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Aandeel Biocartis BRU:BCART.BL, BE0974281132

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  1. Flatlander 22 oktober 2019 01:02
    I would love it if DRZ would back up his strong anti BCART stance with facts. Lets face it, his negative sentiment has been correct thus far this year. However, I'd like to know why he or anyone else would remain negative after the 40% haircut when the problems in the US (that caused the drop) are by no means permanent.

    As I mentioned before, I was blocked from purchasing additional shares on the Schwab Global Platform. I opened a Interactive Brokers account so I could add shares after the midyear report drop in share price. At this point looking forward I can see numerous potential catalysts occurring in the next year including:

    Septicyte Registration in EU and US;
    Onco DX Breast validation announcement and timing of EU roll out starting in Germany and France;
    Wonfu China Registration/Launch information;
    Nichirei Bioscience Registration/Launch in Japan;
    US FDA MSI 510 Approval;
    Update on Onco DX Prostate Urology proof of concept;
    New Partnership announcements; and
    Demonstration of Sales traction in the US and Rest of World.

    Several of these catalysts can be expected to result in significantly increased sales and improved financial metrics. I think 2020 will be a transitional year for BCART. Based on the catalysts I've identified, I believe profitability will be achieved in 2021. Geographical expansion will require significant continued investment but it is important that BCART press their first mover advantage.

  2. Börs 22 oktober 2019 07:41
    DZR komt doorgaans niet verder dan te benadrukken dat het dure apparaten zijn en het in eigen hand nemen van de verkoop in de US veel geld gaat kosten, maar gaat daarbij volledig voorbij aan al die positieve factoren die hierboven door FL zijn opgesomd. Dit alles onder het motto: ik had gelijk bij Curetis, Esperite en Kiadis, dus zal ik bij BCART ook wel gelijk hebben. Gelukkig werkt het zo niet, zie Tigenix, Ablynx en Pharming. Bovendien is BCART geen echt biotechbedrijf in de zin dat men een geneesmiddel ontwikkeld, met alle onzekerheden die daarmee gepaard gaan. De hoogtechnologische apparaten van BCART zijn vooralsnog uniek in de wereld en hopelijk levert die voorsprong op de concurrentie (in 2021?) voor het eerst ook winst op.
  3. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 22 oktober 2019 08:24

    Flatlander schreef op 22 oktober 2019 01:02:

    I would love it if DRZ would back up his strong anti BCART stance with facts. Lets face it, his negative sentiment has been correct thus far this year. However, I'd like to know why he or anyone else would remain negative after the 40% haircut when the problems in the US (that caused the drop) are by no means permanent.

    As I mentioned before, I was blocked from purchasing additional shares on the Schwab Global Platform. I opened a Interactive Brokers account so I could add shares after the midyear report drop in share price. At this point looking forward I can see numerous potential catalysts occurring in the next year including:

    Septicyte Registration in EU and US;
    Onco DX Breast validation announcement and timing of EU roll out starting in Germany and France;
    Wonfu China Registration/Launch information;
    Nichirei Bioscience Registration/Launch in Japan;
    US FDA MSI 510 Approval;
    Update on Onco DX Prostate Urology proof of concept;
    New Partnership announcements; and
    Demonstration of Sales traction in the US and Rest of World.

    Several of these catalysts can be expected to result in significantly increased sales and improved financial metrics. I think 2020 will be a transitional year for BCART. Based on the catalysts I've identified, I believe profitability will be achieved in 2021. Geographical expansion will require significant continued investment but it is important that BCART press their first mover advantage.
    Ik hoef niks te bewijzen, want dat doet Biocartis zelf al met z'n eigen cijfers.

    En het opzeggen van de distributeur gaat zorgen voor nieuwe tegenvallers.
  4. Börs 22 oktober 2019 09:23

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 22 oktober 2019 08:37:

    Ik zal het nog even samenvatten: de omzet is in ca 4 jaar verdubbeld van ca 14 naar ca 28 miljoen.

    En het verlies is gestegen van ca 40 miljoen naar ca 48 miljoen.

    Fantastische cijfers dus........

    Maar niet heus.
    Helaas wederom een uitermate kortzichtige blik op de gang van zaken bij BCART. Naarmate er meer toepassingen (aandoeningen) komen waarvoor de apparatuur gebruikt kan worden, zal de verkoop van de cartridges fors toenemen. Er is niet voor niets al een tweede fabricagelijn opgestart. De kost gaat nu eenmaal voor de baat uit.
  5. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 22 oktober 2019 10:19

    Börs schreef op 22 oktober 2019 09:23:

    Helaas wederom een uitermate kortzichtige blik op de gang van zaken bij BCART. Naarmate er meer toepassingen (aandoeningen) komen waarvoor de apparatuur gebruikt kan worden, zal de verkoop van de cartridges fors toenemen. Er is niet voor niets al een tweede fabricagelijn opgestart. De kost gaat nu eenmaal voor de baat uit.
    Is Berre familie van jou??
  6. Flatlander 23 oktober 2019 17:21
    Black Knight

    Your point is clear. Yes BCART is not profitable yet. But they have launched new products, established a worldwide footprint, and developed partnerships that will be fruitful over many years. You ascribe no value to any of these factors. As I said before, I invested in BCART after learning about GHDXs plans to launch OncoDx Breast on Idylla. GHDX also struggled to become cash flow positive until the release of the TailorX study at ASCO in 2018. Then it became profitable within a quarter or two. Why won't the launch of Onco DX on Idylla have a similar effect?

    I'd like to share some of the analogus model showing why I'm optimistic about BCART.


    Look at slide 9/15 of the attached CPHD power point. Note that the the growth rate of Cepheids Gene Expert platform was similar to the growth in Idylla consoles at a similar point after launch. the cartridges also tracked similarly. I'll let you do some research of what the share price of Cepheid did from that point until it was acquired by Danaher in November of 2016. When I review the two systems I believe that Cepheid is very much an analog for BCART. Both are cartridge based PCR devices that provide fast TAT sample to answer results. Gene Expert focuses on infectious disease, Idylla on Oncology. I believe much of Idylla was developed using Cepheid as a prototype system.

    DZR you can continue to use the rear view mirror to invest. I know it is safer that way. But the share price will have doubled or tripled by the time the metrics become obvious. I'll admit my mistakes, primarily misjudging the inherent risk aversion in the European small cap market. I thought the BCART news flow might light a fire under the share price. It has not, and I acquired too many shares in the $10 -$11 range. I have averaged down by acquiring additional shares in the 5's and I'm hopeful that Nov 14 may be the start of improved news flow. If not, I'm pretty certain early 2020 will bring better news flow.

  7. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 23 oktober 2019 18:18

    Flatlander schreef op 23 oktober 2019 17:21:

    Black Knight

    Your point is clear. Yes BCART is not profitable yet. But they have launched new products, established a worldwide footprint, and developed partnerships that will be fruitful over many years. You ascribe no value to any of these factors. As I said before, I invested in BCART after learning about GHDXs plans to launch OncoDx Breast on Idylla. GHDX also struggled to become cash flow positive until the release of the TailorX study at ASCO in 2018. Then it became profitable within a quarter or two. Why won't the launch of Onco DX on Idylla have a similar effect?

    I'd like to share some of the analogus model showing why I'm optimistic about BCART.


    Look at slide 9/15 of the attached CPHD power point. Note that the the growth rate of Cepheids Gene Expert platform was similar to the growth in Idylla consoles at a similar point after launch. the cartridges also tracked similarly. I'll let you do some research of what the share price of Cepheid did from that point until it was acquired by Danaher in November of 2016. When I review the two systems I believe that Cepheid is very much an analog for BCART. Both are cartridge based PCR devices that provide fast TAT sample to answer results. Gene Expert focuses on infectious disease, Idylla on Oncology. I believe much of Idylla was developed using Cepheid as a prototype system.

    DZR you can continue to use the rear view mirror to invest. I know it is safer that way. But the share price will have doubled or tripled by the time the metrics become obvious. I'll admit my mistakes, primarily misjudging the inherent risk aversion in the European small cap market. I thought the BCART news flow might light a fire under the share price. It has not, and I acquired too many shares in the $10 -$11 range. I have averaged down by acquiring additional shares in the 5's and I'm hopeful that Nov 14 may be the start of improved news flow. If not, I'm pretty certain early 2020 will bring better news flow.
    Ieder nieuw product levert meer verlies op, dat is de harde realiteit.
  8. Börs 23 oktober 2019 18:36
    En iedere positieve kijk op de toekomstige mogelijkheden van BCART moet blijkbaar weer door jou negatief benaderd worden.
    Een roze bril opzetten hoeft nu ook weer niet, maar jij bent echt een zwartkijker. Flatlander, bedankt voor jouw bijdragen en laat je a.U.b. niet tegenhouden door de continu negatieve reacties van deze eenling.
  9. Flatlander 23 oktober 2019 23:15
    A couple years after Cepheid launched its Gene Expert system the price pulled back from $32 in 2008 to $5.50 in 2009 (the time the previously referenced power point was released). It then took off and was acquired by Danaher in 2016 for $53 (a near 10 bagger). It took approximately 5 years after the 2006 launch of Gene Expert before a critical mass of consoles was operating to allow profitability and share price appreciation. This seems fairly consistent with the trajectory that Idylla seems to be on.

    Looking at the size and breadth of some of BCARTs partners, I believe BCART will be able to leverage considerable sales and marketing resources to help sell consoles and cartridges once the necessary approvals and registrations are in place. This is the 2020 and 2021 inflection point I keep referring to.


  10. forum rang 10 voda 25 oktober 2019 07:05
    PERSBERICHT: Persbericht Biocartis NV.: Biocartis lanceert vloeibare biopsie Idylla(TM) ctEGFR Mutatie Test

    Biocartis NV
    6,03 0,00 0,00 % Euronext Brussel

    PERSBERICHT: 25 oktober 2019, 07:00 CEST

    Biocartis lanceert vloeibare biopsie Idylla(TM) ctEGFR Mutatie Test

    Mechelen, België, 25 oktober 2019 -- Biocartis Group NV (de
    'Vennootschap' of 'Biocartis'), een innovatief bedrijf in de moleculaire
    diagnostiek (Euronext Brussels: BCART), kondigt vandaag de lancering van
    Idylla(TM) ctEGFR Mutatie test (RUO(1) ) aan. Deze test de vloeibare
    biopsie versie van de vaste weefsel Idylla(TM) ctEGFR Mutatie Test
    (CE-IVD) en is een belangrijke aanvulling op het oncologie testing menu
    van Biocartis.

    Het is algemeen bekend dat het verkrijgen van biomarker testing stalen
    van zowel voldoende kwantiteit als kwaliteit een grote uitdaging is bij
    verschillende types kanker, waaronder longkanker. Vaste
    tumorweefselstalen kunnen te klein zijn, het tumorgehalte kan te laag
    zijn of de tumor kan moeilijk te bereiken zijn. In deze gevallen zou
    vloeibare biopsietesting een oplossing kunnen bieden. De Idylla(TM)
    ctEGFR Mutatie test (RUO) is een vloeibare biopsietest, uitgevoerd op
    het Idylla(TM) platform van Biocartis, die de detectie van 49 EGFR
    mutaties(2) rechtstreeks vanop 2 ml bloedplasma mogelijk maakt, en
    resultaten brengt binnen ongeveer 160 minuten.

    Tijdens het recente congres van de 'European Society for Medical
    Oncology' (ESMO)(3) werd een eerste performantiestudie(4) gepubliceerd
    over het prototype van de vloeibare biopsie Idylla(TM) ctEGFR Mutatie
    test. De studie omvatte 64 niet-kleincellige longkanker (NSCLC) stalen
    en concludeerde dat het prototype van de Idylla(TM) ctEGFR Mutatie test
    alle mutaties detecteerde die eerder waren gedetecteerd door de
    vergelijkingsmethode (Next-Generation Sequencing of NGS(5) ). In 33
    stalen detecteerde NGS geen mutatie, terwijl de Idylla(TM) ctEGFR
    Mutatie test acht extra mutaties in dit cohort(6) detecteerde.

    Herman Verrelst, Chief Executive Officer van Biocartis, gaf volgend
    commentaar: "We zijn verheugd om ons Idylla(TM) testmenu verder uit te
    breiden met de lancering van de vloeibare biopsie ctEGFR Mutatie test
    (RUO). Deze test, die rechtstreeks werkt met 2 ml bloedplasma, biedt
    onze klanten het gebruiksgemak en de snelheid van het Idylla(TM)
    platform en heeft een groot potentieel om oplossingen te bieden in
    gevallen waarin kankerweefsel niet of onvoldoende beschikbaar is. Deze
    testlancering versterkt voort ons oncologie testing menu, dat verder zal
    worden aangevuld met de voorziene lancering van ons Idylla(TM)
    GeneFusion Panel volgend jaar, gericht op de detectie van verschillende
    genfusies die momenteel aanbevolen worden in de richtlijnen."

    ----- EINDE ----

    Meer informatie:

    Renate Degrave

    Hoofd Corporate Communications & Investor Relations Biocartis


    tel +32 15 631 729

    gsm +32 471 53 60 64

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