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Aandeel Biocartis BRU:BCART.BL, BE0974281132

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  1. Flatlander 26 februari 2020 14:24
    Don't count on much relief from the US open. The news here is focusing on Trump sending out his Economic Adviser Kudlow to say that Coronavirus was contained . At nearly the same time the head of the CDC came out and said it was a matter of when (and not if) the pandemic spreads to America. There is no trust in the information being provided!

    This is one of the few disadvantages of BCART expanding into the worldwide market. While the sales from Asia are not in the projections, yet, people are acting like BCART employees are highly exposed to to the virus hot spots.

    Other than BCART, anyone have any other European Stocks(preferably non-healthcare) they believe are a good value?

  2. [verwijderd] 26 februari 2020 15:20

    Is dit de lijst van blootstelling aan het coronavirus, het is van Leefloon 25 februari 2020 18:49 op het forum van AB Inbev

    Twee dagen corona bij heel Euronext, gewogen per (een soms uit één notering bestaande) ICB subsector.
    Biocartis valt dan onder -0,84% Medical Equipment

    8,24% Software
    2,10% Investment Services
    0,23% Gold Mining
    0,00% Insurance Brokers
    -0,84% Medical Equipment
    -1,02% Pipelines
    -2,08% Broadcasting & Entertainment
    -2,12% Industrial Suppliers
    -2,26% Food Retailers & Wholesalers
    -2,53% Trucking
    -2,59% Computer Hardware
    -3,15% Toys
    -3,27% Soft Drinks
    -3,29% Industrial & Office REITs
    -3,34% Gambling
    -3,38% Pharmaceuticals
    -3,38% Diversified REITs
    -3,45% Health Care Providers
    -3,48% Alternative Fuels
    -3,52% Telecommunications Equipment
    -3,65% Aluminum
    -3,80% Publishing
    -3,85% Equity Investment Instruments
    -3,87% Fixed Line Telecommunications
    -3,98% Water
    -4,02% Commodity Chemicals
    -4,27% Food Products
    -4,37% Residential REITs
    -4,38% Business Support Services
    -4,41% Commercial Vehicles & Trucks
    -4,42% Apparel Retailers
    -4,42% Real Estate Holding & Development
    -4,44% Financial Administration
    -4,46% Specialty Chemicals
    -4,47% Internet
    -4,47% Home Construction
    -4,71% Personal Products
    -4,73% Railroads
    -4,81% Specialized Consumer Services
    -4,81% Building Materials & Fixtures
    -4,84% Specialty Retailers
    -4,92% Electrical Components & Equipment
    -4,93% Conventional Electricity
    -4,95% Computer Services
    -5,03% Gas Distribution
    -5,04% Renewable Energy Equipment
    -5,05% Durable Household Products
    -5,18% Forestry
    -5,19% Specialty REITs
    -5,26% Industrial Machinery
    -5,26% Paper
    -5,31% Distillers & Vintners
    -5,34% Alternative Electricity
    -5,39% Reinsurance
    -5,42% Heavy Construction
    -5,43% Farming & Fishing
    -5,44% Diversified Industrials
    -5,50% Defense
    -5,67% Nondurable Household Products
    -5,71% Brewers
    -5,76% Home Improvement Retailers
    -5,80% Containers & Packaging
    -5,81% Retail REITs
    -5,84% Full Line Insurance
    -5,92% Specialty Finance
    -5,93% Clothing & Accessories
    -5,93% Mobile Telecommunications
    -6,00% Medical Supplies
    -6,21% Marine Transportation
    -6,28% Asset Managers
    -6,30% Aerospace
    -6,33% Multiutilities
    -6,37% Auto Parts
    -6,39% Restaurants & Bars
    -6,40% Integrated Oil & Gas
    -6,51% Business Training & Employment Agencies
    -6,62% Broadline Retailers
    -6,68% Media Agencies
    -6,74% Life Insurance
    -6,99% Semiconductors
    -6,99% Electronic Office Equipment
    -7,08% Delivery Services
    -7,09% Furnishings
    -7,14% Real Estate Services
    -7,21% Exploration & Production
    -7,34% Banks
    -7,39% Tires
    -7,53% Electronic Equipment
    -7,74% Transportation Services
    -7,82% Property & Casualty Insurance
    -7,83% Hotels
    -7,97% Iron & Steel
    -8,20% Nonferrous Metals
    -8,30% General Mining
    -8,30% Hotel & Lodging REITs
    -8,32% Automobiles
    -8,65% Biotechnology
    -8,95% Waste & Disposal Services
    -9,15% Recreational Products
    -9,39% Recreational Services
    -11,28% Oil Equipment & Services
    -12,70% Nonequity Investment Instruments
    -13,40% Consumer Electronics
    -13,54% Airlines
    -15,94% Travel & Tourism
  3. [verwijderd] 26 februari 2020 15:27

    Flatlander schreef op 26 februari 2020 14:24:

    Don't count on much relief from the US open. The news here is focusing on Trump sending out his Economic Adviser Kudlow to say that Coronavirus was contained . At nearly the same time the head of the CDC came out and said it was a matter of when (and not if) the pandemic spreads to America. There is no trust in the information being provided!

    This is one of the few disadvantages of BCART expanding into the worldwide market. While the sales from Asia are not in the projections, yet, people are acting like BCART employees are highly exposed to to the virus hot spots.

    Other than BCART, anyone have any other European Stocks(preferably non-healthcare) they believe are a good value?


    AB Inbev is looking pretty cheap. Tomorrow they release their year results, so I am wondering what will happen. The only problem is that Asia is a huge market for their beers. On the other hand, when there is stress and fear, people tend to like a drink ;) So I think it's worth to check out.

    Elia is expensive, but they basically have a monopoly on the electrical network in Belgium. I am still looking into this one, so I'm not sure yet.

  4. Tryck 26 februari 2020 16:37
    I think (and I hope) these are times which create exceptional buying opportunities for Biocartis... at least that's what I did the past two days. I added positions at 5.5€ and 5€.
    Though I need to watch out as BCART now represents 40% of my portfolio - I am looking to diversify a bit more now and perhaps pick up some more defensive stocks that heavily dropped the past few days.
  5. Gijpie 26 februari 2020 16:39
    Flat Personnaly i gonna wait a week to invest any further and stick with the shares i own this virus is doing more damage than i anticipated . A stock I believe a lot in is X-FAB they had their problems but just before this virus they were crawling out of the woods . I think it’s still to expensive but if it would hit 4 I am a buyer . There big in chips for electrical cars and weather we like those cars or not they gonna force us to one especially in Europe
  6. Flatlander 26 februari 2020 18:35
    Developing a watch list is the first step for me, then doing enough due diligence that I can feel confident to buy. The virus is hopefully a very temporary event that just creates sale prices. After Rarezot mentioned Mikron I added them to a watch list. It is a 110 year old company that pays a dividend trading at 5 year lows. Their business, especially the automotive looks pretty cyclical but the pharma/healthcare automation business looks pretty strong. Automation is a theme that will persist into the perceivable future. Something like Coronavirus could be a long term positive for them as companies realize that they need to diversify suppliers outside of Asia. However, the company is a microcap and I don't see a catalyst in the near future. They look like a good acquisition candidate but I'm sure they have decided to go it alone.

    I'm looking at AMS.SW since its optical business is tied to some potential high growth areas (lidar systems for self driving cars, face recognition, etc.). It took a huge hit when Apple slowed last year but looked like it was rebounding.

    Tyrck - I'm highly positive about the potential of BCART but 40%, really? It is still in the speculative category and the position size should not get above your pain threshold. Hopefully you mean 40% of your speculative investment portfolio or maybe your 22 years old and can put the money down and can afford to roll the dice and still have a lifetime to make it up if things don't work out.

  7. [verwijderd] 26 februari 2020 22:25

    As someone who's portfolio consists for 33% of Biocartis stocks, I really hope the 5th of March will finally bring some good news.
    Bought my first Biocartis stock in 2016, and since then it's been a rollercoaster of emotions, but this should be the year they finally prove that they're worth the patience.

    Thanks everyone for all of the information on the fora, I usually never post something here, but the Biocartis forum has been a very good source of information.
    Special thanks to Flatlander. It makes understanding a company like Biocartis a bit more easy for me.

  8. Flatlander 27 februari 2020 00:59
    Hi Alviax

    The one thing I want to caution about the March 5 update is that the 2019 recap is backward looking. I'm most interested in the status of FDA registrations, Japan registrations and sales and the status of the OncotypeDx launch in Germany, France, then the rest of the EU and ROW. An update on the OncotypeDx prostate assay and Septicyte would also be welcome. Too often investors in BCART try to project the console and cartridge sales rates into the future. I expect a major change in the uptake rate once more assays go from RUO to full diagnostic approval. Thus, when the approvals occur, BCART and their partners will be able to sell into the point of care practices that the system was designed for. This is what I refer to as the major inflection point in the sales trajectory. Based on a ton of technical journal reviews, I see no technical reason why these approvals will not be received.

  9. forum rang 10 voda 27 februari 2020 07:06
    PERSBERICHT: Persbericht Biocartis Group NV: Biocartis kondigt 2019 financiële resultaten aan via webcast op 5 maart 2020

    Biocartis NV
    5,29 0,00 0,00 % Euronext Brussel

    27 februari 2020, 07:00 CET

    Biocartis kondigt 2019 financiële resultaten aan via webcast op 5
    maart 2020

    Mechelen, België, 27 februari 2020 -- Biocartis Group NV (de
    'Vennootschap' of 'Biocartis'), een innovatief bedrijf in de moleculaire
    diagnostiek (Euronext Brussels: BCART), kondigt vandaag aan dat ze een
    live webcastconferentie zal opzetten op donderdag 5 maart 2020 om 14:00
    CET / 13:00 BST (VK) / 08:00 EDT (VS) om zijn 2019 resultaten en 2020
    vooruitzichten aan te kondigen.

    De live webcast zal toegankelijk zijn via de
    Biocartis website of door
    hier te klikken. Wie aan de vraag- en antwoordsessie wil deelnemen,
    gelieve 5-10 minuten voor starttijd in te bellen via onderstaande
    inbelnummers, gevolgd door de bevestigingscode 6194332. De webcast en
    telefoonconferentie zullen in het Engels gevoerd worden. Een herhaling
    van de webcast zal kort nadien ter beschikking zijn op de


    -- VK, Londen (standaard internationaal):
    +44 (0)8445718892

    -- België, Brussel:

    +32 (0)24009874

    -- Frankrijk, Parijs:
    +33 (0)176700794

    -- Nederland, Amsterdam:

    -- Verenigde Staten, New York:
    +1 6315107495

    Bevestigingscode: 6194332

    ----- EINDE ----

    Meer informatie:

    Renate Degrave

    Head of Corporate Communications & Investor Relations Biocartis


    tel +32 15 631 729

    gsm +32 471 53 60 64
  10. Tryck 27 februari 2020 07:42
    FL, I understand the speculative nature of my portfolio at the moment. I think my current position of 40% is as far as I want to go.

    To put it into perspective I am 25 and my total investment portfolio is 10K€ - so I'm not talking about putting my life on the line here. In the best case some of my investments pay off significantly, in the worst case I might lose a few months worth of salary.

    I also keep a watchlist of companies, and try to read as much about them and do my due diligence before investing.

    My main interests for diversification are in gold/cash, 5G, gaming or esports, pea protein food industry and renewable energy or recycling (I can send some names later)
  11. joe123 27 februari 2020 09:19

    voda schreef op 27 februari 2020 07:06:

    PERSBERICHT: Persbericht Biocartis Group NV: Biocartis kondigt 2019 financiële resultaten aan via webcast op 5 maart 2020

    Biocartis NV
    5,29 0,00 0,00 % Euronext Brussel

    27 februari 2020, 07:00 CET

    Biocartis kondigt 2019 financiële resultaten aan via webcast op 5
    maart 2020

    Mechelen, België, 27 februari 2020 -- Biocartis Group NV (de
    'Vennootschap' of 'Biocartis'), een innovatief bedrijf in de moleculaire
    diagnostiek (Euronext Brussels: BCART), kondigt vandaag aan dat ze een
    live webcastconferentie zal opzetten op donderdag 5 maart 2020 om 14:00
    CET / 13:00 BST (VK) / 08:00 EDT (VS) om zijn 2019 resultaten en 2020
    vooruitzichten aan te kondigen.

    De live webcast zal toegankelijk zijn via de
    Biocartis website of door
    hier te klikken. Wie aan de vraag- en antwoordsessie wil deelnemen,
    gelieve 5-10 minuten voor starttijd in te bellen via onderstaande
    inbelnummers, gevolgd door de bevestigingscode 6194332. De webcast en
    telefoonconferentie zullen in het Engels gevoerd worden. Een herhaling
    van de webcast zal kort nadien ter beschikking zijn op de


    -- VK, Londen (standaard internationaal):
    +44 (0)8445718892

    -- België, Brussel:

    +32 (0)24009874

    -- Frankrijk, Parijs:
    +33 (0)176700794

    -- Nederland, Amsterdam:

    -- Verenigde Staten, New York:
    +1 6315107495

    Bevestigingscode: 6194332

    ----- EINDE ----

    Meer informatie:

    Renate Degrave

    Head of Corporate Communications & Investor Relations Biocartis


    tel +32 15 631 729

    gsm +32 471 53 60 64
    Ze gaan er precies werk van maken.Het mag wel eens ook,met een duidelijke communicatie komen voor de particuliere kleine belegger.
  12. [verwijderd] 27 februari 2020 13:44

    Sinds twee weken werkt ze zonder pauze, de directrice van het laboratorium voor Microbiologie in Milaan. In die functie voert ze onder meer tests op het coronavirus uit. In een interview met de Italiaanse krant ‘La Repubblica’ zegt Maria Rita Gismondo dat Italië doet alsof het in staat van oorlog verkeert. Er is volgens haar sprake van “een bombardement van berichten die angst aanwakkeren en voor collectieve hersenspoeling zorgen”. “Maar eigenlijk gaat het om niet veel meer dan een normaal griepvirus.”

  13. Flatlander 27 februari 2020 14:50

    Youth, is the exception. I think in 10 years you will be happy that you speculated as you did. I have no fear of BCART failing technically. Theranos was smoke and mirrors, BCART is not. Every journal review of Idylla that I have read is positive.

    My only concerns are political and business execution related. By political I mean protectionist policies and regulatory approval processes. I think the political risks are mitigated by having large partners. In my opinion, the chief business execution risks are selling too soon (Verrelst has said in interviews he would not pursue a sale) and the loss of key personnel. The shareholder base of BCART is so fragmented that it will be next to impossible to orchestrate a takeover that is not broadly supported. I owned GHDX before the EXAS acquisition. All it took was the Baker Brothers deciding it was a good time to sell and GHDX was gone as an independent company. The personnel issue happens whenever key people leave. It can affect the ability to meet deadlines.

    Best wishes for your Investing Future!
  14. brightlight 27 februari 2020 21:42

    Flatlander schreef op 25 februari 2020 21:31:

    As much as anything, what stands out to me is what is not mentioned. BCART has a lot of shots on goal coming in the next year. For instance, the article does not mention:

    OncoTypeDx Breast launch in the EU in the next year and the ROW thereafter;
    Japan registration of Assays and beginning of console sales;
    China Registration and launch;
    Septicyte EU approval and US approval;
    Oncotype Prostate status (schedule for roll out to urology labs);
    Other CDx relationships not mentioned.

    I know the article was focused more on the US market but BCART's worldwide opportunities in the point of care marketplace has the potential to be transformational. The initial approvals will pave the way for subsequent assay approvals. The regulators will gain familiarity and confidence in the system with each subsequent submittal.

    I'm surprised that BCART sits a all time lows given the size of the opportunity. BCART got whacked hard even though it does not have the global supply chain risks of a lot of the US Tech sector. From what I can tell, the consoles are manufactured in Boston and the cartridges in Mechelen
    Belgium with no exposure to China. The likely China approval delays have not been built into any estimates so they are not a consideration.


    Although I am utterly convinced about the product and market opportunities of Bcart, my biggest concern with them is that they are not open (at all!) about their future projections concerning peak sales, ramp-up towards peak sales, gross, operational, pre-tax and net margin evolution projections, and even in more detail projections about their r&d, s&m, cost of sales, g&a expense evolution, etc., etc.. I really would like to get a proper idea about when they will break-even. I thought I had a pretty good idea, but every time I look at my numbers I notice there are just too much unknowns. Other Biotechs that I examined in detail are either very transparent about their projections or at least much more open. In other words, it is utterly undo-able to construct a good financial model of Bcart. I wonder if those other biotechs overstep their right to disclose information of if on the other hand Bcart is just way too careful. Anyway, this line of conduct annoys me a lot. If they do not become more open in the not too distant future, I may consider eliminating my considerable position, despite all the hard work I put into trying to understand this company. I wonder if that is not also a concern of yours, and if you yourself ever tried to construct a financial model of Bcart?
    P.S. my stock pick for you is Nokia.
  15. Flatlander 27 februari 2020 23:02

    brightlight schreef op 27 februari 2020 21:42:

    Although I am utterly convinced about the product and market opportunities of Bcart, my biggest concern with them is that they are not open (at all!) about their future projections concerning peak sales, ramp-up towards peak sales, gross, operational, pre-tax and net margin evolution projections, and even in more detail projections about their r&d, s&m, cost of sales, g&a expense evolution, etc., etc.. I really would like to get a proper idea about when they will break-even. I thought I had a pretty good idea, but every time I look at my numbers I notice there are just too much unknowns. Other Biotechs that I examined in detail are either very transparent about their projections or at least much more open. In other words, it is utterly undo-able to construct a good financial model of Bcart. I wonder if those other biotechs overstep their right to disclose information of if on the other hand Bcart is just way too careful. Anyway, this line of conduct annoys me a lot. If they do not become more open in the not too distant future, I may consider eliminating my considerable position, despite all the hard work I put into trying to understand this company. I wonder if that is not also a concern of yours, and if you yourself ever tried to construct a financial model of Bcart?
    P.S. my stock pick for you is Nokia.
    I agree that BCART has become increasingly opaque. However, I think there is reason for them to be cautious. As we have discussed before, competitors including Fisher, Roche and Illumina are targeting the Point of Care MDx market with lower cost NGS and PCR systems. MDx has become a lot more competitive in the past couple years. Many of BCARTs Pharma partners have multiple CDx agreements with competitors such as GH, QGEN and FMI (Roche). For the most part, BCART is not developing novel MDx target assays. They are providing simpler, cheaper and faster results for known mutations at the point of care. From that standpoint it is likely that they will be seeking to displace an entrenched competitor. Therefore, I would not want them to provide competitors a road map to precise costs and margin information or sales strategy.

    It is apparent to me that BCART is ramping up employment (mainly account executives) in the U.S. beyond the level that I believe necessary to continue to service the RUO market. I don't think they would be making these moves unless they were fairly confident of upcoming diagnostic approvals. The CM article I posted early this weak may be an indication of the BCART hiring push in the US.

    Right now the market is in total flight mode. The only thing propping up some valuations is dividends. Speculative stocks like BCART are way out of favor. It would be nice if March 5 provides some visibility to change this trend.

  16. Flatlander 27 februari 2020 23:10

    By the way Nokia and Ericsson are on my 5G lists. The 10yr bond yield in the US has dropped to 1.29%. It is about time to pull some money out of treasuries and put it into stocks. More than likely I'll look for solid dividends. The market doesn't usually find its bottom on a Friday, so more than likely I'll make a move early next week.

  17. Flatlander 27 februari 2020 23:26
    Septicyte on Idylla receives ISO Certification


    While I understand that this is a big step in approval of BCARTS implementation of best manufacturing practices, can anyone net out the time frame of EU marking of septicyte? Am I wrong in assuming that this might have ramifications for certifying BMP for other assays on the same line. This would appear to be a question for Rarezot. Many of those dying from Coronavirus are succumbing to sepsis related organ failure. Getting the product to market quickly may benefit patients.


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