisch proces meer dan bewezen heeft en vanaf juni as zal produceren (iets waar de meeste concurrenten slechts van dromen). VerderAVZ Minerals (AVZ.AX): gigantische hoeveelheden hoogwaardig grond (“rock”) aan de oppervlakte in de Congo in Afrika. Productie voorzien in 2023. Beide aandelen ver onder de prijs van de meeste concurenten (die verre van de-risked zijn, zoals deze 2 winners). Do your own research……Succes! Holder (“buy”), Locpilot.
    Bedankt! Ik zet ze op mijn watchlist.
    Zit zelf wereldwijd al in LAC, CYP, SQM, CXO, AMY (mangaan, maar ook recycling Li batterijen), EGR (grafeen/grafiet, maar ook recycling Li batterijen): leuke rendementen al gehaald. Daarnaast nog in enkele batterij-grondstoffen (Cobalt bv).
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