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Aandeel Galapagos AEX:GLPG.NL, BE0003818359

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
26,000   +0,320   (+1,25%) Dagrange 25,540 - 26,080 44.873   Gem. (3M) 100K

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  1. Lama Daila 8 juni 2019 09:43
    Arrien Pharma is trouwens al bezig met SIK-inhibitie voor kanker:

    Inhibitor of SIK2 (Salt Inducible Kinase 2)
    To be investigated in a Phase 1a/1b clinical trials in patients with recurrent ovarian, primary peritoneal, fallopian tube, other solid tumors (TNBC, DLBCL & Prostate) and AML
  2. Lingus 8 juni 2019 10:10

    Lama Daila schreef op 8 juni 2019 09:43:

    Arrien Pharma is trouwens al bezig met SIK-inhibitie voor kanker:

    Inhibitor of SIK2 (Salt Inducible Kinase 2)
    To be investigated in a Phase 1a/1b clinical trials in patients with recurrent ovarian, primary peritoneal, fallopian tube, other solid tumors (TNBC, DLBCL & Prostate) and AML

    Ik zag gisteren ook al wat SIK-remmers links en recht in kankerindicaties, zelfs al goedgekeurd en in productie, onder meer CML, maar geen indicaties die in het patent beschreven staan. Best kans dat Galapagos dan meer heil ziet in focus in de ontstekingsindicaties.
  3. [verwijderd] 9 juni 2019 14:41
    Even samenvatten (corrigeer me als er fouten in staan), er zijn de laatste tijd toch een paar interessante triggers gepasseerd hier op het forum :

    1. 27 mei 2019 : Wetenschappelijk artikel over de finchen 2019 (https://www.iex.nl/Forum/Upload/2019/11633436.jpg)
    (link naar een foto gepubliceerd door Wall Street Trader)

    Is in feite het wetenschappelijk peer-reviewed maken van de data gepubliceerd eind maart.

    2. 3 juni 2019 : Aanpassing van de Manta proef, en aangeven dat Manta en Manta Ray mogen samengevoegd worden (om aan de 250 deelnemers te geraken).

    Manta Ray is dus volgens mij opgestart direct nadat ze wisten HOE ze Manta wilden laten veranderen. Ze zijn dan alvast begonnen om mensen te zoeken die aan die nieuwe eisen voldeden, terwijl ze er nog goedkeuring van FMA moesten voor krijgen.

    Nu hebben ze die goedkeuring gekregen, en mag alles inderdaad samengevoegd worden. Manta Ray (opgestart door galapagos, en NIET door gilead!) lijkt me dus een "intelligent" vooroplopen op de feiten geweest te zijn.


    Hier is er GEEN officieel PB over geweest. Ik vraag me dus af of dit het resultaat is van de beloofde meeting voor Q2 tussen Gilead en de FMA ? Aan de ene kant veronderstel ik eigenlijk van wel, aan de andere kant Gilead zegt dat ze pas met de FMA gaan praten eenmaal ze de volledige data set hebben (52 weeks resultaten, ipv 24weeks - die kennen we reeds sedert eind maart).

    Beetje onduidelijk dus als we uit die hoek nog meer nieuws mogen verwachten.

    3. 5 juni 2019 : enthousiaste tweet door Onno over Jefferies en Toledo


    4. 6 juni 2019 : Goedkeuring van een nogal indrukwekkend patent (Toledo ?)


    5. Dan is er nog de intrigerende zin van O'Day van op zijn haardsessie :
    "And we have a clear path forward for Europe. We'll be filing there towards the second half of this year"

    towards the second half of this year --> Richting halverwege het jaar. Sorry, maar halverwege het jaar is dus op 1 juli, letterlijk betekent deze zin dus "we zullen nog naar de EMA gaan in JUNI"!

    Maar misschien mogen we deze uitspraak wel op het niveau zetten van "om de hoek", er kan dus wat rek zitten op het exacte tijdstip.

    6. In feite was dit allemaal al gekend voor vrijdag 8 juni, maar de koers bleef gewoon aanmodderen, tot vrijdagavond, op nasdaq, waar we een ferme koersopstoot kregen, welliswaar met helemaal geen uitzonderlijk volume.

    Morgen pinkstermaandag, beurs open, maar iedereen in vakantiestemming.

    Boeiende tijden, is het niet ?
  4. [verwijderd] 9 juni 2019 19:48

    Lama Daila schreef op 9 juni 2019 18:08:

    Ivm punt 5, daar heb ik op Twitter al wat over gediscussieerd.
    De transcript was dus niet 100% correct, maar je moet goed luisteren naar de webcast om dat te ontdekken:

    Dank !

    Lijkt ook meer gealinieerd met wat de verwachting eerder al was.
    We zullen zien.
  5. [verwijderd] 10 juni 2019 22:15
    Van het draadje Analyst reports 2019:

    avantiavanti 10 jun 2019 om 17:07

    JP Morgan Cazenove
    Europe Equity Research
    10 June 2019

    JP Morgan geeft hun inschatting van de tijdlijn voor het filen van filgotinib voor RA, in de USA. Ze geven 3 mogelijke scenario's:

    1. Blue Sky Case: FDA hoeft Manta niet langer te zien voor filing RA. Dan filing in de US eind 19/begin 20. Op de US markt mid-20/2H20.
    Gevolg: GLPG stock +5%

    2. Base case: FDA wil alvast een interim analyse van een gedeelte van de totale 250 patienten voor filing. De data van die deelpopulatie van Manta zou dan eindQ1 20 bekend zijn, wat tot filing in mid20 zou leiden, en tot markttoetreding early 21.
    Gevolg: GLPG stock +0%

    3. Bear case: FDA wil dat de volle 250 Manta patienten de trial afgerond voor filing. Filing dan pas eind 2020/begin 2021. US markttoetreding mid-21/3Q21.
    Gevolg: GLPG stock -5% tot -10%

    Zelf achten ze de Bear case het minst waarschijnlijk, door de supergoede safety data van filgotinib in combinatie met de beperkende maatregelen (slechts 1 dose toegestaan) voor de andere JAKs. Base case het meest waarschijnlijk.

    In alle scenario's verwacht JP Morgan het inzetten van een Priority Review Voucher door Gilead, om de tijd tot markttoetreding te bekorten.

    Voor Europa is de (simpeler, want geen Manta gedoe) verwachting filing 2H19, approval 2H20.

    Persoonlijke noot: Wellicht gaat er tijdens de besprekingen met de FDA ook een afspraak komen dat de volledige Manta data set onderdeel gaat moeten zijn van de filing voor CD en UC. Dat zou voor UC niet of nauwelijks vertraging opleveren (en voor het zelf vertraagde CD al helemaal niet).
  6. forum rang 10 voda 11 juni 2019 12:51
    Beursblik: goed nieuws voor Galapagos

    109,55 2,10 1,95 % Euronext Amsterdam

    (ABM FN) Galapagos kon vanochtend uitpakken met goed nieuws betreffende zijn wereldwijde ROCELLA-studie om knie artrose te behandelen. Dit stelde KBC Securities dinsdag.

    Galapagos heeft samen met ontwikkelingspartner Servier een fase II-studie opgezet die de werkzaamheid en veiligheid van het experimentele medicijn GLPG1972 bij artrose van de knie beoordeelt. Het onderzoek omvat 850 patiënten, waarvan er meer dan 300 zijn gerekruteerd in de VS.

    De inschrijving van patiënten werd eerder dan verwacht afgerond volgens analiste Sandra Cauwenberghs, waardoor de studieresultaten sneller beschikbaar zullen zijn. De analist had er oorspronkelijk op gerekend dat de studieresultaten er eind 2020 zouden zijn, maar die zullen nu al in de zomer van 2020 beschikbaar zijn, waardoor ze eerder zullen komen dan het nieuws over de IPF-franchise.

    Dit noemde Cauwenberghs "een kleine meevaller Cauwenberghs". Het artrose-programma vertegenwoordigt maar 1 procent in het waarderingsmodel van KBC Securities waardoor de analist het koersdoel niet verandert. De analist handhaafde daarom het koersdoel van 124,00 euro en het Kopen advies.

    Het aandeel Galapagos koerste dinsdag 1,6 procent hoger op 109,15 euro.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +32(0)78 486 481

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  7. nmgn 12 juni 2019 23:47
    Ondertussen bij de concurrentie...uit de presentatie van abvie. Redelijk kritische vragen van de analisten...

    Terence C. Flynn

    Okay, great. As we think about, I guess upadacitinib moving on here, maybe again similar question to SKYRIZI, just recap the profile for us what’s most exciting about this? And then how it is compared to some of the other JAKs that are available or either in development and really what's the differentiated feature that you see on the upadacitinib front?

    Mike Severino

    Well if you are -- turning back to what we said about our strategy of finding an agent that either drives higher levels of response or drives response in patients who have failed of other therapies in RA, we feel that upadacitinib fits that bill very nicely. If you look at performance across our Phase 3 clinical trial program, we uniformly drove very high levels of response. Not just at the ACR20 level, but at much higher levels of response, at ACR50, ACR70, patients who achieved DAS low disease activity or remission, which we believe really should be the standard going forward. Now that there are agents that can drive that level of response, there's really no reason to leave the patient with disease activity that's greater than that. And so we did that across a wide range of settings. We did that very early patients who are new to therapy. We did that in classic methotrexate inadequate responder populations. And we also drove those responses in patients who have failed multiple biologic therapies, not just TNF-inadequate responders, but true biologic inadequate responders. So really across the spectrum we are driving the level of response that we wanted to try. We had a very, very strong benefit on structural endpoints in two different studies, a very strong monotherapy data, so really has rounded out the efficacy profile. And then lastly and I think very importantly, we had very, very strong head-to-head data against HUMIRA, which is of course the gold standard today in that space, where we showed superiority to HUMIRA across every endpoint that was tested. And that sort of broad-based very robust deal, I think is an important demonstration of the profile.

    Terence C. Flynn

    Do you think -- I mean, I think that’s one of the questions. Do you think you'll be able to get that head-to-head data on the label that had versus HUMIRA?

    Mike Severino

    Well, typically it takes two head-to-head studies to get a label claim. So it's not necessarily so much about what's in the label.

    Terence C. Flynn


    Mike Severino

    It's about the overall profile of the molecule that's broadly presented, I think well understood by the [indiscernible] in a number of settings. They can be used with payers, they can be used in a number of different interactions by different groups. And so it's more about demonstrating the overall profile than about getting a specific claim in the label.

    Terence C. Flynn

    Okay. Would you consider running a second study though to get that label claim? Because to me, it could be a key advantage relatively to some of the other competitors coming and maybe in a world where we do have HUMIRA biosimilars out there, does that give you increased leverage in terms of position, or do you think having just the one study in, again being able to talk as we did, kind of gives you enough leverage on that front?

    Mike Severino

    We believe the label have everything that it needs to make us competitive. So we are always committed to ongoing data generation. We will be generating data on all of our products for many years to come. And so, we will do more work with upadacitinib, but we feel very good about what we would expect to be in the initial label and it will have all the information we need. You asked about positioning against other agents. If you look at the program we run with the only JAK inhibitor that’s at the primary endpoint across every study, we are the only JAK inhibitor that shown the kind of head-to-head superiority against HUMIRA that we’re talking about. So we feel that we are going to have the data that we need to be competitive.

    Terence C. Flynn

    Okay. One other question. I know you guys have gotten is just a potential for an FDA AdCom and then kind of corollary to that is how to think about the label and does the FDA view this as kind of class labeling or do you guys think you can kind of carve out a differentiated label versus some of the other JAK, so maybe just offer your perspective on those two questions here?

    Mike Severino

    Certainly. So we are reasonably far along in our review process right now. And we don't at this point expect an advisory committee based on all the discussions that we are having with the FDA. So we feel good about the progress we are making in the review. It's a little bit early to make exact predictions about the label. But we think that the data that we've generated, not only the efficacy data, but also the safety data which shows a robust benefit/risk profile, showed rates of DTEs, in particular, which is something that’s been of the interest in this class that were no different between upadacitinib and the comparators. And that's true whether the comparators were adalimumab, methotrexate or true placebo. We feel like that puts us in a very good position for those negotiations.

    Terence C. Flynn

    Okay. So you feel like there is a possibility that you won't have that blackbox warning for DVT?

    Mike Severino

    Again, it's a bit early to make predictions about what the label looks like, but we feel that we are in a very strong position. We feel we have a very strong data set. We've looked very carefully for any evidence of increased risk and we haven't demonstrated that. The rates have been the same across upadacitinib both doses and similar in the same in fact compared to all of the different comparators that we included in the programs, we think that puts us in a very strong position.

    Terence C. Flynn

    Okay. One other thing is just thinking about -- maybe the -- walk us through kind of the education effort that it will take you think to kind of continue to build the JAK class, because some of those historical questions recognizing you guys might have the safest, cleanest profile, but how do you really build the totality of the data to kind of drive uptake of the JAK class, maybe better than what we've seen from some of the prior drugs out there?

    Mike Severino

    Well it starts with having a very strong data package, which we have. And then if you look at our track record, we are an organization that has a very strong commercial presence, a marketing presence in the space. And we understand how to drive messages that resonate with patients and with physicians. We’ve a very, very strong medical affairs capabilities. We are committed to ongoing data generation, data communication. We’ve shown that we’re very effective there. And we know this space very well. This is a space we’ve been leaders for many years. So we think we understand how to not only develop, but how to commercialize this product and how to make sure that the attributes of the product are well understood by treating physicians and by patients.

    Terence C. Flynn

    And maybe the last question in this topic. Can you just remind us how we should think about the cadence of label indications building for SKYRIZI and upadacitinib? I think you guys have provided some guidance in terms of where you want to end up relative to HUMIRA over a certain number of years, but again just maybe walk us through kind of the cadence of some of those label [ph]?

  8. nmgn 12 juni 2019 23:52
    Mike Severino

    We haven't given year-by-year guidance on all of the indications, but I can talk to you about the rollout. So for SKYRIZI, obviously psoriasis is the initial indication. It's now in launch mode approved earlier this year. Important additional indications for SKYRIZI that are well along would be the inflammatory bowel disease indications. So that would include Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis both being studied in Phase 3. Psoriatic arthritis is another important indication for SKYRIZI and those would be the core there. Although there are additional indications that are in mid stage testing as well. Pre-baricitinib, obviously, rheumatoid arthritis is the most advanced approaching the approval decisions in the second half of this year. Additional indications that are very important there would also be psoriatic arthritis. We think the combination of those two agents used in combination, but having both in your profile -- in your portfolio will be a very strong offering for patients who are being treated for psoriatic arthritis. Also an important indication for upadacitinib will be atopic dermatitis, which is coming in the not-too-distant future. We are well along in the Phase 3 program and that I think is an under recognized opportunity for a drug like upadacitinib. And we drove very, very strong data in our Phase 2 program, we had the breakthrough therapy designation, so I think that will be a very meaningful opportunity. Then we also have programs for upadacitinib in inflammatory bowel disease. So Crohn's disease and UC would sort of be the next ones out. And then if you look further out in the horizon, additional forms of arthritis treated by rheumatologists, ankylosing spondylitis, for example, has significant potential. And then giant cell arthritis and other condition treated by rheumatologists would be sort of the furthest out in that horizon. So there's room for indication expansion over the next several years for both of these molecules with the potential to cover up to about 12 different indications.

    Terence C. Flynn

    And will most of those come on board before 2023 or kind of in that timeframe?

    Mike Severino

    Yes, the majority of this is happening between now and 2023.

  9. winx09 13 juni 2019 08:24

    nmgn schreef op 12 juni 2019 23:47:

    Ondertussen bij de concurrentie...uit de presentatie van abvie. Redelijk kritische vragen van de analisten...

    Don´t mention the F word.

    Geen Adcom verwachting (jammer, had graag een dag voor de buis gezeten) => gezien DVT rate ook een black box ala Bari ?
    FDA filing begin december met PRV maakt 6 maanden later, maakt any day now.
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