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Aandeel Biocartis BRU:BCART.BL, BE0974281132

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
0,290   0,000   (0,00%) Dagrange 0,000 - 0,000 0  
Pharming Investor Tour 2024. Investor Tour op vijf locaties in Nederland (Rotterdam, Eindhoven, Utrecht, Leiden, Zwolle). Presentatie en Q&A sessie met CEO Sijmen de Vries. Pharming Investor Tour 2024. Investor Tour op vijf locaties in Nederland (Rotterdam, Eindhoven, Utrecht, Leiden, Zwolle). Presentatie en Q&A sessie met CEO Sijmen de Vries.

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  1. Flatlander 24 april 2020 14:39

    Yesterday, stockbrood asked:
    "very low cashburn <9M ... how? -> unexpectedly positive"
    I think a combination of four factors account for the decrease:

    1st employee travel and hotel stays are close to non-existent during the pandemic thus expenses are minimal;
    2nd infusions of cash are likely to have occurred with the January AZN partnership on EGFR assays, and the March BMS partnership for MSI in China. A milestone payment may have been received from ImmunExpress for the EU approval of Septicyte rapid;
    3rd the Coronavirus assay development probably came with funding from sponsors. It is also possible that work on the Corona virus is being conducted under one of the previous or a new EU infectious disease grants.
    4th The increased cartridge sales offset more costs. We have long speculated that the console placements do not contribute much to earnings at present since BCART follows a "razor and razor blade" or "printer and ink" business model where deployment of the console is intended to spur research and publications that drive growth of the platform but do not contribute much to income. Thus, the earnings are not appreciably impacted by lower console sales.

  2. Stockbrood 24 april 2020 15:26
    I'm throwing a bone here. Would this mean we have 170/9/4 = 4.7 years off cash reserve? One could say that returning and increasing travel and business cost can be counteracted by growing cartridge sales... This would be far better than we expected ( I thought our consensus was round 2-3 yrs cash reserve Max )
  3. Flatlander 24 april 2020 15:34
    The new arrivals at the board need to decide whether they are momentum traders or investors. BCART is an automation company in a fast growing field. They bring the analysis into the POC environment. As shown by the link the move to POC testing can't be avoided, especially in these days when MDx labs are overwhelmed with COVID testing.


  4. brightlight 24 april 2020 16:24

    Flatlander schreef op 24 april 2020 14:39:

    Yesterday, stockbrood asked:
    "very low cashburn <9M ... how? -> unexpectedly positive"
    I think a combination of four factors account for the decrease:

    1st employee travel and hotel stays are close to non-existent during the pandemic thus expenses are minimal;
    2nd infusions of cash are likely to have occurred with the January AZN partnership on EGFR assays, and the March BMS partnership for MSI in China. A milestone payment may have been received from ImmunExpress for the EU approval of Septicyte rapid;
    3rd the Coronavirus assay development probably came with funding from sponsors. It is also possible that work on the Corona virus is being conducted under one of the previous or a new EU infectious disease grants.
    4th The increased cartridge sales offset more costs. We have long speculated that the console placements do not contribute much to earnings at present since BCART follows a "razor and razor blade" or "printer and ink" business model where deployment of the console is intended to spur research and publications that drive growth of the platform but do not contribute much to income. Thus, the earnings are not appreciably impacted by lower console sales.



    Bcart still sees their cash burn by end of year at the level forecasted in January. That makes sense because cash burn will not be linear. One cannot extrapolate this quarter's cash burn (as some do) to the entire year.. I suspect a new cash infusion will be needed in the Wondfo joint venture in the not too distant future. Citing from memory, I believe the first installment was 5 million (times two because there are two partners). They will have burnt through that this year I suspect. So another cash infusion will probably be needed this year, But this is just an example. As you rightly point out a lot of other factors are at play here too. So I wouldn't get my hopes up too high (as some do) as far as detecting a trend of lower cash burn.

    Concerning the so-called higher cartridge sales (+68%), everybody seems to forget the basis for comparison (Q1'19) is very favorable. H1'19 concerned the period with the Thermo Fisher disaster. I am afraid I have to agree with Nestel that investors are getting ahead of themselves, based on the news of yesterday, which was O.K. but not so great that is warrants the huge jump in the stock-price.

    I noted that at least one analyst has come (finally) to his senses. Kepler Chevreux have reduced their price target to 6 euros, yesterday. In a previous post I have argued that price targets of 10 euro and more are ridiculously high. I personally also had a price target of 6 euros for the next 12 months. I have taken my profits and will wait for a more opportune moment to get back in.

  5. Stockbrood 24 april 2020 22:22

    brightlight schreef op 24 april 2020 16:24:


    Bcart still sees their cash burn by end of year at the level forecasted in January. That makes sense because cash burn will not be linear. One cannot extrapolate this quarter's cash burn (as some do) to the entire year.. I suspect a new cash infusion will be needed in the Wondfo joint venture in the not too distant future. Citing from memory, I believe the first installment was 5 million (times two because there are two partners). They will have burnt through that this year I suspect. So another cash infusion will probably be needed this year, But this is just an example. As you rightly point out a lot of other factors are at play here too. So I wouldn't get my hopes up too high (as some do) as far as detecting a trend of lower cash burn.

    Concerning the so-called higher cartridge sales (+68%), everybody seems to forget the basis for comparison (Q1'19) is very favorable. H1'19 concerned the period with the Thermo Fisher disaster. I am afraid I have to agree with Nestel that investors are getting ahead of themselves, based on the news of yesterday, which was O.K. but not so great that is warrants the huge jump in the stock-price.

    I noted that at least one analyst has come (finally) to his senses. Kepler Chevreux have reduced their price target to 6 euros, yesterday. In a previous post I have argued that price targets of 10 euro and more are ridiculously high. I personally also had a price target of 6 euros for the next 12 months. I have taken my profits and will wait for a more opportune moment to get back in.

    I understand your choice. I also have reduced the weight of BCART in my PF after the big rally. I am however not planning to entirely step out and also planning to wait for a new buy moment.

    On price target i agree they have been too high in the past. However I do not understand why Kempen & co kept their price target after 2019 results and 2020 outlook, while now dropping it to 6. Same with Kepler cheuvreux, although being a much smaller price target drop.
  6. [verwijderd] 24 april 2020 22:38
    I believe BCART made impressive progress since disaster in September
    • Commercial sales team US is achieving results
    • Immunexpress adds extra US sales team
    • Several extended collaboration agreements with A-grade partners
    • Approval Idylla Japan and China
    • Expanded test menu into 2 most critical focus area’s – covid/cancer
    • Several extra studies confirming excellence

    Market fundamentally changed since corona pandemic
    • Focus towards testing
    • Hospitals/ labs have 3 to 6 months preparation before possible 2nd/3rd wave, main focus will be covid/cancer
    • Shortage skilled bio-engineers (needed for vaccine and covid testing) increases value Idylla automation
    • Limited travelling increases value BCART partnerships/ international sales network
    • Cash flow squeeze limits possibilities new startups/ competitors

    Outlook for H2 2020/ H1 2021 is promising
    • FDA approval Q3/2020 sepsis – H2/2020 covid – Q4/2020 MSI – H1/2021 RAS
    • Currently China and Japan are not included into projections > possible positive surprise
    • On site triage test lab for covid ICU patients might be a winner

    Cash burn is high, extra round of capital may be needed. This might not be a big issue if executed after H1/2021 expected sales boost due to FDA approvals, product launches and Asia strategy. BCART was priced for failure and is taking advantage of pandemic by offering a unique value proposition (covid/cancer).

    Investing with a perspective longer than a year seems promising (best wait for normalization after current spike before buying). For valuation, somewhere between price target Kempen (6€) and Kepler Cheuvreux (10,20€) is realistic (these are 12 month forward targets and current pandemic can disrupt projections).
  7. brightlight 25 april 2020 00:01

    These are all valid points (except MSI and RAS which are to be submitted in Q4'20 and Q1'21, not approved! Approval will hopefully come six months later). My concern is not the prospects but the fact that we are currently paying (at a share price of 5.6) no less than 8.4 times the sales of 2019 and I estimate 6.6 times 2020 sales (estimate should be fairly accurate because it is based on Bcart's own projections). Assuming a reasonable (for this type of business) prospective 10% profit margin, this means a P/E of 66 for 2020's earnings. Further assuming Bcart can grow sales by 100% (which I don't feel is very likely; 50% sales growth or more would already be a huge success) in 2021, we still are paying a lofty P/E of 33 (at the current share price!). Of course this is only speculative because I do not see Bcart break-even before 2023 at the very earliest (unless sales growth goes through the roof).. So it seems to me a lot of good news is already baked into the share price at this moment. In my opinion this leaves very little room for upside from now till 2021. This is why I took profits at this moment in time. I still very much believe in the company and will keep it on my radar.
  8. Tryck 25 april 2020 09:04
    I read many people are taking some profits, congratulations for all who sticked with Biocartis during the rough past year; I am finally in the green again.

    I believe the next 9-12 months provide sufficient catalysts for turnaround potential. Don't forget we are still down 50% from where we were 1 year ago...

    I also sold some of my holdings in Bcart but that was just because this stock was taking up 40% of my portfolio and I felt the need to rebalance.
    If any pullback in SP occurs I might add some more just for the sake of actively trading a couple of stocks.

    @BL, Kudo's to tyou!
    I'm not much of a financial analyst but there are plenty of stocks out there with high P/E's so I don't really see that as a burning issue for the moment.
    From my experience, In 80% of the cases I have regretted selling my full position in stocks where I have taken small profits (because I was becoming greedy).
    I will not make the same mistake again and will ride this one out, as it's nearly impossible to time the market and buy at the lowest point anyway. Who knows you might miss the day of an important announcement ;)

    Enjoy the weekend guys!
  9. forum rang 5 MisterBlues 25 april 2020 09:25

    Helenim schreef op 24 april 2020 22:38:

    Cash burn is high, extra round of capital may be needed. This might not be a big issue if executed after H1/2021 expected sales boost due to FDA approvals, product launches and Asia strategy. BCART was priced for failure and is taking advantage of pandemic by offering a unique value proposition (covid/cancer).

    Investing with a perspective longer than a year seems promising (best wait for normalization after current spike before buying). For valuation, somewhere between price target Kempen (6€) and Kepler Cheuvreux (10,20€) is realistic (these are 12 month forward targets and current pandemic can disrupt projections).

    Uitstekende fundamentele opsomming bedrijvigheid van BCART.

    Ik wil jullie nog eens wijzen op de meest superieure test van BCART die er is. BCART doet er verstandig aan om veel energie in Azië te gaan stoppen.

    De Test / Assay for colorectal cancer via a 510(k) submission to the US Food and Drug Administration zal door Covid-19 vermoedelijk vertraging oplopen. Ik denk echter niet in China en Japan, en aldaar zullen de medische nationale autoriteiten goedkeuring gaan geven, begin 2021, omdat darmkanker, naast longkanker een heel groot probleem is in Azië. Ik verwacht van de slokdarmtest VEEL gezien de enorme voordelen die deze test binnen de oncologie oplevert in vergelijking tot wat er is, en bovenal gezien de noodzaak er snel bij te zijn als er uitzaaiingen/metastasen zijn! Iedereen zal dan spreken over de levensreddende en/of helpende test van BCART.

    Darmkanker is de op één na grootste (kanker)moordenaar ter wereld. Het is niet alleen lastig om vroeg een diagnose te stellen, maar veel huidige behandelingen zijn slechts marginaal effectief. Bijna de helft van de patiënten die chirurgische resecties krijgen, overleeft nog steeds niet vanwege de neiging van deze kanker tot recidief. Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer, Bron: Thomas Jefferson University via EurekAlert. Dit maakt een snelle effectieve test die kort op de bal speelt zeer gewenst.

    Hoewel FL wijst op het feit dat longkanker in Azië en nog meer voorkomt, is de test niet zo technologisch superieur ten opzichte van de concurrentie als de darmkankertest. Ik durf met hem de weddenschap wel aan dat dit de trigger gaat worden in 2021 dat BCART groot gaat maken.

    BL denkt te veel als een boekhouder en te weinig als een ondernemer, althans in mijn beleving. Op het moment dat een biotechbedrijf echt succesvol wordt via goedkeuringen, samenwerkingen en - vooral - werkende producten, gaat er op allerlei manieren leverage in werking treden. Dat is tot nog toe niet gebeurt omdat de Amerikaanse markt zo moeilijk te veroveren is. Niets is meer eerlijk daar, en niets is meer wat het lijkt.

  10. brightlight 25 april 2020 11:32

    CGCDLR schreef op 25 april 2020 09:25:

    Huidige koers=5.6€ -(170 milj. cash/56 milj aandelen)3,03€ =2,57 /aandeel.Dit is de waarde die momenteel wordt toegekend aan "het bedrijf " Biocartis.Met alles die er op ons afkomt zie ik niet in waarom aan deze koers uit te stappen.
    Sorry hoor, CGCDLR, maar hier ben je mis. De cash waar je van spreekt is geleend geld. Het geld is dus niet van Bcart en dus geen onderdeel van de waarde van het bedrijf (als ik een huis koop met geleend geld dan is dat huis ook strikt genomen niet van mij tot de lening is terugbetaald). Dat geld zal in 2022 of 2023 opgebrand zijn en moet in 2024 terugbetaald worden. In het beste geval staat de koers van Bcart dan boven de conversion price van 12.89E. Indien niet dan moet op de één of andere manier weer geld gevonden worden om de lening terug te betalen. Indien wel, dan treedt er een verwatering op van ong. 20%. Daar komt nog bij dat de waarschijnlijkheid groot is dat in 2022 of 2023 nog extra geld moet opgehaald worden. Dit zal gaan ten koste van ofwel de bottom line ofwel nog weer verwatering. M.a.w. mijn P/S valuatie van eerder houdt met beide zaken zelfs nog geen rekening en ligt eigenlijk dus nog hoger. Tegenover de cash burn staat natuurlijk ook (voor een deel) de productontwikkeling en sales force. Maar die zal ook nodig zijn om de benodigde groei en omzet te draaien die dit share-price niveau verlangt.

    Het klopt dat ik denk als een boekhouder (ik zie dit als een compliment, MB), maar mijn ervaring heeft me geleerd dat niets ooit bij Bcart loopt zoals verwacht. Meestal loopt er wel één of ander mis. Ik denk dat het dus niet ongepast is enige voorzichtigheid aan de dag te leggen gezien de huidige koers. Bovendien wordt de taak waar Bcart voor staat om tot break-even te komen volgens mij zwaar onderschat!!!! Zij moeten (volgens mijn meest optimistische model) tot dik boven de 1 miljoen cartridges sold per jaar komen (nu 175.000), zelfs met een substantieel hogere avg. cartridge sales price dan nu. Hiervoor moeten zowel de avg. cartridges sold per console als de console installed base fors naar omhoog (om dit bv. binnen vier a vijf jaar te bereiken), de productiekost van de cartridges fors omlaag en mogen de kosten van R&D, general en administrative en sales niet substantieel stijgen. Het enige wat hier (tijdelijk) soelaas kan brengen is de deus ex machina van de collaboration revenue maar ook daar hou ik in de mate van het mogelijke rekening mee in mijn berekeningen. Bij Bcart zijn er veel bewegende delen, maar die kan je allemaal als parameters in een model stoppen. Stop er zeer optimistische parameters in (zoals hierboven beschreven) en zie waar je uit komt.

    Ik hoop met MB dat Bcart de blockbuster in de pijplijn heeft om tot de hierboven beschreven groei te komen. Echter de weg naar de 1 miljoen cartridges is nog lang. We weten uit ervaring dat beleggers meestal niet het nodige geduld aan de dag kunnen leggen om hierop te wachten. Er zullen dus nog dips komen. Indien niet, pech voor mij. Ik heb nog andere ijzers in het vuur.

    Ik ben akkoord met Tryck dat dat er nog bedrijven zijn met een zeer hoge P/E maar weinigen hebben een zo hoge cash-burn/sales verhouding als Bcart. Dat maakt Bcart very tricky.

    Wat betreft de analisten, denk eraan dat de meeste op een goed blaadje bij Bcart willen komen om zo de volgende emissie of lening te kunnen begeleiden. Amper een jaar geleden stonden hun koersdoelen nog rond de 16 & 20. Je zal toen maar gekocht hebben (zoals ik), zuiver voortgaand op hun koersdoelen. Ik heb ondertussen heel wat "voortschrijdend inzicht" gekregen in hun praktijken.

    Het ga jullie goed!
  11. [verwijderd] 25 april 2020 13:39

    brightlight schreef op 25 april 2020 11:32:

    Sorry hoor, CGCDLR, maar hier ben je mis. De cash waar je van spreekt is geleend geld. Het geld is dus niet van Bcart en dus geen onderdeel van de waarde van het bedrijf (als ik een huis koop met geleend geld dan is dat huis ook strikt genomen niet van mij tot de lening is terugbetaald). Dat geld zal in 2022 of 2023 opgebrand zijn en moet in 2024 terugbetaald worden. In het beste geval staat de koers van Bcart dan boven de conversion price van 12.89E. Indien niet dan moet op de één of andere manier weer geld gevonden worden om de lening terug te betalen. Indien wel, dan treedt er een verwatering op van ong. 20%. Daar komt nog bij dat de waarschijnlijkheid groot is dat in 2022 of 2023 nog extra geld moet opgehaald worden. Dit zal gaan ten koste van ofwel de bottom line ofwel nog weer verwatering. M.a.w. mijn P/S valuatie van eerder houdt met beide zaken zelfs nog geen rekening en ligt eigenlijk dus nog hoger. Tegenover de cash burn staat natuurlijk ook (voor een deel) de productontwikkeling en sales force. Maar die zal ook nodig zijn om de benodigde groei en omzet te draaien die dit share-price niveau verlangt.

    Het klopt dat ik denk als een boekhouder (ik zie dit als een compliment, MB), maar mijn ervaring heeft me geleerd dat niets ooit bij Bcart loopt zoals verwacht. Meestal loopt er wel één of ander mis. Ik denk dat het dus niet ongepast is enige voorzichtigheid aan de dag te leggen gezien de huidige koers. Bovendien wordt de taak waar Bcart voor staat om tot break-even te komen volgens mij zwaar onderschat!!!! Zij moeten (volgens mijn meest optimistische model) tot dik boven de 1 miljoen cartridges sold per jaar komen (nu 175.000), zelfs met een substantieel hogere avg. cartridge sales price dan nu. Hiervoor moeten zowel de avg. cartridges sold per console als de console installed base fors naar omhoog (om dit bv. binnen vier a vijf jaar te bereiken), de productiekost van de cartridges fors omlaag en mogen de kosten van R&D, general en administrative en sales niet substantieel stijgen. Het enige wat hier (tijdelijk) soelaas kan brengen is de deus ex machina van de collaboration revenue maar ook daar hou ik in de mate van het mogelijke rekening mee in mijn berekeningen. Bij Bcart zijn er veel bewegende delen, maar die kan je allemaal als parameters in een model stoppen. Stop er zeer optimistische parameters in (zoals hierboven beschreven) en zie waar je uit komt.

    Ik hoop met MB dat Bcart de blockbuster in de pijplijn heeft om tot de hierboven beschreven groei te komen. Echter de weg naar de 1 miljoen cartridges is nog lang. We weten uit ervaring dat beleggers meestal niet het nodige geduld aan de dag kunnen leggen om hierop te wachten. Er zullen dus nog dips komen. Indien niet, pech voor mij. Ik heb nog andere ijzers in het vuur.

    Ik ben akkoord met Tryck dat dat er nog bedrijven zijn met een zeer hoge P/E maar weinigen hebben een zo hoge cash-burn/sales verhouding als Bcart. Dat maakt Bcart very tricky.

    Wat betreft de analisten, denk eraan dat de meeste op een goed blaadje bij Bcart willen komen om zo de volgende emissie of lening te kunnen begeleiden. Amper een jaar geleden stonden hun koersdoelen nog rond de 16 & 20. Je zal toen maar gekocht hebben (zoals ik), zuiver voortgaand op hun koersdoelen. Ik heb ondertussen heel wat "voortschrijdend inzicht" gekregen in hun praktijken.

    Het ga jullie goed!
    1 miljoen cartridges om break-even te draaien was ook mijn gedachtengang,maar werd daar eerder al mee uitgelachen op dit forum.Wat de productiekost van de cartridges betreft zal deze kost zeker lager kunnen nu de brandstofprijzen zeer laag staan.De kunststof zal hierdoor veel goedkoper geproduceerd kunnen worden.Op grote schaal gaat dit snel over miljoene euro,s.
  12. CGCDLR 25 april 2020 14:17
    Ok,BL hier heb je gelijk (die 170 milj.zal ooit terug moeten betaald worden),maar, ik werk momenteel in een firma waar gesnoeid wordt.Overtollig volk buiten,snoeien op investeringen.Ergens zou ik nu graag bij Biocartis werken of kunnen werken.Ze zitten in één van de niches die groeit.Q1spreekt boekdelen,Q2 wordt moeilijker.De 170 miljoen op de rekening zie ik als een buffer(terugbetalen 2024?),meer nog Biocartis zal omzetgroei boeken in 2020,heeft meerdere ijzers in het vuur om te groeien,ja in 2020.Volgens mij gaan in 2020 98%van alle bedrijven in krimpmodus,weten ze niet over hoe ze 2020 zullen overleven,laten we maar niet spreken over 2021!Met een cashbuffer & een groeiende niche zit je volgens mij goed voor de komende jaren.Behalve enkele pharmabedrijven en voorzichtige verzekeraars zitten er niet veel bedrijven in zo'n "luxepositie".
  13. Flatlander 25 april 2020 21:54

    This is a from a post made on May 9, 2018, It has some information relevant to some of your statements. Unfortunately the board does not like it when I excerpt it as a quotation. I'll discuss it in the next post since it is too long.

    09 May 2018

    © Biocartis
    Biocartis has been on the stock market for a little over 3 years. “This year is still investing heavily, but next year sales would accelerate. .

    At the beginning of this week, we moved to the Biocartis headquarters in Mechelen, where Galapagos is also located. We met with CEO Herman Verrelst, who has been appointed since August, and with investor relations manager Renate Degrave.

    The annual report states that you want to shift up a gear. How will you do that?
    In Europe, where we work with our own sales team, we mainly want to focus on higher use of our mini-labs (higher test consumption per device). In the US, where we work with a hybrid model (our own sales team and via distributor Thermo Fisher), it is primarily a matter of installing appliances. There is a lot of low hanging fruit. Through partners such as Amgen, with whom we collaborate, we receive assistance with regularization and commercialization in the US. Next year we will submit our first file, in the colon cancer domain. We will determine our strategy for China and Japan later this year.

    What about the competitors?
    In certain segments, such as colon cancer, we are trying to push competitors such as Roche and Qiagen away, which is also possible because of the benefits of the Idylla system (see box). For colon cancer, we have to wait for the MSI test to complete our menu. But this test could also be used as a biomarker for immuno-oncology, which could be a major breakthrough. Qiagen recently invested 200 million euros in a faster system. We see this as a validation of our system. With Idylla and our current test menu, we are several years ahead. And a testament to the value of our system is also the recent deal with the US Genomic Health for the development and commercialization of breast cancer tests, which immediately resulted in a down payment of 3.3 million USD.

    The second cartridge production line should be ready by the end of this year. Is the production capacity of 1 million cartridges per year sufficient for the next five years?

    © a

    Bwah (laughs). Let us say that within that period we also have the opportunity to start setting up a copy of this production cartridge line elsewhere. The second production line required an investment of EUR 20 million. The next production line, which we can copy to any country, will require much less investment. Cartridge sales are expected to double this year (71,000 in 2017).
    The average price per cartridge last year was approximately EUR 117 compared to EUR 158? In 2016. What is the reason for this?
    In 2016, there were large volumes in the context of a collaboration with our pharma partners, which caused a bias. “In reality, this is only a slight decrease (from approximately 125 to 117 EUR) due to the various sales channels. Working with distributors means that part of the margin must be transferred. Prices are slightly lower in the Rest of World markets, but this is offset by good pricing in the US and Europe. We do not expect large fluctuations in the average price in the coming years.

    In March you said that there is cash for 2 years and that more efficiency needs to be created so that profitability can be pursued. But is that realistic? You already need to sell around 500,000 cartridges to become profitable.
    After the capital round of November last year, with 80 million euros raised, Biocartis has sufficient funds for the next 2 years. This year will remain an investment year, with the costs for research and development (39.5 million euros). ? EUR in 2017) are not yet falling. With the current cash we cannot go to a break-even yet. We never indicated that this was the last round of capital. But there are several financing options. We have a credit facility and the European Union provided another loan of EUR 24 million in March, which we can call upon for infectious disease projects if necessary.

    Now that you are active in the US, is an IPO on Nasdaq an option?
    It is one of the possible options. We have not yet done this because there was more than enough demand for the shares without having to allow too much discount. Incidentally, it has not prevented a significant portion of our shares from already being held by US investors.

    And then there are the changes in the Board of Directors. No fewer than 5 people will be replaced, including the least with the third largest shareholder Rudi Mariën (stake of 7.7%) and founder Rudi Pauwels.
    Rudi Mariën (70 years old) had already indicated that she wanted to be less active. "The departure therefore has nothing to do with a difference in strategic vision." It is true that Mariën argued for an acceleration of commercialization. "But we are with that busy. And as far as Rudi Pauwels is concerned, he has always been a serial entrepreneur. “And if you've been driving a driver for a long time, it's harder to be in the back.

    Where do you see Biocartis within 5 years?
    We have everything to realize great potential. We have the right product at the right time. There is a request from the patient to be informed more quickly. Now it is a matter of creating scale. We want to become a long-term player in this market. So we are not looking at all to sell the company. We are mainly focused on building solid foundations.
    Activities Biocartis
    Biocartis was only established in 2007. “The Mechelen company sells the Idylla system, a kind of mini-lab. The Idylla system consists of two components: the instrument, which can perform molecular diagnostics tests very quickly and precisely, and the cartridge (a type of cassette). 71,000 cartridges were sold last year, good for a turnover of 8.3 million. EUR. Turnover from the sale of the instruments amounted to 4.6 million EUR (258 new mini-labs installed). The advantage of Idylla is the speed of execution. The analysis of a sample can be obtained in just 35 to 150 minutes. Because the system is fully automated, human errors are excluded as much as possible. In addition, Idylla can perform tests with solid (eg tumor tissue) and liquid biopsies (eg blood). The latter in particular is an asset.
    Test menu of great importance
    The success of the system depends on the number of tests that are offered. Biocartis focuses on cancer tests. At the end of March, 14 cancer tests (colon, lung and melanoma cancer) were available and 2 against infectious diseases. Oncology is the fastest growing segment (expected average annual growth of 17% between 2016 and 2021) in the molecular diagnostics market (MDx), but is still a lot smaller than the infectious diseases market, but there are also fewer competitors. Molecular diagnostic tests are needed to provide access to the more personalized cancer treatments tailored to a patient's genetic profile.


  14. Flatlander 25 april 2020 22:11

    I went back in the archives to counter a couple points in your recent posts.

    I see the cash situation as good until at least the 3rd Qtr 2021 assuming normal burn rates of $20 mil/qtr, Your statement about the China investment appears overstated based on the above Verrelst interview. The China operations are up and running but the next significant investment in China will likely be a 3rd manufacturing line. Verrelst's interview indicates that the recent 2nd line designs and parts sourcing, etc may easily be applied to a new 3rd line in Asia such that the costs would be significantly less than the 20 million EU spent on the 2nd line. Also, this cost would be split with partner Wonfo. The March 5 cc indicates that the cash burn will decrease significantly in 2021 as the volumes increase allowing more efficient usage of the existing manufacturing lines. Also, BCART has advised that significant margin improvements will be realized in 2021 as they move to profitability. I think this is partially as a result of the mix of high priced assay products (i.e., MSI, EGFR. gene fusion, etc) and the geographic mix.

    I think a lot of your recent negative outlook is based on the increased operating expenses at year end 2019. I think it now evident that BCART management kitchen sinked the end of 2019. They accelerated all expenses possible into 2019, so as to start 2020 with a cleaner slate. This is evident from the relatively low cash burn (8 mil EU) during Q1 2020.

    You take a glass half empty stance pointing out that 2019 Q1 was weak providing an easy basis of I comparison. I take a glass half full stance, in the course of a few months BCART recognized that the relationship with Fisher was failing and terminated the relationship with this distributor. They staffed a US sales force, transferred 100% of US accounts to US BCART managers, arranged for distribution of consoles and cartridges and put the US market back on a growth trajectory. Weak basis of comparison or not, this is good progress and good management! As we have discussed on this board, the relationship with Fisher was inherited from previous management and was doomed to fail since Fisher is trying to launch their own POC MDx offerings in direct competition to Idylla. How could anyone ever expect them to enthusiastically sell BCART's product given this inherant conflict?

    I do not disagree that with the interview statement that profitability could be achieved at cartridge sales around 500,000. Although, the average sales price needs to reflect the higher priced assays (MSI, EGFR, probably gene fusion when it is released, etc) so that the margins improve. As you have pointed out the cartridge pricing differences around the globe are not insignificant. Average pricing in the US is much higher than elsewhere. Profitability will require a higher contribution from the US (likely to start in 2021). Where we have historically differed in opinion is your extrapolation of current sales volume and pricing way into the future. I know you have asked opinions about the sales inflection points and the rates that I see. But there are many inflection points in the 2-3 year future. In the US, I'm certain that the RUO market represents less than 10% of the overall market. Thus, 90% of the US POC market cannot be accessed until registration approval is achieved. I see the access to this larger market with very attractive insurance/medicare reimbursement rates as a game changer. As you have pointed out, this submission schedule will make this a 2021 event rather than 2020. China Registration approvals with a population of 1.4 B (many of them smokers) would obviously be another potential huge inflection point.

    Based on my reviews of the pathology journals which tout Idylla's accuracy, speed, ease of use, and ability to salvage results in cases where other testing methods have failed (i.e., Idylla has been shown to provide actionable results in the 30% of the cases that fail NGS), I remain very optimistic in the long run. I still see Idylla well positioned to grow. However, I have resigned myself that regulatory approvals take alot longer than I initially expected. The system in the US is biased toward CLIA testing. But given the problems with many such COVID tests, their is legislation to regulate these lab based tests. Also, there is considerable inertia in POC adoption as detailed in the Cal Davis link provided a couple days ago. People and businesses fall into routines and often have trouble changing. COVID 19 my actually accelerate the rate of change. I think there will be an emphasis on automation to avoid having people working close together. This will benefit Idylla in the long run.

    As I have mentioned several times, my experience as a long term investor at GHDX is that it takes a while to develop the technical papers and testimonials that act to drive the adoption of a new product. In the case of OncoType Dx Breast, one study, the NEJM release of the TailorX results at ASCO in May of 2018 changed the company's trajectory overnight. Despite the fact that many previous studies indicated that OncoTypeDx was a good predictor of breast cancer response to chemotherapy. BCART has a lot more irons in the fire than GHDX did. During the March 5, call Verrest mentioned that more than 30 client technical publications are in the works for 2020. These studies are how traction is gained in the scientific community. While no-one here should look at BCART as a ticket to instant riches, they can look to the long term growth of similar companies (i.e., Cepheid) that have marketed easy to use, POC MDx products as an example.

    BL. Because there are so many moving parts and inputs to BCART's future, I don't think anyone can provide all the inputs your financial models require. The uncertainty range is too great. In the March 5 CC they indicated that Asia is likely a 2021 and beyond story. When you start talking about the size of those markets and the fact that we are in the earliest stages of POC personalized medicine, it has the potential to blow up your model. The fact that BCART has a first mover advantage in the worldwide launch of a sample to answer POC automated system that provides lower cost answers than most current methods is a great opportunity. Unfortunately, without all of the geographically required registrations they can currently only scratch the surface of this market potential. Currently, the chief evidence of the market potential are the Pharma and content partnerships. In the next year, the FDA and other approvals will start unlock potential. I suspect that will help provide the financial metric information you require to get back in. We'll have to see where the share price is when the financial improvement become evident to all.

    Best wishes
  15. [verwijderd] 26 april 2020 09:08

    Flatlander schreef op 25 april 2020 22:11:


    I went back in the archives to counter a couple points in your recent posts.

    I see the cash situation as good until at least the 3rd Qtr 2021 assuming normal burn rates of $20 mil/qtr, Your statement about the China investment appears overstated based on the above Verrelst interview. The China operations are up and running but the next significant investment in China will likely be a 3rd manufacturing line. Verrelst's interview indicates that the recent 2nd line designs and parts sourcing, etc may easily be applied to a new 3rd line in Asia such that the costs would be significantly less than the 20 million EU spent on the 2nd line. Also, this cost would be split with partner Wonfo. The March 5 cc indicates that the cash burn will decrease significantly in 2021 as the volumes increase allowing more efficient usage of the existing manufacturing lines. Also, BCART has advised that significant margin improvements will be realized in 2021 as they move to profitability. I think this is partially as a result of the mix of high priced assay products (i.e., MSI, EGFR. gene fusion, etc) and the geographic mix.

    I think a lot of your recent negative outlook is based on the increased operating expenses at year end 2019. I think it now evident that BCART management kitchen sinked the end of 2019. They accelerated all expenses possible into 2019, so as to start 2020 with a cleaner slate. This is evident from the relatively low cash burn (8 mil EU) during Q1 2020.

    You take a glass half empty stance pointing out that 2019 Q1 was weak providing an easy basis of I comparison. I take a glass half full stance, in the course of a few months BCART recognized that the relationship with Fisher was failing and terminated the relationship with this distributor. They staffed a US sales force, transferred 100% of US accounts to US BCART managers, arranged for distribution of consoles and cartridges and put the US market back on a growth trajectory. Weak basis of comparison or not, this is good progress and good management! As we have discussed on this board, the relationship with Fisher was inherited from previous management and was doomed to fail since Fisher is trying to launch their own POC MDx offerings in direct competition to Idylla. How could anyone ever expect them to enthusiastically sell BCART's product given this inherant conflict?

    I do not disagree that with the interview statement that profitability could be achieved at cartridge sales around 500,000. Although, the average sales price needs to reflect the higher priced assays (MSI, EGFR, probably gene fusion when it is released, etc) so that the margins improve. As you have pointed out the cartridge pricing differences around the globe are not insignificant. Average pricing in the US is much higher than elsewhere. Profitability will require a higher contribution from the US (likely to start in 2021). Where we have historically differed in opinion is your extrapolation of current sales volume and pricing way into the future. I know you have asked opinions about the sales inflection points and the rates that I see. But there are many inflection points in the 2-3 year future. In the US, I'm certain that the RUO market represents less than 10% of the overall market. Thus, 90% of the US POC market cannot be accessed until registration approval is achieved. I see the access to this larger market with very attractive insurance/medicare reimbursement rates as a game changer. As you have pointed out, this submission schedule will make this a 2021 event rather than 2020. China Registration approvals with a population of 1.4 B (many of them smokers) would obviously be another potential huge inflection point.

    Based on my reviews of the pathology journals which tout Idylla's accuracy, speed, ease of use, and ability to salvage results in cases where other testing methods have failed (i.e., Idylla has been shown to provide actionable results in the 30% of the cases that fail NGS), I remain very optimistic in the long run. I still see Idylla well positioned to grow. However, I have resigned myself that regulatory approvals take alot longer than I initially expected. The system in the US is biased toward CLIA testing. But given the problems with many such COVID tests, their is legislation to regulate these lab based tests. Also, there is considerable inertia in POC adoption as detailed in the Cal Davis link provided a couple days ago. People and businesses fall into routines and often have trouble changing. COVID 19 my actually accelerate the rate of change. I think there will be an emphasis on automation to avoid having people working close together. This will benefit Idylla in the long run.

    As I have mentioned several times, my experience as a long term investor at GHDX is that it takes a while to develop the technical papers and testimonials that act to drive the adoption of a new product. In the case of OncoType Dx Breast, one study, the NEJM release of the TailorX results at ASCO in May of 2018 changed the company's trajectory overnight. Despite the fact that many previous studies indicated that OncoTypeDx was a good predictor of breast cancer response to chemotherapy. BCART has a lot more irons in the fire than GHDX did. During the March 5, call Verrest mentioned that more than 30 client technical publications are in the works for 2020. These studies are how traction is gained in the scientific community. While no-one here should look at BCART as a ticket to instant riches, they can look to the long term growth of similar companies (i.e., Cepheid) that have marketed easy to use, POC MDx products as an example.

    BL. Because there are so many moving parts and inputs to BCART's future, I don't think anyone can provide all the inputs your financial models require. The uncertainty range is too great. In the March 5 CC they indicated that Asia is likely a 2021 and beyond story. When you start talking about the size of those markets and the fact that we are in the earliest stages of POC personalized medicine, it has the potential to blow up your model. The fact that BCART has a first mover advantage in the worldwide launch of a sample to answer POC automated system that provides lower cost answers than most current methods is a great opportunity. Unfortunately, without all of the geographically required registrations they can currently only scratch the surface of this market potential. Currently, the chief evidence of the market potential are the Pharma and content partnerships. In the next year, the FDA and other approvals will start unlock potential. I suspect that will help provide the financial metric information you require to get back in. We'll have to see where the share price is when the financial improvement become evident to all.

    Best wishes

    Flatlander,Ik ben blij dat uw glas halfvol is.Dat blijkt ook door uw mooi geschreven verslag.
    Even een vraagje voor een kenner zoals u. Nu J&J samen met Janssen Pharmaseutica ook op zoek zijn naar een covid-19 vaccin,zou het kunnen dat de banden met Biocartis dan nauwer kunnen aagetrokken worden.Mij zou dit toch logisch lijken.
  16. brightlight 26 april 2020 11:23
    Thanks for answering so extensively to my posts. I suppose it means you take them seriously.
    I just try to put things a little bit in perspective. Let me elaborate a bit.
    1. The euphoric reaction to the +68% sales jump is in my opinion way overblown. Why?
    -how to make bad numbers look good? By comparing them to even worse numbers. Comparison is made to the obviously very low Q1'19 numbers (Thermo Fisher disaster)
    -in fact there is total secrecy about the Q1'20 numbers because they never did state what the Q1'19 numbers actually were either!!!
    -why all this secrecy and manipulation? what is there we are not allowed to know?
    -they do not (dare to) make a comparison to the Q4'19 numbers because that would surely give a significantly less rosy picture. Based on the half year numbers (which we do have) I think they managed a 15% sequential increase, but even then ...
    -they still had to admit a lot of hamstering had been going on in this quarter, so part of the Q1 sales volume is volume that has been taken away from Q2.
    -concerning console sales, they had to admit they were less than expected which is actually bad news, not good, and this will have its effect on cartridge sales for the rest of the year
    -in the first two months of the quarter, the pandemic was not yet an issue (only in China), so even with this very limited impact, sales were apparently not gaining a lot of traction
    -fair is fair, the good news was the Covid-19 test, all the rest was already known
    So even though I do realize this quarter does not have lot of significance in the bigger picture, I do not grasp the euphoric reaction to the news either. Is this all due to the Covid test? All the positive arguments you mentioned above were of course already present a couple of weeks ago when the share price was at 3 and a bit.
    2. This brings me to my second and most important point which is that, now with the price jump, a lot of good news is already (again) baked into the share price, contrary to what some claim that these are bargain prices. We are currently paying a P/S of over 8 (6.6 forward looking). Some may argue a P/S of 8 is a normal level for this company, maybe it is, but one should never say it is cheap. Sure, we can go to 10 or 20 or whatever, the sky is the limit. Should we then be surprised the stock may again draw the attention of shorters at the first sign of weakness which may already come with the half yearly update?
    3. The mountain to climb is far more difficult than most out there think.
    So my glass remains half empty for the moment. I suggest we leave it at that, the weather is just too nice at the moment here in Belgium to be spending too much time indoors.
    Take care,
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