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Steinhoff een mooie kans

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  1. RaymondH1974 29 juli 2020 21:32
    Naar aanleiding van enthousiasme op een forum aandelen kopen vind ik nogal wat. Mits het forum gevuld is met nuttige informatie. Mocht je die fora kennen deel ze dan ook met mij aub. Verder hoop ikzelf ook op een goede afloop maar die hoop heb ik mezelf aangepraat en ingelezen. En ook dat zegt niets, maar dan kan ik alleen mezelf de schuld geven als het niet goed afloopt.
  2. ubu 31 juli 2020 12:31

    Steinhoff’s first-half loss doubles to €1.5bn
    Covid-19 has weighed on the group, shuttering stores, disrupting supply chains, as well as putting pressure on consumer spending
    30 JULY 2020 - 12:50 KARL GERNETZKY

    Embattled retail group Steinhoff, which has majority stakes in Mattress Firm in the US and the Pepkor group, saw its first-half loss double as Covid-19 shuttered stores and hit consumer spending.

    The group reported a first-half-loss of €1.52bn (about R30bn) in the six months to end-March from €617m previously. The group had net debt of €9.7bn at the end of March, from €9.6bn as of the end of its 2019 financial year.

    The group’s future is in question after it announced a €6.5bn hole in its accounts in 2017.

    About 90 separate lawsuits have been filed against Steinhoff, with combined claims of more than R136bn, with the group announcing a settlement plan earlier in July.

    In afternoon trade on Thursday, Steinhoff’s share was down 1% to 99c, having fallen 98.5% over the past three years.
  3. ubu 2 augustus 2020 10:08

    Conservatorium fights Christo Wiese on Steinhoff claim

    - Embattled retailer Steinhoff has proposed a settlement for those with claims against it, but Christo Wiese's claim is being disputed.
    - Conservatorium is taking Wiese to court in Amsterdam and the Western Cape in a bid to claw back €1 billion lenders had loaned him.
    - Conservatorium accuses Wiese of winding up a Netherlands-based company to avoid paying back the loan.

    Former Steinhoff chairperson Christo Wiese may have seen some headway made in resolving his litigation battle against the retailer, after the Stellenbosch-headquartered conglomerate last week announced it was proposing a payout of R16.5 billion to resolve the 90 legal claims against against it.

    But a challenge to his own R59-billion claim against Steinhoff continues as a deal with lenders comes back to haunt him.

    It has been almost three years since the Steinhoff's CEO Markus Jooste abruptly resigned at the start of an accounting scandal that brought the group's share price crashing down by more than 90%.

    But, while Wiese is one of the largest claimants against the group, he himself is the subject of a separate court challenge.

    A US company, Conservatorium LLC, has taken him to court in the Netherlands and the Western Cape High Court.

    Conservatorium is the legal successor to lenders, having acquired 93% of the claiming rights of a consortium of banks that included Citibank, Goldman Sachs and HSBC last year, that provided Wiese-owned companies a €1.6-billion non-recourse loan to purchase 314 million shares in Steinhoff in 2016

    READ|'The whole Steinhoff thing is a tragedy': Wiese speaks out on settlement proposal
    The Wiese companies that the lenders entered into the agreement with are Thibault, Upington Investment Holdings and Titan, according to Conservatorium court documents.

    Thibault is part of the R59-billion claim in relation to the R34.7 billion it alleges to have lost in the Pepkor shares Wiese exchanged for Steinhoff shares, due to the price not being the true value because of the accounting dishonesty at the company.

    Steinhoff is a majority share holder in the retailer, owning 71% of the company.

    Judgment pending

    In 2014, Wiese had exchanged his stake in Pepkor for shares in Steinhoff.

    According to Conservatorium’s court documents filed in May on the Western Cape High Court, Upington was a company registered in the Netherlands that held the Steinhoff family shares, including those of disgraced former Steinhoff executives, CEO Markus Jooste, former CFO Ben La Grange and former company secretary Stephan Grobler.

    The consortium of banks lost €1 billion as a result of Steinhoff’s decline.

    However, Upington, which Wiese owned 89% of, was quickly wound up in 2018 and the lenders were not informed, according to Conservatiorium court documents.

    The company then sold its assets, including claims, to Titan.

    Upington was collateral for the €1.6-billion loan and had pledged shares and claims as security of more than 750 million Steinhoff shares, which the lenders have not been able to claim since Upington has been winded up.

    "The Cession and Sale were concluded to divert claims away from Upington’s creditors, and to unlawfully and wrongfully deny the lenders of their rights to enforce Upington’s claims," Conservatorium said in the court documents.

    The consortium of banks said they would not have financed the loan, had Steinhoff itself provided accurate and complete financial information according to Conservatorium's court documents.

    In December last year, Conservatorium approached the Amsterdam District Court to have the liquidation set aside.

    READ| Steinhoff inviting claimants to the poker table
    The judgment on the matter is pending, but Conservatorium is forging ahead and has also headed to the Western Cape High Court to assert its claim to shares that had been transferred to Steinhoff in South Africa.

    'They have a baseless claim'

    It is also trying to intervene, in the same court, in Wiese’s claims against Steinhoff to ensure that its interests are protected.

    "Conservatorium takes the view that it, and not Wiese, is entitled to the proceeds from any and all claims related to the shares which were pledged to the Lenders as collateral for the loan which Upington used to acquire the Steinhoff shares in 2016," said Conservatorium’s legal advisors Michael-James Currie and John Oxenham of Nortons Inc.

    However, a defiant Wiese is fighting back.

    "We deny all their claims, we’ll resist it vigorously. They have a baseless claim," he said on the phone on Friday.

    As for winding up Upington, Wiese said he had not informed the lenders because it didn’t affect their rights.

    "But I don’t want to discuss these issues, it’s litigation issues," he said.

    READ| Steinhoff proposes R16 billion settlement to resolve 90 claims against it
    However, his battle with Conservatorium could be costly for Wiese.

    In its settlement term sheet, Steinhoff said that with regards to any disputes about legal ownership, amount or value of a claim against it: "...will wait for the final unappealable determination, or consensual resolution, of those disputes before paying any compensation to the owner of the claim."”

    The company added that it would dispute the claims made by Conservatorium stemming from the Upington matter.

    "Conservatorium… remains confident that it will ultimately succeed in demonstrating its entitlement to the proceeds of all of its claims and will continue with the current litigation proceedings until such time as there is a fair and workable settlement proposal on the table," said its legal advisors.

    On Friday, Steinhoff said it would not comment beyond the information it had published in its annual results regarding the litigation.
  4. forum rang 4 Hancock 3 augustus 2020 00:20
    je zou toch denken, hoger openen. er zijn ruwweg 4 miljard uitstaande aandelen SH, er komt zo'n 285 miljoen vrij in de deal voor de aandeelhouders. Betekend dat er zo'n 0.14 cent aan waarde bijkomt..
    per aandeel.. Het spul is nu zo'n 5 cent. dus 0.14 + 0.05 = 0.19 centiemen aan waarde per share. Misschien tikt hij de 0.20 nog wel even aan om 09.02 uur..
    Succes morgen iedereen!
  5. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 3 augustus 2020 07:42

    Mr.J.bonds schreef op 3 augustus 2020 00:20:

    je zou toch denken, hoger openen. er zijn ruwweg 4 miljard uitstaande aandelen SH, er komt zo'n 285 miljoen vrij in de deal voor de aandeelhouders. Betekend dat er zo'n 0.14 cent aan waarde bijkomt..
    per aandeel.. Het spul is nu zo'n 5 cent. dus 0.14 + 0.05 = 0.19 centiemen aan waarde per share. Misschien tikt hij de 0.20 nog wel even aan om 09.02 uur..
    Succes morgen iedereen!
    Je praat onzin.
  6. Menno87 3 augustus 2020 09:49

    Mr.J.bonds schreef op 3 augustus 2020 00:20:

    je zou toch denken, hoger openen. er zijn ruwweg 4 miljard uitstaande aandelen SH, er komt zo'n 285 miljoen vrij in de deal voor de aandeelhouders. Betekend dat er zo'n 0.14 cent aan waarde bijkomt..
    per aandeel.. Het spul is nu zo'n 5 cent. dus 0.14 + 0.05 = 0.19 centiemen aan waarde per share. Misschien tikt hij de 0.20 nog wel even aan om 09.02 uur..
    Succes morgen iedereen!
    We gaan de verkeerde kant op :P
  7. [verwijderd] 10 augustus 2020 15:09
    Voorlopig weinig beweging...ben ook benieuwd wat de koers binnenkort zal doen, gaan we echt moeten wachten tot na de AVA...duurt toch allemaal vrij lang, wetende dat ze al een hele tijd aan het onderhandelen zijn geweest...die 0,20 kan er vlug zijn, die hadden we in 2018 ook na 2 dagen bereikt maar wanneer gaan we terug boven 0,50, gaan we dit nog meemaken dit jaar of is het iets voor 2021...dus ook benieuwd wanneer het aandeel eindelijk de klim zal maken, de raket brengt ons wel naar de 0,20 maar dan behouden en hogerop...benieuwd waar Steinhoff zal staan binnen een jaar of 5.
  8. ERNIE44 10 augustus 2020 17:59
    Vrijdag 28 augustus dus om 13.00 live te volgen via de website van hunzelf


    The agenda of the AGM contains the following subjects:

    1. Opening

    2. Presentation to shareholders

    3. Shareholder Q&A

    4. Annual Reporting 2019

    5. Remuneration

    6. Amendment of the Company’s articles of association

    7. Capital Reduction

    8. Authorisation of the Management Board to acquire Shares

    9. Appointment of the statutory audit firm for the financial years ending 30 September 2020
    and 30 September 2021

    10. Any other business

    11. Closing

    Toelichting vinden we hier:

    Puntje 8 dus daar gaat het om :P
  9. ERNIE44 10 augustus 2020 18:09
    BW 2:98 lid 4 dus

    4.Verkrijging anders dan om niet kan slechts plaatsvinden indien en voor zover de algemene vergadering het bestuur daartoe heeft gemachtigd. Deze machtiging geldt voor ten hoogste vijf jaar. In afwijking van de vorige volzin geldt in het geval de aandelen van een vennootschap zijn toegelaten tot de handel op een gereglementeerde markt of op een multilaterale handelsfaciliteit, als bedoeld in artikel 1:1 van de Wet op het financieel toezicht of een met een gereglementeerde markt of multilaterale handelsfaciliteit vergelijkbaar systeem uit een staat die geen lidstaat is deze machtiging voor ten hoogste achttien maanden.
    De algemene vergadering bepaalt in de machtiging hoeveel aandelen mogen worden verkregen, hoe zij mogen worden verkregen en tussen welke grenzen de prijs moet liggen. De statuten kunnen de verkrijging door de vennootschap van eigen aandelen uitsluiten of beperken.
  10. ERNIE44 10 augustus 2020 18:17

    4 309 727 144 shares

    Toko wordt nu dus op 215 miljoen gewaardeerd, dat is niet veel

    Voordat het gezeik begon minimaal 3.20 en maximaal 6.09= gemiddeld 4.64
    Beurswaarde toen 20 miljard

    Laten we nu uitgaan van de helft als toko overeind blijft = 2.30 per aandeel
    minus dosis wantrouwen etc 1.50 koersdoel realistisch binnen 2 jaar
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