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Aandeel AMG Critical Materials N.V. AEX:AMG.NL, NL0000888691

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Energietransitie en AMG: Blik op 2030

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  1. Gerard M. 16 februari 2021 13:55
    We laten het Covid-tijdperk langzaam achter ons en er ontpopt zich een nieuwe wereld voor onze ogen. Eerst in de Westerse samenlevingen, daarna zal de rest snel volgen. Langzaam zien we marktdisrupties ontstaan. Elektrische auto's hebben de conventionele brandstofauto op de korrel qua aanschafprijs. Wanneer duiken ze eronder? Batterijprijzen blijven dalen. Als dit eenmaal gebeurd, gaat het hard, heel hard. Dan wordt het niet alleen meer vanuit ethisch opzicht logisch, maar ook vanuit financieel oogpunt. Niemand komt graag vast te zitten met een auto die je nauwelijks meer wat oplevert bij de inruil. Tevens heeft je auto heeft maar 20 bewegende onderdelen i.p.v. 2000, met lage onderhoudskosten tot gevolg.

    Doorbraken bij solid-state batterijen en de Lithium-sulfur batterijen zullen de disruptie verder doen versnellen en schokgolven door de markt laten gaan. Sommige bedrijven zijn al bezig deze batterijen in massaproductie te krijgen. Het veiligstellen van deze grondstof zal dan ook belangrijk worden voor velen. Ook als we kijken naar energieopslag is de markt aan het opstaan. De fossiele brandstoffenmarkt blijkt financieel niet in staat om te concurreren met de wind-zon-batterij formule, dan wel thuis of door uw leverancier. De eerste gigantische Vanadium-Redox-Flow-Battery centrale is al gebouwd in China. Opvallend is dat dit soort projecten de complete vanadiumproductie in de regio leegzuigen. Ook zien we mijnbedrijven voorsorteren en allianties aangaan met producenten van de Vanadium Redox Flow Battery. Veilig en zonder last van degradation heeft deze batterij zeer gunstige eigenschappen en zal bij het verder uitfaseren van fossiele brandstoffen, haar Tesla momentje tegemoet komen.

    Advanced Metallurgical Group(AMG) staat midden in deze verandering. Spannende tijden!

    Plaats hier alle nieuwtjes en doorbraken. We gaan samen op weg naar 2030, maar dan wel elektrisch natuurlijk.
  2. Gerard M. 21 februari 2021 18:43
    Een tekort aan accu's is nog niet een tekort grondstoffen voor de duidelijkheid. Maar... de markt is in beweging. Hier het bericht over VW:

    WOLFSBURG (ANP) - Automaker Volkswagen heeft niet alleen last van een tekort aan chips voor zijn auto's, maar ook zijn er niet genoeg accu's. De productie van de hybride-versie van de nieuwe Golf lijdt daaronder, zegt ondernemingsraadslid Bernd Osterloh in de Duitse krant Braunschweiger Zeitung. Volkswagen lijkt de elektrische modellen ID.3 en ID.4 voorrang te geven bij het toewijzen van accu's.

    Het hybride-model van de Golf 8 is in Europa goed voor 40 procent van de Golf-verkopen en in Duitsland zelfs voor 60 procent, aldus Osterloh. Volkswagen heeft aangekondigd extra toeleveranciers aan zich te binden voor de accu's.

    De afgelopen tijd worden veel autobouwers getroffen door een tekort aan chips. Toen de coronacrisis toesloeg en ze fabrieken tijdelijk moesten sluiten, verlaagden ze bestellingen bij chipbouwers. Tegelijkertijd steeg de vraag naar laptops en mobiele telefoons, waardoor de chipbouwers veel chips voor dat soort apparaten zijn gaan bouwen. Nu de automarkt weer aantrekt, staan de automakers achteraan de rij met hun bestellingen.
  3. fietser01 21 februari 2021 20:00
    Ter aanvulling:

    VW is met een aantal grote bedrijven en namen ingestapt in QuantumScape voor de ontwikkeling van een vaste stof batterij. Daarnaast heeft ook o.a. Toyota stappen gezet in de ontwikkeling daarvan.

    AMG heeft op 19 november 2020 aangekondigd te investeren in een "solid state pilot plant" ter aanvulling op zijn state-of-the-art batterijmaterialenlaboratorium in Frankfurt.

    Als VW aankondigt extra toeleveranciers aan zich te willen binden voor accu's, zouden heel misschien hier kansen kunnen liggen. Je weet maar nooit.

    Maar in ieder geval om met Gerard te spreken......de markt is in beweging.

  4. Andre S. 22 februari 2021 16:13
    CEM is aiming to be a significant market participant in energy storage solutions. We have a global leading recycling technology in vanadium and a large, low-cost tantalum and lithium resource base in Brazil. A major investment is underway in Ohio that will double our vanadium recycling capacity. Our lithium concentrate production in Brazil is currently being sold to our processing partners in China, but these concentrates will ultimately be a strategically important part of the feed for our hydroxide refinery in Germany (which is approaching the final investment decision at the end of Q1 2021). The global expansion of AMG’s vanadium recycling services is being executed through our joint venture, Shell & AMG Recycling B.V., with major projects, as recently announced, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in China.

    Kom maar op met dat bericht over die final investment decision.
  5. H. Voorman 22 februari 2021 16:35
    Battery 2030+: inventing the batteries of the future

    Better batteries have the potential to reduce the transport sector’s carbon footprint, help power grids run more efficiently, and much more. The Commission’s large-scale and long-term research initiative Battery 2030+ will gather leading researchers in Europe to achieve major advances in battery science and technology.

    Battery 2030+

    A world moving from fossil fuels to renewable energy will rely increasingly on energy storage and in particular on batteries. Europe needs to support its battery industry value chain with technology breakthroughs that make possible radical improvements in battery performance, chargeability, lifetime, safety and environmental footprint.

    With funding from the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme, the Battery 2030+ project will mobilise European researchers and industry over the next twelve months. Building on the 'Battery Manifesto' published in December 2018, they will prepare a long-term research roadmap towards the development of new battery technologies with ultra-high performance (both in power and in their capacity to store energy), and which are safe, easily re-chargeable, re-usable and recyclable, and have the lowest environmental impact possible.

    The initiative will focus on new scientific approaches that make use of digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, sensors, and computing in order to advance knowledge in electro-chemistry and to explore new battery chemistries. It will aim to meet the needs of the mobility and energy storage sectors, as well as other application areas. By focusing on radically new ideas and long-term approaches, it will complement ongoing research efforts on upcoming generations of batteries that are currently driven by the industry’s short to medium term needs.

    Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, said,

    Europe’s decarbonisation requires new battery technologies with a level of performance that will make the large-scale adoption of electric vehicles and renewable energy storage possible. The EU needs to mobilise its scientific and engineering excellence and build on the latest digital technologies to advance in this field and pave the way to high value batteries that are made in Europe.

    Carlos Moedas, Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, said,

    Batteries are at the heart of the ongoing industrial revolution. We need to mobilise our scientific excellence and the full battery value chain to make Europe the centre for the next generation of battery technologies. This will define our global competitive position and reinforce our leadership in the fight against climate change.

    Project Coordinator Kristina Edström, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at Uppsala University in Sweden, added,

    In the future, new generations of ultrahigh-performance, reliable, safe, sustainable and affordable batteries will become necessary, and in the Battery 2030+ initiative we will focus on designing them. We will make an acceleration platform that will use machine learning and artificial intelligence to create new battery materials, always considering sustainability issues.

    The research roadmap created by the initiative will shape the research activities for which support is planned from 2020 within Horizon 2020. Continuation of support under Horizon Europe, the Commission’s proposed research and innovation programme for 2021-2027, may be considered as part of its strategic planning.
    The EU and batteries

    In 2017 the Commission established the European Battery Alliance, which brings together policymakers, academia and industry to develop new battery technologies and create a competitive battery industry in Europe. In May 2018, a large-scale research initiative on future battery technologies was announced as part of the Commission’s Strategic Action Plan for Batteries.

    The Battery 2030+ project includes partners from nine EU countries and has been granted a year of funding. It will lay the foundations for a long-term, large-scale research initiative on future battery technologies.

    The Battery 2030+ consortium includes:

    five universities (Uppsala University, Politecnico di Torino, Technical University of Denmark, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, University of Münster)
    eight research centres (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, French National Centre for Scientific Research, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaf, Fundacion Cidetec,
    three industry-led research associations (Energy Materials Industrial Research Initiative, European Association for Storage of Energy, Recharge Association).

    Bron: ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en...

    Advanced Metallurgical Group zou op termijn op dit lijstje moeten komen. Is er al contact? Is de EU op de hoogte?
  6. H. Voorman 22 februari 2021 16:40
    Energy storage

    At any moment in time, the consumption of electricity has to be perfectly matched with the generation of electricity. This balance is necessary in all electricity grids to maintain a stable and safe supply. Energy storage can stabilise fluctuations in demand and supply by allowing excess electricity to be saved in large quantities over different time periods, from fast storage in seconds to longer storage over days.
    Storage and security of supply

    Energy storage has a key role to play in the transition towards a carbon-neutral economy, and it addresses several of the central principles in the Clean energy for all Europeans package. By balancing power grids and saving surplus energy, it represents a concrete means of improving energy efficiency and integrating more renewable energy sources into electricity systems, but it will also help enhance European energy security and create a well-functioning internal market with lower prices for consumers.

    The “Study on energy storage – Contribution to the security of the electricity supply in Europe”, published by the Commission in May 2020, found that

    the main energy storage reservoir in the EU is currently, and by, far pumped hydro storage. As their prices plummet, new batteries projects are rising
    lithium-ion batteries represent most of electrochemical storage projects. The recycling of such systems should be strongly taken into consideration, as well as their effective lifetime
    in the EU, the segment of operational electrochemical facilities is led by UK and Germany
    behind-the-meter storage is still growing. It is quite heterogeneous, depending on local markets and countries: as a new market, it is still driven by political aspects and/or subsidies

    Storage technologies

    A variety of technologies to store electricity are developing at a fast pace and are increasingly becoming more market competitive, but there are significant challenges in terms of limited access to grids and excessive fees. To address these issues and identify how to further develop energy storage technologies, the Commission published guiding documents on proposed definition and principles in June 2016 and the role of electricity in energy storage from February 2017, the latter of which was published alongside the second state of the energy union report.
    EU initiatives on batteries

    With electrification set to be one of the main pathways to decarbonisation, batteries as electricity storage devices will become one of the key enablers of a low-carbon economy.

    Given their capacity to integrate more renewables into our energy systems and their ability to green the industry and transport sectors, with spill over effects on the electrification on many additional sectors, global demand for batteries is expected to grow very rapidly over the coming years, making the market for batteries a very strategic one.

    To build up a viable manufacturing sector in Europe and consolidate technological and industrial leadership, the European Commission has identified batteries as a strategic value chain where the EU must step up investment and innovation to strengthen the industrial policy strategy.

    The comprehensive governance framework of the energy union and the strategic action plan on batteries (annex 2 to the Communication Europe on the move COM(2018)293), were important steps to help build a globally integrated, sustainable and competitive industrial base on batteries. The progress made was evaluated and summarised in the Commission report in 2019 (COM(2019) 176 final).
    Batteries Europe

    Batteries Europe, launched in 2019, is the European technology and innovation platform of the European Battery Alliance (EBA), run jointly by the European Commission and stakeholders in the battery industry.

    The Batteries Europe platform includes a wide representation of stakeholders and has a well-defined governance structure, including the six thematic working groups, which are building on the previous work from the SET Plan action 7 on batteries.
    SET Plan action 7

    The Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan) is a central pillar of the EU’s energy and climate policy. It has ten key actions and SET Plan action 7 focuses on competitiveness in the global battery sector.

    The SET Plan research priorities on batteries were published in November 2017 and include several research and innovation activities, as detailed in the implementation plan, aiming to make the battery value chain in Europe more competitive.

    Simultaneously, a number of Member States are teaming up for important projects of common European Interest (IPCEI) on batteries research and innovation.

    Interregional partnership on advanced regional materials also contributes to the achievement of SET Plan objectives for batteries.
    BRIDGE projects on batteries

    BRIDGE is a European Commission initiative that unites smart grid and energy storage projects funded under Horizon 2020.

    In 2018, the group published a report based on input from 15 projects, most involved in battery integration in the energy system. Amongst the main findings, the report highlights that

    most of the demonstration sites involving batteries are located in Southern Europe and on islands (where batteries make the highest economic sense)
    different battery technologies are tested within H2020 projects, even if lithium-ion batteries were the most widely used
    batteries are tested at all levels of energy system for different use cases
    new market designs and business models are being elaborated by the H2020 projects in order to make these new services economically viable
    batteries from electric vehicles are involved in the use of second-life batteries (from EVs and smart charging and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) applications)

    The BATSTORM project (2016-2018)

    This Horizon 2020 funded project was set up in 2016 to identify and support research and development needs in the area of battery-based energy storage.

    The final report explains the context for the fast development of battery-based stationary storage, battery technologies used in stationary storage, their strength and weaknesses, different use for battery storage throughout the energy system, main research priorities and accompanying measures to enable storage.

    In addition, it analyses battery related policies in selected Member States and suggests a non-exclusive list of good practices and practices to avoid.

    Bron: ec.europa.eu/energy/topics/technology...
  7. Gerard M. 25 maart 2021 16:39
    Advanced Metallurgical Group in ZEER positieve zin:

    Supply chain Europe

    Raw materials: "That is the risk for the European companies, because China dominates the chemical market. There is no chemical inversion capacity in Europe. There is talk about now,... I see AMG and possibly others sending some kind of a technical carbonate across and purifying that in Asia.

    But we're talking about a fractional amount on a demand base that's growing at unbelievable rates, so I think at some point Europe will ease up on mining restrictions and have a go at looking at domestic sourcing and at allowing further expansions into the cathode and along with the cell side. It looks like they're leaning more towards it. Quality lithium is in short supply. When the market really tightens and there's an armsrace as a benchmark minerals cause it to get batteries, I think Europe may change it's tune."

    Rodney Hooper: Absolutely Don't Buy into This Type of Lithium Company
  8. Gerard M. 11 april 2021 19:40
    Er komt een Vanadium Redox Flow fabriek in Saudi-Arabië. Aramco is involved. Nog een puzzelstukje...

    Construction looks set to begin this year on a factory building flow batteries, as a joint venture (JV) formed by German tech company Schmid Group and Saudi Arabian investment company Nusaned closed the transaction to seal its partnership.

    The JV's formation was announced this time last year and Schmid emailed Energy-Storage.news yesterday with news that the transaction has received regulatory approvals and satisfied its closing conditions. Schmid and its partner Nusaned - which is owned by SABIC, a chemical manufacturing subsidiary of Saudi Aramco - will focus on developing vanadium redox flow battery technology as well as manufacturing. Another Saudi Arabia-headquartered company, investor and project developer RIWAQ Industrial Development Company, intends to join the JV in the “next two to three months,” Schmid said.

  9. Gerard M. 11 juni 2021 11:57
    GEA-Technologie zur Herstellung von reinstem Lithiumhydroxid, ein Schlüsselrohstoff für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien
    9. Juni 2021 AMG Lithium GmbH

    Düsseldorf/Frankfurt, 9. Juni 2021 – Lithiumhydroxid ist einer der Schlüsselrohstoffe für die weltweite Batterieindustrie. Produzenten von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien benötigen den Rohstoff in höchster Qualität als „Battery Grade“ zur Herstellung von Kathodenmaterialien. Das Technologieportfolio von GEA umfasst die wesentlichen Prozessschritte der Lithiumgewinnung. Diese langjährige Kompetenz stellte GEA in weltweiten Großprojekten, unter anderem in Australien, unter Beweis. Daher entschied sich die Advanced Metallurgical Group (AMG), Niederlande, für eine GEA-Lösung. GEA wird der AMG Lithium GmbH neben einer Anlage zur Vorkonzentrierung auch die Schlüsseltechnologie der Kristallisierung liefern. Die in dieser Anlage produzierte Batteriequalität zeichnet sich durch einen äußerst geringen Gehalt an Verunreinigungen aus. Das Lithiumhydroxid wird in einer von AMG Lithium betriebenen Anlage im Chemiepark Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Deutschland hergestellt. Das erste Modul wird in 2023 mit einer Jahreskapazität von 20.000 Tonnen Lithiumhydroxid in Betrieb gehen. In den Folgejahren sollen nach Angaben von AMG Lithium-Geschäftsführer Stefan Scherer weitere Module folgen und die Kapazität auf bis zu 100.000 Tonnen steigern.

    Die Verfügbarkeit von Batteriematerialien ist der zentrale Treiber für den nachhaltigen Erfolg der Mega-Trends Elektromobilität und stationäre Energiespeicher. In der neuen Anlage soll das Lithiumhydroxid so aufbereitet werden, dass es in der Produktion für Elektroauto-Batterien eingesetzt werden kann. Nach Angaben von AMG Lithium handelt es sich hier um die erste Anlage deutschlandweit, die Lithiumhydroxid in diesem Reinheitsgrad herstellen kann.

    Von technischen Qualitäten zu Battery Grade LiOH·H2O

    GEA unterstützt seinen Projektpartner AMG Lithium beim Bau seiner Lithiumhydroxid- Produktionsanlage, welche im ersten Modul technisches Lithiumhydroxid als Rohstoff einsetzt und in der neuen Anlage in ein Battery Grade Lithiumhydroxid umwandelt. Die anlagentechnische Lösung beinhaltet die Vorkonzentrierung, Kristallisation und Trocknung der Kristalle und umfasst das Design, die Herstellung, die Aufstellung und die Inbetriebnahme.

    „Die weltweite Nachfrage nach Lithium nimmt unaufhaltsam zu. Kunden, die in diesem zukunftsträchtigen Markt aktiv sind und entsprechende Anlagen betreiben, möchten wir gerne mit unserer langjährigen Kompetenz unterstützen. Durch unser umfassendes Know-how bei der Realisierung von Anlagen zur Lithiumverarbeitung ist GEA optimal aufgestellt“, sagt Rob van der Steen, Head of Global Service Center Crystallization at GEA.


    Bei den Prozessen zur Aufbereitung von Spodumen oder lithiumhaltigen Solen liegt der Fokus natürlich auf der Produktausbeute, aber insbesondere auch auf der Produktreinheit. Wir bei GEA haben die Fähigkeiten und die Erfahrung, um die anspruchsvollen und maßgeschneiderten Prozesse zu entwickeln, vom ersten Produkttest im Labor, über eigene stationäre und mobile Testanlagen bis hin zur Pilotanlage die ein industrielles Scale up erlaubt.

    AMG Lithium-Expertise

    AMG Lithium verbindet umfangreiche Lithium-Expertise in Forschung & Entwicklung, Produktion und Marketing mit einer zuverlässigen und sicheren Rohstoffbasis aus einer konzerneigenen Mine in Brasilien. AMG Lithium ist bestrebt, seinen Kunden aus der europäischen Batterieindustrie innovative und hochwertige Batteriematerialien anzubieten.
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