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AND 2019: is de bodem bereikt?

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  1. [verwijderd] 9 september 2019 14:16

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 9 september 2019 13:51:

    Met goede cijfers vliegt de koers zo naar 5 of 6 en zonder goede cijfers staan we in een poep en een scheet weer op 2,50.
    Als AND meldt dat de jaaromzet van vorig jaar nu, naar een half jaar, al bereikt is, zijn dat dan goede cijfers in jouw ogen?
  2. [verwijderd] 9 september 2019 15:53
    twitter bericht dat gedeeld wordt door AND (op 4 september):

    Continental brings user experience of tomorrow’s connected mobility to life
    Continental is set to immerse visitors of the 2019 Frankfurt Motor Show (IAA) in the mobility of the future: the technology company is bringing a demonstrator to Frankfurt that shows how connected systems, solutions and services can holistically determine the user experience of tomorrow and make mobility safe, intelligent and stress-free. “A positive user experience is not only the focus on the design and development of our products and services. We have also come up with something special for the IAA visitors. Our Networked Mobility demonstrator makes the world of tomorrow’s intelligent mobility a tangible experience today. And not just virtually, as visitors can experience our technologies and solutions by sitting in the cockpit itself,” explains Dr. Karsten Michels, head of Systems & Technology in Continental’s Interior division.

    Impressive demonstration of new approaches towards human-machine interaction

    In order to make connected mobility a tangible experience, Continental has bundled its expertise in human-machine interaction and connectivity and integrated a wide range of technologies from both areas in the demonstrator. A holistic display solution covering the entire width of the cockpit immediately catches the eye and allows Continental to further advance human-machine interaction for future mobility scenarios by extending or retracting according to driving mode. During manual driving, only the relevant information such as speed or navigation should be displayed, so half of the screen disappears into the cockpit. As soon as the driver activates the automated driving mode, the display extends completely and serves both driver and passenger as an interface for infotainment applications, which they can operate via touch function and whose content can be adapted according to preference. The large-format display is powered by Continental’s Integrated Interior Platform, a comprehensive cockpit software and hardware solution that makes vehicles a fully-functioning part of the Internet of Everything.

    Automated driving in the Networked Mobility Demonstrator is activated with the help of Continental’s Morphing Controls solution, which makes buttons appear as if by magic from a smooth surface. When the automated driving mode is activated, however, not only the screen view but also the rest of the vehicle interior changes. The driver’s seat moves backwards to give the user more room for movement, while Intelligent Glass Control automatically darkens the windows to give passengers greater privacy and make the vision of the mobility living space even more real. As an additional layer of human-machine interaction, Continental developers have integrated the Ac2ated Sound audio solution into the demonstrator. The speakerless technology uses existing surfaces in the vehicle as sound boxes and creates sound, for example, by a vibrating A-pillar or rear shelf, which enables passengers to experience a completely new 3D sound experience.

    Experiencing holistic connectivity

    The Networked Mobility Demonstrator is also an opportunity for Continental to showcase its know-how in connectivity. Thanks to eHorizon, the vehicle always has up-to-date map data and is warned of possible dangers via its connection to intelligent intersections. The demonstrator also shows how real-time networking based on 5G technology will enable high-resolution video conferences or online video games in vehicles in the future. At the same time, wireless software updates ensure that vehicle electronics and software are always up to date and as secure as possible.

    The mobility experience in Continental’s IAA demonstrator is rounded off by the integration of the Digital Companion. The smart assistant ensures that the vehicle interior adapts to the respective driver from the seat and mirror settings to music selection, knows exactly where to go thanks to its calendar connection and keeps children in the back seat amused with personalized entertainment suggestions.

    Continental at the IAA

    These different technologies are used for both private and commercial purposes. In the Networked Mobility Demonstrator, visitors can therefore either immerse themselves in the world of a family on their way to an amusement park or find out what advantages connected mobility has in store for the business world.

    Continental will be presenting its vision of the mobility of the future at the IAA in Frankfurt from September 12 to 22, 2019, in Hall 8 / booth A39.

    groet, poil

  3. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 9 september 2019 16:02

    poil-1 schreef op 9 september 2019 15:53:

    twitter bericht dat gedeeld wordt door AND (op 4 september):

    Continental brings user experience of tomorrow’s connected mobility to life
    Continental is set to immerse visitors of the 2019 Frankfurt Motor Show (IAA) in the mobility of the future: the technology company is bringing a demonstrator to Frankfurt that shows how connected systems, solutions and services can holistically determine the user experience of tomorrow and make mobility safe, intelligent and stress-free. “A positive user experience is not only the focus on the design and development of our products and services. We have also come up with something special for the IAA visitors. Our Networked Mobility demonstrator makes the world of tomorrow’s intelligent mobility a tangible experience today. And not just virtually, as visitors can experience our technologies and solutions by sitting in the cockpit itself,” explains Dr. Karsten Michels, head of Systems & Technology in Continental’s Interior division.

    Impressive demonstration of new approaches towards human-machine interaction

    In order to make connected mobility a tangible experience, Continental has bundled its expertise in human-machine interaction and connectivity and integrated a wide range of technologies from both areas in the demonstrator. A holistic display solution covering the entire width of the cockpit immediately catches the eye and allows Continental to further advance human-machine interaction for future mobility scenarios by extending or retracting according to driving mode. During manual driving, only the relevant information such as speed or navigation should be displayed, so half of the screen disappears into the cockpit. As soon as the driver activates the automated driving mode, the display extends completely and serves both driver and passenger as an interface for infotainment applications, which they can operate via touch function and whose content can be adapted according to preference. The large-format display is powered by Continental’s Integrated Interior Platform, a comprehensive cockpit software and hardware solution that makes vehicles a fully-functioning part of the Internet of Everything.

    Automated driving in the Networked Mobility Demonstrator is activated with the help of Continental’s Morphing Controls solution, which makes buttons appear as if by magic from a smooth surface. When the automated driving mode is activated, however, not only the screen view but also the rest of the vehicle interior changes. The driver’s seat moves backwards to give the user more room for movement, while Intelligent Glass Control automatically darkens the windows to give passengers greater privacy and make the vision of the mobility living space even more real. As an additional layer of human-machine interaction, Continental developers have integrated the Ac2ated Sound audio solution into the demonstrator. The speakerless technology uses existing surfaces in the vehicle as sound boxes and creates sound, for example, by a vibrating A-pillar or rear shelf, which enables passengers to experience a completely new 3D sound experience.

    Experiencing holistic connectivity

    The Networked Mobility Demonstrator is also an opportunity for Continental to showcase its know-how in connectivity. Thanks to eHorizon, the vehicle always has up-to-date map data and is warned of possible dangers via its connection to intelligent intersections. The demonstrator also shows how real-time networking based on 5G technology will enable high-resolution video conferences or online video games in vehicles in the future. At the same time, wireless software updates ensure that vehicle electronics and software are always up to date and as secure as possible.

    The mobility experience in Continental’s IAA demonstrator is rounded off by the integration of the Digital Companion. The smart assistant ensures that the vehicle interior adapts to the respective driver from the seat and mirror settings to music selection, knows exactly where to go thanks to its calendar connection and keeps children in the back seat amused with personalized entertainment suggestions.

    Continental at the IAA

    These different technologies are used for both private and commercial purposes. In the Networked Mobility Demonstrator, visitors can therefore either immerse themselves in the world of a family on their way to an amusement park or find out what advantages connected mobility has in store for the business world.

    Continental will be presenting its vision of the mobility of the future at the IAA in Frankfurt from September 12 to 22, 2019, in Hall 8 / booth A39.

    groet, poil
    Veel moeilijke woorden worden meestal gebruikt om te verhullen dat er geen nieuws is.
    Ik heb zelden of nooit zulke boelshit gelezen.
  4. forum rang 4 Opstapelen 9 september 2019 16:24

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 9 september 2019 16:19:

    Bij AND is nu een soort spontane shuffle aan de gang; kennelijk verwacht iedereen 'geweldige' cijfers.
    En misschien zijn die cijfers erg goed. Dan liever de springplank vanaf 4 dan van 2,50 donderdag.
    In ieder geval zullen er weinig ANDers zijn die het erg vinden.

  5. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 9 september 2019 17:35
    Ik wil deze GEWELDIGE tekst van Continental nog even onder de aandacht brengen (ook al heeft het helemaal niks met AND te maken):

    A holistic display solution covering the entire width of the cockpit immediately catches the eye and allows Continental to further advance human-machine interaction for future mobility scenarios by extending or retracting according to driving mode. During manual driving, only the relevant information such as speed or navigation should be displayed, so half of the screen disappears into the cockpit. As soon as the driver activates the automated driving mode, the display extends completely and serves both driver and passenger as an interface for infotainment applications, which they can operate via touch function and whose content can be adapted according to preference. The large-format display is powered by Continental’s Integrated Interior Platform, a comprehensive cockpit software and hardware solution that makes vehicles a fully-functioning part of the Internet of Everything.
  6. [verwijderd] 9 september 2019 19:23
    De Zwarte Ridder in z'n element. De kans op overname of een andere positieve ontwikkeling voor de koers is in het algemeen vrij gering en/of niet veel voorkomend binnen een lange beleggingsperiode, zeker bij bedrijven die klein en risicovol zijn en zeker afgezet tegen de kans dat de koers wegens tegenslagen en onzekerheden klappen krijgt.

    Kortom, de zwartkijker "wint" eigenlijk altijd, en als het sporadisch anders is, geeft hij er wel een draai aan, of laat niks meer van zich horen.

    Afwachten hier hoe het met AND gaat verlopen. Eerder goed nieuws zou in een zwart scenario onderuit gehaald kunnen worden en dan weet de markt er wel raad mee, dat gaat niet met enkele procentjes. Andersom, de laatste gigantische spike-up op één dag ging meen ik van onder 2 euro eerst schoorvoetend naar € 2,20, om in de middaguren daarna met grote aantallen door te schieten tot ergens rond de 3 euro. Terwijl het toen qua nieuwswaarde toch ook niet eens bepaald overtuigend was, of zie ik dit verkeerd?

    Anything can happen houd ik het maar op. Ik kan alleen maar met technische blik kijken, en dan zie ik behoorlijke omzetten en een behoorlijk stijgende koers die intraday ook wel eens terugvalt, wat volgens mij eenvoudig te bewerkstelligen is voor wie er mee zou willen spelen. Gezien de tendens schat ik de komende twee dagen in op verdere ruime stijgingen, hetgeen elke dag, hetzij per saldo. Benieuwd en in ieder geval not boring.
  7. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 9 september 2019 19:31

    Opus135 schreef op 9 september 2019 19:23:

    De Zwarte Ridder in z'n element. De kans op overname of een andere positieve ontwikkeling voor de koers is in het algemeen vrij gering en/of niet veel voorkomend binnen een lange beleggingsperiode, zeker bij bedrijven die klein en risicovol zijn en zeker afgezet tegen de kans dat de koers wegens tegenslagen en onzekerheden klappen krijgt.

    Kortom, de zwartkijker "wint" eigenlijk altijd, en als het sporadisch anders is, geeft hij er wel een draai aan, of laat niks meer van zich horen.

    Afwachten hier hoe het met AND gaat verlopen. Eerder goed nieuws zou in een zwart scenario onderuit gehaald kunnen worden en dan weet de markt er wel raad mee, dat gaat niet met enkele procentjes. Andersom, de laatste gigantische spike-up op één dag ging meen ik van onder 2 euro eerst schoorvoetend naar € 2,20, om in de middaguren daarna met grote aantallen door te schieten tot ergens rond de 3 euro. Terwijl het toen qua nieuwswaarde toch ook niet eens bepaald overtuigend was, of zie ik dit verkeerd?

    Anything can happen houd ik het maar op. Ik kan alleen maar met technische blik kijken, en dan zie ik behoorlijke omzetten en een behoorlijk stijgende koers die intraday ook wel eens terugvalt, wat volgens mij eenvoudig te bewerkstelligen is voor wie er mee zou willen spelen. Gezien de tendens schat ik de komende twee dagen in op verdere ruime stijgingen, hetgeen elke dag, hetzij per saldo. Benieuwd en in ieder geval not boring.
    In het geval van AND ben ik geen 'zwartkijker', hoogstens realistisch.
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