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  1. forum rang 10 luchtschip 11 juni 2020 09:53

    Ex-DOJ Officials Ask Internal Watchdog to Investigate Barr

    Nearly 1,300 former Justice Department officials are calling for an internal investigation into Attorney General William Barr’s role in the violent clearing of peaceful protesters outside the White House last week.

    Career and politically appointed officials who served under presidents from both parties, as far back as John F. Kennedy, urged Inspector General Michael Horowitz on Wednesday to immediately open a full investigation into possible law enforcement misconduct led by the attorney general.

    “The rule of law, the maintenance of the department’s integrity, and the very safety of our citizens demand nothing less,” their letter states.

    Law enforcement officers rapidly closed in on protesters gathered peacefully in Lafayette Square on June 1, firing tear gas, rubber bullets and flash bombs. But the demonstration continued in the week that followed, marked by cries for police reform in the wake of George Floyd’s killing while in police custody.

    Barr has denied the sweep was intended to clear the area so President Donald Trump could walk over to the historic St. John’s Episcopal Church for a photo op holding a Bible. But the alumni of his agency called Barr out on Wednesday for participating in the politically motivated event by posing with the president for the photo.

  2. forum rang 10 luchtschip 11 juni 2020 10:07
    Donald Trump zojuist in een tweet

    Radical Left Governor Jay Inslee and the Mayor of Seattle are being taunted and played at a level that our great Country has never seen before. Take back your city NOW. If you don’t do it, I will. This is not a game. These ugly Anarchists must be stooped IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST!


    In een officiele Presidentiele mededeling?
    Klinkt erg *stoopid*

    Als de Gouverneur en Burgermeester de rust niet terugbrengen zal trump het wel doen. Gewoon de soldaten de Amerikaanse burgers laten aanvallen.

    Een echte BAAS.
    Of is hij dwaas?

  3. forum rang 10 luchtschip 11 juni 2020 10:22

    Legendary Mob prosecutor Judge GLEESON recommends sentencing Mike Flynn.


    'Everything about this is irregular': Ex-judge tapped to review Flynn case blasts Trump DOJ

    The retired judge, John Gleeson, said the Justice Department had improperly bowed to the president's will.

    Gleeson, who served on the Manhattan federal court before stepping down in 2016,

    was appointed last month by Sullivan

    to help him tackle the highly unusual Justice Department request to drop the criminal case against Flynn despite the guilty plea he entered back in 2017 as part of a cooperation deal with special counsel Robert Mueller.
    Both Gleeson and Sullivan are appointees of President Bill Clinton.

    A former judge selected to advise on a path forward in the criminal case against Michael Flynn is accusing the Justice Department of exercising a “gross abuse of prosecutorial power” to protect an ally of President Donald Trump, distorting known facts and legal principles to shield Flynn from a jail sentence.

    The former federal judge, John Gleeson, skewered Attorney General Bill Barr’s handling of the case, describing it as an “irregular” effort that courts would “scoff” at were the subject anyone other than an ally of Trump. The 82-page excoriation featured a painstaking reconstruction of the Flynn case and accused DOJ of contradicting its own arguments and precedents to justify dropping the case against Flynn.


  4. forum rang 10 luchtschip 11 juni 2020 10:48

    Rechtszaak Flynn

    Hier de conclusie van (retired) rechter Gleeson, die door Rechter Sullivan is aangesteld in de Flynn' rechtszaak.

    Conclusion :

    For the foregoing reasons, the court-appointed Amicus Curiae respectfully submits that the Government's Motion to Dismiss should be denied and No Order To Show Cause why Flynn should not be held in criminal contempt should issue.

    Respectfully submitted

    John Gleeson,

    New York 10 juni 2020


  5. forum rang 10 luchtschip 11 juni 2020 12:04

    U.S. Solicitor General Noel Francisco is expected to resign from his role as the government’s top lawyer before the Supreme Court in the coming days.
    Who will be picked to replace him seems to still be in flux.

    US Solicitor General Noel Francisco is expected to resign from his role as the government's top lawyer before the Supreme Court in the coming days, according to two sources familiar with the move.

    Francisco, 50, has led the solicitor general's office since September 2017 and been a forceful advocate for President Donald Trump. The White House is not expected to immediately name a permanent successor. Instead, the principal deputy solicitor general, Jeff Wall, will most likely be tapped as the acting solicitor general.
    Patrick Philbin, the deputy White House counsel, had previously been rumored as a frontrunner for the position, but apparently the succession plan is still in flux, two sources said.
    The White House and Department of Justice did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

    As the face of the Trump administration at the Supreme Court lectern, Francisco argued for the travel ban that targeted majority-Muslim countries, for a citizenship question on the US Census, and most recently for an end to the Obama-era program that shields young immigrants who were brought to the US without proper documentation.

  6. forum rang 10 luchtschip 11 juni 2020 12:23

    Brian Benczkowski to Step Down as Head of DOJ's Criminal Division

    The former Kirkland & Ellis partner will be replaced by his top deputy, Brian Rabbitt, a former Trump White House lawyer who joined the criminal division earlier this year after serving as Barr’s chief of staff.

    Brian Benczkowski, the Trump-appointed head of the Justice Department’s criminal division, is stepping down in early July, ending a two-year tenure in which he embraced corporate enforcement policies seen as benefiting companies.

  7. forum rang 10 luchtschip 11 juni 2020 12:32

    Rechtszaak Michael Flynn

    Hoger beroep van de regering, waarbij zij eist dat de rechtszaak tegen Flynn onmiddellijk moet worden stopgezet.
    12 mei (morgen dus) moeten de partijen een mondelinge toelichting geven

    12 mei moet de regering, in een mondelinge hoorzitting, in het door de regering aangevraagde hoger beroep, uitleggen wat de reden is dat zij de rechtszaak tegen Michael Flynn willen laten seponeren.

    Brian Benczkowski en Noel Francisco behoorden tot de groep van trump's /AG Barr's advocaten team dat de mondelinge toelichting zal gaan doen.

    Nu zij hun ontslag hebben aangekondigd, is het de vraag of zij bij deze mondelinge toelichting bij het hoger beroep, aanwezig zullen zijn.


  8. forum rang 10 luchtschip 11 juni 2020 13:01

    Trump says he will resume campaign rallies next week, starting in Tulsa, Okla., on Friday June 19.

    Zo te zien normaal.

    Echter er is toch wel een beladen achtergrond.

    19 Juni wordt Juneteenth gevierd.

    (in the US) a festival held annually on the nineteenth of June by African Americans (especially in the southern states), to commemorate emancipation from slavery in Texas on that day in 1865.



    En Tulsa, Oklahoma :

    In 1921, the Tulsa Race Massacre claimed the lives of as many as 300 African Americans, according to The Tulsa Historical Society and Museum.

    Trump is restarting his campaign rallies. The first will be on Juneteenth in Tulsa — the site of the Tulsa race massacre.

    President Donald Trump is restarting his campaign rallies that were put on pause due to the spread of the novel coronavirus.
    His first rebooted rally will be on June 19 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, The New York Times reported.
    Juneteenth, celebrated on June 19, is a holiday to celebrate the end of slavery and is commemorated by Black Americans as an independence day.
    In 1921, the Tulsa Race Massacre claimed the lives of as many as 300 African Americans, according to The Tulsa Historical Society and Museum.

    Some have pointed out that Trump’s first rally would be held on Juneteenth – a holiday to celebrate the end of slavery that is commemorated by Black Americans as an independence day – in a city where a race massacre took place 99 years ago.

    According to CNN, hundreds of African-Americans died during the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921.

    In a statement, Trump campaign advisor ?Katrina Pierson defended the move.

    “As part of the party of Lincoln, Republicans are proud of the history of Juneteenth, which is the anniversary of the last reading of the Emancipation Proclamation,” Pierson wrote.


  9. forum rang 10 luchtschip 11 juni 2020 13:05

    Sandoz, Pfizer and 2 Dozen Accused of Fixing Generic Drug Prices

    Saying that the allegations are backed by more than 20 million documents obtained with some 300 subpoenas, Connecticut Attorney General William Tong accused 26 companies Wednesday of inflating the prices of generic dermatology drugs.

    The complaint itself clocks in at 500 pages and is joined by 46 other states plus four U.S. territories. It alleges an antitrust scheme involving 80 topical generic drugs accounting for billions of dollars of U.S. sales that are used for dermatology and the treatment of skin conditions.

    In an afternoon conference call where he announced the Hartford federal court filing, Tong labeled the generic drug industry “the largest corporate cartel in American history.”

    “What we see is competitors illegally sharing information about prices, they are colluding to fix and raise prices, and they’re colluding and conspiring to divide the market so that each of them, in their own words, gets their fair share,” Tong told reporters. “The result is that prices have gone up 2,000% or more in this complaint.”


    Tong labeled the generic drug industry :

    “the largest corporate cartel in American history.”

    Tong told reporters :

    “The result is that prices have gone up 2,000% or more in this complaint.”

  10. forum rang 10 luchtschip 11 juni 2020 13:25

    Trump en Barr beweerden dat het links extremistisch Antifa achter de rellen zouden zitten.

    The Daily Beast, the AP, and now NPR have all gone looking for the Antifa activists that Billy Barr blamed the protests on.

    None have been able to find them.

    Daily Beast ;

    Antifa’ Is Literally Never Mentioned in the First Prosecutions of Protest Violence

    Trump called them terrorists. Bill Barr claimed they are “instigating” violence at the protests. But antifa is not referenced in any of the 22 criminal cases from the protests.

    AP(Associated Press) :

    As Trump blames antifa, protest records show scant evidence

    NPR :

    No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

  11. forum rang 10 luchtschip 11 juni 2020 14:32

    Van Trump's muur van hekken rond het Witte Huis wordt nu dankbaar gebruik gemaakt

    Americans filled the White House fence with posters, flowers, photos and signs in honor of the black men, women and children whose lives have been lost at the hands of police.


    After The White House Put Up A Wall, The People 'Made It Beautiful'

  12. Al Kipone 11 juni 2020 15:06
    Goede tips in deze onzekere tijden van anarchie en onrust!


    For your birthday, she knits you an unwanted scarf. To be used as a balaclava?

    She belongs to a decentralized group with no leadership structure that claims to be discussing a “book,” but no one ever reads the book and all they seem to do is drink wine.

    Is always talking on the phone with an “aunt” you have never actually met in person. Aunt TIFA????

    Always walking into rooms and claiming not to know why he walked into the room. Likely.


    He “trips” over and breaks your child’s Lego police station when walking through the living room in the dark.

    Total and bewildering lack of nostalgia for good old days.

    Gathers with loose-knit, disorderly group of figures you have never met to play “mah-jongg,” governed by mysterious “rule cards” issued annually from a nebulous central authority.

    Suddenly, for no reason, will appear or pretend to be asleep.

    Insists on producing container of nuts whenever there is company. Why? Code of some kind?

    Carries peppermints (chemical irritant?) in purse at all times.

    Is taking Centrum Silver. But for what reason? Surely to build up strength for the coming confrontation.

    Keeps forwarding you what appear on the surface to be emails of jokes someone has typed out from a Reader’s Digest; claims to think you would “enjoy”; must be some sort of recruitment or propaganda or hidden message.


    Hired a clown for your child’s birthday — part of the Juggalo command structure?

    Big tin of Christmas popcorn mysteriously replenishes itself. WHO IS HELPING?!

    You gave her a Precious Moments figurine of a law enforcement officer, but she hasn’t displayed it.

    Remembers things from the past in incredible, exhausting detail, but recent ones only sporadically? Cover of some kind.

    She claims not to know how to use her phone, yet always appears upside-down on FaceTime, which should be impossible without hacking capabilities.

    If he is to be believed, he spends hours playing bridge.

    He is walking non-threateningly at a public protest.

  13. Al Kipone 11 juni 2020 15:08
    trump tweet:

    Our great National Guard Troops who took care of the area around the White House could hardly believe how easy it was. “A walk in the park”, one said. The protesters, agitators, anarchists (ANTIFA), and others, were handled VERY easily by the Guard, D.C. Police, & S.S. GREAT JOB!

    Ik hoop maar dathij een andere SS bedoelt, maar ik weet het niet zeker.
  14. forum rang 6 Plein777 11 juni 2020 15:18

    Al Kipone schreef op 11 juni 2020 15:08:

    trump tweet:

    Our great National Guard Troops who took care of the area around the White House could hardly believe how easy it was. “A walk in the park”, one said. The protesters, agitators, anarchists (ANTIFA), and others, were handled VERY easily by the Guard, D.C. Police, & S.S. GREAT JOB!

    Ik hoop maar dathij een andere SS bedoelt, maar ik weet het niet zeker.
    Wanneer geeft hij opdracht om alle Democraten op te pakken en in kampen op te sluiten ?
  15. forum rang 6 Plein777 11 juni 2020 15:21
    EU voor het eerst openlijk: China overspoelde ons met desinformatie over Covid-19
    Jeannette Kras 2 uur geleden
    Demonstratie van kermisexploitanten op het Malieveld.Kermiswagens op Malieveld
    ANP'Lege schappen bij Action'
    EU voor het eerst openlijk: China overspoelde ons met desinformatie over Covid-19
    © credits onbekend EU voor het eerst openlijk: China overspoelde ons met desinformatie over Covid-19
    Voor het eerst beschuldigt de EU China van grootschalige desinformatiecampagnes. Brussel komt met een plan om ‘de grote golf’ van fake news over de coronapandemie aan te pakken. Daarover schrijft Britse krant The Guardian.

    De Europese Commissie zei dat Rusland en China ‘doelgerichte fake newscampagnes uitvoerden in de EU en wereldwijd’. De EU heeft Rusland al wel vaker beschuldigd, maar het is voor het eerst dat China publiekelijk wordt benoemd als bron van desinformatie.

    “Ik vind dat we het beestje bij de naam moeten noemen als we overtuigend bewijs hebben,” zegt vice-voorzitter van de Europese Commissie Vera Jourová. “We hebben een sterke toename gezien van verhalen die onze democratieën en onze reactie op de crisis ondermijnen bijvoorbeeld door de claim dat er in voormalige Sovjetlanden geheime Amerikaanse laboratoria zijn. Dat bericht werd verspreid door zowel pro-Kremlin media als Chinese autoriteiten en staatsmedia.”

    De Europese Commissie haalde en passant ook hard uit naar president Trump door te wijzen op de schadelijke gevolgen van zijn suggestie om bleekmiddel te injecteren als coronamedicijn. Zonder de Amerikaanse president bij naam te noemen zei de commissie dat zulke valse claims ‘erg schadelijk’ zijn. Zo was er een toename van 15 procent van bleekgerelateerde incidenten.

    Brussel slaat met de opmerkingen een andere toon aan dan eerder. “Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat een sterke EU op geopolitiek gebied alleen kan bestaan als we assertief durven zijn,” zegt de Tsjechische Jourová daarover.

    Bron(nen): The Guardian
  16. forum rang 7 het zwaard 11 juni 2020 18:34
    Zo’n 40% van de Amerikanen is tijdens de Covid-19-pandemie roekeloos omgegaan met huishoudelijke ontsmettingsproducten. Ze probeerden hun groenten of hun eigen lichaam te reinigen met ontsmettingsmiddel en inhaleerden de producten ook. Zo blijkt uit een nieuw rapport van het Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, de Amerikaanse nationale gezondheidsdienst.

    Toen president Trump eind april opriep om naast zonnebaden ook bleekmiddel te injecteren ter bescherming van het coronavirus, kon dat op felle kritiek van wetenschappers allerhande reageren. Toch blijkt dat een significant deel van de bevolking van de VS die waarschuwingen naast zich heeft neergelegd en zich heeft laten leiden door de huis-tuin-en-keukenwijsheid van hun staatsleider.

    Nadat uit een eerder rapport al bleek dat antigifcentra heel wat meer oproepen in verband met bleekmiddelen en ontsmettingsproducten hadden binnengekregen, heeft het Amerikaanse Centers for Disease Control and Prevention nu de resultaten van een online bevraging over huishoudelijk poets- en ontsmettingsgedrag gepubliceerd.

    Gorgelen met bleekmiddel

    Uit de bevraging blijkt dat 39% van de Amerikaanse respondenten toegaf op een of andere manier risicovol te zijn omgegaan met huishoudelijke ontsmettingsproducten. Het meest voorkomende risicogedrag was het wassen van voedingswaren zoals fruit en groenten met bleekmiddel, gevolgd door het wassen van handen of andere lichaamsdelen met huishoudelijke ontsmettingsmiddelen. Een kleiner aandeel beweerde ook kuisproducten te hebben ingeademd of te hebben gegorgeld met verdund bleekmiddel of met water en zeep. Een kwart van de respondenten gaf aan vermoedelijke gezondheidseffecten te hebben ervaren van het gebruik van poetsmiddelen, zoals irritatie van de neus, huid en ogen en hoofdpijn of duizeligheid.

    Het Centers for Disease Control and Prevention hamert erop dat het inslikken van bleek- en ontsmettingsmiddelen tot schade aan de maag en darmen, of in het slechtste geval tot alcoholvergiftiging kan leiden. Het mengen van poetsproducten met heet water of azijn en ammoniak kan bovendien leiden tot gevaarlijk giftige dampen die zeker niet geïnhaleerd mogen worden.

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