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Wirecard liefhebbers

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  1. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 1 juli 2020 16:34

    weetjijhet? schreef op 1 juli 2020 16:30:

    einde is toch in zicht.... waarom zou ik dan instappen...
    beetje tegenstrijdig wat je zegt eind is in zicht en gaat na 9 euro
    Boer is negatief als hij een aandeel wil kopen en wordt plotseling weer positief als hij een aandeel gekocht heeft.
  2. [verwijderd] 1 juli 2020 16:43
    ... Fraude betekent wegwezen
    De kern van het verhaal is dat wanneer er fraude kleeft aan een bedrijf u direct afscheid moet nemen van het aandeel. Hoe pijnlijk die -25% of -50% ook is. Het is de beste manier om uw verliezen te beperken.

    Momenteel lijken veel partijen geïnteresseerd in de onderdelen van Wirecard. Dit zorgt voor de nodige fantasie in het aandeel, waardoor de koers van €1,50 is opgelopen naar de huidige €6,50.

    Desalniettemin is de kans levensgroot dat er helemaal niets over blijft voor beleggers. In principe geldt bij fraude: wegwezen. Het rendement weegt niet op tegen de extreme risico's.

  3. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 1 juli 2020 16:51
    Wirecard : German watchdog worked with ECB, Bundesbank on Wirecard decisions

    07/01/2020 | 07:47am EDT

    Germany's financial market regulator Bafin wasn't alone in deciding that Wirecard not be categorized as a financial holding company, a spokeswoman for the authority said on Wednesday.

    All decisions were made along with other supervisors, including the Bundesbank and European Central Bank, Bafin head Felix Hufeld told German parliamentarians in a close-door meeting, she said.

    (Reporting by Hans Seidenstuecker; writing by Tom Sims; editing by John O'Donnell)
  4. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 1 juli 2020 16:54

    weetjijhet? schreef op 1 juli 2020 16:43:

    ... Fraude betekent wegwezen
    De kern van het verhaal is dat wanneer er fraude kleeft aan een bedrijf u direct afscheid moet nemen van het aandeel. Hoe pijnlijk die -25% of -50% ook is. Het is de beste manier om uw verliezen te beperken.
    Momenteel lijken veel partijen geïnteresseerd in de onderdelen van Wirecard. Dit zorgt voor de nodige fantasie in het aandeel, waardoor de koers van €1,50 is opgelopen naar de huidige €6,50.
    Desalniettemin is de kans levensgroot dat er helemaal niets over blijft voor beleggers. In principe geldt bij fraude: wegwezen. Het rendement weegt niet op tegen de extreme risico's.
    De les voor iedereen is zonder enige twijfel: zodra het woord 'fraude' ergens valt; onmiddellijk wegwezen.....!!!
  5. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 1 juli 2020 17:16
    Wirecard : German watchdog defends Wirecard oversight before lawmakers
    07/01/2020 | 10:51am EDT

    The head of Germany's financial market regulator BaFin, which is under intense scrutiny for its oversight of collapsed Wirecard, defended its record on Wednesday, saying it wasn't alone in deciding how to categorise the payments provider.

    While BaFin regulated Wirecard's banking subsidiary, the company was never put on a list of financial firms that would have brought it fully under the supervision of BaFin, even though such a move was discussed twice.

    BaFin President Felix Hufeld told lawmakers in a closed-door meeting that all decisions about how to categorise Wirecard were made along with other supervisors, including the Bundesbank and the European Central Bank, according to his spokeswoman.

    As a financial technology company, albeit one that owned a bank, Wirecard was long considered as being in a grey area when it came to traditional banking supervision.

    Hufeld was testifying before lawmakers in the Bundestag's finance committee.

    Three participants said Hufeld told them that the European Central Bank (ECB) was behind a decision not to label Wirecard a financial holding company.

    The BaFin spokeswoman said Hufeld did not blame the ECB.

    "According to the assessment of all institutions involved, Wirecard was not classified as a financial holding company," Hufeld's spokeswoman said he had stressed to lawmakers.

    The ECB declined to comment.

    Wirecard filed for insolvency last week owing creditors almost $4 billion after disclosing a 1.9 billion euro ($2.1 billion) hole in its accounts that its auditor EY said was the result of a sophisticated global fraud.

    In the hours leading up to Hufeld's testimony, police and public prosecutors raided Wirecard's headquarters in Munich and four properties in Germany and Austria on Wednesday as they widened their fraud investigation.

    Lisa Paus, a member of parliament for the opposition Greens, said BaFin needed a fresh start. "It is still open whether this can be achieved with Mr Hufeld as the head of BaFin."

    (Reporting by Christian Kraemer and Hans Seidenstuecker; Writing by Tom Sims; Editing by John O'Donnell and David Clarke)
  6. [verwijderd] 1 juli 2020 18:04

    Politie valt binnen bij vijf Wirecard-kantoren in groot fraude-onderzoek
    De politie is woensdag bij vijf kantoren van de geplaagde betalingsdienst Wirecard binnengevallen, meldt het openbaar ministerie van de Duitse stad München. De politie-invallen maken onderdeel uit van onderzoek naar fraude binnen het bedrijf.

    Twee van de vijf binnengevallen kantoren van Adyen-concurrent Wirecard staan in Oostenrijk, het thuisland van de inmiddels vertrokken topmensen Markus Braun en Jan Marsalek. Verder meldt het Duitse rechtsorgaan dat het fraude-onderzoek naar oud-topman Braun en ex-operationeel-directeur Marsalek wordt uitgebreid naar bestuursleden Alexander von Knoop en Susanne Steidl.

    Het onderzoek naar Wirecard werd gestart, nadat accountantskantoor EY 2 miljard euro op de balans niet kon verklaren, waardoor het jaarverslag voor de zoveelste keer niet gepubliceerd kon worden. Een dag later schreef Wirecard dat het mogelijk om fraude zou gaan, waarna Braun opstapte.

    De oud-topman werd begin vorige week gearresteerd op verdenking van fraude en marktmanipulatie, maar is weer op vrije voeten na het betalen van de borgsom van 5 miljoen euro. Marsalek is sinds het begin van de affaire spoorloos en inmiddels is er een internationaal arrestatiebevel uitgevaardigd voor de Oostenrijker.

    Door de niet-bestaande 2 miljard euro hebben schuldeisers miljarden aan leningen teruggevorderd, waardoor Wirecard in acute betalingsproblemen is gekomen. Hierdoor heeft het bedrijf vorige week uitstel van betaling aan moeten vragen, normaal gesproken een voorloper van een faillissement. Inmiddels zouden enkele geïnteresseerden zich hebben gemeld voor het overnemen van Wirecard of onderdelen daarvan.
  7. [verwijderd] 1 juli 2020 18:16

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    Wirecard administrator starts to dismantle defunct payments group
    Potential buyers express interest in acquiring parts of the insolvent German company

    Wirecard last week became the first member of Germany’s Dax index to file for insolvency © Alex Kraus/Bloomberg
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    Olaf Storbeck in Frankfurt 4 MINUTES AGO
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    Wirecard’s administrator said “numerous” companies have expressed interest in buying parts of the payments group that last week became the first member of Germany’s prestigious Dax index to file for insolvency.

    Michael Jaffé, one of Germany’s leading specialists in complex insolvencies, will soon ask investment banks to oversee the potential sale of some of Wirecard’s units.

    Long regarded as a German tech champion, Wirecard collapsed into insolvency last week after revealing one of Europe’s worst accounting frauds in decades. The group’s shares have plunged by about 95 per cent, wiping out more than €12bn in stock market value.

    In a statement released late on Tuesday following the first meeting of a committee of creditors, Mr Jaffé said the main objective was to keep Wirecard’s subsidiaries in business and stabilise its operations. As a payment processor, Wirecard generates revenue by taking a cut of merchants’ transactions.

    A sale of Wirecard’s subsidiaries needs to happen within weeks or they will lose any remaining value, said people familiar with the matter. “Wirecard has very few physical assets, and the risk is that many of its clients will switch to rivals soon,” said one of the people.

    The administrator, who was appointed by a Munich court last week, did not disclose the names of any potential buyers.

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    The crisis engulfing Wirecard has already disrupted services for customers who relied on the German group’s technology to make payments via fintech apps. The UK’s Financial Conduct Authority last week imposed a ban on the activities of its British subsidiary, Wirecard Card Solutions, but lifted the restrictions on Monday.

    Wirecard North America, formerly Citigroup’s Prepaid Card Services business, which Wirecard acquired in 2016, earlier this week set out a sale process and said its operations had not been upended.

    The administrator’s intervention came as police on Wednesday raided Wirecard’s headquarters in a Munich suburb for the second time in four weeks as part of an investigation into suspected false accounting and market manipulation by the group’s former chief executive Markus Braun and others, Munich prosecutors said. 

    Raids were also under way at four more premises in Germany and Austria by 12 criminal prosecutors, 33 police and additional IT specialists. 

    “Given the expected scope of the expected evidence that needs to be secured, the search needed to be prepared intensively,” the prosecutors said in a statement. They declined to comment further.

    Mr Braun was arrested last week and released on €5m bail. He has denied any wrongdoing.

    German prosecutors have also issued an arrest warrant for Jan Marsalek, Wirecard’s former chief operating officer, according to people familiar with the matter. Mr Marsalek’s lawyer did not respond to a request for comment

    Jonathan Guthrie
    German corporations — and regulation — are in the dock

    As Wirecard’s offices were being raided in Germany, authorities in Mauritius said they had launched an investigation into potential violation of money-laundering laws or anti-terrorism financing by the payments processor.

    The joint probe by the Bank of Mauritius and the country’s Financial Services Commission will focus on Wirecard’s 2015 acquisition of an Indian payments business from a Mauritius-based fund whose ultimate beneficiary owners are unknown. Wirecard paid €326m for the Indian company just weeks after it had changed hands for €36m.

    The company has previously denied any wrongdoing connected to the deal.

    Wirecard’s new chief executive, James Freis, has urged employees, many of whom are still waiting to be paid their salaries for June, to focus on keeping operations running.

    “Regarding the range of good products and services that serve good customers and partners?.?.?.?we as a team need to work together to keep moving forward in an orderly way,” Mr Freis wrote to staff over the weekend in an email seen by the Financial Times.

    Mr Freis was originally hired to run Wirecard’s compliance department but was catapulted into the chief executive role as the group unravelled last week.

    Wirecard has about €3.5bn of debt and its creditors, including a consortium of 15 banks, are braced for heavy losses. Earlier this week, Wirecard loans were sold for less than 20 cents on the euro to distressed-debt investors, according to people familiar with the transaction.

    Wirecard Bank, the group’s Germany-based lender, is not part of the insolvency. Germany’s banking watchdog BaFin ringfenced the bank from the stricken group and installed a special representative to monitor it
  8. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 1 juli 2020 18:42

    boeroptrekker schreef op 1 juli 2020 18:17:

    Bron: www.ft.com/content/c7c6a5f9-b34e-41ae...
    A sale of Wirecard’s subsidiaries needs to happen within weeks or they will lose any remaining value, said people familiar with the matter. “Wirecard has very few physical assets, and the risk is that many of its clients will switch to rivals soon,” said one of the people.
  9. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 1 juli 2020 18:43

    boeroptrekker schreef op 1 juli 2020 18:17:

    Bron: www.ft.com/content/c7c6a5f9-b34e-41ae...
    As Wirecard’s offices were being raided in Germany, authorities in Mauritius said they had launched an investigation into potential violation of money-laundering laws or anti-terrorism financing by the payments processor.

    The joint probe by the Bank of Mauritius and the country’s Financial Services Commission will focus on Wirecard’s 2015 acquisition of an Indian payments business from a Mauritius-based fund whose ultimate beneficiary owners are unknown. Wirecard paid €326m for the Indian company just weeks after it had changed hands for €36m.
  10. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 1 juli 2020 20:41

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 1 juli 2020 18:43:

    [...]As Wirecard’s offices were being raided in Germany, authorities in Mauritius said they had launched an investigation into potential violation of money-laundering laws or anti-terrorism financing by the payments processor.

    The joint probe by the Bank of Mauritius and the country’s Financial Services Commission will focus on Wirecard’s 2015 acquisition of an Indian payments business from a Mauritius-based fund whose ultimate beneficiary owners are unknown. Wirecard paid €326m for the Indian company just weeks after it had changed hands for €36m.

    Dit lijkt wel erg op oplichting door het bestuur van WC; Markus en Co hebben hier waarschijnlijk ca 290 miljoen in hun zak gestoken ten koste van de aandeelhouders.
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